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    1、海员英语面试164条船长大副二副三副适用海员英语面试164条(船长、大副、二副、三副适用)1、What is DPA in ISM code?DPA stands for Designated Person(s) Ashore. His responsibility includes monitoring safety, pollution prevention aspects on the behalf of shipowner. 2、What is NCR in ISM code?NCR is Non-conformity Report Shipping companies need to

    2、 establish procedures to ensure the ship fully complies with ISM provisions. If non-conformity is found, NCR should be submitted as soon as possible.3、Where is Good Hope Cape located?It is located in the southeast coast of South Africa. The ship will meet it to transit from the Indian Ocean to the A

    3、tlantic Ocean and vice versa.4、Could you list of name equipment component on board?My pleasure, sir! For example: windlass, steering gear, main engine, auxiliary engine, crane, derrick, cargo holds, hatch cover, line, paints, sextant, binocular, pilot ladder, lifebuoy, lifejacket, fire-fight applian

    4、ce, life signal, navigation light, siren, accommodation ladder, torch, search light, and so on. 5、Who takes care of documents on board?Captain, or a senior officer nominated by the captain.6、Who keeps the Master key?The Chief Officer keeps the Master key. In addition, he keeps pass key and accommoda

    5、tion key.大副不仅保存万能钥匙,而且还要保存走廊钥匙、生活区的房间钥匙等等。7、Who takes care of medicine?In the past, doctor(if one is carried) will do. Nowadays, the second officer will take care of medical chest and he will assist in cases of illness or accidents to crew.8、How often will you have a life drill or fire fighting dril

    6、l? One month interval.9、What does flag signal Oscar stand for?It stands for man overboard.人员落水时应挂字母“O”旗,放三长声号笛,并转向。目视跟踪落水者,向落水人附近抛救生圈等。10、Could you list different mooring equipment on board?Yes, sir. For example: open chock, cleat, closed chock, bitts, open roller chock, padeye, bullnose, dolphin, a

    7、nd so on.11、Could you talk different names of pier?Yes, sir. In addition to pier, many other names are widely used. For example: wharf, dock, terminal, jetty, quay, berth, pontoon, and so on.如wharf指一般有仓储功能的码头,dock指船坞码头,terminal指集装箱码头或油轮码头,quay指具有吊货功能的码头,berth指泊位,jetty指突出的泊位,pontoon指浮码头。12、Could you

    8、list different kinds of ships surveys?Yes, sir. For example: Annual Surveys, Docking surveys, Special surveys, Immediate Surveys, Surveys for renew certificates, and so on.13、Could you list the parts of a stockless anchor?OK. It includes shackle, shank, crown, fuke, hinge bolt, tripping palm.锚卸扣、锚干、

    9、锚冠、锚爪、横销、突角。14、Could you list the parts of an electric windless?OK. It includes motor, warping drum gypsy, brake, clutch, hand wheel of clutch, hand ahead of brake.注:电动锚机由于在前甲板,其使用由甲板部,修理归轮机部,属于共性的问题。15、Could you list different lines which ships use?Yes, sir. Headline, sternline, headspring, stern s

    10、pring, breast line, tug line, towing line.16、Can you operate computer? What is Intel? Who is the boss of Microsoft Company?Yes, I can. 或 No, I can not. Intel is a model type of computers, CPU has different generations as 386,486,586,686, and so on. The Microsoft Company is a private company in USA.

    11、The boss is Mr. Bill Gates.17、Could you list some cargo which you have ever loaded?Many cargo. Such as flour, ore, quick lime, corn, steel, cotton, fertilizer.18、What are main reasons caused cargo damage?Many reasons. Such as damages in inappropriate shifting or handling, damages due to false stowag

    12、e, damages in poor ventilation or cargo hold conditions, damages in transshipment, damages due to the characteristics of the cargo themselves.19、Could you tell particulars of the ship?My pleasure. LOA (LBP), width (beam), freeboard, draft. They are included three kinds: the maximum particulars relat

    13、ed to maneuverability, the registered particulars related to certificates, and the type particulars related to stability calculation, and so on.通常按性质分类:最大尺度、登记尺度、船型尺度三类。20、What is GMDSS? When was it implemented?GMDSS stands for Global Maritime Distress and Safety System. It was implemented by FEB 1s

    14、t 1999.21、If one of crew on board was seriously ill, whom will you contact with?Many methods. One of the methods is to contact with the shipowner, and obtain the instructions from the shipowner, or you can ask the agent from the nearest harbour to arrange hospital admission. 船员生病的费用一般由两部分承担。船东互保协会承担

    15、一个固定数量,其余由船东承担,因此发生费用由船东承担这一事实就迫使在船工作的人员注重一旦船上有病号应及时地与船东联系,一般由船东安排,同时船上还要采取一定地有助于保持病员生命的措施。22、Who takes charge of fire fighting appliance in the engine room? What does it include?Second Engineer takes charge of it. It includes fire mains, dry power, and so on.23、How often will you perform a fire-fig

