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    1、说课稿高中英语优秀说课稿大集合高中英语优秀说课稿大集合Good afternoon, teachers! Its my great pleasure to be here sharing my lesson with you.The content of my lesson is Senior English Book 4 Unit 1(A student of african wildlife/Why not carry on the good work)Ill be ready to begin this lesson from five parts. Analysis of the te

    2、aching material, the teaching methods, the studying methods, the teaching procedure,and Blackboard design.First, let me talk about the teaching material.Part 1 Teaching Material: This unit is about(Great women and their achievementsImportant people,history and methods of agricultureDifferent types o

    3、f English humourCulture differences and intercuritural communcationDifferent types of theme park)By studying of this unit, well enable the students to know some great women and their achievement and what makes the great women successful The knowledge of farming and DrYuan LongpingachivevmentAnd chem

    4、ical farming and organic farming.Charlie Chaplin and his funny and encourageing humourPeople from different area have differert body language and use the right body language to showing our feelings.Theme park not only provid fun but also provid various knowledeg and exciting experience. this lesson

    5、not only teach the students to learn the related matreial about(1) the good character to be a successful person (2)Yuan longpings scientific research spirit and attitudes toward life The disadvantage of using chemical frtilizers and how to increase production in organic farming.(3)Charlie Chaplin an

    6、d his humourEnglish jokes(4)Different body language and the similarutues in body language which make the others understand our feelings.(5)Theme parkbut also learning ability in English .A: If Ss can learn it well, it will be helpful to make the Ss learn the rest of this unit well.B: It provides all

    7、-around practice about listening, speaking, reading and writing revolve around the topic,it is the expansion of this unit and give Ss a space to use the language.So it plays an important part in the English teaching in this unit.(As we know ,reading belongs to the input during the process of the lan

    8、guage learning. The input has great effect on output , such as speaking and writing . )According to the new standard curriculum and the syllabus (新课程标准和教学大纲), after studying the teaching material and analyzing the rule of childrens growing of mind,I think the teaching aims are the followings:1.Knowl

    9、edge objects: Knowledge objects of this section are (1)the sutdents can hear, read, and use the main sentence patterns.(2) the students can understand the content of the lesson:(3) the students can use the patterns to express their thoughes in proper situation and learn how to describe people with a

    10、djective.Ability objects:Ability objects of this section are(1)To develop the Ss abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Especially speaking and writing ability.(2) To train the Ss ability of working in pairs.(4) To improve the Ss reading abilities ,especially their skimming and scann

    11、ing ability.3.Emotion objects:By reading A Student of African wlidlife /why not carry on the good work,students can learn from (1)jane Goodall in at least two aspects: one is what is the human way to study animal; the other is that it was her great personality-universal love and mercy that made her

    12、successful. Lin Qiaozhi in at least two aspects: one is what is the human way to help poor patients; the other is that it was her great personality-universal love and mercy that made her successful. (2)Dr Yuan Longping his scientific research spirit and attitudes toward life This passage what is che

    13、mical and organic farming and their advantage and disadvant age.(3)Charlie Chaplin to be optimistic to face the lifes hardships and find out the covert funny of our life.this passage jokes and its great effect to make people laugh.(4)this passage the importance and necessity of body language A and i

    14、ts differences between different cultures.B and how to use body language to show peoples feeling.(5)this passage learning knowledge have many ways , we can learn knowledge and play as well in the theme park or other special situation. What is the most difficult in teaching process? Can you guess? I

    15、say one of the teaching difficult is how to enable the students to use new words and phrases in proper situation all through their daily life. The students also find it difficult to describe their experience with the build logic and well organized language (and learn from Great women their good qual

    16、ities.)Well, how to achieve the teaching objects better, how to stress the important points and break through the difficult points? According to the analysis of the teaching material and the studentslearning background ,I will use the following methods .Part 2 Teaching Methods: “Communicative” Appro

