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    1、中英文文献翻译基于CATIA的汽车改装式升降台数字样机建模及应用研究附 录附录AModified Car Lifting Platform Based on CATIA Modeling and Application of Digital PrototypingDescribes the use of CATIA V5 mechanical parts i and zero-dimensional modeling, virtual assembly of the basic process components and steps, and worm assembly, for examp

    2、le in detail. The effect of improving the mechanical design to improve design efficiency and shorten the design cycle time, has some practical significance 1 Overview CATIA software from IBM and Dassault company to launch high-end CAD / CAM software, has become the international aviation industry pr

    3、eferred design software. With its strong surface design features in the machinery, aircraft, automobile, shipbuilding and other widely used design, CATIA surface modeling capabilities is reflected in the features and advantages it provides a very rich modeling tools to support the user modeling need

    4、s. As its unique high-order Bezier curve and surface features, the number can reach 15, can well meet specific industry demanding requirements of surface smoothness. Application CATlA constructed solid model can be directly applied to other analysis software ANSYS finite element analysis CATIA softw

    5、are with three-dimensional CAD software and other standard data interface for easy data conversion model. CATIA V5 is based on the Windows platform, and to fully parametric feature modeling technology as the core feature-based modeling software, which is consistent with the Windows-style menu bar, s

    6、tandard shortcuts, contextual menus, multi-document interface, you can make the difference Windows applications to share data, OLE integration, so work quickly and efficiently, can significantly reduce training time. CATIA parts assembly is basic, but also the most advantages and features function m

    7、odules, including the creation of an assembly, add the specified components or parts to the assembly, the assembly relationship between components to create, move and layout of the assembly members, generated an explosion of products diagram, assembly interference and gap analysis and other major fe

    8、atures?. 2 three-dimensional modeling based on CATIA and assembly 2.1 Design sketches Sketch design is the starting point of three-dimensional design, and its essence is a two-dimensional line, surface design, software design with a traditional two-dimensional functions. Parametric design of the bas

    9、ic approach is to start from scratch design, size and geometric constraints imposed by creating a sketch feature, then apply the size-driven technology to automatically generate parts of the three-dimensional solid model, in the use of technology to generate two-dimensional contour sketches do not h

    10、ave to outline the exact size of the input , the parameters in the future to get the design process. Thus, during the product design, you can always adjust the design size, without a clear early in the design of the design size, enhance the ease of CAD software, to better achieve a user-friendly des

    11、ign, but also for the design of series improvement of products and original products and parts borrowed are convenient. 2.2 to generate three-dimensional part blank CATIA has a strong three-dimensional solid modeling functionality, the user plane in the sketch, after drawing two-dimensional graphics

    12、, into the part design (Part Design) modules, you can rotate, stretch, lofting, stiffened, and other methods to generate the draft three-dimensional parts to be rough. Constraints can also use parameterized functions to be modified according to need. Designers can change for the body part blank to a

    13、chieve the design process by drawing to design changes, and CATIA V5 provides three-dimensional model of the specific features make the design more similar to the production process, better to achieve a combination of design and processing. 2.3 complete the three-dimensional modeling CATIA V5 provid

    14、es feature-based design, will feature as a design element, the characteristics of the product as a combination, through the object from the class to be achieved step by step description of the specific shape of the design. After generating the rough three-dimensional parts can be used to drilling, s

    15、lotting, shells, chamfer, plus convex sets, such as T with internal and external threads on the rough to processing, the final completion of mechanical parts solid modeling. 2.4 complete the virtual assembly Virtual assembly is using virtual assembly technology, three-dimensional computer model will

    16、 be assembled together, it can avoid the application of physical prototypes, but also for parts for clearance and interference testing, reduce the sample error rate. In the product design process can use various techniques such as analysis, evaluation, simulation, and give full consideration to the

    17、assembly areas and related products during the various possible factors. Product performance and functionality to meet the conditions to improve the product assembly structure, the design of the product not only assembly, and minimize assembly cost and total product costs, shorten design cycles. CAT

