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    1、世纪大学英语单元词汇题带翻译意思Unit 1chat v.聊天;闲聊 acknowledge vt. 承认;答谢motivate vt. 刺激;使有动机 characteristic adj. 典型的; n. 特征;特性;despite prep. 尽管,不管influence n.影响;感化; vt. 影响;改变 cite vt. 引用;传讯 想起;表彰 obstacle n. 障碍,干扰;妨害物intrinsic adj. 本质的,固有的criteria n. 标准,条件 (criterion的复数) obsession n. 痴迷;困扰 innate adj. 先天的;固有的;contr

    2、ibution n . 贡献;捐献;投稿contemporary adj. 当代的;同时代的;submit vt. 使服从;主张; vi. 提交;服从morale n. 士气,斗志1.Im just coming around to have a friendly chat with you. How are you doing?我只是过来和你有一个友好的聊天。近来怎么样?2.When youre writing a paper,you must acknowledge the sources of the statements you have quoted to support your

    3、argument.当你写论文,你必须承认你引用来支持你的论点陈述的来源。3.As the saying goes.“where there is a will,there is a way.” People who want to make things better can do so if only they are strongly motivated .俗话说。“有志者,事竟成。”人们想让事情变得更好,只要他们强烈的动机这样做。4.The expression of intense feelings in a smile and yet profound way is recognis

    4、ed as a characteristic of Emily Dickinsons poetry.强烈的感情在一个微笑的表情,而深刻的方式被认为是艾米丽.狄金森的诗歌特征。5.Thomas Jefferson devoted himself completely to the drafting of The Declaration of independence despite his personal and trouble.托马斯杰佛逊致力于独立宣言的起草,即使把自己变得麻烦。6.As most influential US president,Franklin Roosevelt le

    5、ft a legacy which still deeply affects the country today.作为最有影响力的美国总统,富兰克林罗斯福留下的遗产仍然深深地影响着今天的国家。7.Madame Curie is often cited as an example of a great scientist who never yielded to hardship in her quest for knowledge.居里夫人通常被认为是一个伟大的科学家从不向困难屈服在她追求知识的一个例子。8.As I see it,laziness is the biggest obstacl

    6、e to a persons success.在我看来,懒惰是一个人成功的最大障碍。9.Curiosity is the best teacher.If information of no intrinsic interest is crammed into students heads,no effective leaning can be achieved.好奇心是最好的老师。如果没有内在的兴趣信息塞进学生的脑子,没有有效的学习是可以实现的。10.What are your criteria for selecting the greatest literary works of the

    7、20th centry ?你选择的第二十世纪最伟大的文学作品的标准是什么?11.Its good to see a child develop different interests,but when any interest,but when any interest turns into an obsession it can be worrisome to parents.很高心看到孩子发展各方面的兴趣,但是当任何兴趣变成一种痴迷就会让父母担忧了。 12.Before they go to school. Children manage to progress form newborns

    8、 with only innate abilities to children with an enormous amount of knowledge about the world they live in.他们去学校之前。孩子能够进步构成新生儿只有天赋去与他们生活在世界的知识的很多的孩子。( ?)13.Mother Teresa will long be remembered for her unique contributions to the cause of caring for the sick and dying.特蕾莎的母亲都会记住她照顾生病和死亡原因的独特贡献。14.Alb

    9、ert Einstein Franklin Roosevelts contemporary got involved in politics by suggesting the government develop its own nuclear weapons program.艾伯特爱因斯坦罗斯福是当代卷入政治的暗示政府发展自己的核武器计划。15.For the inclusion of your record in the Guinness Book of Word Records, an application must be submitted to publication headq

    10、uarter in London16.History has proved that in time of crisis a capable and charismatic person must be called to leadership so as to raise the nations morale .历史证明,一个能干的、有魅力的人来领导以提高国民士气危机。Unit 2intention n. 意图;目的;意向;愈合sincere adj. 真诚的;诚挚的; 真实的glare vi. 瞪眼表示vt. 瞪视;发sore adj. 疼痛的,痛心的trace vi. 追溯;沿路走ren

