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    1、牛津小学英语4B单元知识点归纳牛津小学英语4B单元知识点归纳 4B Unit1 A new student1、单词及词组 1. a student(学生) 2. a teacher(教师) 3. a doctor(医生) 4. a nurse(护士) 5. a boy(男孩) 6. a girl(女孩) 7. a man(男人) 8. a woman(女人) 9. new(新的) 10. our(我们的) 11. school(学生) 12. welcome(欢迎)13. tree(树) 14. climb(攀登) 15. again(再;又) 16. sir(先生) 17. right(正确

    2、的) 18. come down(下来) 19. excuse me(对不起,打扰一下) 二、缩写词 1. whos = who is 2. youre = you are 3. hes = he is4. shes = she is 5. Im = I am 6. dont = do not 三、句型 1. Whos that boy/?(那个男孩/是谁?) Hes/Shes . (他/她是。)Hes/Shes a(他/她是一位) 2. Are you a student/?(你是一位学生/吗?) Yes, I am.(是,我是的。) No, Im not. Im a(不,我不是的。我是一位

    3、) 3. Welcome to our school.(欢迎到我们学校来。) Thank you.(谢谢。) Unit2 At a party1、单词及词组 1. grandfather(祖父;外祖父) 2. grandmother(祖母;外祖母)3. father(父亲) 4. mother(母亲) 5. brother(兄;弟) 6. sister(姐;妹) 7. hair(头发) 8. a head(头) 9. a nose(鼻子) 10. a mouth(嘴;口) 11. an eye(眼睛) 12. an ear(耳朵) 13. white(白色的) 14. a friend(朋友)

    4、 15. a skirt(短裙) 16. a party(宴会) 17. with(有) 17. which(哪一个) 19. big(大的) 20. small(小的) 21. long(长的) 22. short(短的) 23. we(我们) 24. hurry(赶快) 25. wrong(错误的) 26. be late for(迟到) 2、缩写词 1. were = we are 2. isnt = is not 3. its = it is 4. lets = let us 5. wheres = where is 3、句型 1. Whos the man/ with ?(那个(身体

    5、部位)的(男人/)是谁?) Hes/Shes /my(他/她是/我的) 2. Is that man/ your father/? (那个男人/是你爸爸/吗?)Which one?(哪一个?) The one in the (那个穿着的。 Yes, he/she is.(是,他/她是的。)No, he/she isnt.(不,他/她不是的。) Unit3 Whats your job?1、单词及词组 1. a policeman (policemen)(警察) 2. a policewoman (policewomen)(女警察) 3. a waiter (waiters)(男服务员) 4.

    6、a waitress (waitresses)(女服务员) 5. a driver (drivers)(司机) 6. a worker (workers)(工人) 7. a cook (cooks)(厨师) 8. a farmer (farmers)(农民) 9. job(职业) 10. name(名字) 11. their(他(她/它)们的) 12. today(今天) 13. old(老的) 14. about(大约) 15. want(想要) 16. cold(冷的)17. how old(几岁) 18. how many(多少) 19. look at(看)二、缩写词 1. arent

    7、 = are not 2. whats = what is 3. theyre = they are 三、句型 1. Whats your job?(你的职业是什么?) Im a(我是一位)Whats his job?(他的职业是什么?) Hes a(他是一位) Whats her job?(她的职业是什么?) Shes a(她是一位)2. What are their jobs?(他/她们的职业是什么?) Theyre(他/她们是) 3. Are they?(他/她们是吗?) Yes, they are.(是,他/她们是的。) No, they arent. Theyre(不,他/她们不是的

    8、。他/她们是) 4. How old are you?(你几岁了?) Im(我) How old is he?(他几岁了?) Hes(他) How old is she?(她几岁了?) Shes(她) 5. Whats your/his/her name?(你/他/她叫什么名字?) Im/Hes/Shes .(我/他/她是。) Unit4 Buying fruit1、单词及词组 1. an apple (apples)(苹果) 2. an orange (oranges)(桔子) 2. a banana (bananas)(香蕉) 4. a peach (peaches)(桃子) 5. a g

    9、rape (grapes)(葡萄) 6. a pineapple (pineapples)(菠萝) 7. a watermelon (watermelons)(西瓜) 8. a pear (pears)(梨子) 9. buy(买) 10. some(一些) 11. fruit(水果) 12. kilo(公斤) 13. or(或者) 14. yuan(元) 15.great(好极了) 二、缩写词 Id = I would 三、句型 1. What are these?(这些是什么?) Theyre(它们是) What are those?(那些是什么?) Theyre(它们是) 2. Id li

