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    1、演讲稿之校园演讲比赛视频校园演讲比赛视频【篇一:cctv广东大学生演讲比赛视频】 speech of mu jiawei, northwest normal university in recent years, the development of the chinese economy has been incredibly fast, some might even call it miraculous. but behind the miracles lies a problem: the development is unbalanced in different regions.u

    2、nder the strategy of the chinese government, china has three major economic regions: the east, the middle and the west. with its advantageous position, the east is the fastest developing area, leaving the west far behind, and the middle somewhere in between. for instance, the gdp per capita in the e

    3、ast amounts to us$2000, while that of the west is only 40% of the east.furthermore, the gap between the urban and the rural, according to the state statistical bureau, has widened to more than 10 years. there are people in the big cities with large houses, expensive cars, other luxuries and better o

    4、pportunities. however, there are people in the countryside, living on meager food, without the security of health, education, and so on.this is the diversity of the chinese economy. for the unity of the full national economic development, governments of all levels have decided on corresponding strat

    5、egies, for example, the greater development of the western region, the continuing rise of the central china, and the faster development of the east. specifically, within the west, provinces alike have established programs of development, with financial and technological aid of the central government

    6、, making full use of the western natural resources. such strategies have turned out to be remarkably successful. it reminds me of the world. there are wealthy countries in north america and europe; there are poor ones in asia and africa. the aid from the rich world is far from enough to remove pover

    7、ty in the developing countries. therefore, with the help of funds, technology, and management from wealthy countries, these developing countries now have the opportunity to establish their own right strategies of development, taking full advantage of their natural and human resources. speech of li m

    8、engxia, harbin engineering university unity and diversity - diversity talks this is a force. its unity. we are the world because of unity. it enables the international co-operational manufacture by setting up unified standards for everything. a nail produced in china only? what would you do if someo

    9、ne orders you to do whatever he does without allowing you to do what you really want? apparently, youll be going nuts, because you are not leading a life of your own. so, to us, diversity talks!before i went to college, my dad asked me: son, did you think of being outstanding? if you want to be outs

    10、tanding, you have to stand out, stand out of normal routine which other people consider the only way to success. but dads words went in one ear and out the other! i had no idea whether dad was right or wrong until the day i found i was no longer myself. i put myself in ajar full of people. i work wh

    11、en they work, i panic when they panic, and i waste time when they waste time. this is no laughing matter but a horrible disaster. afterwards, i kept telling myself: i am a student, and i do what a student should do. this is our unity. but does this mean we have to sacrifice our diversity to save the

    12、 orderly image of unity? not exactly! unity stops us getting into chaos while diversity makes life colorful. from then on, my long-covered specialty was evoked and set me on a special track to my dreams. i got back what i had lost. its a great feeling that you realize you still have the ability to s

    13、urprise yourself: i found a part-time job as an oral-english teacher in a private school. i love english and work joyfully though my major has nothing to do with english at all. i stood out and made a difference. i found “i am what i am, and i am happy to be me.”学工部、校团委关于举行2012 年全校大学生演讲比 赛的通知 学工部、校团

    14、委关于举行2012年全校大学生 演讲比赛的通知 各学院: 为了喜迎党的“十八大”召开,进一步增强大学生的爱党爱国之情,提升大学生的使命 感、责任感和荣誉感,唱响时代主旋律,营造健康向上的良好氛围,决定在全校举行2012 年全校大学生演讲比赛,现将有关事项通知如下: 一、参赛对象 全校全日制本、专科生。 二、大赛主题 践行诚信,担当责任,喜迎十八大。 三、比赛办法 参赛者围绕主题自拟文章,题材不限,演讲时间每人不超过5分钟;初赛和决赛可以用 同一演讲稿。 四、赛程安排 1.比赛分初赛和决赛。初赛名单由学院推荐,请各学院于4月6日前将5名左右选手名 单(姓名、学院、班级、联系方式,并标注领队)报送

    15、学生处教育科应群燕老师处。 2.4月14日全天举行初赛,初赛将依据报名人数分小组进行,每小组按成绩高低取相同 比例参加决赛。地点另行通知。 3.4月20日下午举行决赛并颁奖,地点为大学生活动中心三楼多功能厅。 五、奖项设置 1.大赛设个人奖和团体奖。个人奖为一等奖3名,奖品价值400元;二等奖4名,奖品 价值200元;三等奖8名,奖品价值100元。团体奖5名,奖金400元。 2.奖励产生办法:个人奖根据决赛成绩从高到低选 择,第一、二、三名获一等奖,其余奖项依此类推。团体奖根据各学院前3名选手成绩 总分从高到低排名,结合组织情况(组织报名情况、通知选手参赛情况、组织啦啦队等情况) 评选。 六、

