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    Unit 03A.docx

    1、Unit 03AUnit ThreeSection A A Good Heart to Lean On可依赖的好心Sub-title: More than I realized, Dad has helped me keep my balance. 我没有完全意识到,正是父亲帮助我保持心理平衡Detailed study of Words 1. lean (leant or leaned) v.i - 倚、靠;倾斜lean against / on / upon sth 倚、靠在某物上lean on / upon sb for依靠某人得到某事物lean out of the window探身窗

    2、外lean back in ones chair仰靠椅背lean over to ones side俯向一侧lean forward向前躬身the Leaning Tower of Pisa 比萨斜塔e.g. The old man leant upon his stick.那位老先生拄着个手杖。They always lean on us when they are in trouble.他们有困难时总寻求我们的支持。Dont always lean on others for help.He likes to lean on the bridge, watching the boats g

    3、o by. 他喜欢斜靠在桥栏杆上看着船只经过。I am willing to lean on my friends advice. 我愿意听信朋友们的意见。The manager leaned on his advisers for information and advice.这位经理依靠他的顾问提供信息和建议。 2. balance n & v.t & v.i - (使)平衡,均衡for balance 寻求平衡,均衡in the balance = keep balance保持平衡 off balance = lose balance不平衡,失去平衡balance the budget

    4、/ ones diet 平衡预算、平衡饮食e.g. Riders need a good sense of balance.骑车的人必须善于保持平衡.。Its difficult to keep ones balance on an icy pavement. 人行道上结了冰,要不摔倒可不容易。This school aims to balance the amount of time spent on arts and science subject.这所学校在时间安排上努力做到文理并重。You have to balance the advantages of telecommuting

    5、against its disadvantages before you decide to work at home.在决定留在家里工作之前,你要权衡一下在家里远程工作的利弊。Youd better balance your diet in order to keep healthy.3. cripple vt. & n. - 使跛,使残废;跛子Sth cripple sb 使跛,使残废a crippling blow 致命的一击e.g. The earthquake crippled a lot of people for life. 地震使许多人终身残废。The wheels were

    6、put on these chairs so that cripples could use them to move freely. 椅子下面装了轮子,残疾人可以利用它们随意移动。The ship was crippled by the storm.4. coordinate v. -使协调coordinate sth with sth / to do sthe.g. A swimmer should coordinate the movements of his arms and legs. 游泳者应协调手臂和腿的动作。We should coordinate to do our work

    7、 well.我们应同心协力把工作做好。You must coordinate your operations with theirs.你们一定要使自己的操作与他们一致。5. halt v & n - stop; interrupt暂停;中断;中止 come to a halt停止bringto a halt 使停止call a halt 命令停止 e.g. The government is taking measures to halt the rise in housing prices.政府正采取措施抑制房价上涨。Production was brought to a halt by t

    8、he strike. 生产因为罢工而停顿。6. impatient adj. - 不耐烦;焦躁,急切的;渴望的 be impatient with sb / at sth对不耐烦;焦躁be impatient to do sth / for sth热切、渴望做be impatient of sb / sth对不能忍受e.g. Dont be impatient with your children.对孩子们不要急躁(要有耐心)。He is impatient to know what happened.他急于知道发生了什么事。She was impatient with all this wa

    9、iting.她等的不耐烦了。7. pace n. & vi. -步速,速度,踱步,慢步走set the pace 决定步速、步调keep pace with 同齐步前进quicken / increase the pace of 加快步伐e.g. Many people were complaining about the fast pace of modern life.许多人抱怨现代生活的快节奏。The old man is walking around the lake at a leisurely pace. 老人在湖边悠闲地散步。He paced back and forth as

    10、he was thinking how to solve the problem.他踱来踱去,思考解决问题的办法。8. adjust v.t & v.i - (使)适应 adjust sth / oneself to sth = adapt oneself to 使适应adjust ones watch把表拨准adjust the errors校正误差adjust ones clothes整理衣服adjust ones hair整理头发adjust expenses to income量入为出e.g. Please do not adjust your set ! 请勿自行调节 !We hav

