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    1、连词中考题集锦连词中考题集锦一、初中英语连词1My wallet dropped on the ground _ I was walking. A.beforeB.afterC.whileD.because【答案】 C 2_ you know the answer, please _ your hand. A.If; raiseB.If; riseC.Unless; raiseD.Unless; rise【答案】 A 3 Would you like to go camping this weekend? Id love to, _ I cant. I have to prepare for

    2、the English Speech Contest.A.andB.orC.butD.so【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:这个周末你想去野营吗?我很想去,但不行。我得准备英语演讲比赛。A和,表示并列或顺承;C或者,表示选择;C但是,表示转折;D因此,表示结果。根据答语中的Id love to,与I cant. I have to prepare for the English Speech Contest.可知,这两个语句表示转折,要用but,故选C。 【点评】考查连词辨析。注意每个连词的含义及用法,根据语境确定最佳选项。4_ Chinese, we study English, Math

    3、s and physics in school. A.ExceptB.BesidesC.BesideD.Without【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:除了语文,在学校我们还学习英语,数学和物理。A: Except,除了,不包括后面的部分。B: Besides,除了还有,包括后面的部分。C: Beside,在旁边。D: Without,没有。根据Chinese, we study English, Maths and physics in school.可知,在学校我们要学习语文,数学,英语和物理,所以包括语文,要用besides,故选B。 【点评】考查连词辨析。注意词意和用法,结合句意和语

    4、境,选出正确答案。5The Great Wall is famous lots of visitors all over the world come to visit it every year. A.so; thatB.such; thatC.enough; thatD.very; that【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意: 长城是如此著名,以至于每年都有许多世界各地的游客来参观它。enough和very不引导从句,故C,D选项被排除,so+形容词+that,引导结果状语从句,such+名词+that,引导结果状语从句,famous是形容词 , 故选A。 【点评】考查连词辨析,注意suc

    5、h+名词+that,引导结果状语从句的用法。6Youd better travel around Nanjing with a local tour guide _ you want to know more about its culture. A.unlessB.untilC.althoughD.if【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:如果你想了解南京的文化,最好带着当地的导游游览一下。A: unless除非;B: until 直到才(为止);C: although 尽管;D: if如果。 导游带领游览是了解南京的条件,因此要用从属连词if,故选D。 【点评】考查连词辨析。理解连词的词义和

    6、用法,根据前后句的关系,选择正确的连词。7_three fourths of the Earths surface is covered with water, 97 percent of it is salt water in the sea. A.ButB.AlthoughC.AsD.However【答案】 B 8She got up very early that day _ she could catch the first train. A.becauseB.ifC.thoughD.so that【答案】 D 9I dont like western food. I seldom e

    7、at it _ to McDonalds with my daughter. A.ifB.whenC.asD.unless【答案】 D 10The situation is becoming more serious _ we do something to save the Earth. A.ifB.whenC.becauseD.unless【答案】 D 11British people and Australian people speak the same language, _ they have different customs and cultures. A.andB.butC.

    8、soD.for【答案】 B 12Cathy is afraid of the dog. She will run away _she sees it. A.ever sinceB.althoughC.as soon asD.so that【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:凯西害怕狗。她以看见狗就逃走。A.自从;B.虽然、即使;C.一就;D.以便。 这是一个主从复合句,挖空处后引导一个时间状语从句,连词用as soon as,一就,故答案选C。 【点评】考查连词辨析。注意选项的意思和用法。13My father was preparing for his speech _ my mother

    9、was doing some washing last night. A.ifB.unlessC.whileD.until【答案】 C 14Tim is crazy about DIY. He continues doing it _he meets up with difficulties. A.thoughB.soC.butD.or【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意: 蒂姆酷爱自己动手,尽管遇到了困难,他还是继续做这件事。A尽管,B所以,C但是,D或者,根据遇到了困难还是继续做这件事,可知是让步状语从句连词though , 故选A。 【点评】考查连词,注意though的用法。15_ my

    10、brother arrived in Thailand, he visited the local biggest temple at once. A.As soon asB.WhileC.UntilD.Before【答案】 A 16How can we improve our environment a lot each of us does something useful for it? A.whileB.untilC.afterD.unless【答案】 D 17Could you tell me more about the movie Frozen II _ you have wat

