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    1、精品中考英语语法训练集18页 语法练习(一)1.The boy likes questions.A.ask B.answer C.to ask2.Well try there on time.A.to get B.getting C.got3.They hoped their mother soon.A.to see B.saw C.seeing4.Im glad you again.A.meet B.met C.to meet5.He often helps me my bike.A.mending B.to mend C.to mended6.I heard Alice in the ne

    2、xt door.A.sings B.sang C.sing7.The work is easy. Let him it by himself.A.do B.to do C.doing8.He saw Dick in and take a book away.A.came B.coming C.come9.Does Jack want a writer?A.be B.is C.to be10.The boss had them from morning to night.A.worked B.working C.work11.Its time home.A.to go B.went C.goin

    3、g12.Tom is kind. He would like you.A.to help B.help C.helped13.Dont forget your books to school.A.bring B.to bring C.brought14.I dont know .A.where does he live B.what is he doing C.where he lives D.what he is dring it15.Ask him how much .A.did it cost B.cost it C.it costed D.it costs16.I wonder use

    4、d for.A.what was this room B.which was this room C.what this room was D.that this room was17.I really dont know .A.where he was born B.where he is bornC.where was he born D.where is he born18.We have no iden .A.how worried was he B.how worried he was C.that was he worried D.what was he worried19.He

    5、wanted to know there.A.how long time I had been B.how long had I beenC.how long I had been D.how long I was20.My mother wants to know .A.how is Tom getting along B.how he is getting along C.what is he getting along D.what he is getting along21.What shall we do it rains tomorrow?Aif Bwhen Csince22.Th

    6、e doctor didnt have a rest the operation was over.Abefore Bafter Cuntil23.She didnt go to the cinema she was very busy.Awhen Buntil Cbecause24.His parents didnt send their children to school life was hard.Aif Bwhile Cbecause25.Finish doing your homework you go to bed.Abefore Buntil Cafter26.The film

    7、 was interesting all of us wanted to see it again.Aas, as Bso, that Csuch, that27. he heard a girl crying for help outside, he rushed out of the room.ABefore BAs soon as Cafter28.There are students in Class One in Class Two.Aas many, than Bas much, as Cmore, than Dso many, as29. I was watching TV, m

    8、y sister was litening to the radio programme.AAfter BWhile CBefore30.Lets wait for him he back.Auntil, will come Buntil, cameCif, will come Duntil, comes31.Ill remember her the letter.Agive Bgave Cto give32.He turned on the radio and stopped to the radio.Alistened Bto listen Clistening33.He had deci

    9、ded it again.Awritten Bwriting Cto write34.Its cold. You need warm clothes.Ato wear Bwearing Cwore35.Mr Black mill agree there with you.Ato go Bwent Cwill go36.They were able to last year.Aswam Bswim Cswimming37.She is pleased her friend.Ato meet Bmet Cmeeting38.They were sorry that.Ato hear Bheard

    10、Chearing语法练习(二)39.He is sure tomorrow.Ato come Bwill come Ccoming40.Teacher told us quiet.Ais Bare Cto be41.He will teach me this year.Ato skate Bskating Cskated42.They asked him any noise.Anot making Bno make Cnot to make43.Did you hear her the song in English last night?Asing Bsang Cto sing Dsings

    11、44.The students dont know next.Ato do what Bwhat to doCwhat do Ddo what45.The boss made them ten hours a day.Aworked Bworking Cwork Dto work46.Id like my good friend to my home.Acome Bwill come Ccoming Dto come47.Will you help me this morning?Ado the wash Bto do the wash Cdo the washing Ddoing the w

    12、ashing48.Id love that film, will it be on tomorrow?Asee Bto see Cseeing Dseen49.He told them on with the work.Ato go Bgoing Cgo Dwent50.Well try the work before seven oclock.Afinished Bfinish Cto finish Dfinishing51.Its raining hard. Youd better .Ago out Bnot go out Cno to go out Dto not go out52.Th

    13、is maths problem is difficult. Let me it over.Ato think Bthinking Cthink Dthought53.Sorry Ive kept you for a long time.Await Bto wait Cwaiting Dwaited54.Its not easy a foreign language.Alearns Blearn Cto learn Dlearning55.The doctor was busy on the woman at that time.Aoperate Boperating Cto operate

    14、Doperated56.Im hungry. Please give me something .Aeat Beating Cto eat Deaten57.Mr Smith enjoys to light music.Alistens Bto listen Clistening Dlisten58.It was very late at night he still went on .Aworks Bworked Cworking Dwork59.When they walked along the river, they suddenly heard somebody for help.A

    15、call Bcalling Ccalled Dto call60.Stop and listen to me carefully said the teacher.Ato talk Btalking Ctalk Dtalks61.The teacher asked me the question in English.Aanswer Bto answer Canswered Danswering62.It was eleven oclock, she stopped the child from TV.Awatch Bwatching Cto watch Dwatched63.He is st

