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    1、学校作文之校园开放日英语作文校园开放日英语作文【篇一:m2u3 amazing people welcome to the unit 校园开放日公开课 高一英语公开课 教案 栾爱春】 课题 welcome to the unit, unit 3, module 2 执教班级: 高一(8)班 执教: 栾爱春 teaching aims: 1. knowledge and skills: to make students know more about the four amazing people. 2. process and strategies: to enable students to

    2、 cooperate and express their own opinions, improving their ability of expressing orally; 3. feelings, attitudes and values: to encourage students to describe the hero in their heart, to learn good personalities and to realize their dream of live. they are to be encouraged to make contributions to so

    3、ciety in the future. teaching importance and difficulties: practice speaking and how to make students interested in talking. teaching procedures: step 1: lead-in. some pictures of famous people and the song as background. step 2: talking. the four amazing people.( ss-t). step3: guessing. words and s

    4、peakers.( ssss in pairs) step4:discussing. qualities in the amazing people and classmates/ friends.(ssss, in groups) step5: making a short speech. my hero and my dream of life step6: summing up. step7: appreciating the english song hero. summary: qualities/ dreams of life/ contributions/ human being

    5、s. task after class: writing down your speech. my hero and my dream of life design of presentation on the blackboard: some vocabulary.【篇二:11月份校园开放日致欢迎辞】 在校园开放日上的致辞(11.13) 尊敬的各位朋友、各位来宾: 欢迎大家能在百忙之中来到美丽的江口淮阳中学,欢迎大家能前来参加我们的校园开放日活动,在这里我们将把目光一齐投向教育,将把希望共同寄托在孩子身上!欢迎你们! 我们淮阳中学之所以举办开放日活动,目的就是接受社会的监督,聆听各位的建议,

    6、从而给我们的孩子提供更优质的教育服务,让更多的孩子通过读书来改变自己的命运,改变家庭的境遇,把我们的学校真正办成学生成长的乐园,放飞梦想的地方。 我们的开放日活动,没有打算办成盛会,所以,也就没有准备太多太多激情的活动,从而让我们一起精彩演绎;没有准备做成嘉宴,所以,也没有给大家准备太多精美的礼品和佳肴,让我们可以高兴玩赏。有的只是学校各方面常规的工作,有的只是学校关于教育教学和生活的本色演出。其实一句话,也就是学校每个月利用一天时间,完全地敞开大门,欢迎大家,欢迎各方面人士,从朝阳初起的清晨,到星星闪烁的深夜,走进校园,走进我们的课堂,走进我们的教学,走进我们的管理,走进我们的活动,走进我们

    7、的办公室,走进我们的宿舍,走进我们的食堂,走进学校的每一处地方,从而能更深入地了解淮阳,能更精细地解剖淮阳。 江口淮阳中学成立近十个年头,风雨征程,一路走来,是武陵、梵净山的水土滋润了我们,是铜仁、江口的父老乡亲养育了我们,关怀、信任我们,才有了现在的局面。学校现已投资1亿余元,现有47个班级,师生3000余人,现在也已经呈现出了花园式的校园环境、齐备的教育教学设施、先进的办学思想、丰富的校园文化生活,多年来也取得了比较显著的教育教学成果,2015、2016年,我校中考列全市第六、第四名,高考本科以上升学率接近70%,在全市同类学校中均名列前茅,学校已被评为全国和省市县的“优秀民办学校”、“教

    8、育系统先进集体”等。 也有人说:淮阳中学创造了奇迹。我们不这么认为,我们只认为,这些年来,做了一些我们能做的事,做了一些我们想做的事。一方面,我们坚信“没有学不好的学生”。淮阳每一位老师都是真正把学生放在第一位,放在自己心上的。我们认为,只要我们全身心、毫无偏见的去爱我们的学生,启发我们的学生,都会带来她的改变,都会带来每一个学生在原有基础上不断的提高。更何况,淮阳的老师全部住校,基本上是以校为家,是“舍小家顾大家”,把所有的精力都放在了学生身上,在这里不存在补课加班收费,但我们的老师做得比加班补课更多更多,也才换来了历年良好成绩的取得。最终,享福的学生,享福的是我们孩子的家庭。 另一方面,我