    11、der vt. 致使;提出;实施denial n. 否认;拒绝proof n. 证明;证据;tribute n. 礼物;税收 贡物; 颂词conventional adj. 习俗的,传统的;generous adj. 慷慨的,大方的;gratitude . 感谢的心情slam v 砰地关上;猛力抨击agreeable adj. 令人愉快的;适合的; 1、The authors son studying medicine at McGill University with the intention of becoming a surgeon.作者的儿子。在成为一名外科医生的意图麦克吉尔大学学习

    12、医学。2、I look her criticism as a sincere desire to see improvement in my work.我看了她的批评是一个真诚的希望在我工作的改进。3、They didnt fight ,but stood there glaring at one another他们没有打架,只是站在那里互相怒目而视4、Dont get sore at me because you got low marks in your exams.不要让我生气是因为你在考试中得了低分。5、Though the poem is well-known , no one ha

    13、s yet been able to trace its author.虽然这首诗是众所周知的,还没有人能追踪它的作者。6、The new club strives to educate its members to render service to the community.新俱乐部的努力教育其成员提供社区服务。7、Mary likes to go dancing on weekends because she does not belive that the denial of pleasure is a virtue.玛丽喜欢在周末去跳舞,因为她不相信快乐的拒绝是一种美德。8、Peo

    14、ple place stamps on letters or packages as proof that they have paid for mailing these items.人们把邮票在信件或包裹的证明,他们已经为邮寄这些项目支付。9、The mayor praised the Lei Feng Spirit that could be found everywhere in the city and paid particular tribute to youngsters who helped the elderly.市长赞扬雷锋的精神,可以发现在城市的各个角落,特别是向年轻人

    15、帮助老年人。10、These disks hold more than 400 times as much as a conventional floppy disk.与一个传统的软盘相比。这些磁盘容纳超过他们的400倍。11、Though he didnt have much to give, he was generous with his money.虽然他没有给多少钱,但他却非常慷慨。12、Fathers Day is a day on which the people of many countries express their gratitude and appreciation

    16、 for their fathers by giving them gifts or greeting cards.父亲节是在这一天,许多国家的人们表达他们的感谢,感谢他们的父亲给他们礼物或贺卡。13、She slammed on the brakes and the car came to a sudden stop.她猛踩刹车,汽车突然停了下来。14、You might be more successful in your jobs if you would take the trouble to make yourself more agreeable 你也许会非常成功在你的工作上,如果

    17、你会不厌其烦的让自己更愉快一些。Unit 3tactic n. 策略,战略utmost . adj. 极度的;最远structure n. 结构;构造;建筑物 vt. 组织;构成;建造slack adj. 松弛的;疏忽的; vt. 放松;使缓慢 adv. 马虎地;缓慢地significance n. 意义;重要性head-ondeadend n 结束erased adj. 被清除的; v. 抹去(erase的过去分词);framework n. 框架,骨架;结构,vertical adj. 垂直的,直立的; n. 垂直线,垂直面ceased . 停止(cease的过去式及过去分词形式);中止;

    18、中断flaw n. 瑕疵缺点;一阵狂风imply vt. 意味;暗示;隐含affirm v肯定;断言1、Generally speaking, a tactic covers,what you need to do at the moment while a strategy provides the broad guidelines that determine the overall direction.一般来说,一个策略覆盖,你需要做什么,此刻而战略提供确定的总体方向的广泛的指导方针。2、My familys health and security are of the utmost i

    19、mportance to me.我的家人的健康和安全是对我最重要的。3、If one of those supports gives way, the entire structure may collapse.如果其中一个支柱倒塌的话,整个结构可能崩溃。4、Unlike a tightrope, a slack rope will sway up and down or from side to side.不像钢丝,松弛的绳子将上下晃动或从一边到另一边。5、The president wanted to see him on a matter of great significance.总统

    20、想要见他关于一个非常有意义的事情。6、Two foreign tourists died and two solders where badly hurt yesterday when a coach and an Army truck collided almost head-on along a straight stretch of road.两个外国游客死亡,两个士兵在昨天也受伤了,当一个教练和一辆军用卡车迎头相撞,几乎沿着一条笔直的公路。7、We tried all sorts of solutions to that problem,and they all come to a d

    21、eadend .我们尝试了各种解决方案,他们都是死路一条。8、The blow on his head erased the details of the accident from his memory.他头上的打击,让他想不起事故的细节。9、We usually judge others within the framework of our own experience.通常我们评判别人根据自己的经验。10、By the time the lifeboat arrived,the ship was almost vertical in the water .The wounded sol

