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    1、六年级下英语期末基础知识综合复习试题1)Lucyshould_herhomeworknow. A.finishesB.finishingC.finishedD.finish2)Mymotherwould_backsoon. A.cameB.comesC.comeD.willcome3)Couldyou_meahand. A.givingB.givesC.givenD.give4)ShouldI_now. A.startedB.startingC.startD.starts5)_Itakethisone? A.CouldB.WillC.AreD.Do6)-CanyouspeakEnglish?-

    2、No,I_. A.mustntB.cantC.couldntD.maynot7)You_goandseeadoctorbecauseyouhadafever(烧).A.couldB.mightC.shouldD.would8)Jim_cometonight,butheisntverysureyet. A.shouldB.mightC.wouldD.should9)Thechildren _playfootballontheroad. A.couldntB.couldC.mustD.mustnt10)-CanItakethisbookout.-No,you_. A.mustnotB.couldn

    3、otC.willnotD.arent11)I_liketogowithyou. A.couldB.wouldC.shouldD.will12)Sheisbleeding(血).She_gotohospitalquickly. A.couldB.wouldC.shouldD.will13You_watchTVafterfinishingyourhomework. A.wouldB.canC.mustD.should14)Itislate.I_gohomenow. A.couldB.wouldC.shouldD.will15)-What_Idoatthemeeting? A.hastoB.woul

    4、dlikeC.shouldD.notshould16)_youtellmewheretheWenHuaMarketis?A.couldB.mustC.shouldD.have练习二( )1.-Whyareyoulateforschooltoday?-_theheavytraffic.A. BecauseB.Because ofC.Duetothefactthat( )2.Icantjoininyourbirthdayparty _Ihavetoomuchworktodotomorrow. A.duetoB.becauseofCbecause( )3.-Youlikedthebikesomuch

    5、.Whydidntyoubuyit?-_itistooexpensive.Idonthaveenoughmoney.A.DuetoB.BecauseofC.Because( )4.Ifeltsad.Ifailedintheexamyesterday.Imademyparentsdisappointed _thepoorgrades.A.sinceB.becauseofC.duetothefactthat( )5.-Whyishesowelcomedbyothers?-_heispolitetoeveryone.A.BecauseB.BecauseofC.Dueto( )6.-Whydontwe

    6、holdthemeetinginourclassroom?-_Itstoosmalltoholdallofus.A .DuetoB.BecauseC.Becauseof( )7.Wecantputthetreeinourroom_itsheight.Itistootall.A.sinceB.becauseofC.because( )8.-Whywillyourfamilybuyanewcar?-_losingtheoldcar.A.BecauseB.SinceC.Becauseof( )9.Mr.SmithisanEnglishteacher_heteachesusEnglish.A.orB.

    7、andC.butD.so( )10.Youwatchedthefashionshowlastnight,didntyou?Yes,_Imissedthebeginning. A.orB.andC.butD.so( )11.Itsalongstory,buttherearefewnewwordsinit,_itwillbeeasyforchildren. A.orB.andC.butD.so( )12.Remembertoreturnthebookstothelibraryontime,_youwillbefined罚款).A.orB.andC.butD.so ( )13.Ilikebothsw

    8、imming_skating.Theyaresocool!A .orB.andC.butD.so( )14._Iwasillyesterday,_Ididntgotowork. A.because,soB.For,andC./,butD./,so练习三Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms.1. My cousin, David, lives on the _ floor. (twelve)2. Would you please find some _ for me? (trolley)3. I thi

    9、nk Joe will _ be a doctor in the future. (possible)4. Miss Wu _ English very well. (teacher)5. Eating too much meat is _. (health) . Choose the best answer. ( )6. Ben likes playing _tennis, but he doesnt like playing _ piano.A. the, the B. , the C. the, D. , ( )7. Whitney Houston died _ 11 February,

    10、 2012.A. in B. on C. at D. ( )8. Gary practises _ basketball twice a week.A. play B. playing C. to play D. played( )9. We can ask the teachers for _.A. an advice B. some advice C. much advices D. many advices( )10. _ visitors come to Shanghai every year.A. Two thousands B. Two thousand of C. Thousan

    11、d of D. Thousands of( )11. -_ does your father go to work every day? - He drives his car.A. Where B. Which C. How D. What( )12. In ten _ time, Peter will be taller and stronger.A. year B. years C. years D. years( )13. Judy and Betty _ in Shanghai for five years.A. lived B. live C. has lived D. have

