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    1、五年级上册英语练习题90527五年级上册英语练习题90527Name_一写出下列单词所缺字母。1._ _ _ 大的 2. _ _ all 小的或者_ _t t l e 小的 3. _ o u _ _ 圆的4. _ i r _ y 脏的 5. _ _ e a _ 干净的 6. _ _ _ _ 长的 7. _ h o r_ 短的二回答问题。 1.Is it a long jump rope? 2.Is it a dirty ball?_ _3.Can you hit a ball 4.What can you do_ _Name_一写出下列单词所缺字母。1._ _ _ 大的 2. _ _ all

    2、小的或者_ _t t l e 小的 3. _ o u _ _ 圆的4. _ i r _ y 脏的 5. _ _ e a _ 干净的 6. _ _ _ _ 长的 7. _ h o r_ 短的二回答问题。 1.Is it a long jump rope 2.Is it a dirty ball?_ _3.Can you hit a ball 4.What can you do_ _新概念5165课测试题A完成下列单词、短语 1.片刻(m ) 2.保持(r ) 3.温和的(m )4.三月(M ) 5.话题(s ) 6.零钱(c )7.东方(e ) 8.夏天(s ) 9.打破(b )10.起床( g

    3、 ) 11.牙医(d )12.在中午(a ) 13.发烧(h )14.信纸 (w ) 15.售货员(s )B 写出下列单词的正确形式 1.drink三单( ) 2.Chinese国名( )3.my反身代词( ) 4.France国籍()5.we反身代词( ) 6.watch三单( )7. make现在分词( ) 8. swim现在分词( ) 9. 11:15 () 10. 9:30()C选择 1. This is Ben. Hes_. He speaks_.English/England England/English England/England English/English2. Dav

    4、id_any classes on Sundays.dont have hasnt doesnt has havent3.My family are going to spend _a week in_country. / / for the / the / a4.-What _is it today-Its Wednesday date day time weather5.I like fish, _my brother doesnt like it. so or for but6.Whats the matter _Tim? about of to with7. This is key _

    5、my room. on of to for8. He has an earache. He must _ a doctor. visit watch take see9.Dont lean _ the window , boys! at out of out of10. He_ ill. He _ a headache. feel/have feels/has feels/have feel/has11.Lily has 4 lessons _ the morning and 3 _ the afternoon.in/on in/atin/in on/on12. It is often wet

    6、 and _warm in the South. sometimes some time some times sometime13. This is my handbag, and that is _. he him his himselfD 改错 201.We always enjoy myself.2.Father is sleeping. Dont make noise.3.He usually watches TV at the night.4.The children are go to school by bike.5.Dont drive so quick.6.I want t

    7、o buy a large box of chalks.7.Where are you come from?8.Its often rain in spring.9.Do you have some milk 10.Im going to see him on ten oclock.E句型转换 101.The Smiths are from _England._(就划线部分提问)2._The boys_ are doing their homework now. (就划线部分提问)3.I know what time it is.(改为否定句)4.I like spring best. (就划

    8、线部分提问)5.Jimmy looks very well. (就划线部分提问)F 用所给词的适当形式填空1.Look! A little boy _ (swim) in the river.2.Her friend _ (not work) in Bejing.3.-What _ he _ (do) every evening?-He _ (watch) TV every evening.4. _ they often _ (make) cakes?5.He _ (read) the magazines in the living room now.6.John _ (not like) d

    9、rinking milk.7.It sometimes _ (rain) in spring.G 英汉互译1.你们国家的气候怎么样?2.我们总是玩的很开心。3.他们正在步行去上学。4.太阳升起的晚而落下的早。5.他怎么了?6.他必须待在床上一个星期。Name a pencil pencils Name1.Is the ruler on the chair? Where is the ruler?_ _2.Is the ball under the box(箱子) Where is the ball_ _3.Is the bicycle by the chair 4.Where is the d

    10、oll_ _1._ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 6. _7. _ 8. _ 9. _ 10. _Name1.Is the ruler on the chair? Where is the ruler?_ _2.Is the ball under the box(箱子) Where is the ball_ _3.Is the bicycle by the chair 4.Where is the doll_ _1._ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 6. _7. _ 8. _ 9. _ 10. _Name_一补全下列此组1._ _ i _ b a _ _ _ _爬树 2.