    16、rong enougn the box.Acarry Bto carry Ccarrying Dcarries64.Please be quiet. You talk loudly in the library.Aneednt Bmustnt Cneed Dmust65.Dont be late. You be there on time.Amust Bcan Cmay Dneednt66. I speak to Ann? Speaking.AMust BMay CNeed DShall67.Ive looked for my pen everywhere, but I find it.Aco

    17、uldnt Bcant Cmustnt Ddidnt68.Excuse me I ask you a question?Awill Bdo Cmay Dwould69.This science book good care of.Amust be take Bmust take Cmust be taken Dmust to be taken70.Must I finish my homework now? No, you .Amustnt Bcant Cneednt Dmay not 71.You must be here at six tomorrow morning. Sorry I b

    18、e here so early.Aneed Bmust Cmay Dcant72. you answer the telephone, please?AMust BMay CNeed DCould73.Dont be late. You be there on time.Amust Bcan Cmay Dneednt74.We catch up with you. Please speak a little more slowly.Acan Bcant Cmay not Dmust75.This watch next Monday.Acan mended Bcan be mended Ccan

    19、 be mend Dcan be mending76.The stars in the daytime.Acant be see Bcant see Ccant be saw Dcant be seen77.Tom was very hungry he ate all the cakes.Aand Bbut Cso Dor78.The teacher is very tired she is still working very hard.Abut Bso Cand Dor语法练习(三)79.Mr Wang has worked there it opened.Abecause Bsince

    20、Cfor Dso80.Well go to visit the Great Wall it doesnt rain tomorrow.Asince Bbefore Cwhen Dif81. I came into the office, the teachers were having a meeting.AWhen BWhile CWhich DSince82.Its a long time we met last.Abefore Bafter Csince Dso83.I didnt watch TV I finished my work.Aafter Bwhen Cwhile Dunti

    21、84.I hear easy.Athat physics isnt Bif physics isnt Cwhat physics is Dthat physics85.She tole me her teacher.AMr Green is Bthat Mr Green is Cif Mr Green was DMr Green was86.Do you know to that post offece?AHow much is it Bhow far it is Chow far is it Dhow long it is87.Do you remember how many times t

    22、o America?Ahave you been Bhad you beenCdid you go Dyou have been88.I didnt know in the classroom.Ais she Bif she is Cif was she Dif she was89.Does anybody know for Xian tomerrow?Aif is Licy leaving Bif Lucy leavesCthat Lucy is leaving Dthat Licy leaves90.Do you know back soon?Awhen she will come Bif

    23、 will she come Cif she will come Dif she comes91.I heard badly hurt.Athat his son is Bif his son wasCthat his son was Dif his son was92.Im not sure this way.Athe word can be used Bif can the word be usedCif the word can be used Dthat the word can be used93.I dont know .Awhats his name Bwhat name is

    24、hisCwhat his name is Dwhat was his name94.Do you know so worried?Awhy is your friend Bwhy was your friendCwhy your friend is Dhow is your friend95.Do you know ?Awhose clild he is Bwhose child is heCwhose clild he is Dwhos child he is96.He asked which picture .AIs Mikes BMikes was Cwas Mikes DMikes i

    25、s97、Can you tell me how often to see his brother?Adoes he go Bhe goes Che go Dhe is98.The teacher didnt tell me to have a test next week. A.if we are going B.if we were goingC.that we are going D.we are going语法练习(三)附:反义疑问句练习1.Youre in Grade two now, ?2.Your father is a worker, ?3.Mary is going to st

    26、udy Chinese, ?4.Were going to have a meeting this week, ?5.Jack is playing in the garden, ?6.They all look fine, ?7.You like English, ?8.Kate swims the best in her class, ?9.Mike watches TV every day, ?10.They like spring best, ? 11.They wont have a good time, ?12.He will go to see a film, ?13.She i

    27、snt going to buy a book, ?14.Tom and Mike are watching TV, ?15.You are doing some washing, ?16.Mrs White is cleaning the room, ?17.I bad a rest a moment ago, ?18.He was a teacher a year ago, ?19.They wrote letters last Sunday, ?20.Mr Smith made a table last year, ? 21.Dont open the door, ?22.Lets go

    28、 to school, ?23.Listen to me, ?24.Theres little water in the rive, ?25.The little girl can hardly read, ?语法练习(四)1. More college graduates would like to work in _ west part of our country _ next year .A. the ; the B. / ; / C. / ; the D. the ; /2. This is my dress . That one is _ .A. Mary B. Marys C. sister D. mother3. By the way , have you got _ E-mail address ? Oh yes , its rggren.A. the B


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