    16、参赛要求 1.迎接党的“十八大”是今年重要的主题教育活动,请各学院高度重视,做好比赛过程中的各项工作。 2.选手演讲稿要求立场鲜明、观点正确、健康向上;逻辑严谨、语言流畅,使用普通话 并脱稿演讲。 3.二等奖以上选手将作为全国大学生演讲大赛的人选,学校将加强对这些选手的培养, 视选手成长情况确定最终人选。 学工部 校团 委二一二年四月一日 篇三:大学生演讲比赛策划书大学生演讲比赛策划书 div style=padding:10px 5px 0px 20px;margin:10px 0px 0px -15px; 1. 大学演讲比赛策划书 2. 大学生主题演讲比赛策划书 3. 大学演讲比赛策划书

    17、4. 大学生英语演讲比赛策划书 5. 大学生主题演讲比赛策划书 1、大学演讲比赛策划书 一、活动目的 为了丰富在校研究生生活,锻炼学生们的演讲能力和口头表达能力,增强学术气氛,给 大家提供一个展现自我,提升自我的机会和舞台,研究生院决定举办一场别开生面的演讲比 赛。 二、演讲主题 以活力与梦想为主题,尽情发挥各参赛选手的自身风采、主张观点及演讲才能,以新颖 的角度和方式,阐述对活力与梦想的理解。 三、组织单位 主办单位:xx大学校研究生会 承办单位:xx学院研究生会 四、活动参与对象全体研究生 五、活动流程 (一)宣传及报名10月25日起,以学院为单位,每个学院至少推荐两位选手参加初赛。a.与

    18、宣传部合作,制作宣传板,海报和横幅,在各研究生楼及食堂下张贴大量海报。安 排相关人员在各研究生楼宿舍楼逐个寝室发放报名表,报名表可制成两面,一面印有赞助方 相关信息,一面印报名细则,这样可以一举两得。b.和各个班级合作,各班组织委员对各班级进行通报,将宣传细化,深入化。 (二)规则细节(初定)大赛分为预赛和决赛两个部分。预赛(考察选手的基本演讲素质) 1、时间和地点:10月底,大教室 2、评委:由主席团和办公室安排 3、比赛流程:每位选手演讲进行五分钟的演讲。包括一分钟自我介绍和三分钟关于主题的演讲。最终 按分数取前八名进入决赛。 决赛1、时间和地点:11月初,逸夫楼 2、评委:由主席团和办公

    19、室安排 3、比赛流程: (1)主持人开场白。 (2)命题演讲。选手按照赛前抽签顺序依次上台演讲,每人六分钟(一分钟英文自我介 绍+五分钟演讲)。 (3)观众互动的小节目(由观众说出一个字,台上参赛选手说出一句包含此字的诗词)。 (4)宣布上一轮得分,淘汰两名选手,获得优秀奖。 (5)即兴演讲。大屏幕上给出6个题号,每个题号后面对应一个题目。按照赛前抽签顺 序由第一个选手选择题号,30秒钟准备时间后开始即兴演讲,时间约为2分钟。其他选手照此依次进行。 (6)评委评分并点评,主持人宣布比赛成绩和名次。 (7)活动参与者合影,主持人宣布活动结束。 七、参赛要求 (1)本次比赛演讲稿的内容必须围绕活动

    20、与梦想的主题,结合实际,突出亮点,主题鲜 明,积极向上,切忌空谈理论。 (2)参赛语言可采用中文或者英文,采用站立式脱稿演讲。 (3)参赛选手必须在赛前15分钟入场,找相关人员签到。 (4)比赛顺序由抽签决定。 (5)比赛开始后,各参赛选手不得无故退出比赛。 (6)每位选手的演讲时间限定在8分钟内。 八、评分过程 得分才用累计形式,两轮得分累加从高到低依次排列,决出一、二、三等奖。整个评分 过程要求校研会同学参加,力求做到公平、公正、公开。 九、奖项设置 一等奖(1名):证书+奖品 二等奖(2名):证书+奖品 三等奖(3名):证书+奖品 优秀奖(2名)、最佳口才奖(1名)。 演讲比赛评分表 演

    21、讲选手编号: 项目内容满分得分演讲内容自我介绍10 论点突出10论据切题10格调积极向上10 语言表达脱稿演讲,普通话标准10 口齿清晰,语速适当10 语气语调适当,重音节奏恰当10着装得体,举止自然大方10 仪表风范表情恰当,富有感染力10 演讲时间演讲时间控制在规定时间内10得分备注:尽量脱稿演讲,否则适当扣3-6分2、大学生主题演讲比赛策划书 为迎接今年十月的教育部本科教学评估,展示新时代湖大学子的青春风采,增强同学们 的自信心和自豪感,增进思想交流,繁荣校园文化。定于四月中旬至五月中旬举行由大 学党委宣传部、校团委主办,教育学院院团委、演讲与口才协会承办的大学大学生“知 校、爱校、兴校

