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    英语专业毕业论文 基于美学翻译理论的车牌名翻译策略.docx

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    英语专业毕业论文 基于美学翻译理论的车牌名翻译策略.docx

    1、英语专业毕业论文 基于美学翻译理论的车牌名翻译策略中国网络大学Chinese Network University本科毕业设计(论文)基于美学翻译理论的车牌名翻译策略院系名称:XXXX学院专 业:英 语学生姓名:学 号:指导老师:中国网络大学教务处制2018年03月15日CONTENTSABSTRACT Iabstract II1 Introduction 12 Traditional Culture of Vehicle Brand Name 22.1 The origins of the vehicle brand names 22.1.1 Being named after people

    2、 22.1.2 Being named after animals 32.1.3 Being named after simple alphanumeric combination 32.1.4 Being named after the characters in the myths and legends 32.1.5 Being named after ordinary words 32.1.6 Being named after title, position and other identity 32.1.7 Being named after the inventing words

    3、 without specific meaning English In The Foreign Language 42.2 The Principles 42.2.1 Reflecting car commodity information 42.2.2 Lively, interesting and trigger imagine 42.2.3 Easy to be remembered 52.2.4 Paying attention to cultural differences 53 Literature Review 63.1 The combination of

    4、aesthetic and translation 63.2 The three beauties in translation: beauty in sound, form and sense 74 Method Of Study 75 Case Analyses 85.1 Beauty in sound 85.2 Beauty in form 95.3 Beauty in sense 116 Conclusion 12ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 13REFERENCES 14摘 要从百万富翁到平民百姓,都可以拥有一款适合自己的汽车。汽车市场销售的繁荣同时也引发了激烈的竞争。市场上汽车



    7、行业的发展以及好的汽车译名对人们接受程度和销售量的影响。第二部分对汽车名的来源和翻译的原则进行阐述。第三部分对美学翻译理论进行了系统的阐述。第四部分对研究的方法进行了描述。第五部分选取一些代表性的汽车品牌的中英名称,并在关联理论的框架下对所选择的译名进行了深入系统的分析。论文在美学翻译的视角下,对汽车品牌名称进行了详尽的分析和论述,由此得出美学翻译理论对汽车名的翻译具有很好的适用性。关键词:汽车名翻译;翻译美学;音美;形美;意美abstractFrom millionaires to civilians, they can have a suitable car for their own.

    8、At the same time, the prosperity of auto sales also led to a fierce competition. There are many auto brands in the market, the question is how to attract the attention of consumers, and make their products become the first choice of consumers? Name is the first thing to be understood by people when

    9、they meet with new things, no exception for cars. The sales of foreign cars in the domestic market and the domestic auto in foreign market are expanding. China, overtaking the United States and Japan, has become the worlds biggest car producer and consumer markets. However, Chinas auto market is sti

    10、ll dominated by foreign car brands. Especially, after China gained the accession to the WTO, the opening policy gives a chance for foreign automobile brand to penetrate into Chinese market.If companies want to penetrate into foreign markets, they should first translated trademark into the local lang

    11、uage, and ensure that the translated brand names not only using the accurate language, but also according with local cultural background, the market form without contracting to local law Successful translation of automobile trademark names can not only transfer product information and the enterprise

    12、 culture, but also let a person never forget it and stimulate consumption desire.The rise of the automobile industry and prosperity makes the translation of automobile brand name become necessary, because the car names can attract consumers attention, promote the purchase desire, make a car company

    13、products stand out in the fierce market competition.Translation aesthetics play an important role in car name translation for its function of theoretical guidance. The car trademark name translation gains more and more attention from researchers. However, the research perspectives are mainly focused

    14、 on the Skopos theory, cultural perspectives, equivalent principle, and language adaptation, etc.The author thinks that the translation of car brand names is not only a conversion between source language and target language information, but also the awareness and appreciation of beauty of aesthetic

    15、subject and representation and creation of beauty. (刘宓庆,2005)Under the guidance of translation aesthetics, good names which can deliver auto enterprise culture, concept and brand image better will be translated.In this paper, some vehicle brands are chose to discuss. This paper is divided into six p

