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    1、仁爱英语七年级下册unit8topic2测试题仁爱版英语七年级下册 Unit8 Topic2单元测试题听力部分(10分)I .听对话,选择正确答案。(5分)( )1. What was the date yesterday?A.September 10 th. B. September 11th. C. September 9th.( )2. How do people celebrate Mothers Day?A.People have parties and stay up un til midni ght.B.People eat moon cakes and enjoy going

    2、at the full moon.C.People give their mothers cards and gifts.( )3. How many days can Jane rest duri ng May Day?A.Three days. B. Seven days. C. Five days.( )4. What do childre n do at Hallowee n?A.Childre n wear new clothes.B.Childre n wear stra nge clothes.C.Childre n ofte n give each other prese nt

    3、s.( )5. How do Jewish people celebrate the New Year?A. They eat some oran ges.B.They eat apples with honey for a sweet new year.C.They eat 12 grapes.n .听短文,填空,每空一词。(5分)Spring Festival is an importa nt for Chin ese. At that time, family members meettogether. During those days, they like tak ing and .

    4、 Parents talk their childre n.Young people can get gifts of in red en velopes. In the morning people in their best new clothes. Some people stay at home, others go out and say“ Happy New Year ” to each other.笔试部分(90分)I .词汇。(15分)A) 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。(5分)1.C is the biggest and the most importa nt festiva

    5、l in the west on December 25.2.The books are for the a . The children can t read them.3.N the temperature of our body is 37 C .4.She likes g better tha n apples.5.People eat rice dumpli ngs to r Qu Yuan.B) 根据汉语提示完成句子。(10分)1.Families ( 聚会)for a big dinner in the Spring Festival.2.They often wear scar

    6、y clothes to ( 敲打)their neighbors3.People in many coun tries give ( 互相)prese nts.4.Christ ( 复活)on that day.5.People start ( 为 准备)the festival a month before.n .单项选择。(15分)( )1. Christmas Eve, I hung my stock ing by the fireplace.A. At B. On C. I n( )2. Best wishes to you! A. That ll sght. B. You re k

    7、indC. Tha nk you.( )3. The coat is very beautiful.A. colors B. color C. colorful( )4. If it rain, they will climb the hill.A. won t B. doesn C. isn t( )5. Where is Kan gka ng? He is ill. He at home.A. can be B. may be C. must be( )6. Thank you your Christmas card.A. to B. for C. at( )7. Could you te

    8、ll me about your school?A. anything B. someth ing C. nothing( )8. Kate found it was all white outside she got up in the morning.A. before B. if C. whe n( )9. Our teacher this picture on the wall yesterday.A. hung B. hang C. when( )10. The Chin ese people are busy the Spring Festival now.A. to prepar

    9、e for B. prepari ng for C. to prepare()11. Let s this festival.A. celebrates B. celebrati ng C. celebrate( )12. Which festival can we play tricks? .A. Spring Festival B. May Day C. April Fool s Day( )13.1 pla n send cards my frien ds.A. to; to B. to; with C. to; from( )14. Please me someth ing about

    10、 Hallowee n.A. tellB. speak C. say()15. I m free ten oclockA. toB. in C. at川.补全对话。(有一项是多余的)(5分)A.We are eati ng at noon. But why do you call it dinner?B.How do America ns and Can adia ns like Than ksgivi ng?C.So we each have an autumn festival.t knowD.I like your Than ksgiv ing dinner.E.I m glad you

    11、 can come for our Thanksgiving dinner.F.In America and Canada, families get together to celebrate the harvest.A: Good morning, Zhang Jun. 1B: Thanks for ask ing me. 2A: Because it s a big meal. We call it dinner when we have a lot of food to eat.B: 3A: T hey thi nk it is very importa nt. It -AuiiJim

    12、a Feisrtivted In Chi na, families gettogether and watch the bright, round moon. 4B : 5A: Yes, and we each celebrate with our famlily. Some things are the same in China,America and Can ada.1.2. 3. 4. 5. IV.句型转换。(10分)1.Mr. Green likes playing tricks on others.( 同义句)Mr. Gree n likes playi ng on others.

    13、2.Christmas Day is December 25th.( 对划线部分提问) is Christmas?3.He comes back. I tell you at on ce.( 改成条件状语从句 )If he back, I you at once.4.I found many can dies and toys in it. I got up in the mornin g.( 用 when 合并两个句子 )5.Is there any interesting festival in your hometown?( 作肯定回答 ): V.用所给词的适当形式填空。(5分)1.Do

    14、 you enjoy (play) basketball?2. Would you like some (can dy)?3. We should (honor) our pare nts and teachers.4.I (have) happy Christmas yesterday.5.The boy (stay) up un til the TV said goodbye.W .完形填空。(10分)Going Abroad for Sightsee ingDo you like to go abroad for sightseeing( 观光)? It is interesting t

    15、o visit 1 countries, butthere are some 2 when we don t know the Ianguage 3 . It may be difficult 4 withthe people there. We may 5 how to use the 6 teleph on e. It is not easy todecide 7 to tip( 给小费)waiters or taxi drivers, and when we need help, we donhow to 8 help. After a while, however, we lear n

    16、 9 to do and what to say, and welearn to enjoy life in the coun try, and the n we may10 to leave.()1. A. other B. the other C. ano ther()2. A. questi ons B. problems C. trouble()3. A. very good B. won derful C. very well()4. A. to talk B. talk C. speak ing ( )5. A. not to know B. not know C. know no

