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    1、高中英语单句改错改错练习(一)一、 单句改错:1. There were many people who want to go there.2. This coat doesnt fit for me.3. Has he returned back?4. Having been told many times, but he still couldnt understand it.5. Why not to take a holiday?6. Sometimes it is difficult to live a honest life.7. The manager was absent at

    2、 the meeting.8. We saw many monkeys and deers in the valley.9. Come to this way, please, boys and girls.10. I met my friend at the tailor.11. This cap of my father is old.12. This is the same knife that I lost.13. It is him who made so much noise in the hall.14. How do you call this flower in Englis

    3、h?15. I have less books than he.16. Mr. Johnson was too angry to say something at all.17. Let John and me go instead you.18. She likes English better than I like.19. All I know is that both of them is fond of reading.20. When asked him opinion, he remained silent.21. He looked differently after his

    4、return from Europe.22. Its so fine weather that we should go climbing.23. You must work hard to make up for the losing time.24. As weather is fine, let us take a long walk.25. “Do you mind posting the letter for me? “Yes, certainly not.”26. This is what he need most.27. Please have my case carry to

    5、the station.28. Suddenly I remembered that I had forgotten the tickets at home.29. They woke up at six, and so am I .30. Three hundred miles are a great distance.31. Either you or John have made the mistake.32. I am looking forward to see you again.33. Seeing from a distance, it looked like a human

    6、face.34. I dont know if it is true or not.35. He made fun at me.改错练习(二)一、 单句改错:1、 Tom has made great progresses in Chinese learning.2、 Make sure the date, or youll miss it.3、 There is a bit water left on the wall.4、 She had such many falls that she was black and blue.5、 There are many differences am

    7、ong Bob and Peter.6、 The worker is teaching us what to repair the chair.7、 We cant go far by the old bike.8、 The children were playing their toys.9、 Alice felt comfortably when she sat on the sofa.10、 Last Sunday we had a picnic at a place calling the Evergreen Park.11、 She likes to drink cold boili

    8、ng water.12、 They have a small apartment on the third floor of a five-storeys apartment block.13、 I want to take a photo where stand an old temple.14、 We are leaving the business district and approach harbour.15、 This is one of the most attractive places Ive gone to.16、 Another problem is it is beco

    9、ming more and more difficult for farmers to make money from their farms.17、 Tom was the man was seen to save the boy from the river.18、 They climbed the mountain and reaching the top of it two hours later to watch the rising sun.19、 He did all he could help me with my English.20、 It is easy that to

    10、draw and write on silk.21、 By the year of 1967, he finished two novels.22、 I didnt like the way by which you speak to her.23、 Its five minutes ride from here.24、 “Sit straightly,” the teacher said to the students.25、 He is well-known for a pop singer.26、 The book is of great helpful.27、 Water pollut

    11、ion often brings up diseases.28、 This house costs among $ 1,000 and $ 3,000 to build.29、 He told me that he would leave Shanghai next day.30、 He is friendly with me.改错练习(三)1. Using your head, and then youll find a way out.2. I would rather to eat a nice piece of fruit.3. “You will catch bad cold,” s

    12、aid his mother.4. There were four people injure in the accident.5. At the end of last year, I had learned 10 English songs.6. Until recently I learned advanced maths all by myself.7. I think I dont get these things because I take a lot of exercises.8. The injury was quite pain and I couldnt move my

    13、arm for a month.9. The health insurance company pays for the doctors and the hospitals.10. In winter some warm-blooded animals can keep up their common temperature.11. The teacher opened the door, came into the classroom, clear his throat and began the lesson.12. Anyone who has pain after meals shou

    14、ld consider seek medical attention.13. Picasso became very famous in his early twenty.14. Although he is a famous poet, Shakespeare is more known for his plays.15. I cant stand treating like that at his home.16. Getting up late meant to miss the early bus.17. Most people aboard the airliner were kil

    15、ling.18. Mr Smith is happy with his job, because the pay is low.19. Napoleon is a great king in history of France.20. The weather in Hainan is similar as that in Hawaii.21. Russia is the first nation sending a man into space.22. The story took place in Wenchang was well known to the local people.23.

