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    1、雅思口语话题素材之童年游戏雅思口语话题素材之童年游戏说起童年的游戏,大家想到的是什么?捉迷藏?丢手绢?丢沙包?怎么英语说出来呢?下面来看看小编分享的雅思口语话题素材之童年游戏。 雅思口语考试常见话题素材童年游戏常见口语话题:Talk about a game you liked to play when you were young.Your answer could be about how it was played,How it affect your growth?Where you played?and why you liked it very much.1)描述小时候的游戏2)现

    2、在和过去游戏形式有什么不同3)这种转变是好还是不好4)为什么人们没有时间娱乐或者游戏(和现在的社会发展趋势是相关的)首先普及一下词汇呢:a) Childhood games: 童年游戏b) Throwback games: 怀旧游戏1. 老鹰捉小鸡你不要觉得这个游戏非常的幼稚,哈哈哈,其实我来到美国的那阵儿,还看见过一大帮年龄20多岁的人在海滩上玩这个游戏,其实这些有些并不只属于你我哒,美国人也很是喜欢这类游戏的呢。1) 你需要的词汇普及:a) Eagle, chick and hen: 老鹰捉小鸡b) Eagle: 老鹰c) Hen:母鸡d) Chick:小鸡This is a showdo

    3、wn between the eagle and hen. 这个游戏是老鹰和母鸡间的对决。2) 组织答案When it comes to my favorite childhood game, Id like to introduce the game called “Eagle, chick and hen”.What we will need for this game is enough space for some excitable kids, like squares or the like.At the beginning of the game, the first part

    4、of the role, that is, when a hen, a person when the eagle, and the rest when the chicken. The hen will always protects her chicks from eaten by an eagle hence usually a leader will act as a chicken and others more timid will rely their trust and burden onto the leader. The attacker will act as the e

    5、agle to catch the chicks queuing behind the leader as the chicken. To win the game is when the eagle catches all chicks through grabbing behind the chicken therefore is a win-lose game whereby no time frame limitation. This is the game that cultivates our cooperation spirit when our growth.I still r

    6、emember that the game was really enjoyable and we all had fun at that moment. This game also served as a chance for me to make friends with other children and enrich my daily life even when our growth. No matter what I used to play, I should say that the childhood is one of the happiest times in my

    7、life.2. 丢手绢1) 知识普及先给大家普及游戏“丢手绢”你需要用到的词汇和表达哟:你也许知道,手绢是由handkerchief来表达,但是这个游戏的名称,哈哈哈你猜。在北美,这个游戏和手绢无关,而是“鸭子和鹅”:Duck, duck, goose小朋友围成圈,然后一个小朋友念念有词:Duck, duck, duck, 然后忽然说:goose。这个Goose小朋友就要开始跑啦。其实这个游戏的名字就叫“Flag Tag Games”.只是大家所用的是旗帜,标签,还是手绢?相似的游戏:Tag 打标签 选一个小朋友,拍一下然后说:Youre it.Musical chair 抢椅子 When t

    8、he music stops, you have to rush for the chairs. 音乐停了,就去抢椅子。2) 组织答案When it comes to my favorite childhood game, Id like to introduce the game called “Flag Tag Game”.What we will need for this game is enough space for some excitable kids, like squares or the like, as well as a handkerchief for taggin

    9、g.Before the start, prepare a handkerchief, and then we choose a hunt-the-thimble people, and the rest of the people a big circle squat. The start of the game, someone was elected as throws handkerchief of people along the circle walk. Throws handkerchief people imperceptibly to her handkerchief in

    10、one of them. Be lost a handkerchief who want to quickly find you behind the handkerchief, and then rapidly rose to chase hunt-the-thimble people, throws handkerchief of people along the circle to be run, releasing this position when the squat, if caught, then to a performance, can perform a dance, s

    11、ongs, stories . This is the game that cultivates our cooperation spirit when our growth.I still remember that the game was really enjoyable and we all had fun at that moment. This game also served as a chance for me to make friends with other children and enrich my daily life even when our growth. N

    12、o matter what I used to play, I should say that the childhood is one of the happiest times in my life.3. 捉迷藏1) 只是普及Hide and seek: 捉迷藏。要注意and的发音,一般不会清晰的发?nd而是ha?d ?n ?si?k2) 组织答案:When it comes to my favorite childhood game, Id like to introduce the game called “Hide and seek”.What we will need for th

    13、is game is enough space for some excitable kids, like squares or the like, as well as a handkerchief or the like for covering eyes for a seeker.Before the start, prepare a handkerchief, and then someone was elected as the seeker. When the game starts, the person who is seeker counts to 2030 or more,

    14、(you could decide it yourselves),at the same time the rest run to hide. After the person who is IT says “Ready or not here I come”. Then he tries to find the others. As you can probably guess, the person who is found, he or she will be the next person who is a seeker.I still remember that the game w

    15、as really enjoyable and we all had fun at that moment. This game also served as a chance for me to make friends with other children and enrich my daily life even when our growth. No matter what I used to play, I should say that the childhood is one of the happiest times in my life.我在这里只帮大家组织3个例子了,下面

    16、的游戏,给大家普及词汇知识,组织答案的时候,只要替换掉红色字体部分,那么你的答案就OK啦。尝试着自己去组织自己的口语答案,这些part2中的常见话题,还是需要大家能够提前准备口语素材。我们的儿童游戏还有:弹珠词汇要求:a) Play marbles: 打弹子b) Marble也是大理石。我们基本都在光滑的地面上进行此项游戏的吧,所以marble会是你的一个选择。另外还有marble cake: 大理石蛋糕。当时大家拓展的知识啦。跳房子词汇要求:a) Hopscotch: 跳房子b) Chalk: 粉笔挑棒棒/翻花绳a) Cradle: 摇篮b) Cats cradle: 翻花绳跳绳、踢毽子a)