    16、hting drill? Who control on the spot?Once a month. The Chief Officer takes charge of the drill on the spot. If the drill occurs in the engine room, Chief Engineer takes charge of the drill on the spot.24、How long is the lifeboat launched into water? Is it allowed to launch lifeboat in the harbour?Wi

    17、thin 3 months. If you want to launch the lifeboat in the harbour, you may enquire the local Harbour Superintendency Administration before launching.25、How many ensigns are used on board? Who takes charge of hoisting and lowering the ensigns?The national flag of the registry country will be hoisted a

    18、t stern. The company ensign will normally be hoisted at bow when the ship is not proceeding. The national flag of foreign merchant country will be flied at foremast head. all the ensigns will be hoisted at sunrise and lowered at sunset. In general practice, A.B on duty will perform hoisting or lower

    19、ing ensign. In addition, ships call sign flag and letter flag (for example, Q, G, H) will be hoisted when arriving at or departing from the harbour.国旗还可以用来与航行中较近距离的本国船舶、军舰或有外交关系国家军舰相遇时互相敬礼。可以用来表示重大国丧,但一般情况下国旗必须升满。Occupation职务篇26、Who is responsible for the vessel?Master (Captain) is responsible for t

    20、he vessel. That is, the master is responsible for the seaworthiness and safe, efficient and economical operation of the vessel and management of crew, cargo and ship borne equipment.27、How to comprehend the SMS file 3.1.2 The Master shall well know the ship thoroughly.?The master is the header of a

    21、ship. He is the representative of the company. He takes total responsibility for the ship. He should know the ships condition with certainty.28、How many maritime publications are available for your vessel? Who takes care of them?Many publications are available for our vessel. Such as Port to Entry,

    22、Admiralty Sailing Directions, Admiralty List of Light, Admiralty List of Radio Signals, Admiralty Tide Tables, Annual Summary of Admiralty Notice to Mariners. The second officer takes care of them. In addition, Chief Engineer keeps equipment specifications and publications for Engineer Department.29

    23、、What does ILO talk about?ILO stands for the International Labour Organization. ILO is an organization on crew agreement. It represents labour interests. Master takes responsibility for the ship. Master should adjust the relationship between shipowner and crew by generous and efficient measures take

    24、n in the interests of shipowner. 30、What are the documental procedures? Who keeps these documents on board? Documental procedures are guide line for serving marine transport works. The procedures also tell emergency operation procedures, connecting with company procedure, index to occupational proce

    25、dure, and so on.31、If the master were not on board, who would assume his responsibilities?According to SMS and common practice, senior deck officer (chief mate) will take over the responsibilities.32、How often will you contact with the company?It just depends. In general rule, master must receive as

    26、sistance and instruction from company all the time. Master is under the control of his company. On the other hand, if he contacts with company because of a little thing, the master is never-do-well as well as money lavisher.这种回答有隐蔽性,不提向船东要权,而只提一遇小事就向公司汇报会让人感到船长无能,且电传、电报花费较大,对一些视财如命的船东来说,一用钱来“威胁”,就等于

    27、要了他们的命。33、If there is a new port which you have never been to, how do you get the latest information?First ask the agent for required information or ask the harbour authority by VHF while arrival, or ask the company for help.34、What is the name of the longer bars in pilot ladder? What is the length

    28、of it?The name is spreader. The length regulated in SOLAS is 1.80m. It can prevent twisting of the ladder.引航梯横档,长度为1.80m,能防止梯子翻转。35、When will a combination ladder be arranged before embarkation of the pilot?Whenever the sea water to the point to access to the ship is more than 9 meters, pilot ladder

    29、 as well as accommodation ladder will be arranged. In addition, the pilot ladder will leave from the water about 1 meter. The pilot uses pilot ladder for at least 1.5 meters and no more than 9 meters. 36、Who will be arranged to receive pilot?According to SOLAS convention, the responsible officer of

    30、the ship will serve for the job.37、How to pay light dues, port dues, stevedore dues?In practice, ships agent will pay all of these, the master only checks and signs it. But master must check and confirm it very carefully before signature.考察船长签单子之前是否检查与核对。38、What is the relationship between Master an

    31、d Chief Engineer?Master is the leader of the ship. Chief Engineer is his subordinate. Master gives chief engineer power to manage his department.39、What should a master do before sailing?He must ascertain the ships seaworthiness in all respects, such as sufficient stores, provisions, bunkers, fresh

    32、waters, personnel, clearance from the departing port, ascertain sufficient update charts available and maritime publications, hold regular meetings for preparation, and so on.40、When will a master be on the bridge?In my opinion, 1) officer on watch calls, 2) restricted visibility occurs, 3) heavy traffic nearby, 4) berthing or unberthing, docking or undocking, anchoring, shifting ship, 5) entered hazard waters, 6) an imminent danger, 7) alternating position where unskilled duty officer handles, and so on.41、Ho


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