    11、_ _ _ _唱歌 3. _ _ _ ce跳舞4. _ ea_ a _ _ _ _看书 5. _ _ ay _ _ _玩捉人游戏6._ _ ase_ _ _ _ 打棒球 7. _i_ e a _ i c y c _e 骑自行车二回答问题1.Is the kite under the chair Yes,_2._ the bird in the tree No, _3.Where _ the books _ _ _in the bag.4. Are the markers by the table No, _5.Where are the pencils?(这些铅笔在这个文具盒里)_Name_一

    12、补全下列此组1._ _ i _ b a _ _ _ _爬树 2. _ _ _ _唱歌 3. _ _ _ ce跳舞4. _ ea_ a _ _ _ _看书 5. _ _ ay _ _ _玩捉人游戏6._ _ ase_ _ _ _ 打棒球 7. _i_ e a _ i c y c _e 骑自行车二回答问题1.Is the kite under the chair Yes,_2._ the bird in the tree No, _3.Where _ the books _ _ _in the bag.4. Are the markers by the table No, _5.Where are

    13、 the pencils?(这些铅笔在这个文具盒里)_Name听老师念,给下面图片排列顺序。 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _写出大小写字母a C F D p T V U iE g Z B O回答下列问题1.Is it a circle 2.What shape is it 3.Is it a star Name听老师念,给下面图片排列顺序。 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _写出大小写字母a C F D p T V U iE g Z B O J L m nS T x 回答下列问题1.Is it a circle 2.What shape is it 3.Is it a star Name_1.Is

    14、 it a long jump rope No, _.2.What is the weather like today _3.How old are you _4.Can you play baseball _5.What can your grandfather do _6.Is the book in the bag No, _7.Are the birds in the tree Yes, _8.Do you want chicken Yes, _9. Do you want ice cream No, _ What do you want _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Nam

    15、e_1.Is it a long jump rope No, _.2.What is the weather like today _3.How old are you _4.Can you play baseball _5.What can your grandfather do _6.Is the book in the bag No, _7.Are the birds in the tree Yes, _8.Do you want chicken Yes, _9. Do you want ice cream No, _ What do you want _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

    16、 _ a C F D p T V U iE g Z B O J L m nS T x Name_一连线1.ride a bicycle 看书2.play baseball 骑自行车3.climb a tree 爬树4.read a book 打棒球5.play tag 玩捉人游戏二选择填空1.-_ -It is rainy and cool today.A. How are you B. How the weather C. What is the weather like?2.-_ balls are there -There are 4 balls.A. How old B. How ar

    17、e you C. How many3.-Can he play baseball -_.A. Yes, I can B. No, he cant C. Yes, I am4.-Is the bat under the table? -_.A. Yes, it is not under the table B. No, it is not by the table C. No, it is not under the table三回答问题1.Are the rulers by the chair?Yes,_2.Can you play football?_3.What do you want?_

    18、4. Does Jackie want a hotdog?_5.What does Jackie want?_Name_一连线1.ride a bicycle 看书2.play baseball 骑自行车3.climb a tree 爬树4.read a book 打棒球5.play tag 玩捉人游戏二选择填空1.-_ -It is rainy and cool today.A. How are you B. How the weather C. What is the weather like?2.-_ balls are there -There are 4 balls.A. How o

    19、ld B. How are you C. How many3.-Can he play baseball -_.A. Yes, I can B. No, he cant C. Yes, I am4.-Is the bat under the table? -_.A. Yes, it is not under the table B. No, it is not by the table C. No, it is not under the table三回答问题1.Are the rulers by the chair?Yes,_2.Can you play football?_3.What do you want?_4. Does Jackie want a hotdog?_5.What does Jackie want?_Name_1._2. _


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