    18、IA-based virtual assembly model has parallel, bottom-up and top-down approach to product development, this article focuses on bottom-up design. Construct the first module in the parts of parts of the three-dimensional model, then components in the assembly module to create constraints between the po

    19、sition, orientation relationships, about the relationship between parts to quantify the actual with the virtual assembly process between the various components entities location constraint relationship. In this way, parts of the geometry is being used in the assembly process, and not simply be copie

    20、d to the assembly, to truly realize the part of the virtual assembly. CATIA assembly workbench provides a flexible and intuitive tool to determine the relationship between parts. Workbench allows users to assemble the component parts and various sub-assemblies combined together to form the final ass

    21、embly in the assembly environment, according to the defined constraints, parts can be modified, analysis, and relocation HJ. CATIA features with a single database, regardless of how editors edit parts and components where the whole assembly of parts to maintain the consistency of association, if you

    22、 modify the components, assemblies that reference it automatically updated, real-time components reflect the latest change. Virtual assembly steps: the assembly provided in CArllA bench, leaders need to assemble the parts and components (CATIA provides the main method of inserting parts into parts,

    23、into the products, parts and insert new components into existing, etc.) . Then, the constraints on the components and the establishment of appropriate assembly relationship, according to the requirements of the different parts of the assembly, use a different constraint relations, and finally get a

    24、complete assembly model. And Pro / E compared to the assembly process using CATIA has automatically created two parts to be assembled their design basis points of overlap between components to facilitate the designer a clear design basis between the assembly and parts between the base difference. 3

    25、Design Example The worm drive, for example, the use of CATIA modeling and assembly process and methods described. 3.1 to create three-dimensional model worm Analysis of the structure of the worm part, clearly the main features of the structure to determine the modeling steps. By rotating the worm bo

    26、dy, composed of the alveolar and keyway parts, the basic characteristics of a rotating body. 3.1.1 Create three-dimensional model of the worm part (1) in draft mode to draw shapes according to the rough shape of the worm rough sketches, the establishment of size constraints, such as size changes, ch

    27、amfer, etc. (of course, also in the formation of rough chamfer after the entity). (2) In the design mode, the use of rotating parts (Shaft) tool to generate worm blank. (3) According to the worms parameters, to calculate the alveolar pitch worm and the worm screw according to the mode of curves and

    28、surfaces generated a worm wrapped around the spiral, as the slot scanning wire. (4) Since the end of cylindrical worm Archimedes Archimedes spiral, oblique axial plane to a straight line , so the worm shaft can choose almost plane, in draft mode, draw a trapezoid (must be a closed curve), its distan

    29、ce from the axis of the bottom margin is just the worm tooth root radius, both sides of the edge and face angle of 20. (Note: The pitch at both sides of the edge distance should be the pitch circle space width). (5) in the part design mode using the narrow slot (Slot) tool to generate an alveolar; u

    30、se the whole array of tools to worm out of the alveolar process. (6) in draft mode to draw shapes keyway, the use of stretch cutting (Pocket) tool to generate key slot, to complete the three-dimensional construction of the worm Mode. 3.1.2 create three-dimensional model worm parts Analysis of worm p

    31、arts of the structure, clearly a major component characteristics to determine the modeling steps. As the worm gear and ring gear teeth by the core 2 parts, so the ring gear and the tooth should be separated from the core model, and then assembled. Parts using CATIA modeling platform provided by the

    32、ring gear and the worm were generated tooth core. 3.2 parts of the assembly 3.2.1 Import Parts Assembly in CATIA provides the product structure workbench tool bar, use of existing parts into the function of the prior conductivity has been designed worm and worm parts.3.2.2 the establishment of bindi

    33、ng As part of the import process CAITA has established a worm in the worm and the axial profile width of 1 / 2 of the face overlap constraint relations, has pledged its profile in the worm drive of the main (center section) on the alignment, in The only other two to determine the direction of the constrain


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