    17、t( )6. A. small B. big C. modern( )7. A. how B. how many C. how much( )8. A. search for B. look for C. ask for( )9. A. what B. how C. whicht thi nk 13 islucky number. For example, they don t like to live on the 13th floor.One day Jack asks some friends to dinner. Whe n all of his friends arrive, he

    18、asks them toa few weeks.All of them become happy again. “ Congr祝祝贺你ons(” they say to Mr. and Mrs.Brow n. Then they enjoy the nice food and have a good time that evening.( )1. Jack asks his friends to have that day.A. breakfast B. lunch C. supper( )2. Jack beg ins to count the people .A. before dinne

    19、r B. at dinner time C. whe n they come in()3.Jackto have 13 people for the dinner.A.doesnt wBntwants C. likes( )4.Why does every one s face turn white?A. Because the food is delicious.B. Because they like the nu mber 13.C. Because t hey don t think the number is lucky.( )5. All the people become hap

    20、py aga inA. whe n Jack speaksB. because a baby is sitti ng thereC. because there are not thirtee n people thereIt was the third day of Spring Festival. While I was in bed. I heard some on e cryin g. It was snowing outside and it was so deep .I got up quickly and looked out of the win dow. Ah!It was

    21、all white outside. What a beautiful world! Without thinking about the cold. I leftmy warm sleep ing bed and dressed myself hurriedly .As soon |as I finished my breakfast, I ran out into the white world. How deep the snow was!Many childre n were in the white world. Some were maki ng sno wme n, some w

    22、ere running r each other. Their faces were all red. But all the children were having a good time.Notes:1.deep adj.深的,厚的2.without conj.没有3. hurriedlyadv.快速地4. as soon as尽快Read the passage and mark (T) for True or (F) for False to each stateme nt.( )1. The story happened on the second day of the Sprin

    23、g Fastival.( )2. It was raining heavily at that time.( )3. Without having breakfast, the writer ran out into the white world.( )4. There were not many children in the snow because they were afraid of beingcold.( )5. They were playing happily.vrn.书面表达。(10分)假如你是康康,给你在美国的朋友简写一封介绍你过春节情况的信。要求:1.注意书信格式 |2

    24、.字数不少于50听力材料I . 1. W: There is a festival for our teachers today. Do you know it?M: Of course, today is September 10th.lt s Teachers Day.2.M: The sec ond Sun day in May is a special day.W: Yes, that s right. It s Mothers Day. People honor their mothers by giving cards and gifts.3.M: Jan e, is May Da

    25、y your favorite holiday?W: Yes, it is. I can enjoy a seve n-day holiday.4.W: Do you know Hallowee n?M: Of course. It tobsr Otst. Children often dress up in strange clothes and playtricks.5.W: Jewish people celebrate the New Year differe ntly.M: Yes, that s right. They eat apples with honey for a swe

    26、et new year.n . Spring Festival is an important holiday for Chinese. At that time, family members meettogether. During those days, they like talking and eating. Parents talk about their children.Young people can get gifts of money in red en velopes. In the morning people dress in theirbest new cloth

    27、es. Some people stay at home, and others go out and say “ Happy NewYear ” to each other.参考答案听力部分I .15 C C B B Bn .holiday, eating, about, money, dress笔试部分I . A)1.Christmas 2. adults 3. Normally 4. grapes 5.rememberB)1. get together 2. knock on 3. each other 4. came back to life5.prepari ng forn . 1.

    28、 B on Christmas Eve 意为 在圣诞节前夕”由此可排除 A和C2.C当别人向你祝愿时,你应说 tha nk you3.C修饰该名词需用形容词, colorful是形容词4.B在含有if引导的条件状语从句中,主句的谓语动词是一般将来时,从句的谓语动词要用一般现在时,本题从句的主语是 it,它的否定形式要借用助动词 does.5.C must be在本句中表示一种肯定的推测,意为 一定是;肯定是”6.B 因 感谢别人” Tha nk you for 7.B could you征求意见而不是问句故选 B8.C 表示时间用when9.A 主要考hang的过去式,这里应用 hung10.

    29、B busy 后跟 Vi ng 结构,构成 be busy doi ng sth.11.C 祈使句用动词原形12.C13.A plan to do sth. 计划要做某事”14.A tell sb. about sth. 告诉某人关于某事 ”15.C at用于某一时刻川.15 E A B F CIV. 1. a joke/trick 2. What date 3. comes, will tell4.I found many can dies and toys in it whe n I got up in the mornin g./ When I got up in themornin g

    30、, I found many can dies and toys in it.5.Yes, there is.V . 1. play ing 2. can dies 3. honor 4. had 5. stayedW . 1. A B、C后只跟单数名词,故选 A2.B 具体的一些问题用 problems3.C 修饰动词用 very much4.A 构成形容词+ to do句型5.B 情态动词后跟动词原型6.C 电话属现代通讯故选 moder n7.A 怎样给小费用how8.C 请求帮助应用ask for9.A 作do的宾语应用 what构成what to do10 C 由短文内容知,当我们刚

    31、学到一些东西时,却又要离开了,所以感到不舍得。W. (A) 15 C B A C C(B) 15 F F F F T忸.Dear Jane,Thank you for your letter and telling me something interesting about Christmas. I had ahappy Spring Festival this year. Spring Festival is the Chinese New Year s Day. It usuallycomes in February. Before Spring Festival we are ofte n very busy. We clea n and decorate our houses. On the Eve of the festival the whole family


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