    10、ke some, please.(我想要一些)How many kilos?(多少公斤?) kilo(s), please.(请来公斤。) Here are you.(给你。) 4B Unit6 Lets go by taxi1、单词及词组 1. a station(车站) 2. a supermarket(超级市场) 3. a library(图书馆) 4. a theatre(剧场) 5. a hospital(医院) 6. an airport(机场) 7. by train(乘火车) 8. by plane(乘飞机) 9. by minibus(乘中客车) 10. on foot(步行

    11、) 11. by taxi(乘公共汽车) 12. how(怎么) 13. there(在那里) 14. for(往;向) 15. free(空闲的) 16. park(公园)17. play(玩;参加) 18. football(足球) 19. ball(球) 20. Good idea.(好主意。) 2、句型 1. Lets go to the(让我们一起去) Good.(好的。)/Great.(太棒了。)How do we go there?(我们怎么去那里啊?) Shall we go to (the) (地点)by (交通工具)? OK/All right.(好的) 2. Is thi

    12、s (交通工具)for (地点)?(这辆是去的吗?) Yes, it is.(是,它是的。)/No, it isnt.(不,它不是的。) Unit7 At a snack bar1、单词及词组 1. a pie (pies)(馅饼) 2. a hamburger (hamburgers)(汉堡包)2. a sweet (sweets)(糖果) 4. a biscuit (biscuits)(饼干) 5. noodles(面条) 6. a bar of chocolate(一块巧克力) 7. a cup of tea(一杯茶) 8. a cup of coffee(一杯咖啡) 9. a glas

    13、s of juice(一杯果汁) 10. a carton of milk(一盒牛奶) 11. a snack bar(快餐部) 12. a basketball(篮球) 13. move(移动) 14. dear(亲爱的) 15. then(那么)16. an ice-cream(冰淇淋) 17. a cake(蛋糕) 18. water(水) 19. hungry(饿的) 20. thirsty(渴的) 21. how much(多少(钱) 22. see the doctor(看医生) 23. What would you like?(你要什么?) 24. How about you?(

    14、你怎么样?) 25. Something to drink?(要喝些什么吗?26. Anything else?(还要别的东西吗?) 二、句型 1. What would you like?(你要什么?)Id like /A/Some, please.(我想要 /请来一个/一些) 2. How much is it?(它多少钱?)Itsyuan. /yuan, please.(它)元。) How much are they?它们多少钱? Theyreyuan. /yuan, please.(它们)元。) Unit8 Open Day1、单词及词组 1. a chair(椅子) 2. a bla

    15、ckboard(黑板) 3. a picture(图画)4. a computer(计算机) 5. a bookcase(书橱) 6. a music room(音乐室) 7. an office(办公室) 8. a playground(操场) 9. our(我们的) 10. classroom(教室) 11. open day(接待日) 12. bright(明亮的) 13. TV(电视)14. sometimes(有时) 15. watch(观看) 16. piano(钢琴)17. near(靠近) 18. window(窗户) 19. songbook(歌本)20. lots of =

    16、 a lot of(许多的) 21. T-shirt(T恤衫) 22. smart(好看的) 23. map(地图) 24. them(他/她/它们) 25. China(中国) 26. box(盒子) 27. table(桌子) 28. read(读) 28. Ive got = I have got(我有) 二、缩写词 theres = there is 三、句型 Whats on/in/near the?(上面/里面/旁边有什么?)Theres a on/in/near the (有一个在上面/里面/旁边。)There are some on/in/near the (有一些在上面/里面

    17、/旁边。) Unit9 Breakfast1、单词及词组 1. a knife(刀) 2. a fork(叉) 3. a plate(盘子) 3. a bowl(碗) 5. a cup(杯子) 6. a bottle(狭颈小口瓶)5. a spoon(匙) 8. a glass(玻璃杯) 9. a cupboard(碗橱) 6. chopsticks(筷子) 11. rice(米) 12. bread(面包)7. an egg(蛋) 14. a fridge(冰箱) 15. breakfast(早饭)16. no(没有的) 17. a carton of(一(纸)盒) 18. use(使用) 17. 19. try(尝试) 20. come(来) 21. dinner(正餐) 22. Whats for breakfast?(早饭吃什么?) 2、句型 1. Wheres the?(在哪里?) Its on/in/near the(它在上面/里面/旁边。) 2. Where are my?(我的在哪里?) Theyre on/in/near the(它们在上面/里面/旁边。) 3. Theres no on/in/near the(上面/里面/旁边没有。)


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