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    1、金融专业培养方案英文版金融专业培养方案(英文版)JIANGXI UNIVERSITY OF FINANCE AND ECONOMICSMODERN ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT COLLEGE UNDERGRADUATE HANDBOOK2012-2013Division of ECONOMICSFinance ProgrammeContent1 IntroductionThis student handbook provides some general information about the Finance Programme in the Division of

    2、Economics, Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics Modern Economics and Management College. Students can also find specific information about the programme curriculum, structure, degree requirements, etc. in this handbook. Students should read this handbook carefully and talk to their mentor, te

    3、acher, Programme Coordinator, or the Division Dean if they have any queries. The contents of this handbook are for reference only, and are subject to change without notice.2 The Finance ProgrammeThe Finance Programme at JUFE is committed to quality, leading-edge education and research. It offers the

    4、 Bachelor of Economics in Finance.2.1 Teaching Methods and Medium of InstructionThere is an extensive programme of lectures, classes, and seminars. Teaching will be mainly by formal lectures. Tutorials will also be organized to further complement formal lectures. The most up-to-date IT tools to aid

    5、teaching and learning will be used. English is the medium of instruction for lectures and tutorials. Students are required to attend all lectures. To minimize disruption to classes, students should arrive promptly and should remain in the classroom for the duration of the lecture.2.2 Programme Aims,

    6、 Objectives, and Learning OutcomesThe general aim of the Bachelor of Bachelor of Economics in Finance degree programme is to equip students with basic knowledge in financial investment and to prepare students for the multi-dimension field of financial management. Graduates will be in a strong positi

    7、on to gain employment with private and public companies in Mainland China, or abroad, and also in many government departments. They may be employed by merchant banks, investment firms, consulting companies, private and public corporations, and government agencies.Specifically, the objectives of the

    8、programme are to equip students with:(1) A deep understanding of the increasingly global nature of contemporary business;(2) In-depth knowledge in business ethics and good corporate governance;(3) Good information technology skills required for todays business world; and(4) Excellent oral and writte

    9、n communication, both in Chinese and English, and interpersonal skills that are necessary for effective management.Upon successful completion of the programme, the students should attain good understanding of(1) financial markets work;(2) capital investment;(3) valuation of companies for acquisition

    10、 or disposal;(4) financial risks in an international context;(5) interpersonal, communication, presentation and computer skills.3 Programme StructureThe BE in Finance is a four-year full-time degree programme. In addition to the subjects of the main discipline, students are required to take supporti

    11、ng, interdisciplinary, general education subjects and the whole person education experiential learning modules of their own choice. In the final year of the study, students have to take individual final year projects, in which they can gain in-depth knowledge, basic research techniques, and training

    12、 in writing thesis.Students are normally expected to complete 180 credits within the curriculum structure below:SubjectsCreditsBE Core Subjects44Major Required Subjects28Major Elective Subjects20General Education Required Subjects52General Education Elective Subjects14Practice Teaching Modules22Tota

    13、l 1804.1 BE Core SubjectsCodeSubjectCreditSemester33014Database Application4335103Political Economy3205043Microeconomics3305033Macroeconomics3402004Accounting Principle4206003Statistics3500013Management3303023Calculus3103034Calculus4203043Linear Algebra3303054Probability Theory and Mathematical Stat

    14、istics4402007Intermediate Accounting4315783Tax Planning35-Total44-4.2 Major Required SubjectsCodeSubjectCreditSemester01034Money and Banking4401044Insurance4401054Securities and Investment4601064International Finance4501084Corporate Finance4501094Financial Engineering4701104Risk Management of Financ

    15、ial Institutions46-Total28-4.3 Major Elective SubjectsCodeSubjectCreditSemester00A02Introduction to Entrepreneurship 2501422International Finance Business2401573International Settlement2401982Financial English2401902Futures and Investment2601A82Financial Regulation 2631063Investment Project Evaluati

