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    成都市中考英语英语 任务型阅读理解练习题.docx

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    成都市中考英语英语 任务型阅读理解练习题.docx

    1、成都市中考英语英语 任务型阅读理解练习题成都市中考英语英语 任务型阅读理解练习题一、英语任务型阅读1根据图文内容列要点。 The map below helps you become familiar with the librarys resources: Fiction and nonfiction titles for all subjects Current newspapers and magazines Computers accessible with your student ID number Helpful library staff Welcome, new studen

    2、ts, to Maple Knoll High School Library! Here is an introduction of our school library. The _on the left of the map helps you best understand it. The computer lab is just on the _of the main entrance. You can enter computers by putting into the _ of your student ID card. There are 4_ copy machines in

    3、 the library. The circulation desk on the left of the main entrance is a place to borrow and return books from general stacks. The reading area is in the middle of the library. A water fountain is between the _ and the cellphone area. Theyre all on the right. If you want to ask for more help, you ca

    4、n go to the librarians office.【答案】 key;right;number;two/2;restrooms 【解析】【分析】本文是图书馆的地图,帮助你熟悉图书馆的资源在哪里。 (1)根据图示,可知左侧的是key,故是地图左边的关键词能帮助你更好地理解它,故答案是 key。 (2)根据图示,可知计算机实验室就在正门的右侧,故答案是right。 (3)根据the定冠词后是名词, student ID card,学生证上的是号码,作为密码使用 , 可知你可以把你的学生证的号码输入电脑 , 故答案是 number 。 (4)根据图示图书管理员室上方和电脑是里各有一台复印机,

    5、可知图书馆里有2台复印机 , 故答案是 two/2 。 (5)根据图示,可知一个饮水机在休息室和手机区之间 , 故答案是 restrooms。 【点评】考查任务型阅读,关键在看懂文章,然后根据题目要求作答,注意尽量用文章的语言填写答案。在文章中找不到答案时,要完全理解句子,根据同义词,句型转换的方式找到可以替换文章中的单词,短语或者句子的词。2阅读下面的5段语言材料,请找出与前面四段相对应的标题,并完成问题。 (1)找出与前面四段相对应的标题 _Your best chance of success is by doing what you really want to do. Ask you

    6、rself, If money were not so important, what kind of work would I do for free? Then just do what you like to do. _Think about what you are going to do. You have to start somewhere and it may be quite a real beginning, whether you are beginning in business or youre dreaming to be a star, you have to s

    7、tar at the bottom. _Great ambition is necessary. An English student called Richard Brason opened a student magazine when he was only 16 years old. But he didnt stop here. He also opened a record business with many shops, and now his company has planes, trains and cars. _The only people who succeed w

    8、ithout hard work are lottery winners. You need a can do attitude and you must work step by step, which will help you get what you really want. You are on the right way to win the success. Follow the leaders. If you always say someone is successful, it doesnt mean anything to you. Learn from those wh

    9、o have already succeeded in something, especially where they do the same as you want to do.A. Think big.B. Start small.C. Be prepared do work hard.D. Find the work you love.(2)Who do you think needs the passage most? A.A middle school student.B.A new hand in the company.C.A housewife.D.A baby.【答案】 (

    10、1)D;B;A;C(2)B 【解析】【分析】 A. Think big.立大志。 B. Start small.从小事做起。C. Be prepared do work hard.准备努力工作。D. Find the work you love.找到你喜欢的工作。 (1)根据 Your best chance of success is by doing what you really want to do. Ask yourself, If money were not so important, what kind of work would I do for free? Then jus

    11、t do what you like to do. 你成功的最好的机会是做你真的想做的事情。问问自己,“如果钱不是特别重要,哪类工作你想免费做?然后只要做你喜欢做的事情。可知此处是要找自己喜欢的工作。故选D。 (2)根据 Think about what you are going to do. You have to start somewhere and it may be quite a real beginning, whether you are beginning in business or youre dreaming to be a star, you have to sta

    12、r at the bottom. 考虑你打算做什么。你必须从某地开始,它或许是一个真正的开始,无论你从做生意开始还是你梦想成为一个明星。你必须从底部开始。可知此处讲无论我们想要成为什么样的人要从小事开始。故选B。 (3)根据 Great ambition is necessary. An English student called Richard Brason opened a student magazine when he was only 16 years old. But he didnt stop here. He also opened a record business wit

    13、h many shops, and now his company has planes, trains and cars.大的目标是很必要的。一个叫Richard Brason的英国学生在他十六岁时打开了一本学生杂志社。但是他没有停止于此。他还和很多商店开了一个唱片公司,现在他的公司有飞机、火车和汽车。可知要立大志。故选A。 (4)根据 The only people who succeed without hard work are lottery winners. You need a can do attitude and you must work step by step, whi

    14、ch will help you get what you really want. You are on the right way to win the success.只有彩票中奖者才能不费吹灰之力获得成功。你需要一个”能做“的态度,你必须一步步工作,它将有助于你得到你真正想要的。你正处于获得成功的正确的道路。可知要准备好努力工作,故选C。 (5)题意:你认为谁最需要这篇文章?通读全文可知,文章主要讲年轻人要有志向,并脚踏实地的工作,以此获取成功,因此是针对职场新人,故选B。【点评】此题考查任务型阅读理解。先分析每个选项,弄清每个选项意思。然后认真阅读每个段落,根据每个段落的意思,确定句

    15、子中所缺的句子,选出正确选项,然后阅读整个段落确定正确答案。3阅读下面的短文,然后根据文章内容回答问题。 Imagine this: your parents go away on business, but you have to stay at home alone. Would life be as easy as when your parents are around? Would it be a perfect holiday for you? I can fill an empty stomach with tomato and egg soup, but thats all.