    22、der is siting in a vertical position,upright in bed.通过救生艇到达时,船在水中几乎垂直。受伤的士兵是在一个垂直的位置,坐在床上。11、The music ceased abruptly when she turned off the radio.音乐突然停止时,她关掉收音机。12、By pointing out just one flaw, she destroyed his entire argument.通过仅仅指出一个小的缺陷,她推翻了他的整个论点。13、Irony implies the opposite of what is app

    23、arently being stated.反讽暗示着那些显然的话说出来是相反的。14、He affirmed his plan to make payments on time. 肯定他将按时按照付款计划。Unit 4breed . v.繁殖;饲养;产生accordingly adv. 因此,于是;racial adj. 种族的;人种的homogeneous adj. 均匀的;数 齐次的;inclusive adj. 包括的,包含的welfare n. 福利;幸福; adj. 福利的;deceive v. 欺骗;行骗irritation n. 刺激;刺激物;variables n. 变量unc

    24、over vt. 发现;揭开;揭露irony n. 讽刺;adj. 铁的;verbal adj. 口头的;言语的;readily adv. 容易地;乐意地indifference n. 漠不关心;冷淡;certainty n. 必然;确实superior adj. 上级的;优秀的;1、 Even though animals within a breed may look similar to us humans ,they probably look unique to each other.即使在一种动物可能类似于人类,他们可能看起来彼此独特。2、 Student have differe

    25、nt individual abilities and potentials,and therefore should taught accordingly .学生有不同的个人能力和潜力,因此应该因材施教。3、 Many Americans would deny the existence, of a single American culture partly because there is such racial diversity in the country.许多美国人会否认存在一种单一的美国文化,部分原因是该国的种族多样性。4、 Preadolescent groups are h

    26、omogeneous that is ,members are usually of the same sex and come from the same neighborhood.青春前期的团队是很均匀的,成员通常是相同的性别和来自同一社区的。5、 The travel agency will make every arrangement for your trip and the express,all inclusive are estimated at $300.旅行社将尽一切安排你的行程,快递,包括一切的估计为300美元6、 All developed nations mainta

    27、in a variety of social welfare programs to help unemployed or underemployed people to function more fully in society.所有的发达国家保持各种社会福利计划来帮助失业或半失业的人以此来健全社会功能。(发挥社会的作用).7、Lying is defined as deceive someone about certain matters or facts.说谎是定义为欺骗某人一些确定的事情或是事实。8、The irritation my boss showed was simply d

    28、ue to my failure to make a favorable comment on his management.刺激我的老板仅仅是因为我的失败来找一个好的言论,在他的管理上。9、The variables that educational psychologists have found to be important in classroom teaching include the time teacher allocate to instruction .教育心理学家发现在课堂教学中是重要的变量包括教师的时间分配指示。10、The Austrian physician an

    29、d founder of psychoanalysis,Sigmund Freud,used his psychotherapy to uncover painful and forgotten memories in his patients.奥地利医师和精神分析的创始人,西格蒙德佛洛伊德,用他的疗法来揭示痛苦和被人遗忘的记忆在他的病人。11、An instance of irony is the succession,put forward with apparent seriousness by the English satirist Jonathan Swift in his A M

    30、odest Proposal.一个讽刺的例子,很明显由英国讽刺作家乔纳森斯威夫特提出的,在他的一个小小的建议这本书中。12、Human learning and memory have been studied mostly with verbal materials (such as word lists and stories)or with tasks requiring motor skills(such as learning to type or to play an instrument).人类的学习与记忆已大多与言语材料的研究(如单词列表和故事)或运动技能要求的任务(如学习型或

    31、演奏一种乐器)。13、Babies will readily learn to walk on their own when they are offered a reward.婴儿会很容易地学会走路就自己当他们得到了奖励。14、When depressed, these patients experience painful sadness,negative thinking,and indifference to things that used to bring them happiness.郁闷的时候,这些患者经历痛苦悲伤的,消极的想法,和冷漠,曾经带给他们快乐的事情。15、 The probability of an outcome is represented by a number between 0 and 1,with probability 0 indicating certainty that an event will not occur and probability 1indicating certainty that it will occur.结果的概率是0和1之间的数字,代表以概率0表示确定性事件不会发生概率1


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