    16、 He was born in poor family in 1898.24. He walked quick out of the room.25. To our surprised, he flew over the Yellow River successfully.26. What interesting us most was that he had his hair cut.27. Make sure that all the children have education up the age of 11.28. In recent years, he had been to t

    17、he UK twice.29. Although I believe it, but I will not act now.30. China aims to move out poverty in the first twenty years of the 21st century.改错练习(四)1. Mr. Zhang came here two hours before.2. Mary came to school half an hour early than the others.3. Physics are not very easy for us to learn.4. Will

    18、 you please to give the book to Betty?5. Some of the boys are interesting in biology.6. What was the nicest part of your holiday by your opinion?7. His father gone to Shanghai last month.8. We have an English class in Monday morning.9. Although the farm is large, but my father has two men working wi

    19、th him.10. Written English is more and less the same in both Britain and America.11. The old man ran much slowly than the others.12. There are a great many of books in the library.13. Sometimes people who can see act as foolish as the blind.14. Dont make the same mistake which you made last time.15.

    20、 He explained us how important the experiment was.16. He said that he will go to the Great Wall the next day.17. The students practiced sing an English song just now.18. He asked the boy not draw on the wall.19. There is a railway among the village and the town.20. Who knows to repair the TV set?21.

    21、 I have a lot of homework to doing this afternoon.22. Ill water them to stop the soil get too dry.23. We have already learned two thousands of English words.24. Paper is made of wood.25. Chinese is spoken by little people outside China.26. He often asks me to go fish with him.27. Though physics is d

    22、ifficult to learn, but I like it.28. We will ask her to stay here as longer as possible.29. He got a work in the company.30. He spent eighty yuan for that coat.31. Dont you agree with him in that point?32. Lets go out for a walk, dont we?33. There is a plenty of snow in the north of Canada in winter

    23、.34. The cars will be supplying for people all over the country.35. I have bought this car for three years.改错练习(五)1. Xiaoming is always in the top of the list, while his twin sister is behind the class.2. There are such many children in Africa who dont have enough to eat.3. The students in Beijing d

    24、ont have much homework as the students in Shandong Province.4. I dont care what others think of me. Ill do that I think right.5. Scientists have tried many ways to solving sandstorm.6. Have been caught in a sandstorm was a terrible experience.7. We were advised not to going outside.8. The “Green” mo

    25、vement tries get government to think seriously about the environment and how to look after it.9. There are laws that does not allow people to burn too much coal10. I cant help but to feel very concerned.11. And yet we do nothing but talking about it.12. I cant but wondering what will happen.13. As a

    26、 result, he spent many years trying to find a state people would follow his teachings.14. Mencius was a thinker which teachings were very similar to that of Confucius.15. He stressed the importance of kindness, duty and order in the society.16. Confucius is the philosopher who influence has been the

    27、 greatest.17. The reason why I like reading about ancient China is because the philosophy is very interesting.18. However, when he saw that the rulers were not following his advices, he resigned.19. In some ways, his beliefs were similar to that of Confucius.20. Mozi was a teacher whose principles w

    28、ere different from that of Confucius.21. Most of the Great Wall dates back the Ming Dynasty.22. Now his dream has been come true.23. Three quarters of Chinas energy are produced by burning coal.24. Burnt coal causes serious air pollution and increases global warming.25. The dam will generate electri

    29、city is equal to about 40 million tons of coal without causing so much air pollution.26. I met a man whom my grandfather worked 30 years ago.27. The Three Gorges Dam has cost more than any other construction projects in history.28. More than a million people lived in the region have moved from their

    30、 homes.29. Corn can be made from powder.改错练习(六)1. The teacher asked us not climb trees.2. What makes you to think Im a teacher?3. You can skate on the ice because of its hard enough.4. Tom came into his room quitely and went to bed at once.5. The TV play had begun on five minutes when I got home.6.

    31、On the way home I met Jack and stopped talk with him.7. The food tastes well.8. The bottle was filled of vinegar.9. Both Mr. and Mrs. White is doctors.10. He asked Mary and I to make some paper flowers.11. The light was on all night longer.12. There are nothing but two beds in the room.13. Please write to me as soon as you get to there.14. The train is leaving in two minutes time.15. They go fishing each two weeks.16. They think it necessary of them to read English aloud every morning.17. Most students go to school on bike.18. The boy plays guitar very well.19. What nice ti


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