    16、I think many of my classmates are the same. We wouldnt know what to do, or how to look after ourselves, said Zheng Chenyu. And Id forget something important. Id probably watch television and burn the soup. As soon as I leave home, Ill learn to cook. But now parents do almost everything for us. Were

    17、very lazy, she said. Most teenagers have only time for their homework. They dont learn any life skills until theygo to college. However, Sima Yige doesnt think so. I think Id be all right. I wouldnt just eat sandwiches or fruit. I know how to cook, some simple dishes because my mum showed me, the 13

    18、-year-old boy said. In his opinion, many teenagers depend too much on their parents, and there is much more to learn than cooking, like tidying up your room or even dressing yourself properly. For most teenagers it wouldnt be a holiday at all.(1)Why would Zheng Chenyu probably burn the soup? (2)When

    19、 will Zheng Chenyu learn to cook? (3)Translate the underlined sentence(翻译划线句子)They dont learn any life skills until they go to college. in this passage. (4)The underlined phrase(划线短语)depend too much on in the passage means(意思) in Chinese. (5)For most teenagers, would life be as easy for teenagers li

    20、ving alone as when their parents are around according to(根据)the passage? 【答案】(1)Because she would probably watch television and forget the soup.(2)As soon as he leaves home.(3)他们直到上大学才会学习一些生活技能。(4)太过依赖(5)No, it wouldnt. 【解析】【分析】主要讲了当父母出差时,孩子们独自在家时的生活是怎样的。(1)根据Id probably watch television and burn th

    21、e soup.可知她看电视而忘记了汤,故填Because she would probably watch television and forget the soup.。(2)根据As soon as I leave home, Ill learn to cook可知她一离开家就学习做饭,故填As soon as he leaves home.。(3)not.until直到.才.,learn any life skills学习一些生活技能, go to college去上大学,故填他们直到上大学才会学习一些生活技能。(4)depend on依赖,too much太,故填太过依赖。(5)根据F

    22、or most teenagers it wouldnt be a holiday at all.可知大部分青少年在父母出差时觉得一点也不是假期,即生活不是简单的。所以一般疑问句的否定回答,故填No, it wouldnt.。【点评】考查任务型阅读,注意理解题意,然后从文中仔细寻找答案。4阅读理解 Do Yao Ming, Liu Xiang and Justine Henin have anything in common with people like us? You probably answer “NO! ”. It seems that top athletes live in a

    23、 world that is completely different from ours. However, if we could see into their minds, it would be clear that they are actually just like us. Just how an athlete becomes a success means examples for us all. To achieve their goals, sportsmen _ have to prepare physically, _ mentally(内心地). They have

    24、 to get to know themselves, manage stress and develop their powers of concentration(专注). So they can put all their efforts into their events. We may not be sports stars ourselves, 但是我们不得不面对相同的问题. We set goals for ourselves and think about personal development. We have to manage our fears before big

    25、exams. We worry about our friendships with both classmates and teachers.Like sportsmen, we try to be mentally strong and give our best. Only few of us will be competing in the Olympic Games. But, all the same, there is much we share with sports heroes. Just like athletes, how we feel influences our

    26、decisions, behavior and achievements. Top athletes show us that success isnt simply down to chance. We can control the direction of our lifes journey.(1)选择恰当的词组填入文中横线处。 A.either; orB.neither; norC.not only; but also(2)将文中画线的英语句子翻译成汉语。_(3)判断正误。正确的填“T”,错误的填“F”1)The athletes live in a world that is dif

    27、ferent from ours. _2)We sometimes have to face the same problems like the top athletes._(4)翻译文中画线的汉语句子。_(5)通过阅读文章,我们知道作者想表达什么思想?(从文中找出一句话)_【答案】 (1)C(2)似乎顶级运动员生活在与我们完全不同的世界里。(3)错误;正确(4)but we have to face the same problems(5)We can control the direction of our lifes journey.【解析】【分析】本文是一篇议论文,论述明星运动员跟我

    28、们的异同。最终得出结论:成功并非偶然,我们可以控制我们人生旅途的方向。(1)根据句意:为了实现他们的目标,运动员不仅要在身体上做好准备,而且还要在精神上做好准备。故选C。(2) It seems that似乎;that is completely different from ours是定语从句,修饰先行词a world,翻译成汉语时注意顺序颠倒过来,即:一个与我们完全不同的世界;completely完全地;ours=our world; 所以本句应该译为:似乎顶级运动员生活在与我们完全不同的世界里。(3)1)句意:那些运动员生活在与我们不同的世界里。根据第二段However, if we c

    29、ould see into their minds, it would be clear that they are actually just like us.然而,如果我们能看到他们的思想,很明显他们实际上跟我们一样。可知该表达是错误的。 2)句意:我们有时候不得不面对与顶级运动员一样的问题。根据第四段第一句We may not be sports stars ourselves, 但是我们不得不面对相同的问题. 可知该表达是正确的。(4)借助第三题第二句话可以正确翻译本句:but we have to face the same problems。(5)主旨句查找。根据作者写作思路可知文

    30、章结构是总分总,文章第二段点题owever, if we could see into their minds, it would be clear that they are actually just like us.中间论述他们在哪些方面跟我们常人一样;最后一段总结观点:We can control the direction of our lifes journey.【点评】在阅读理解中考查对知识综合运用的能力。做题时紧扣题目。5请认真阅读下面短文,用英语回答短文后的问题,并将答案与在答题卡标有题号的横线上。 A. Interview with Andy Griffiths Andy

    31、Griffiths is well known as a writer of childrens books. Here are some interesting things, you might not know about him! What do you like to do after a long day of writing? I go for long runs and bike rides beside the beach. An hour of exercise after a long day of writing gives me energy. Then Im ready to w


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