    11、ched it. No problem. But youd better watch it in person _ I cant express its beauty.A.since; soB.unless; asC.since; as【答案】 C 18Mark felt very bad today. _, he kept working all day and said nothing about it. A.HoweverB.ThereforeC.OtherwiseD.Besides【答案】 A 19Some people wont realize the importance of t

    12、heir health _ they lose it. A.becauseB.afterC.whenD.until【答案】 D 20_it rained a lot, we enjoyed our holiday. A.AlthoughB.BecauseC.UnlessD.However【答案】 A 21What do you think of our school basketball team? Theyre going to lose the match _ they improve their skills.A.unlessB.untilC.ifD.as【答案】 A 22This is

    13、 the most important task should be finished soon. A.whichB.whatC.thatD./【答案】 C 23I think you should be against the situation, _, of course, you are happy with it. A.becauseB.howeverC.anywayD.unless【答案】 D 24Why do many kids spend more time playing computer games? Because their parents are _ busy _ th

    14、ey have little time to stay with their children. A.too, toB.so, thatC.such, thatD.enough, to【答案】 B 25Peter bought some goldfish _ he found it difficult to raise them. A.becauseB.orC.thoughD.until【答案】 C 26He has made great progress his mother is very pleased with him. A.so;thatB.enough;toC.so;tooD.su

    15、ch;that【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:他已经取得了如此大的进步以至于他的妈妈对他非常满意。如此以至于,so+形容词/副词+that.或such+形容词+名词+that., 根据句子中的great progress意思是很大的进步,是名词短语, 故用suchthat,故选D。【点评】考查短语辨析。掌握so/such.that.的区别。27The battle continued for several hours _ darkness came on. A.as soon asB.thoughC.sinceD.until【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:战争持续了几个小时,直到黑夜

    16、来临。A.一就;B.尽管;C.自从;D.直到。continue是延续性动词,句子所要表达的意思是战争一直持续到了晚上,所以使用until,故答案是D。 【点评】考查连词辨析,注意连词until的用法。28You will miss the early bus _ you start now. Youd better hurry. A.ifB.unlessC.orD.but【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意: 如果你现在不出发你会错过早班车的,你最好快点。A如何,B如果不,C或者,C但是,根据你会错过早班车的,可知此处是假设不及时行动,故是unless , 故选B。 【点评】考查连词辨析,注意u

    17、nless的用法。29_ the situation in Iraq is very dangerous, the woman reporter still keeps on working there. A.IfB.ThoughC.BecauseD.Now that【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:尽管伊拉克的局势非常危险,这位女记者仍继续在那里工作。A.如果;B.尽管;C.因为;D.既然。尽管伊拉克情况危险,但是记者仍然在那工作,所以用though,故选B。 【点评】考查连词辨析,首先识记连词词义,然后根据句意确定。30When youre learning English, use i

    18、t, _youll lose it. A.butB.orC.thenD.and【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意: 当你学习英语时,要用它,否则你会失去它。 A.但是;B.否则;C.然后;D.而且。根据句意和句子结构可知,此处是祈使句+or/and+简单句结构,祈使句表示条件,后面的简单句表示结果,当结果与条件意思一致时,用and连接,当结果与条件意思相反时,用or;根据句意可知,此句条件和结果意思是相反的,所以应该用or,故选B。 【点评】考查连词辨析。注意祈使句+or/and+简单句结构。31 Your father has passed the driving test? Yes. _

    19、my father _ my mother has.A.Not only; but alsoB.Neither; norC.Either; orD.Both; and【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:你父亲通过了驾照考试?是的。不仅我的父亲,而且我的母亲也通过了。A.不仅而且;B.既不也不;C.要么要么,或者或者;D.两者都。此处表示爸爸妈妈驾照考试,not onlybut also遵循就近一致原则,谓语动词和最近的主语一致,此处my mother,动词用三单式,而如用bothand,主语为复数,谓语动词用复数形式,故选A。【点评】考查连词辨析。注意识记not onlybut also的词义和用法。32Mr. Hus class is _ interesting _ everyone likes his lessons. A.such; thatB.so; thatC.too; toD.very; that【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意: 胡先生的课很有趣,每个人都喜欢他的课。such+名词+that,如此.以至于,引导结果状语从句,so+形容词+that,如此.以至于,引导结果状语从句,too+形容词+to do,太.而不能,interesting是形容词 , 故选B。 【点评】考查连词辨析,注意so+形容


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