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    1、英语十大魔鬼动词资料英语十大魔鬼动词英语十大魔鬼动词动词(或谓语结构)是句子的灵魂。无论是对话还是段落,对句意的把握很大程度上依赖对句中谓语结构的理解。TOEFL听力对动词的妙用已达到出神入化的地步。看似简单、幼稚的小词只要搭配不同,其含义便有天壤之别。正是这种动词的多变性,给我们的解题带来了巨大干扰,因而掌握和突破这些动词显得犹为重要。1. Catchcatch a cold 感冒;受凉catch fire 着火;变得流行,火起来catch hold of 抓住catch on 流行;领会catch on to 理解catch ones breath喘气;休息catch ones eye /

    2、attention 引人注目/引起注意catch sight of 看见catch up with 赶上2. Comecome along 过来;进展,发展come along with 随同come across 偶尔遇见,偶尔发现come at 袭击;拜见come by 从旁走过come around 到来/苏醒,恢复/改变看法或立场come around / round to 赞成;同意come back 回来/想起,记起 come by获得,得到;拜访,串门come between 离间,使分开,使产生隔阂come down with 因而病倒;患病come down 流传come t

    3、o the point 抓住要点come into contact with 与接触come in for 遭到,受到(责备等):The reporters work came in for e on 发生,赶快 come off 发生,举行 come off it 别傻了,别闹笑话了,别出洋相了come out 发行;被告知;结果是;公开宣称come into operation 启用come to a standstill 停止come to a stop 停止;到站come to an end 结束come to light 真相大白;显露come true 梦想成真 come thro

    4、ugh 按要求(或期望)做:I asked for their help, and they came through.我向他们求助,他们就帮了我。come up to达到;符合;不辜负(live up to)come up with 提出;赶上 come upon 偶然发现(或遇见)come a long way 取得进展;明显提高come all the way 远道而来;大老远跑来come in handy 迟早有用come into being 诞生,形成come out of 从(某场所)出来;出自come to ones mind 想起come to think of it 回头想

    5、起come to an agreement 达成协议come what may 无论如何3. Dodo a favor 帮忙do good to 有益于do harm to 有害于do damage 使受到损失 do (one) in 使精疲力竭;杀死do (one) out of 骗取:His partners did him out of his fair share of the money.他的生意伙伴把他该得的那笔钱骗走了。do away with 废除;去掉 do (ones) own thing 做自己最喜欢(最擅长的事)的事do or die 需要拼命,需要全力以赴do ove

    6、r 重做,返工;重新装饰(或装修)do ones best 竭尽全力do with 与有关;使用;(通常与could 连用)需要,想要 do well by 和交往时举止得体:The children have done well by their aged parents.和上了年纪的父母在一起时,孩子们表现很好。do without 将就;没也行do dishes 洗碗do the windows 擦窗do the kitchen 收拾厨房do the beds 收拾床铺do ones teeth 刷牙do ones face 抹粉do ones hair 做头发do ones tie 打

    7、领带do an article 写文章do a film 拍电影do the laundry 洗衣服do the washing 洗衣服do a story 报道do errands 差使;杂事 errand er?nd 差事:Our neighbor asked me to run an errand to the store downtown. 我们的邻居让我去市中心的商店跑一趟。do justice to 公平地评价/对待4. Getget across 穿过;清楚表达;使理解get accustomed to = get used to 习惯于get along 进展;相处;度日get

    8、 at 暗示;够得着,触及;get away with 逃脱get bored doing 厌倦做某事 get by (勉强)对付过去,(勉强)过活;溜走;勉强过得去get down to 开始处理;开始认真对待 get down 使难过get hurt 受伤get ones hopes up 使某人产生希望get even with 扯平get going 开始get hold of 掌握;了解get in the way 挡道 get in 进入,被允许进入;到达get in touch with 与建立联系get somewhere/nowhere 有(无)进展get off the g

    9、round 有所进展;突破 get off 被允许离开;逃脱惩罚,逃避义务;get on ones nerves 使心烦 get on 和睦相处;变老;继续,继续进行,进步;get over 恢复;克服 get over with 熬过,做完,结束(不快之事)get rid of 摆脱 get out 离开,逃走;泄露;生产,出版;get it 明白;受惩罚,受责备get around to doing 抽时间做某事;接着做,回到(某事) get around 回避,规避;往来各处,各处旅行;广为人知,传播get straight As (成绩)得全Aget through 通过,完成;取得联

    10、系get together 集合;聚集;整理get to the bottom of sth. 弄清真相get a bite to eat 随便吃点东西get along without 可以没有;可以不需要 get along1.与和睦相处2.设法过得去3.离开get away from 逃离;远离; get away with a crime犯罪却逍遥法外 get away 离开;逃走;get back to sb. on sth. 回头再说;稍后再谈 get back at 报复 get behind 支持 get behind on or with 拖延,拖欠get cut off(电