    12、lived( )14. My sister doesnt like biscuits. Shed rather _ some pudding.A. have B. to have C. has D. having( )15. It takes us about _ to travel from Shanghai to Bangkok by sea.A. three days and a half B. three days and halfC. three and half days D. three day and a half( )16. Qu Yuans job was _ advice

    13、 to the king.A. give B. to give C. giving D. gave( )17. There is _milk in the fridge. Lets buy some.A. few B. a few C. little D. a little( )18. Jacky has a headache. He _ watch less television and do more exercise.A. should B. can C. may D. cant( )19. May is poor at driving. The underlined part mean

    14、s _.A. is interested in B. does well in C. is bad for D. does badly in( )20. - Would you like some chips? - _. I dont like chips.A. Yes, please. B. No, I dont. C. Yes, I will. D. No, thanks. Rewrite the sentences as required. 21. I have lunch at school every day. (改为否定句)I _ _ lunch at school every d

    15、ay.22. Alice has already been to Luxun Park. (改为一般疑问句) _ Alice been to Luxun Park _?23. You dont feel well because you dont have enough exercise. (对划线部分提问) _ _ you feel well?24. They usually go cycling twice a month.(对划线部分提问) _ _ do they usually go cycling?25. She wants to have a picnic next weekend

    16、. (保持句意基本不变) She _ _ to have a picnic next weekend.练习四A. Choose the best answer.(根据短文内容,选择恰当的答案6%)Joe had a holiday, so he decided to go to the seashore for a few days. He got on a train one morning, and an hour later he was in a small town. He got off the train and left the station. A few minutes l

    17、ater, he saw a small hotel and went in. He asked the owner how much it would cost for one night there.“Fifteen dollars,” the owner answered. “Thats more than I can really afford(支付),”Joe said sadly.” “All right,” the owner answered. “If you make your bed yourself, you can have the room for ten dolla

    18、rs.” Joe was very happy because he always made his own bed at home. “Okay,” he said, “Ill do that.”The owner went into a room at the back, opened a closet, took some things out and came back to Joe. “Here you are,” he said, and gave him a hammer(铁锤)and some nails(钉子).( ) 1.It took Joe _to get to the

    19、 seashore. A.an hour B.a few days C.a few minutes D.ten minutes( ) 2.The usual price of a room in the small hotel was _for one night. A.less than fifteen dollars B.one thousand cents C.fifteen yuan D.fifteen dollars( ) 3.Joe was willing(愿意的) to pay_for his room. A.ten dollars B.fifteen dollars C.fif

    20、teen yuan D. one thousand cents( ) 4.The owner wants Joe to _. A.clean his quilt in the morning B.build a bed for himself C.buy a bed D.borrow a bed for himself( ) 5.Joe always made his own bed_. A.at home B.in hotels C.at work D.on holidays( ) 6.Joe went to the seashore_. A.on business B.to visit h

    21、is friend C.to visit hotel D.to spend his holidayII. Cloze test A. Choose the word or expressions and complete the passage.(选择最恰当的单词或词组完成短文。6%)Whales live in seas, but they need air to breathe so that they can stay for an hour or _7_ under water. Then they come _8_ to the top of the sea to breathe,

    22、Most whales eat plants _9_ as plankton(浮游生物). You cannot see plankton _10_ they are very small. The blue whale is the_11_animal in the world. It can be 30 metres long. That is about as long as two buses. It can weigh as much as 100 tons. That is about as _12_as 20 elephants!( )7. A. much B. more C.

    23、many D. less( )8. A on B. under C. up D. into( )9. A such B. so C. to D. too( )10. A. so B. when C. that D. because( )11. A. largest B. large C. larger D. bigger( )12. A. heavy B. fat C. heavier D. fatterB. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words.(在短文中的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空限填一词,首字母已给

    24、。6%)Good afternoon, boys and girls. I have s_13_ to tell you. Were going to do some cleaning after school. The radio says it will be windy at night, so please remember to close the doors and windows when you l_14_. The temperature will fall below zero tomorrow morning. Please dont f_15_ to put on mo

    25、re clothes. Mr. Wang is away today. He is ill and in hospital. I h_16_ you can go to see him. But you dont need to buy him anything. By the way, theres a lot of h_17_ this evening. You must finish doing it and bring it to school tomorrow morning. You should not watch TV too l_18_. Now lets begin our cleaning.13.s_14. l_15. f_16. h_17. h_ 18. l_C. Answer the questions.(根据短文内容回答下列问题。6%)Kojo and Kiyoka are coming for the International School Quiz. They are the Japanese team. They have studied and practised about six times a week for four months. Koj


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