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    1、20XX年成人英语三级考试黄金冲刺题及答案6成人英语三级考2018年成人英语三级考试黄金冲刺题及答案(6)-成人英语三级考试 整理“2018年成人英语三级考试黄金冲刺题及答案”,希望给考生带来帮助。更多关于成人英语三级考试内容,请关注成人英语三级。 第 1 页:阅读理解第 5 页:词汇语法第 6 页:完型填空第 7 页:翻译写作 点击查看:2018年成人英语三级考试黄金冲刺题及答案汇总 一、阅读理解(1-20) Where do pesticides(杀虫剂)fit into the picture of environmental disease? We have seen that the

    2、y now pollute soil, water, and food, that they have the power to make our streams fishless and our gardens and woodlands silent and birdless. Man, however much he may like to pretend the contrary, is part of nature. Can he escape a pollution that is now so thoroughly distributed throughout our world

    3、? We know that even single exposures to these chemicals, if the amount is large enough, can cause extremely severe poisoning. But this is not the major problem. The sudden illness or death of farmers, farm workers, and others exposed to sufficient quantities of pesticides is very sad and should not

    4、occur. For the population as a whole, we must be more concerned with the delayed effects of absorbing small amounts of the pesticides that invisibly pollute our world. Responsible public health officials have pointed out that the biological effects of chemicals are cumulative over long periods of ti

    5、me, and that the danger to the individual may depend on the sum of the exposures received throughout his lifetime. For these very reasons the danger is easily ignored. It is human nature to shake off what may seem to us a threat of future disaster. Men are naturally most impressed by diseases which

    6、have obvious signs, says a wise physician, Dr.Rene Dubos, yet some of their worst enemies slowly approach them unnoticed. 1. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the sentence Man, . is part of nature.(Line 3,Para.1)? A. Man appears indifferent to what happens in nature. B. Man acts as if

    7、he does not belong to nature. C. Man can avoid the effects of environmental pollution. D. Man can escape his responsibilities for environmental protection. 答案:B。词汇题。答题关键在于正确理解like to pretend the contrary几个词的含义,这几个词字面原意为:喜欢假装相反。把它与原句结合起来看,这一句的意思是:人类,尽管常常表现得恰好相反,却是自然的一部分。据此句意来套四个选择项,就可看出B)(人类表现得好像他不属于

    8、自然)是正确答案。 2. What is the authors attitude towards the environmental effects of pesticides? A. Pessimistic. B. Indifferent. C. Defensive. D. Concerned. 答案:D。观点题。本文就作者对杀虫剂的环境后果的态度提问。纵观全文可知,作者在文中一一描述了杀虫剂明显和潜在的两方面危险,提醒人们重视其缓慢的长期效应,可见作者对这一问题是“关切的”D)项),而非是“漠不关心的”B)项)。同时,作者在文中并未悲天悯人,认为杀虫剂的危害已不可救药,所以A)项“悲观的

    9、”也不符合题意。而C)项“防御性的”,在文中并无根据,因为在文中作者并未提出该怎样解决杀虫剂的环境后果问题,因此只有D)是最符合题意的正确答案。 3. In the authors view, the sudden death caused by exposure to large amounts of pesticides _. A. is not the worst of the negative consequences resulting from the use of pesticides B. now occurs most frequently among all acciden

    10、tal deaths C. has sharply increased so as to become the center of public attention D. is unavoidable because people cant do without pesticides in farming 答案:A。推断题。本题的答案主要见于第二段。从But this is not the major problem.(但这并不是主要问题)及., we must be more concerned with the delayed effects.,(我们必须更关切由于小剂量地吸收无形中污染了

    11、我们世界的杀虫剂而造成的延迟的后果)”我们可从中推断出作者认为“由于大剂量吸入杀虫剂而突然致死”还不是最糟糕的情况,故A)是正确的。而B)、C)、D)项的内容在文中均未提及,所以无法判断是否是作者的观点,因而不能入选正确答案。 4. People tend to ignore the delayed effects of exposure to chemicals because _. A. limited exposure to them does little harm to peoples health B. the present is more important for them

