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    1、13博士研究生学位论文选题报告及工作计划博士研究生学位论文选题报告及工作计划Dissertation Proposal and Working Plan for Doctoral Degree课题名称Dissertation Title_学 号Student ID _研 究 生Candidate Name_专 业Major _所在院、系School/Department_导 师Supervisor _选题时间Date of Proposal Selection _ 同济大学研究生院Graduate School of Tongji University年 月 日/ / / (mm/dd/yy)

    2、1研究问题 Research question1)在预研究的基础上提出具有创新性的科学问题Define and clarify a specific research question based on preparatory research2)课题来源、选题依据和背景情况State the rationale and comprehensive research background3)课题的研究目标以及理论意义和实际应用价值Identify the research purposes and significance of the study2文献综述(不得少于3000字)Literat

    3、ure review (no less than 3000 words)1)国内外在该研究方向的研究现状及发展动态Current studies at home and abroad and future directions for the research2)研究问题在本学科的地位、前沿性特征与价值,Importance and significance of the research3)研究领域里尚未解决的问题及其原因或瓶颈Unsolved problems, with possible causes or bottlenecks, in earlier studies 4)研究问题的创

    4、新性Originality of the research附: 参考文献Attachment:References序号Order文献目录(作者、题目、刊物名、出版时间、页次)Documents (author, title, journal name, time of publication and page)3研究内容 Descriptions of the study明确研究对象、研究内容及研究范围Identify the object, research contents, and scope of the study4拟解决的关键技术或问题 Key points of technolo

    5、gical issues to be solved明确研究中的关键学术或技术难点,提出解决的方法Identify crucial academic or technological difficulties and suggest possible solutions5研究方法 Research methodology1)选择科学的研究方法,制订完整的技术路线Choose scientific research method and set a complete technical route2)研究方案的可行性分析,预设研究中可能遇到的难点,提出解决的方法Project Feasibilit

    6、y, potential difficulties, and possible solutions6预期成果和结论 Expected outcomes and conclusions对研究问题的解答进行科学预设,提出预期的创造性成果Systematic and reasonable prediction of the studys outcomes and conclusions7研究基础 Research conditions1)科学评估研究条件和实验条件以及自己的专业基础和导师的专业把控能力Proper and realistic assessments of research condi

    7、tions and experimental facilities as well as your professional knowledge and your supervisors expertise2)所需经费,经费来源,开支预算(工程设备、材料须填写名称、规格、数量)Funds needed , source of funds, expenditure and budget (name, specifications and quantity of the engineering equipment and material needed should be included)8工作

    8、计划(含实验、实践、写作)Research plan (experiments, practice, and writing)序号Order阶段及内容Stage Plan 工作量估计(时数)Workload (hrs)起讫日期Periods 阶段成果形式Outcomes合计Total9同济大学博士研究生学位论文开题报告评分表Research proposal assessment rubric评审项目Criteria权重Value(%)评 分 标 准Marking criteria得分Scoring(百分制)(100 scale)A. 研究问题Research question20%80100

    9、分研究问题明确,具有很强的理论意义或实用价值,并预期将获得重大的社会、经济、文化影响。Clearly stated research question with significant theoretical significance or practical value as well as expected important social, economic, and cultural consequences.6080分研究问题明确,具有较强的理论意义或实用价值,并预期获得较大的社会、经济、文化影响。Establishes a research question of theoreti

    10、cal significance or practical value as well as expected social, economic and cultural influence.60分以下研究问题不明确。No specific research question; vague and difficult to understand. B. 文献阅读量 Reading list10%80100分文献阅读量在100篇以上,外文文献占50%。Reading covers more than 100 reference books and articles, 50% of which a

    11、re foreign language reference books and articles. 6080分文献阅读量在50篇以上,外文文献刊占30%。Reading covers more than 50 reference books and articles, 3o% of which is foreign language reference books and articles.60分以下文献阅读量在50篇以下。Reading covers no more than 50 reference books and articles.C. 文献综述Literature review10

    12、%80100分报告内容全面阐述该研究方向的现状和发展动态。Narrative integrates comprehensively both critical and logical details and research directions from the theoretical and research literature related to the proposed study. 6080分报告内容基本跟踪该研究方向的现状和发展动态。Narrative integrates properly both critical and logical details and resea

    13、rch directions from the theoretical and research literature related to the proposed study. 60分以下综述一般,未达到上述标准。Narrative is vague or ambiguous, not reaching the above-mentioned standards. D. 创新性 Originality30%80100分研究问题/成果前沿,研究成果具有很强的创新性。Articulates up-to-date research questions/results; outcomes are

    14、highly original. 6080分研究问题属本学科的发展方向,有自己独特的思考、并具有一定的创新性。Research questions are formed in the future research direction of the discipline; discussions reveal unique thinking; outcomes are somewhat original. 60分以下研究成果的创新性不明显。Research outcomes lack originality. E. 研究方法 Research methodology20%80100分研究方法科

    15、学合理,条理清楚,针对性强。Research methods are systematic and reasonable; procedures are coherent, appropriate and pertinent. 6080分制定了明确的研究方法,有针对性。Research methods are specific and pertinent.60分以下研究方法不明确。Research methods are not specific.F. 报告表达Presentation10%80100分报告严密、逻辑性强、文字流畅,表达清楚。Written proposal is clear,

    16、 concise and fluent.6080分基本概念清晰、层次分明。表达较清楚。Proposal is well written with definitions of basic concepts; arguments are delineated.60分以下Under 60表达较差。Proposal is not well written. 总分Total score总分=0.2A+0.1B+0.1C+0.3D+0.2E+0.1FTotal score=0.2A+0.1B+0.1C+0.3D+0.2E+0.1F注:评审专家按百分制在六项指标每一栏的最后一列内打分。Note: Asse

    17、ssors award a value on a 100 scale for each of the six assessment criteria. 评审小组组成: Assessment Committee Members组成Assessment Committee姓名Name职称Professional title单位Organization 组长Director成员Committee Members注:此评分表作为博士研究生课程成绩单必备的材料之一Note: This assessment rubric is required as part of each doctoral stude

    18、nt academic transcript. 10评审意见 Assessment Conclusions 导师(或导师组)对本课题的评价Comments from the supervisor (or dissertation committee)导师签名: 年 月 日 Signature by Supervisor: / / (mm/dd/yy)评审小组的审查结论Conclusion from the assessment committee组长签名: 年 月 日Signature by Team leader: / / (mm/dd/yy) 组员签名: 年 月 日Signature by Member(s): / / (mm/dd/yy)学科专业委员会意见Recommendation from the academic committee负责人签名: 年 月 日Signature by Chairman: / / (mm/dd/yy)


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