    11、话)被切断get in great shape 把身体锻炼得很棒get in the line 站在队中get into shape 锻炼get off on the wrong foot 一开头就很不顺利get sth. on ones mind 烦恼;担心get time off from 从中抽出时间get to a phone 找得着电话get/be ready for 准备好get updates 保持联系 get ahead 取得进步;获得成功5. Gogo about 流传;开始做(复杂的事);继续go after 追求;追逐go along 配合:she decided to

    12、go along with their plans for the surprise party.go around 足够供应,谣言流传;四处走动go beyond 超出;胜过 go back on 违背(诺言等)go by 凭判断;顺便拜访go down 下降;下跌;消肿;被记住(铭记)go Dutch 各付个的;AA制go in (into) 详细调查;从事go in for 赞成;参加(考试);热衷于go off 消失;变质;爆炸,发出响声 go off on me 对我发脾气go on with = go ahead 继续go out 出去;泄密;过时;停止运转,熄灭;约会go out

    13、 of ones way to do sth.不辞辛苦做.go over 参观;复习;仔细检查;被接受(得到赞许);go through 通过;经历;完成go through with 把进行到底,完成,实现go steady (和某人)正式确定恋爱关系go up 上升;增长;上涨 go under 倒闭,失败,垮掉go all out 全力以赴;竭尽全力go out of business 歇业;停业 go without saying 不用说,不言而喻 on the go 忙个不停的go through a lot of money 花了很多钱6. Keepkeep an eye on s

    14、th. 照看;密切注视keep in mind 记住keep in touch with 与保持联系keep pace with 与同步前进keep off 避开 keep back 隐瞒(信息),拒不告诉;保留,储存for keeps 永久地keep on (doing) 继续(做某事)keep ones finger crossed 祝好运 keep (ones) eyes open or peeled 密切注视keep (ones) head above water (通过持续努力)生存,继续;勉强对付keep track of 追踪;知道;理解keep (ones) sanity 保持

    15、镇静keep up with 跟上;继续keep up ones spirits 振作精神keep cool 保持冷静keep count on 保持联系keep sth. in mind 把记在心上keep sb. from doing sth 阻止某人做某事keep(sth.)to oneself 不与人交往;保守某事keep ones opinion / idea to oneself 不把想法告诉别人7. Makemake a fuss 大惊小怪;小题大做make advances 取得进展 make war 发动战争make an effort 努力make a night of i

    16、t 痛快的玩一晚make a day of it 做了一整天make a living 谋生make a comeback 东山再起make a face 扮鬼脸 make away with 拿走,偷走make a point of 坚持要 make believe 假装,假扮make certain 肯定;确认make do 凑合,将就make ends meet 收支平衡make friends 交朋友 make for 有利于,有助于make it 成功 make light of 认为不重要 make much of 重视make the deadline 赶上最后期限make a

    17、fortune = make big bucks 挣大钱make no difference 毫无区别make a difference 有影响,有关系make out 辨认出;理解;填写make off with (迅速)拿走,偷走 make over 翻新,重做make room for 给腾地方make sense 有意义make sure 确保make the best of 最充分利用;积极对待(坏局面)make the most of 尽量利用make up (for)弥补;赔偿;补考;化装;组成make up ones mind 下决心make purchase 买东西;购物ma

    18、ke the wrong turn 拐错了弯8. Putput an end to = put a stop to 终止put aside 撇开 put across 沟通,交流,被理解put away 把放回原处;收起来 put by 留存,积蓄put down 把记下来;镇压;贬低,看不起;put forward 提出put off 延期put into practice 实践put on 穿上;上演put sth. in order 把弄整齐put to use 使用put up举起;安顿;参与;建立put up with 容忍;忍受 put up to (doing)怂恿,唆使put

    19、out 熄灭;解雇;给添麻烦,冒犯put out with 对某人生气put out by 由于某事而生气put through to 电话接通 put over on 欺骗,愚弄9. Taketake action 采取行动take advantage of 利用take after 仿效;(相貌、脾气或性格)与相似,像take care of 照顾take effect 生效 take(sb.)for a ride 欺骗,蒙骗(某人)take charge of 负责;管理take in 接待;减小,改小;理解,明白;欺骗take into account = take account o

    20、f 把考虑进去take into consideration 考虑到take it easy 不要紧张;慢慢来take it for granted 把当成理所当然take measures = take steps 采取措施;步骤take off 起飞take ones time doing sth.从容不迫做某事take over 接管;接收 have what it takes 有能力,能够take part in 参加 take potshots at 拐弯抹角地批评,指桑骂槐take place 代替;发生,出现take out sth. on sb. 向某人出气take turns