    11、e adjusted (ourselves) to the new life in this university. 我们已经适应了大学里的生活。 His eyes havent adjusted to the dark in the room yet.他的眼睛还未适应房间里的黑暗。Please adjust your watch to local time. 请按当地时间校准手表。You set the pace. I will try to adjust to you. 你按你的步速走,我跟着你。9. despite prep - without being affected bydesp

    12、ite = in spite of =although + clausee.g. He came to school on time despite the rain. 虽然下着雨,他还是按时到学校。Despite mistakes and weaknesses, it is a good composition.尽管有错误和不足,这还是一篇好作文。10. cling ( clung ) v - 抱紧,抓紧;坚持,忠于cling to sb / sth 紧抓住;紧靠;拒绝放弃cling to the rope / branch紧抓住绳子、 树枝ones belief / ones view坚持

    13、信仰 、观点e.g. They clung to one another for support. 他们互相紧抓住对方, 以相互支撑。She still clings to the idea that her son is alive. 她仍抱着一个信念: 儿子还活着。They clung to each other / clung together as they said goodbye. 他们告别时,紧紧地拥抱在一起。They cling to all the old methods of doing things. 他们总是固守着他们旧的做事方法。11. amaze v.t - 使惊异

    14、,使惊讶be amazed by / at = be amazed to do sth= be amazed thate.g. I am amazed by /at his calmness.他的镇静自诺令我吃惊。I am amazed that you are leaving.你要离开,我很吃惊。We were amazed to hear that he finished the experiment without much difficulty.听说他轻而易举地完成了这个实验,我们都大吃一惊。You would be amazed (by / at) how Tom passed th

    15、e examination. 你要是知道汤姆是怎么通过考试的会大吃一惊。12. subject n. & vt. - 科目,主观,使蒙受subject oneself / sb / sth to使经历、遭受e.g. She was repeatedly subjected to torture. 她不断地受到折磨。As a test the metal was subjected to great heat.= As a test they subjected the metal to great heat. 这种金属经过了高温试验。The officials subjected him to

    16、 the worst possible punishment. 当局给予他最严厉的惩罚。English is the main subject in the curriculum in the university. The matter subjected Tom to sever criticism.I am amazed at how much courage it must have taken for a grown man to subject himself to such shame and stress.13. stress n. & vt. - 忧虑,紧张;强调,重视und

    17、er stress 在压力下suffer from stress 受到压力;感到忧虑lay / put stress on = stress sth 强调,重视e.g. He is under a lot of stress because his mother is very ill. 母亲病重,他感到压力很大。The teacher laid particular stress on the importance of rules and regulations.The teacher particularly stressed the importance of rules and re

    18、gulations.老师特别强调了规章制度的重要性。14. complaint n - 投诉、抱怨 complaint of / about ./ thatcomplain v.t - 投诉、抱怨complain to sb about / of = complain that投诉、抱怨e.g. You are always complaining !你总是发牢骚!He always complains to me about his company.他总是向我抱怨他的公司。The boy often complains of headache. 男孩常说他头痛。We lodged a com

    19、plaint about the noise.我们就噪音问题提出投诉。If you have any complaints, pleases contact our customer service department.如果有意见,请与客户服务部联系。15. envy n.& v.t - 嫉妒, 羡慕envious adj. enviously adv.feel envy of / at / towards sb / sth= be envious of sth / sb= envy sb / sth 妒忌、羡慕out of envy出于嫉妒envious looks 嫉妒的神情look a

    20、t sth. with envious eyese.g. He was filled with envy at my success. 他非常羡慕我的成功。He finds it difficult to hide his envy of his brothers success. 他很难掩饰对自己兄弟成功的妒忌Their beautiful garden is the envy of all the neighbors.所有邻居都羡慕他们美丽的花园。They all feel envy of you / at your good luck.=They all envy you / your

