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    1、九年级英语十单元一课时Unit 10 By the time I got outside, the bus had already left. 第二课时 Section A (1a-2c) 听说课Learning Goals:Narrate past events with such patterns as What happened? / I overslept/ By the time I got up, my brother had already gotten in the shower.Listen for key words. Learn to narrate past event

    2、s with the Past Perfect Tense. Let students know that Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.Preview一、Review the words. 1. have had had2. go went gone 3. get got gotten4. oversleep overslept overslept5. leave left left6. run ran run二、Put the following into English orall

    3、y.1.到的时候by the time 2.淋浴take a shower/have a shower 3.进浴室 get into the bathroom 4.从浴室出来 get out of the shower 5.发出响声go off 6. 把忘在家里leave sth. at home(设计意图:本部分由于短语和生词不多,所以把句子也拿出来作为预习任务,同时通过检测学生的预习效果,师生可以做到心中有数,教师可以更有针对性地教,学生可以更有针对性的学。)Lead in展示几张尴尬的人的图片。 T:What do you think of the people in these pic

    4、tures? S:They look badT:Have you ever been late for school? S:Yes,I have T:1 was late for school todayWhen I got up,I found my clock had rungIt was 7:30 By the time 1 went to the bathroom,my daughter had been inSo I had to waitWhen 1 went out,I found my bike had broken down(设计意图:通过教师讲述自己迟到的经历,激起学生对以

    5、下内容的兴趣。)PresentationT: Boys and girls, what did you usually do this morning before school?Ss may answer: I washed my face and had breakfast. brush my teeth take a shower have a breakfast go to schoolT: Well, from your answers, I know everyone has a lot of things to do in the morning. If we get up la

    6、te in the morning, we will be very busy. So we should have a good habit of getting up early every day. (设计思路:通过老师对自己早晨的描述以及询问学生早晨上学前的活动情况引起他们对本节课的学习兴趣,把学生带到过去时的语境中,进而导出本节课的主角Tina。)2. Let students look at the five pictures in 1a and answer what happened? T: What happened in Picture 1? S1: She oversle

    7、pt Use the same way to show the following phrases: got in the shower the bus left ran to school left her backpack at home While-listening activities1. Listening for the general idea.Tell the Ss that Tina talking about something. Ask the Ss to listen to their conversation and find out:What are they t

    8、alking about ?_A. They are talking about Tinas morning.B. They are talking about her school.C. They are talking about her family members.( Answer:)2. Listening for the specific ideas(1)Ask the Ss to listen again and complete the sentences.1. By the time I got up, my brother _ already _ in the shower

    9、.2. By the time I got outside, the bus _ already _.3. When I got to school, I realized I_ _ my backpack at home.(2) Check the Ss answers and ask the Ss to make up dialogue like: ( Answers: 1. had gotten, 2. had left, 3. had left )A: What happened?B: I overslept. And by the time I got up, my brother

    10、had already gotten in the showed. (3) Then, ask the Ss to listen to the tape a third time and finish the tape scripts.Boy: Hi, Tina. You look _ out. Tina: I am. I had a _ morning.Boy: Really? What _ ?Tina: Well, first of all I _. By the time I got up, my brother had already _ in the shower.Boy: Oh,

    11、what a _!Tina: So, after he got out of the shower, I took a quick shower and got _. But by the time I went outside, the bus had already _.Boy: Oh, no!Tina: Oh, yes! So I ran all the way to school. But when I got to school, I _ I had left my _ at home.Boy: No _ you look stressed out.( Answers: stress

    12、ed, bad, happened, overslept, gotten, pain, dressed, left, realized, backpack, wonder )(4) Check the Ss answers.(5) Listen and repeat.3. Listening for the general idea.(1)Ask students to look at the picture in the book. Say: Look at the pictures. What happened to Tina? Can you guess what they are ta

    13、lking about? Then ask the Ss to listen to the conversation and find out:What is the conversation about? Its about _.A. Tinas bad morning.B. Something happened in the evening. (2) Check the Ss answers.4. Listening for the specific ideas.(1) Number the pictures 1-4 in the correct order.(2) Check the S

    14、s answers. 3 1 2 4(3) Listen the tape a third time and fill in the blanks with the correct verb forms.1) When I _(get home), I _(realize) I _(leave) my keys in the backpack.2) By the time I _(get) back to school, the bell _ _(ring).3) By the time I _(walk) into class, the teacher _(start) teaching a

    15、lready.(4)Check the Ss answers.(5) Listen and repeat.(设计意图:本部分的内容重在培养学生们听大意和听细节信息的能力,所以先帮助学生听出每个对话的大意再去完成后面对应的细节题. )Post-listening activities1. Let the Ss fill in the blanks in the rewriting passage. Then they can discuss in their groups.Tina and her friend are talking about her bad morning. Tina ra

    16、n home to get her _. But when she _ home, she realized she _ her keys in the backpack. So she _ _ to school _ her keys or her backpack. And _ _ _ she got back to school, the bell _ _. And by the time she _ _ class, the teacher _ _ teaching already. She _ _ students homework, of course she _ _ it. (