    21、 轮流take up占有;着手take a break 休息,放松take a close look 仔细看一看take ones words for something 信任的话take sb.s order 接受某人点菜take up a collection for 为征款;募捐10. Turnturn around 转身 at every turn 到处,时时 in turn 轮流地(反义)out of turnturn down 关小;拒绝turn in = hand in上交turn into 把变成turn off 关闭turn away 把(某人)打发走 turn blue/g

    22、reen 冻得青紫/羡慕,嫉妒turn on 打开turn over 移交;再三考虑;翻转 turn over a new leaf 改变,(尤指)改过自新turn to 翻到;转向;求助于 turn(ones) stomach 使恶心;使作呕turn up 突然发现;找到;出现 turn up (ones) nose 拒绝turn out 结果是;培养;生产;打扮十大动词精讲-givegivegive vt., vi.gave, given, giving给,交给 Can you give me a job?你能给我工作吗?赠送,送给 The supermarket is giving aw

    23、ay a box of sugar to everyone who comes today.超级市场正在向今天来的每位顾客赠送一盒糖。付给 She gave him a pound for his help. 他付给他一英镑作为帮忙的酬金。引起;招惹 The news gave us a shock.这消息使我们感到震惊。生产;供给 Cows give milk.母牛产牛奶。允许;使有 Give me a chance to try the job.给我一个机会来试一试这个工作。Give me a broad idea of your new strategy.请给我概述一下你的新计划。传染;

    24、引起 Cows can give sickness to human beings.牛能把疾病传染给人类。献身于,献给发表;宣布;声明 to give news报导新闻显示;出示;举出 That clock gives the right time. 那钟显示准确的时间。演出,上演;开(会) give a concert开音乐会承认(事实) Its too late now. I give you that. 我承认现在是太晚了。允许别人接触(身体的一部分) She gave him her hand to shake. 她让他握手。发出;举出;做出(某种动作) give an order下命

    25、令使相信 I was given to understand that he was ill.我得到的印象是他病了。(因压力而)弯曲,拉长 The leather will give with wearing.皮子穿过后会拉长。The branch he was sitting on began to give.他坐的那根树枝开始弯了。【习惯用语】give it to sb. straight痛骂某人;责备某人give (sb.) what for痛骂某人;痛打某人give way (to)屈服;让步;坍塌;破裂; 重要性下降;被取代The second floor gave way unde

    26、r the weight of the machines.三楼地板在机器的重压下坍了下去。Steam trains gave way to electric trains.蒸汽火车被电气火车取代了。What gives?(表示惊讶)发生了什么事?【词性变化】give n. 弹力,弹性;可弯性a springboard with a lot of give 弹性足的跳水板【常用词组】give off发出,放出(蒸汽、气味等)give onto面临;朝向 The door gives onto the garden. 门开向花园。 (= give on)give out分发 to give out

    27、 pamphlets分发小册子Give the money out to the children.把钱分给孩子们。用完,用尽 Our food supply at last give out.我们的食物终于用完了。His strength gave out.他已精疲力竭。 (= run out)停止,不动 The engine gave out.发动机停止了。公布,宣布;发表 It was given out that he was dead.他的死讯已经公布。发出(声音) The radio is giving out a signal.这收音机发出了一种信号。give over停止(做)

    28、;放弃 I hope the rain will soon give over. 我希望雨不久即停。Give over that crying!别再叫喊啦!交给,交付,交出We gave him over to the police.我们把他交给了警方。give over to(时间、地点) 专用于; 致力于;献身于;埋头于to give oneself over to ones work致力于工作 (= give up to)give up on不抱希望近义词: allot award bend bestow contribute deal out deliver donatefurnish

    29、 grant hand over offer present provide supply yield反义词: take魔鬼词典: give birt. give up v. 上三个词 giucuronic acid lactone giumarrite giurgiu下三个词give a bad account of oneself give a ball give a black eye to十大动词精讲-turn十大动词精讲-turnvt., vi. 旋转,转动Turn the desk end for end.把办公桌转个向。Turn the lid clockwise if you

    30、want to fasten it tightly如果你想把盖子旋紧,就按顺时针方向拧。The wheels were turning.轮子在转动。使改变方向She turned left at the end of the road.她在路的尽头向左拐。Oil the trolley, and then it will turn more freely.给手推车加点油,这样它就能自由运转了。Nobody can turn back the wheel of history.任何人都无法使历史车轮倒转。He was turning the pages of the book.他在翻这本书。对准;指向;使变成to turn red变红She turned her house into a shop. 她把房子改成了商店。We


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