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    1、中考代词专项训练初中英语语法代词专项训练1.You may come to my house _ this week _ next week.A .neither; or B .from; to C .either;or D. either; nor2.I dont think we can do it all _.A. by ourselves B. by myself C. by ourself D .by yourselves3.I dont want this shirt. Please show me _.A .others B .the others C .another D .t

    2、he other4.I cant repair the model ship _. Can you help_ ?A .me; me B. myself ;myself C .myself ;me D. me ; myself5.Does your brother often wash clothes_ ?A. he B .himself C. herself D .him6. We study Chinese, English , maths and some _subjects.A .the other B. one C .other D .another7.I have two sist

    3、ers. of them are doctors.A. Both B. All C .Either D. Neither8.The book on the shelf is_.She wrote_name on its cover .A .Hers; her ;herself B. Her; hers; herself C. Herself; her; hers D .Her; herself; herself9. Dont worry . Theres _much wrong with you. said the doctor.A. nothing B .everything C. some

    4、thing D .very 10.These shoes are too small. You may buy some _ shoes.A .another B .other C .the .others D. others 11.I asked Jim and Bob to come to my house for dinner , but _ of them came .A .another B. other C .the others D .others 12.They are _ the same size , so you may take _ half of the cake.A

    5、. at; each B. in; both C .at; neither D .in; either 13.Betty and John have come back , but _ students in the class arent here yet.A. the other B others C. another D. the others14.Your mother is kindness _. A .itself B. herself oneself D .himself15.She stayed there longer than _.A. anyone B .anything

    6、 else C. anybody D .anybody else16.Is this her bike? No, it isnt . Its _.A. mine B. my C. me D. hes17. _ Li Pings brother. A. Her B. His C. Hes D. Shes18.He is a boy. _name is Wang Bing. A. He B. His C. Her D. Hes19.Whats this? _. A. Its a bread B. It is a bread C. Its bread D. Thiss bread20.The bow

    7、ls are on the table .There are some eggs in .A. the B. them C. it D. he 21.Let_have a meeting .A. me B. you C. us D. me 22. Mother often sees _on Sunday .A. her all friends B. all her friend C. her friends D. her all friend.23.When you see Tom and his sister , tell _that_mother is waiting at the gat

    8、e.A. his ;his B. her; hers C. them ; their D. his ; her 24.He wants you to talk about China.A .anything B .nothing C. thing D .something25.Granny seems ill . Are you sure its ?A .nothing serious B. anything serious C. serious nothing D. serious anythingThe key to the exercises:二、 1. is too difficult

    9、 if you put your heart into it.A. Everything B. Something C. Nothing D. Anything2. My watch doesnt work. I think must be with it.A. anything, wrong B. nothing, good C. anything, good D. something, wrong3. -Do you have to say for yourself? -No, I have to say at this moment.A. anything important, some

    10、thing importantB. anything important, nothing importantC. important something, nothing importantD. important anything, important nothing4. What about to eat?A. anything B. everything C. something D. nothing5. The two friends were so pleased to see each other that they forgot .A. anything else B. som

    11、ething else C. nothing else D. everything else6. There are two bags in the room. But of them is new.A. either B. each C. neither D. none7. -What sport do you like better, basketball or swimming? -I like but football.A. neither B. either C. every D. each8. There are many tall trees on side of the str

    12、eet.A. both B. all C. either D. each9. Both Japanese and French are new to me. I dont know of them.A. both B. all C. either D. any10. There are many trees of the road! And of the trees is growing larger and larger.A. on both side, a number B. on each sides, a numberC. on both sides, the number D. on

    13、 every side, the number11. of the two girls can talk to the new student from China in French.A. Not all B. Nobody C. No one D. Neither12. Have you got to say about your daughter?A. anything else B. else anything C. anything other D. other anything13. Now I have got a big cake, but I need for my birt

    14、hday.A. else something B. something else C. other something D. other anything14. are going to Beijing.A. They most B. Most them C. Most of them D. Most they15. Its not mine. It could be .A. someone elses B. someones else C. someone else D. someone else16. -What subject are you at, Chinese or maths?-

    15、Im good at Chinese maths. I like English best.A. both, and B. either, or C. not only, but also D. neither, nor17. They two apples.A. each has B. each have C. has each D. have each18. -How many trees are there on top of the mountain?- .A. Nothing B. Nobody C. No one D. None19. I red two books last ni

    16、ght, and was about children.A. every B. both C. neither D. none20.Sorry, there is only one ticket. you she can have it.A. Not, but B. Both, and C. Either, nor D. Either, or21.They each a book on radio.A. to have B. have C. has D. having22. There are apples on the table, but there isnt rice in the bo