    17、设计意图:本部分的内容重在培养学生们口头表达的能力,同时通过复述引导学生更好地内化语言知识。)2. Make up an ending for the story and share it with the rest of the class.The teacher looked at Tina and asked her to sit back her seat. After class, the teacher asked Tina to come to her office and why she was late. Tina told her the whole story this

    18、morning. The teacher asked her to get up earlier and not to be late for class. 2. What happened to Tina this morning? Tina had a terrible morning yesterday. She_. When she got up, her brother_. By the time she_, the bus _. So she had to_. When she got to school, she realized _. Tina ran home to get

    19、her _. But when she got home, she realized _. So she ran back to school_. And by the time she got back to school, the bell _. And by the time she_, the teacher _. She _, of course she _. ( Answers: overslept, had already gotten in the shower, got outside, had already left, run to school, she had lef

    20、t her backpack at home, she had left her keys in the backpack, get her, without her keys or her backpack, had rung, got back to school, had started teaching already, asked for their homework, didnt have it.) (设计思路:根据图片学生能够轻松的进行回答与谈论,通过group work的练习,学生们对上述几个词组有了一定程度的掌握,为下面新的语法结构-过去完成时的学习打下基础。通过听录音输入新

    21、的语法结构,体现学生的自主、合作、探究精神,学生从中感受成功的喜悦。)Inquiry into knowledge by translation1. The Past Perfect Tense过去完成时my son went to bed I got homeBy the time I got home, my son had gone to bed.意思:_the teacher came into the classroom I got to school By the time I got to school, the teacher had come into the classro

    22、om.意思: _1) 过去完成时的构成助动词 _ (用于各种人称和数) + _When I got to school, the bell had rung.2). 过去完成时的用法:主要是表示_.也就是_.可以用_, _, _, _, _引导。2. 过去完成时与现在完成时的区别 现在完成时表示的动作发生在_,但侧重_,与_有关,其结构为“_”;过去完成时则是一个相对的时态,它所表示的动作不仅发生在_,更强调“_”,只有_时,才用到它。 3. 过去完成时态的用法:1) 表示过去的过去,通常由when或by引导的短语或者从句做时间状语或时间状语从句 By the end of last year

    23、, I had learned about one thousand English words By the time he was twenty, he had won about ten medals When I got there, they had already left2) 常用在宾语从句中 He told me he had already finished his homework I realized he had fooled me again3) 体现在上下文中 I didnt go to the movies yesterday because I had seen

    24、 it twice4. By the time she got outside, the bus had already left.意思_.by the time 意思是 _相当于 when , 指从过去某一点到从句所示的时间为止的一段时间。 后接过去时的句子时, 主语的谓语动词用_时态.Answers to Inquiry into knowledge by translation1. 我到家的时候,我儿子已经上床睡觉了。我到学校的时候, 老师已经进入教室了。had, 过去分词, 在过去某个时间,或是动作之前已经发生或完成的动作, 过去的过去。by ,before ,when ,by the

    25、 time,by the end 2. 过去, 对现在产生的结果或造成的影响, 现在, 助动词 have (has) + 过去分词, 过去, 过去的过去, 和过去某时或某动作相比较4. 她出去的时候,公共汽车已经开走了。 “到的时候”,过去完成(设计意图:翻译探究先让学生自己在组内讨论,组内学生如果能把答案都讨论出来并展示,教师用语言给予鼓励表扬,若解决不出,看其他组能有解决的吗,最后老师再点拨。而且配有句子可以更好帮助学生理解知识点。)The end-of class test一用所给单词的适当形式填空1. We _(learn) two thousand words by the time

    26、 I went to Middle School. 2. I _ (know) him when I was a student. 3. When we _ (arrive) at the station, they _ (wait) for more than twenty minutes. 4. One of the men didnt move, because he _ (break) his legs. 5. By yesterday evening he _ (write) that important letter.6. I thought I _ (meet) the man

    27、before.7. By six oclock they _ (work) for ten hours.8. I went to Nicks house, but he _ (go) out.10. It seemed that he _ (live) here for ten years. (Answers:1. had learned 2. had known 3. arrived, had waited 4. had broken 5. had written 6. had met 7. had worked8. had gone 9. hadnt understood 10. had

    28、lived )Homework:You must:1. Review the Grammar Focus.2. Make sentences using each form of the verbs below:leave walk start oversleep ring If you can:3 Did you have an unforgettable experience like Tina? Please tell us something about it and write down your unforgettable experience教学反思:亮点:本课时的设计重点放在了帮助学生理解过去完成时,提高学生的口语及书面表达能力,许多任务的设置起到了预期的效果,如Tina的一天故事讲述,给了学生机会练习过去完成时,练习了口语能力,激发了学生的学习兴趣,增强了学生的自信心。不足之处:在学生接受知识的差异性上考虑的不够充分,导致有个别学生没有很好得理解和掌握本节课的要点,因此自己在日后的备课中要多在学生身上下功夫。使用注意事项:开始不需要把过去完成时告诉学生,让学生自己通过多个句子自己去发现、总结过去完成时,这


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