    10、工作,20来个团体在学校蓬勃兴起,我们抓艺术节、体育节、读书节等主题活动等等,让学生在校园既学习更快乐,甚至还能培养终身的趣味等等。我们还紧随时代潮流,开设网络学习平台,等等,这些都为我们能在短时间内提升办学成绩,提高学生能力打下了坚实基础。 各位来宾,百年大计教育为本,淮阳异地办学,十年艰辛求索前行,走到今日局面殊为不易,我们倍加珍惜;而面对未来,我们真正希望,还要借力各位的支持与理解,需要各位的宣传与帮助!恳请各位能多到学校走走,多给我们办学提出合理化的建议,多将身边的朋友也带到淮阳,了解淮阳。那样的一天,我想,必定不仅是淮阳之幸,更是江口、铜仁之幸,更是教育之幸! 谢谢大家!【篇三:大学

    11、英语四级作文范例】 physical training 1. 保持健康非常重要; 2. 据调查显示,大学生身体素质逐年在降低; 3. 谈谈在大学校园里进行体育锻炼的重要性。 【范文】 physical training as the saying goes, happiness lies first of all in health. it is certain that health is more valuable than wealth and wisdom. only with good health a person can achieve and realize his goals

    12、. recently, surveys showed that physical quality of college students declines year by year. in order to better serve for socialist construction, college studens should realize the importance of physical training. firstly, physical training helps to improve and maintain health as movement is the sour

    13、ce of life. facing with heavy burden of study, the students without strong physique could not gain success. secondly, it enables college students to form good habits. whats more, it can strengthen psychological quality. all in all, physical training will not only guarantee college students to live l

    14、onger, but also let them enjoy the years they do live. 【点评】 文章由谚语开头,指出健康的重要性。第二段结合调查结果,说明大学生身体素质不断降低。 第三段从大学生的角度列出进行体育锻炼的重要性:体育锻炼帮助改善健康状况;能使大学生养成良好的生活习惯;巩固心理素质。 第一段中“onlycan”涉及倒装句型,only放在句首,句子部分倒装;第二段中socialist construction意为“社会主义建设”;第三段中movement is the source of life意为“运动是生命之源”; strong physique意为“强

    15、健的体魄”; form good habits意为“养成良好的生活习惯”; psychological quality意为“心理素质”;all in all意为“总而言之”。 free passage on highway 1. 目前,高速公路节假日免费通行; 2. 有人叫好,认为减少了出行费用;有人反对,认为会导致节假日高速路拥堵; 3. 谈谈你的看法。 【范文】 free passage on highway it is said that highway can be toll-free on the important holidays. minibuses and motor veh

    16、icles with up to 7 seats can enjoy this privilege from 00:00 on the first day to 24:00 on the last during days in the spring festival, tomb-sweeping day, international labor day and national day. some favor this rule because it will reduce traveling expenses by about 40 percent or even more. meanwhi

    17、le, some oppose it as it may cause traffic jams and other side effects. as far as i am concerned, i think it is a piece of good news for private car owners. not only does it undoubtedly make travelling easier during holidays, but also helps to stimulate economic growth. but it still needs improving.

    18、 local governments need to make out more detailed plans while taking everything into consideration. with improvements, the policy can be more sustainable. 【点评】 文章第一段详细说明了高速公路免费规则;第二段列举了人们对此的不同意见;第三段结合自己的观念阐述了对此规定的看法并提出建议。 第一段中toll-free 意为“免费的”,the spring festival指“春节”, tomb-sweeping day指“清明节”,intern

    19、ational labor day指“国际劳动节”,national day指“国庆节”;第二段中meanwhile表示连接,意为“与此同时”, traffic jams意为“交通阻塞”;第三段中as far as i am concerned意为 “就我而言”, not onlybut also意为“不仅?而且?”;taking everything into consideration意为“全盘考虑”。 my views on manners of charity 1. 慈善事业可以通过很多渠道表现,有人说“陈光标式慈善”是慈善的倒退,有人则表示 他让慈善在创新中飞得更高、更远; 2. 谈

    20、谈你对慈善方式的看法。 【范文】 my views on manners of charity chen guangbiao, a well-known chinese entrepreneur and philanthropist, has made headlines in china for handing out money on the street. hot discussion has arisen about his high-profile manners. some say that his unusual manner of doing charity appears k