    12、than the future C. the danger does not become apparent immediately D. humans are capable of withstanding small amounts of poisoning 答案:C。推断题。本题可用筛选法,一一排除错误答案。人们容易忽视吸入有毒化学物质所带来的延迟后果,到底是因为什么呢?先看A):有限的吸收不会给人类健康带来危害。根据第三段内容可知,有毒化学物质的生物效果是累积的,而且累积越多,危险越大,因此,即使是有限的吸收,也会有潜伏的危险,可见A)项内容错误。同样D)项“人类能经受住小剂量有毒物质

    13、危害”显然也不对。再看B):现在比将来重要。根据最后一段第三句,人类的本性是会忽略将来的危险的,但这并不等于说现在就更重要,所以B)项也没有正确解释本题中的原因。只有C)项“危险并没有立刻显示出来”,符合原文意旨,特别是最后一句的句意,所以C)是正确答案。 5. It can be concluded from Dr.Dubosremarks that _. A. people find invisible diseases difficult to deal with B. attacks by hidden enemies tend to be fatal C. diseases with

    14、 obvious signs are easy to cure D. people tend to overlook hidden dangers caused by pesticides 答案:D。推断题。本题关键在于正确理解Dr.Dubos的评论。原句意为:人类很自然地最容易对那些具有征兆的疾病印象深刻,然而有些最致命的疾病却是慢慢地毫无察觉地击中他们的。据此句意,可以容易地推断出D)为正确答案。 各地2018年成人英语三级考试费用汇总 各地2018年成人英语三级考试时间汇总 各地2018年成人英语三级考试报名时间汇总 各地2018年成人英语三级准考证打印(领取)时间 协议退费套餐: 含精

    15、讲班+真题解析班+考点强化班+应试技巧班+在线班主任+专业答疑+课件下载+不过退费;考试不过,分文不付 全科= 1050元 立即报名 零基础套餐:成人英语零起点班+词汇班+精讲班+考点强化班+真题解析班+应试技巧班+不过终身免费重修!考试不过,享受终身免费重学!全科 = 1000元 立即报名 精品VIP套餐: 词汇班+精讲班+考点强化班+真题解析班+应试技巧班+不过次年免费重修;本期考试不过,享受次年免费重学!全科=800元 立即报名 VIP套餐: 精讲班+考点强化班+真题解析班+应试技巧班;全科=550元 立即报名 超值特惠套餐: 精讲班+真题解析班;全科=320元 立即报名 详情咨询:40

    16、00-888-566 没基础,零单词量,想不费力气一次通过的考生! 马上报名 词汇班+精讲班+考点强化班+真题解析班+应试技巧班+不过次年免费重修 套餐价格 一线名师全程主讲,在线班主任一对一学习指导,签约通过! 马上报名 精讲班+考点强化班+真题解析班+应试技巧班 套餐价格 有一定英语基础、对考试不了解的考生! 马上报名 成人英语零起点班+词汇班+精讲班+考点强化班+真题解析班+应试技巧班+不过终身免费重修! 套餐价格 学员:郑双珍(河南) 感谢那老师,今天打开网站查分,我考了76分,过了。太激动了,16年没动过英语,奇迹般地升了47分,简直是神话! 学员:钟泽强(山东) 学员:杨井(江苏) 慕名那老师而来,那老师的辉煌早就见识。幸运的是可以听那老师的成人英语三级的课程!通过考试显得那么顺理成章! 学员:魏连海(贵州) 好多题都是模拟题上的,都不用看题,直接写答案,两个小时我才花了不到60分钟。向那老师致敬! 学员:包建军(福建) 学员:孔森 学员:张旭 老师您好,听到你的工作如此辛苦,真是很感激您为这门功课的付出那么多,谢谢!


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