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    英语人教版四年级下册read and write.docx

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    英语人教版四年级下册read and write.docx

    1、英语人教版四年级下册read and writeWeather教学设计执 教: 赵紫娇 学 科: 英 语 年 级: 四年级下册 教材版本: 人教PEP 单 位:西安市雁塔区田家湾小学一、教学目标: 本课选自人教版PEP教材四年级下册第三单元Read and write 。本单元学习的主题是天气。英语课程标准指出:激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生树立自信心,养成良好的学习习惯和形成有效的学习策略,发展学生自主学习的能力和合作精神是小学英语教学的基本任务。在认真分析教材的基础上,我针对学生实际,将本课时的教学目标确定如下:1. 语言技能目标: (1) 能够熟练听、说、认、读本单元关于天气的重点

    2、词汇; (2) 能在图片的帮助下读懂明信片中的小短文,能够按照意群和正确的语音、语调朗读短文,并且回答文章问题; (3) 能够在有意义的语境中抄写单元的核心句型并能够根据实际仿写核心句型。2. 语言知识目标:(1) 在具体语境中了解一般疑问句及其肯定和否定的回答形式;T(2) 能够围绕天气话题展开讨论,综合运用本单元核心句型;(3) 强调英文书写的规以及标点符号的书写;(4) 能在实际情景中恰当运用单元核心句型完成拓展。3. 情感态度目标:(1) 了解世界各地天气差异和谈论天气所具有的寒暄功能;(2) 关心日常天气变换,能够对气候特点和天气情况进行描述并能及时提醒家人、朋友根据天气变化更换衣服

    3、;(3)通过明信片等形式多沟通朋友和家人之间的感情。4. 学习策略目标: (1) 积极运用所学进行表述和交流,和伙伴分享学习成果。 (2) 积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。5. 文化意识目标: (1)简单了解世界不同城市的不同天气情况; (2)简单了解明信片的用途和功能。二、教学重点、难点: 1. 重点:(1)巩固和复习本单元重点词汇和句型;(2)在图片的辅助下理解短文内容;(3)按照书写规则完成单元重点单词和核心句型的书写。2. 难点: (1)综合运用本单元的核心句型完成拓展任务; (2)在有意义的语境中仿写本单元核心句型。三、教学过程Step1. Warm-up and revision

    4、1. Greeting and free talk.T:Good morning, everyone.Ss: Good morning, Miss Zhao.T:Nice to meet you.Ss: Nice to meet you, too.2.Lets chant.Step2. PresentationPre-reading1. T: Lets enjoy the beautiful cities.(Show the pictures of the different cities.)T: Im in _. Its _.Students answer the questions acc

    5、ording to the pictures.2. Let students know the difference between the letter and the post card.When you want to write a postcard, remember to write the code, the address, the words you want to say and dont forget to stick the stamp. While-reading1. Reading for skimming.1)T: Please look at the postc

    6、ard. Tell me where is Johns dad?S: Hes in Sydney.T: Lets listen to the tape and check the answer. So hes in Sydney.2)T: Please read the beginning and the ending. Can you tell me this card is from who to who?S: The card is from dad to John.3)T: Please read the post card and answer the questions below

    7、.Q:1)What is the weather like in Sydney?2)Is the water cold in Sydney?2.Reading for scanningQ1: What can he do ?Q2:Can Johns dad swim outside?Ask the Ss to read the postcard.T: Dad is in _.Its _.He can _ outside.It is _.3. T: Now lets follow the tape and read the sentences one by one. Please complet

    8、e this form.WhoWhere Whats the weather?What can do?How does feel?DadSydneyhot and sunnyswimgreatT: We know something about dad. And dad wants to know something about John. And he asks. ( Is it cool and windy in Beijing? Can you fly your kite?)Now lets watch a video.( Hi, Im in Beijing.Its windy and

    9、warm here.I can run outside.I can fly a kite, too.Im happy in Beijing.)We can get some information from the video.T: Can you tell me where is John?S: Hes in Beijing.T: And whats the weather like in Beijing?S: Its windy and warm.T:What can he do? S: He can run.T: And he can?S: Fly a kite.T: How does

    10、he feel?S: He is happy.T: Can you say something about John?WhoWhereWhats the weather?What can do?How does feel?JohnBeijingwindy and warmrun fly a kitehappyJohn is in Beijing.Its windy and warm .He can run outside.He can fly a kite , too.It is happy . T: John wants to send a postcard to his dad. Can

    11、you help John to finish the postcard? Now you can practice by yourselves.Hi, dad! Im very happy in Beijing. Its windy and warm here. I can run outside. I can fly a kite, too. Love, JohnT: Ive got a drift bottle. Now lets open it and see whats in the drift bottle. Oh, its a card. Now lets try to read

    12、 it, ok?T: This is a postcard from Tom. Where is Tom from?S: Tom is from New York.T: Yes, he is from New York. He has two questions.Q1: Is it sunny here ?T: Please look at the blackboard. Lets write it together. Dont forget the question mark. So can you tell Tom is it sunny today?S: Yes, it is./ No,

    13、 it isnt.T: Dont forget the full stop and the comma.When you write the sentence, pay attention to the interpunctions.Post-reading1. T: Boys and girls, I think the drift bottle is very interesting. I want to make a drift bottle of own.T: Do you want to make a drift bottle of your own? Now these words

    14、 may help you.2. Let students show their own post card to the classmates.Step3. Summary and homework1.We need to plant more trees.2. Homework:a. Read after the tape on page 29. b. Copy the sentences. c. Exchange your drift bottle with your friend.四、板书设计五、教学反思本节课是人教PEP版教材四年级下册Unit 3 read and write。本单

    15、元学习的主题是天气,这是一节阅读写作训练课。在授课时,首先我通过图片让学生感知部分内容,通过pre-reading,while-reading ,post-reading这三个阅读步骤主次进行教学。为了帮助学生突破本课的难点,重点,根据小学生特有的特点,在上课的过程中采取了情境教学法,以活动、合作为主线,让学生在教师的指导下,通过感知、体验、实践、参与和合作,游戏感悟等多种方法并用的方式组织教学。在任务设置的时候,我设置学习有效任务帮助学生进行学习。Reading for listening, reading for writing , reading for speaking, 学生在学习文章的过程中,听、说、读、写四个方面均进行了操练。课堂任务的布置和小组活动的设计是本课的亮点,孩子们在小组活动中积极参与其中。在小组合作中进行了听说读写的综合性的学习。整节课注重发挥了学生的主体性,提高了教学效率。当然不足之处还有很多。课堂应该更好的发挥学生主体作用,让学生真正做到学习的主人,一节好课,必须重点、难点突出,在以后的上课过程中,要做好充分的准备,对整节课所有可能会出现的问题进行提前预设,避免出现突发状况,便于更好的对课进行调控。每次讲课,及时总结,对自己来说都是一种进步,相信通过不断的积累,我会从中学到很多。


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