    17、ach(交际教学法), “Whole language teaching” (整体语言教学法)and “Task-based” language teaching (任务教学法). That is to say, Ill let the Ss to get a better understanding of the key structure of the dialogue. According to the modern social communication teaching theories(现代社会交际教学理论), I adopt the Situtional Language Te

    18、aching method(情景教学) Task-Based Language Teaching method (语言任务教学)in my teaching. Part 3 Studying Methods: Students of this stage are quick in thought and they are eager to show what they know and they have a certain ability to read .But they are lack of geography knowledge , the cultural background o

    19、f those foreign countries and the courage to express they ideas. Therefore, Accessful leader should care for their learning strategy,in this lesson,I will teach my students to master the following strategy;1)Basic learning strategy;The students can get the meaning of the words and phrase 2)Practice

    20、strategy;Practice can help the students get the general idea and have a better understanging of the language.And Communication strategy In a ward, Ill 1.Teach the students how to be successful language learners2.Let the students pass “ObservationImitationPrasctice” strategy to study language.Part 4

    21、Teaching Procedure New English proverb saids that the students are real master. In this lesson they are English learners and real master .So teacher should act as a guider, an organizer and a director who play a role when necessary in teaching procedure.Step 1 Lead-in.I think the most useful method

    22、to lead the students to learn is interest stimulating and discussion by themselves.1. At beginning I will let Ss to discuss: after a glance of the title and the pictures of this passage , what do you think the passage is about? (2.At beginning I will ask Ss which place they like most and what is it

    23、famous for. Then we will do the listening part to get some information and then do the following exercise)(1)And let them to know something about the story of Jane goodall /lin qiaoyin and her full love activity.(2)And ask the following questions A What would you do if there was no rice to eat tomor

    24、row?Who do you think is the greastest hero for hungry people in the world.?B What do you know about farming?What will you do to increase the crop production.?(3)a And write down you idea in one senrence,then skim the passage to see if you are right.B And tell the Ss a funny joke.(4)a I will ask one

    25、student to make a gesture and let another student to guess what its meaning.B I will ask one student to use body language to express his feeling and let another student to guess what its meaning.(5)a what do you think a theme park is? With a classmate discuss what you might do in a theme park.B What

    26、 exciting experience do you want to have?Step 2 Reading 1) canning:Then studSents are going to read the passage as quickly as they can to find out the main idea and answer the following(/ture or false) questions (1)a Who is the student?What animals were observed? B Who is the main character in this

    27、text?What was her job?Who was her small book intended for? (2)a when and who become the first agricultural pioneer in the world to grow rice that has a high output?What did Yuan Longping invent ? B Why are chemical fertilizers so popular in farming today? What is organic farming?(3)a 1)humor is alwa

    28、ys kind. F2)charlie chaplin was born in a rich family F3)he solved a sad situation by using nonverbal humor T4)he ate the shoes bacause he thought that was very funny F5)charlie chaplin devoted his whole life to making films TB Then I will let students work in pairs to read the jokes in part one.pay

    29、ing attention to the rhythm and intonation(4)a what did I do to the airportdid those international students have the same body language? If not ,give an example.B And perform the feelings you can find out in this passage to our classmates.(5)a What does dollywood mainly show and celebrates?And in en

    30、glands Camelot park what can you experience?B What theme park is mentioned in this passage and what is the theme parks main content2)Then we will come to the Close reading part : As we know , audio-visual method make the students have bettter understanding of the passage, so I play will the tape par

    31、t by part to let my students to find out the the general idea of each paragraph and pick up their hand to give the answer.3)Then I will let students have a dissussion about the text ,then answer some questions in detial.(1)a (What was the writer doing in the forest?What did she discover about chimps

    32、How did jane try to protect the lives of chimps in their nature habitat?) and do exercise three.B And write down three of Lin Qiaozhis achievements then give the answer.(2)a (who is Yuan Longping? How much do you know about him?What is his job? What are his achievement?What do you think we can learn from him? Why?)B What are some of the problems caused bu chemical fertilizers.How to keep the soil fertile in organic farming.(3)


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