    21、good luck.= They are all envious of you / your good luck.他们都羡慕你、你的好运.She cast envious glances at her sisters new dress. 她用羡慕的目光看着姐姐的新衣服。16. precise a. - 准确的;恰恰;正好be precise about / in有关准确的;在方面精确、严谨To be precise确切地说e.g. He is precise in manner.他态度严谨。17. engage v -参于,雇用;聘用,使全神贯注engage sb as / to do 雇用

    22、某人 engage sth占用(时间)、 吸引(注意力)engage ( sb /oneself) in sth 使参加/从事be engaged (in doing) = be busybe engaged to sb 与订婚e.g. They engaged the girl as an interpreter. 他们聘用她当翻译。Nothing engaged his attention for long.什么事情都无法使他长时间精神集中。I cant come to the party this weekend. I am otherwise engaged. 这个周末我不能参加晚会,

    23、我有别的事。She is engaged to Peter.她与彼得订了婚。He has engaged in education for many years.他从事教育工作多年了。She was engaged to work in public relations.她受聘从事公关工作。The professor engages himself in research day and night. 那位教授日夜从事科学研究。18. occasion n - 时机,时刻;机会 on this / that occasion 此时、彼时 on the present / last occasi

    24、on在这次、上次on an occasion 在某一场合on occasion = now and then = sometimes间或、有时on the occasion of 值此之际a great / formal occasion盛大 、正式的场面choose ones occasion选择时机e.g. He visited the city on occasion.他有时进城去。I met her several occasions on the campus, and it was not long before we became good friends. 我在校园里几次遇见她

    25、,没有多久我们就成立好朋友。19. urge v.t & n. - 竭力劝告,迫切需求;敦促urge sb to do sth / into doing sth 催促、力劝、激励urge sth / urge that( should ) do 极力主张、强烈要求have / get aurge to do / for有愿望e.g. They urged us to give our support.他们强烈要求我们提供援助。 urged that we should take these steps.他们极力主张我们采取这些步骤。We Chinese people have persiste

    26、ntly urged the equality of nations, big or small我们中国人民一贯主张国家无论大小应一律平等。You should control your urge for money as an official.身为政府官员,你应该克制自己对金钱的欲望。20. worthy adj. - 值得的;应得的;高尚的 be worthy of sth / to do stha worthy man高尚的人 a worthy cause正义的事业 worthy of the name名副其实的e.g. The problem is worthy to be cons

    27、idered.这个问题值得考虑.What he did is worthy of the praise.他所做的值得表扬。He is a worthy opponent, and I am happy to face him. 他是个值得重视的对手,我很高兴与他正面交锋。Your excellent behavior is worthy of admiration.She proved herself a champion worthy of the name.Unit ThreeSection A A Good Heart to Lean On可依赖的好心Sub-title: More th

    28、an I realized, Dad has helped me keep my balance.我没有完全意识到,正是父亲帮助我保持心理平衡Writing Style of the TextNarrationStructure of the TextPart I (Para. 1-5)Why I was embarrassed to be seen with my father and how my father “walked”.Part II (Para. 6-11)My father never yielded to the life.Part III (Para. 12-13) Ho

    29、w I feel sorry for my father now.VI. Detailed Study of the Text1. A Good Heart to Lean On.Meaning: A good heart to depend on for support and encouragement. 可依赖的 “好心”.a good heart -the kind, honest and generous nature of a person. 2. More than I realized, Dad has helped me keep my balance. (subtitle)

    30、Meaning: Dad supported me emotionally and mentally more than I knew. 我没有完全意识到,正是父亲帮助我保持心理平衡more than I realized - beyond my realization.more than - indicating “negative” in meaning. 超出的 e.g. The beauty of the city is more than words can describe. 这个城市美得无法用语言描述。His fantastic experience is more than could be believed. 他的传奇经历实在令人难以置信。 3. I would inwardly struggle at the unwanted attention.Meaning: In the mind I would battle my negative feelings about the attention which I didnt want. 对于这种讨厌的注视,我打心眼里感到别扭。inwardly adv. (outwardly)inward adj. - in ones mind inwardly stru


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