    16、arts. First, it briefly introduces the development of auto industry and the impact of good translated names on peoples acceptance and sale. Second, the origins and translating principles of vehicle names will be shown. Third, aesthetics translation theory is elaborated in this part. Fourth, research

    17、 methods are described. Fifth, under the guidance of aesthetics translation theory, we select some representative car brands name to make a systematic analysis. Sixth, the conclusion is ,under the perspective of translation aesthetics we have carried on a detailed analysis and discuss for brand name

    18、s, we know that its suitable for car name translation using aesthetic translation theory.KEYWORDS: car name translation, aesthetics translation theory, beauty in sound, beauty in form, beauty in senseSTRATEGIES OF TRANSLATING VEHICLE BRAND NAMES BASED ON AESTHETICTRANSLATION THEORY English Major, 20

    19、1112321131, Zhou WanmeiSupervisor: Zhang Xiaobo1 IntroductionBecause of reform and opening policy, the economy of China and peoples living standards has a rapid development. Car can be owned by most of people. The growth of consumer demand and car production leads to a huge amount of ads for cars tr

    20、ansferred by newspapers, magazines, radio, television, Internet and other mass media. So a good translated name which conforms to language habit of consumer and cultural custom is very important to automobile marketing process. China, overtaking the United States and Japan, has become the worlds big

    21、gest car producer and consumer markets. However, Chinas auto market is still dominated by foreign car brands. Especially, after China gained the accession to the WTO, the opening policy gives a chance for foreign automobile brand to penetrate into Chinese market. They meet the demand of Chinese peop

    22、le by localization strategies. Such localization strategies include quality and styling as well as the localization of brand names. The most important thing of localization of brand names is to meet the demand of Chinese people.Trademark, as a marketing tool, has received an unprecedented attention.

    23、Trademark is not only just a step to register manufacturer, but also the catalyst to win the market.(Hankinson and Cowking, 1993:4) Brand name is the core of the uniqueness and individuality of product.In todays competitive market,its very important to create and maintain product image with an easy

    24、remembering brand. Before buying a product, consumers will usually distinguish products according to brand name and first impression of the products. Take the car brand names as an example, for example, Guangzhou XinHuaxin market research and consulting co., LTD., served as the investigation of the

    25、automobile brand and sales relationship, the results show that more than 80% of the readers think car brand names to a large extent influence the car sales, and more than half of the readers wont buy a car with a flat name.The name of the car not only represents the model, but also the comprehensive

    26、 reflection of performance, quality, credibility and image.So naming a car with a good brand name is a crucial step.With the development of the global auto industry, as a representative of the business concept, car trademark name not only represent goods, but also provide business opportunities for

    27、commodity producers.In the 21st century, with the rapid development of our economy and the improvement of peoples living standards, private cars have become affordable goods for general public. The sales of foreign cars in the domestic market and the domestic auto in foreign market are expanding.As

    28、the saying goes, The tailor makes the man. In fact, the brand as the clothes of product, while the translation is the second clothes. The good or bad of the clothes is directly related to the sale of the products in foreign markets. Aesthetics translation theory played an important role in translati

    29、ng car brand names.Under the guidance of this theory,this paper analyzes the origins, characteristics, and the names of the cars through a detailed analysis.Three strategies, respectively,beauty in sound, form and sense are used as guidance of this paper.2 Traditional Culture of VehicleBrand NameTo

    30、do car brand name translation we should know the origins of the vehicle brand names and the principle when translating it, it can help us to make a proper translation for car name under the premise of understanding the local culture, and then combining with its own culture. 2.1 The origins of the ve

    31、hicle brand namesAutomobile brand names are differentall over the world. Some come from normal words,producing a new specific meaning. Others come from proper nouns such as names and place names, etc.;Others can describe automobile performance;And other integrate of Chinese elements with deep cultur

    32、al connotation.In this paper, based on the collected automobile brand names, we summarize seven methods to name automobile brand.2.1.1 Being named after peopleEuropean and American automobile brands have a long history. Whats more, the western countries favorite individual ability and value.In order to promote self-respect, many foreign brands are being named after people.Rolls-Royce (Rolls-Royce) is a famous luxury car maker and one of the worlds largest producers of Aeroengine.The company is cooperated by Charles Ste


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