    16、on3401342Technical Analysis of Securities Investment 25-Total20-4.3 General Education Required SubjectsCodeSubjectCreditSemester09002Situation and Policies2109009Safety Education1109033The Basic Principle of Marxism 3209016Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought and the theory of socialism with Chinese c

    17、haracteristics6109402Chinese History2209003Moral Cultivation and Legal Basis3108052Chinese2234052College English3134062College English3234073College English3334082College English3434012English Listening and Speaking2134022English Listening and Speaking2234032English Listening and Speaking2334042Engl

    18、ish Listening and Speaking2410342Physical Education2110352Physical Education2210362Physical Education2310372Physical Education2410322Military Theory2133012Fundamentals of Computer Application2133011Microcomputer Operation11-Total52-4.4 General Education Elective SubjectsCodeSubjectCreditSemester0918

    19、2Contemporary World Economics and Politics2309A22History of the development of science and technology24038302The General Theory of Law2408022Speech and Eloquence2408B22Practical Writing2608A42Music Appreciation2408A52Fine Art Appreciation2408A72Dance Appreciation2408A82Calligraphy Appreciation2508A9

    20、2Movie Appreciation2538292Essay Writing2605582Fundamentals of Administrative Capacity2608C12Analects Readings2508452Poems in Tang Dynasty2616782Chinese and Foreign Etiquette3503C03Comprehensive Mathematics3734C02Comprehensive English2701752Taxation2534C12Elementary Japanese2734C22Elementary Russian2

    21、7-Total14-14:Students are expected to complete some subjects from above table to get 14 credits.4.5 Practice Teaching ModulesSubjectCreditSemesterInternship 95Thesis 74Research Project 64Total22-5 Course Syllabus 5.1 International Finance Code01064Credit points4OfferedSemester 5Prerequisites01034Cor

    22、equisitesProhibitionsAssumed KnowledgeAdditional InformationLectures1x 2hr lecture and 1x 1hr tutorial per weekAssessmentMid-Semester Exam (25%), Tutorial Participation (10%), Project (20%), Final Exam (45%)DescriptionMarkets are increasingly globalised. There are very few businesses or industries t

    23、hat are not required to deal with issues such as foreign currency, foreign competition and direct investment. This unit is designed to allow students to extend their understanding of basic principles in finance to an international environment. Globalization of markets introduces risks but also opens

    24、 up profitable opportunities. Topics covered include: foreign currency valuation and markets; international parity conditions; measuring and managing foreign exposure; international portfolio management; capital budgeting and foreign direct investment; international tax management and international

    25、financing strategy.5.2 Corporate FinanceCode01084Credit points4OfferedSemester 5Prerequisites01034CorequisitesProhibitionsAssumed KnowledgeAdditional InformationStudy in Finance commences in second yearLectures1 x 2hr lecture and 1 x 1hr tutorial per weekAssessmentTutorial participation (10%), early

    26、 semester quiz (20%), assignment (20%), final 2hr exam (50%)DescriptionThis unit provides an introduction to basic concepts in corporate finance and their application to (1) valuation of risky assets including stocks, bonds and entire corporations, (2) pricing of equity securities, and (3) corporate

    27、 financial policy decisions including dividend, capital structure and risk management policies. An emphasis is placed on the application of ideas and current practices in each of these areas.5.3 Risk Management of Financial InstitutionsCode01104Credit points4OfferedSemester 6Prerequisites01034,01064

    28、,01084CorequisitesProhibitionsAssumed Knowledge01034,01064,01084Additional InformationLectures1x 2hr lecture and 1x 1hr tutorial per weekAssessmentMid-semester exam (20%), group project (30%), final 3hr exam (50%)DescriptionRisk is an integral part of financial decisions. Following the rapid evoluti

    29、on of the discipline of financial risk management, analysts must be prepared to assess the level of risk in the marketplace. This course explores the basic concepts of modeling, measuring and managing financial risks within the regulatory framework. Topics covered include market risk (value-at-risk and expected loss), credit risk (single name, portfolio, ratings and market based models, credit derivatives), liquidity risk and operational risk. To overcome the rather quantitative nature of the topics, the course relies heavily on practical based lab


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