    22、、荣笑”主题演讲比赛。 一、宗旨:让全校学生充分了解学校、激发热爱学校、爱护学校声誉的强烈责任心和高 度责任感,增强同学们的对我校迎接教育部对我校进行本科教学评估的信心,进而使湖北大 学发展成为国内知名、国际上有一定影响的地方综合性大学。 二、原则:以“知校爱校护校,争创一流学府”为主题,尽情发挥参赛选手的自身风采 和演讲才能,以各自不同、新颖的角度和方式表达对母校的热爱及对母校成为一流学府的信 心。 三、目的:调动全校师生积极准备,迎接本科教学评估的热情,增强同学们的自信心, 自豪感,繁荣校园文化,发扬比赛的优良传统,选拔优秀演讲人才。 四、组织方式:由大学党委宣传部、校团委主办,教育学院团

    23、委与演讲与口才协会 承办。 五、参加对象:大学所有全日制在校生(包括成教学院和知行学院)。 六、活动过程安排: 1、由大学校团委于4月15日前向各院团委发布关于此次演讲比赛的通知。内容包 括要求各院按照公平、公正、公开的原则,通过院级演讲比赛的方式选派优秀代表(学生达 1000人以上的院选派2名,其余院系选派1名)参加该次院际主题演讲比赛。在4月30日 前要求各院将最后选派的人员名单送于教育学院团委。5月19日举行决赛。 2、此次活动的宣传工作可包括板报、广播、采访、报道等形式,由讲协负责板报的宣传, 而后三种形式可由演讲与口才协会配合教院或校团委的工作安排。3、确定比赛场地。 4、邀请评委。

    24、5、5月18日下午由教育学院团委安排各院代表到教育学院进行院际决赛人员出场的顺 序抽签,5月19日下午布置场地,5月19日晚7时整举行演讲比赛复赛。 七、评分要严格遵照评分标准。每位参加者演讲时间规定在四到六分钟,要求脱稿,如 有时间可加入即兴演讲(视具体情况适当加分)。 评分标准 1、紧扣主题,内容充实,立意新颖,文字优美(4.5分) 2、表述清楚,语言流畅,声情并貌(2分) 3、声音洪亮,普通话标准流利(2分) 4、服装整洁,仪表端庄(1分) 5、时间限制(0.5分) 八、比赛流程 1、领导讲话致辞 2、参赛者依次演讲 3、专家点评 4、颁奖 5、参赛者代表讲话(评价与感想)篇四:大学生演

    25、讲比赛策划书 成都纺专建筑工程学院 第五届演讲比赛总决赛 策 划 书【篇二:cctv演讲比赛视频】 我院白光同学在“cctv”杯全国英语演讲大赛湖北赛区获三等奖10月14日,“cctv”杯全国英语演讲大赛湖北赛区比赛(本科组)与第三届全国高职高 专实用英语口语大赛湖北赛区决赛(高职高专组)同时在华中师范大学和武汉船舶职业技术 学院举行。我院船舶工程系d04312班的白光同学参加了本科组“cctv”杯全国英语演讲大赛 湖北赛区比赛。本科组比赛由中央电视台和外语教学与研究出版社主办,由湖北省高校大学 外语教学研究会和华中师范大学共同承办。参加比赛的选手来自湖北省二十多所高校,如武 汉大学、华中科技

    26、大学、华中师范大学、武汉理工大学、中国地质大学、中南财经政法大学 等,并且大多选手为英语专业的学生,可谓高手如云,竞争相当激烈。代表我院参加比赛的 为船舶工程系d04312班的白光同学,经过学院初选以及公共课部外语教研室老师们一个多月 的共同努力,白光同学不畏强手,最终喜获三等奖。 (公共课部)篇二:cctv英语演讲比赛决赛演讲稿 编号15 姓名 孙阳 self-confidence is the mother of successas is known to us all, a famous proverb says “failure is the mother of success”. y

    27、es , its true. history informs us that stories of successare also stories of great failure. as a matter of fact. there are many factors that can contribute to a presons success in life. today i will give you a new idea self-confidence is the mother of success. success is getting up one more time tha

    28、n you fall down. but when failures knocks you down. will you have the confidence to get up?so self-confidence is essential to success . self-confidence means the firm belief that you can do things well. it is believed to be the first secret of success. if you want to succeed in doing anything, you m

    29、ust have confidence in your abilities. and i deeply aware that nothing can defeat a person who full of confidence. self-confidence gives you light when you are in dark, and gives you encouragement when you are disappointed. it is self-confidence that inspires you to cope with any hard task. with sel

    30、f-confidence, you believe that you can and will succeed, and this gives you the courage to try new things. some people find most of the things impossible, saying, “it is beyond my ability to do the task.” or “i am not fit for it.” these are only lame excuses. when our heart is void of self-confidenc

    31、e, every hope is gone, we will always living in the moments of fear and thoughtless.so ladies and gentlemen do you have it in you? if you think you dont, boost up youself as your mind is your greatest mentor. if you have a goal to pass cet 4 and cet 6 college english exam easily with high marks, just believe in yourself. yes you canif you want to be a great man in the future and never let your parent down. just believe in yourself. yes you canif you have a dream that conqur english to make china stronger. just believe in youself. yes you can. thank you so much for your listening.篇三:浅析英语即兴演讲比


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