    17、wl.A. a few, a little B. few, little C. a few, little D. few, a little23. Is possible to fly to the moon in a spaceship?.A. now B. it C. man D. that24. is my answer.A. Such B. The same C. Same D. So 三、1.1 Though it rained heavily, _ were still playing on the playground.A. they B. them C. their D. th

    18、emselves 2 Tom and _ will go to see our teacher, for _ is ill.A. I; she. B. me; she C. I; her D. me; her 3 Is_ a boy or girl? A. she B. he C. one D. it4 Only _ know it.A. I and he B. he and you C. he and I D. I and you21 I saw_ playing in the street at that time.A. them B. they C. their D. theirs 2

    19、Jim will give_ a short talk tomorrow.A. we B. us C. our D. ours 3 Please ask_ not to skate on the thin ice.A. they B. them C. their D. theirs 4 The pen is hers. Pass it to_, please.A. her B. she C. hers D. herself 5 Let me go and give the coat to_.A. he B. his C. himself D. him 6 They asked_ to do t

    20、he work.A. you, he and I B. you, him and meC. I, you and he D. me, you and him31 Whos that at the door? _ is the postman.A. She B. This C. It D. He 2 -Whos that in the picture? - .A. Its me B. Thats I C. This is a boy D. Its I3 -Look, who is coming? -_ must be our English teacher.A. She B. He C. It

    21、D. This 4 Someone is knocking at the door, but who can_ be?A. one B. he C. she D. it41 _ was late summer and the weather was very hot. ;A. That B. It C. This D. Its 2 What time is _ now?A it B. all C. this D: that 3 _ a heavy rain last night.A. There had B. We had C. It was D. There is4 _ is 200 kil

    22、ometres from here to the natural park. We have to gothere by car.A. There B. It C. This D. The place51 The bird built_ nest in the tree.A. its B. hers C. hers D. its 2 Have you seen _pen, a black one? A. these B. my C. you D. hers 3 Sorry I have forgot _ telephone number.A. yours B. him C. you D. hi

    23、s61. The bear was shot in_ head. ? A. the B. its C. a D. this2 The old man took the girl by _ hand and they went down the street.A. her B. a C. the D. that3 He apologized to me for hitting me_ face.A. on the B. at the C. in the D. in my71. Our room is big, but_ is bigger than_.A. their; our B. their

    24、; ours C. theirs; ours D. theirs; our 2 They arent our books. Are they_? A. your B. his C. her D. their 3 Our room is bigger than _.A. you B. your C. yours D. her 4 You have a good room, I should say. But its not as big as_. A. I B. my C. me D. mine81 _ is the best season of the year?A. When B. What

    25、 C. Which D. What time 2 -_ is your sister? -She is a nurse.A. What B. Which C. How D. Who 3 -_ colour are your new shoes? -They are brown.A. Any B. Whose C. Which D. What 4 -_ is your classmate John like? -Hes very tall.A. How B. What C. Who D. Which91. _ has happened and _ did it?A. Who; who B. Wh

    26、at; who C. What; what D. Who; what2 Who _waiting outside? Please ask them to come in.A. is B. has C. have D. are101 -_ is that man over there? -Hes Mr. Green.A. What B. Which C. How D. Who 2 -_ is the boy standing there? -He is my brother.A. Which B. What C. How D. Who 3 Who _ the little American bo

    27、y over there?A. were B. are C. is D.1 am 4 Who _these tall men?A. is B. am C. are D. was111 _ one do you like, the blue one or the red one?A. What B. Which C. That D. This 2 -_ is bigger?-The yellow one.A. who B. whom C. which D. It 3 _ of you would like to go with us? A. Who B. Which C. All D. Both

    28、121 -_ bag is this?-Its Jacks, A. What B. Which C. Whose D. Whos 2 -_ pencils are these?-They are theirs.A. Which B. Whose C. / D. These 3 _ house is being repaired?A. What B. Where C. Who D. Whose131 Please find out _ he is looking after at home.A. who B. which C. whom D. when2 _ do you think you s

    29、hould help? A. Whose B. Which C. What D. Whom3 He told me _ he was sent for.A. whom B. that C. both D. where141 We _ at the party last Sunday.A. enjoyed myself B. enjoyed ourselves C. enjoy myself D. enjoyed ourself 2 Make _at home. he said to his friends.A. yourself B. yourselves C. you D. yours 3

    30、Let Tony do it by_. He is no longer a kidA. him B. his C. himself D. he4 You are twelve now. _ must look after_.A. You; yourself B. Your; yourself C. You; your D. Youre; yourself 5 She and her mother enjoyed _ at the party.A. her - B. them C. herself D. themselves151 He and she are exactly as tall as_.A. themselves B. them C. their D. each other2 People usually put small presents in _ stocking on Christmas Eve. A. each o


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