    17、 Skip rope: 跳短绳b) Jump rope: 跳长绳c) Double Dutch:跳双股绳d) 毽子:Featherball或Shuttlecock不过北美并没有毽子,所以大多数人不知道这项运动。过家家a) Play house: 过家家角色扮演类的游戏,就是play + 角色b) Play ninja turtles: 演忍者神龟c) Play policemen: 扮警察d) Play bus ticket lady: 扮售票员(很多中国女孩小时候的梦想啊)四子棋Connect Four玩法和我们的五子棋很像,唯一不同的是四子连起来就赢了。另外还有一个游戏叫Tic tac t

    18、oe: 圈圈叉叉,三个连一起就赢了。大富翁Monopoly: 大富翁“大富翁”这样的桌游在美国很贵,一套要几十美金。扭扭乐Twister“扭扭乐”是美国非常流行的童年游戏,要按照指令把手脚放到指定位置。同时也是个很不错的英语学习游戏。记得溜溜球吗?Yoyo: 溜溜球Hula hoop: 呼啦圈雅思口语素材大搜集:童年之游戏看到某个英语论坛的一个问题:what are some joys that come really cheap?很多人就忍不住sense of nostalgia,回忆起童年的各种innocent games,那时候,天空是蓝蓝的,空气是香香的,世界就是我们的游乐场,万事万物

    19、都可以成为我们的玩具。似乎快乐,童年,游戏三者就是一个统一体,可as a chronic fun-spoiler, I have to say it is just a romantic version of childhood when you see it through rosy lens.排除掉从魂斗罗(contra),俄罗斯方块(brick game),超级马里奥(Mario),拳皇(king of fighters)到魔兽世界(world of warcraft),刀塔(DoTa),英雄联盟(league of legends),穿越火线(cross fire)等一干video g

    20、ames,即with limitation on TV and computer,有些什么游戏能闪回(flash back)。排名第一位的,好似是hide and seek,其次有tag(追逐游戏),还有hopscotch(跳房子),还有本人觉得很具有成就感的游戏stone skipping(打水漂)。男孩子比较多的marbles,还有女孩子比较多的rope jump.1魔幻角色扮演 magical role playMe and my sisters spent our childhood playing a game that could turn into anything from t

    21、reasure hunt, adventures in strange lands to magical wars.I thought I was a great adventurer and kept exploring this small forested place around my house seeking treasure (It looked more like a deep mysterious jungle to us). I had a goat who was a great climber. He taught me to climb the hills. I wo

    22、uld pick up weird seeds and bring them to my sisters as the eyes of strange animals. They particularly liked a red-black seed which we thought belonged to the fire crow. Once we found a pit that had a lot of broken toys. (Later we realized that we were plundering someones garbage dump)round our hous

    23、e we spent most of the time warring invisible forces. The tree below was my favorite horse and I used to shoot arrows at other tree monsters while riding it. But sometimes it became my castle too. The defense strategy of my castle was to shake vigorously if enemy came nearby. It had a lot of heavy g

    24、reen seeds that fell when shaken. So me or my sisters couldnt attack each other when it shook. It also had beautiful yellow flowers that made my sisters long witch nails.And sometimes my sisters would dress up as princesses from strange lands. I would enact various strange animals. They used to run

    25、around when I became the flying tiger. Their favorite strange animal was the octopus who loved to drink the tea they made. The octopus could sing Arabic songs too.2动作角色扮演 action role playWe roared around on our horses (sticks) shooting each other with rifles and handguns (sticks) and dying in agony,

    26、 only to get up again a few moments later to resume the fighting. Sometimes we would be horribly wounded and the game would morph into Nurses and Doctors with much bandaging and splinting (sticks), injections (sticks), thermometers under tongues (sticks) (. in retrospect I am delighted that we had n

    27、o idea there was any other way to take temperatures!)I have no idea if there was any plan or strategy to our games but they were always outdoors, often involved co-opting our willing pets as playmates (we lived in the country and didnt always have enough victims for our shoot-outs). The dogs, we fou

    28、nd, quickly learned they were supposed to die when shot, the cats however, were hopeless for that. We had to send them off as carrier pigeons with notes attached for reinforcements.We had court cases and put our cowardly teddy-bears on trial for desertion and hanged them, afterwards having lovely ce

    29、remonial funerals, complete with flowers and everyone (including the pets) dressed up in mourning clothes.Oh it was all such fun.A century ago now, it seems. I cant wait for my second childhood to begin!3追捕 ManhuntThere were two versions of this game, similar to It or Tag, that we used to play. They

    30、 both had the same name.One kid would start off as the bounty hunter (although I doubt we called them that at the time) while all the other kids would run off and hide. The bounty hunter would then have to find them and physically touch them in order to catch them. Once caught, the fugitives turned

    31、bounty hunter too, until eventually there was a group of them and only one fugitive remaining who was declared the winner. Basically Hide and Seek but on a bigger scale.There was a team of bounty hunters against a team of fugitives. The bounty hunting team simply had to catch every member of the fugitive team within a set time period to win. If they failed, the fugitives won. The fugitives did not join the bounty hunters in this version. This version can also involve the fugitives trying to reach a particular point (a base) wher


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