    21、ind of backward while the others think it ensures the charity industry to go further and fly higher by self-innovation. as far as i am concerned, i highly appreciate mr. chens generosity and kind heart. it is quite natural that various presentations emerge in the development of charity as there is n

    22、o definite way of doing good to others. no matter what the way is, if the outcome appears beneficial and can really help the needy, we should support it. whats more, we should applaud his public example of charity as his actions can inspire more people to follow suit. the futher development of chari

    23、ty cause requires understanding and support of the public. 【点评】 文章开头由陈光标街头派钱的新闻引入文章探讨的主题慈善方式,然后介绍了人们对此的两种不同观点。第二段阐述了自己对慈善方式的看法,说明自己很欣赏陈光标那颗慷慨善良的心,慈善发展过程中出现多种形式是很正常的,不管方式如何,只要结果的确是帮助了那些需要帮助的人,我们就应该支持。 第一段中entrepreneur意为“企业家”,philanthropist意为“慈善家”, made headlines意为“上了报纸头条”, high-profile manners意为“高调的方

    24、式”, self-innovation意为“自我创新”;第二段中highly appreciate意为 “高度欣赏”, generosity意为“慷慨”,doing good to others意为“帮助别人”,inspire more people to follow suit意为“激励更多的人照做”。 campus open day on internet 1. 目前有部分高校打造网上校园开放日,各院系入驻微博,为全国高考(微博)学生、家长 和社会各界朋友提供全方位、立体化、跨时空的在线咨询服务; 2. 针对这一现象,有人认为此举甚好,节省资源;但有人认为网络交流效果会不尽如人意; 3.

    25、谈谈你的看法。 campus open day on internet 【范文】 with the development of computers, some universities hold campus open day on internet. all faculties of these universities have microblog accounts which aim for offering comprehensive online consulting service for students and parents. people hold different o

    26、pinions to this phenomenon. those who in favor of it think it can save both human resources and material resources. on the contrary, others dissatisfy with the results of online communication. as to me, i think it is a convenient way for students to get useful and updated infomation about their inte

    27、rested universities. students can obtain information more quickly and correctly, raise any questions they have casually and get answers more timely. but every coin has two sides. meanwhile, related colleges and departments are called upon to actively involve themselves in strengthening the supervisi

    28、on regarding the authenticity of information shared and released. 【点评】 文章第一段介绍了部分高校提供网上校园开放日这一情况,然后在第二段分别叙述了人们对待此事的不同观点,第三段结合自己的观点对该现象发表意见并提出建议。 第一段中microblog accounts意为“微博账号”,后面涉及which引导的定语从句,其中comprehensive意为“全面的”,online consulting service意为“在线咨询服务”;第二段中in favor of意为“赞成”,dissatisfy with意为“对?不满意”;第

    29、三段中用了几个副词修饰,more quickly and correctly意为“更加迅速准确地”,casually意为“随意地”, timely意为“及时地”, strengthening the supervision意为“加强监督”。 预测五foreigners learning chinese 1. 目前汉语越来越受到全世界重视,学习汉语的外国人也越来越多; 2. 出现这种现象的原因; 3. 我的看法。 【范文】 foreigners learning chinese learning chinese is becoming more and more popular among fo

    30、reigners. the number of people learning chinese is still growing now and quite beyond our expectations. peoples opinions about why so many people are crazy about learning chinese vary on. some say they just show interests in it. some explain it is the will of their parents. still others mean to gain

    31、ing a well-paid job and promising career. it is true that a language may serve as a job skill or a stepping stone to a better career. but i still belive that most foreigners are simply motivated by an interest in chinas 5,000-year-old culture. only by knowing its mother tongue can they find the key

    32、to unlocking its philosophy. most importantly, as china is playing a larger role in the world, many foreigners have seen chinas potential and realized that they can benefit from learning chinese. 【点评】 第一段提及学汉语越来越流行这一现象,第二段列举了出现这一现象的原因,最后一段说明自己对此事的看法及对其原因展开分析。 第一段中more and more popular 意为“越来越流行”,beyond our expectations意为“出乎我们的意料”;第二段中are crazy about意为“热衷于”,the will of their parents意为“父母的意愿”;第三段中a stepping stone意为“(事业的)垫脚石”, motivated意为“由?激发”,此处指大部分的外国人是对中国五千年的文化感兴趣,most importantly意为“更重要的是


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