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    1、山东省青岛市胶州市平度市中考一模英语试题2021年5月山东省青岛市胶州市、平度市中考一模英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、完型填空 Once a upon a time, a poor man and his wife lived in a small house. They grew white squashes(南瓜)in the garden. They watched the squashes every day, 1 no squashes grew. That let them 2 . They didnt give up and kept watering. One m

    2、orning, the lady found a small squash. She felt very excited and told her 3 about it. When the squash was 4 enough, they decided to eat it.When they started to cut it, they heard a 5 inside the squash, “Please be careful.” They cut it 6 carefully. They were surprised to find a baby boy inside.The la

    3、dy 7 some water to wash the boy. When the drops of water fell off his body, the water changed into gold. The couple felt surprised and happy. The next morning the lady gave the baby another bath and the 8 turned into gold again. The third morning, when the lady used water to wash the boy again, the

    4、boy 9 . But the lady didnt listen to him. The boy felt 10 and flew away. At the same time all the gold was gone and the man and his wife were poor again.1Aso Bbut Cand2Asorry Bexcited Cdown3Ahusband Bsister Cwife4Alight Bsmall Clarge5Asound Bvoice Cnoise6Aopening Bopened Copen7Atook Bbrought Cgave8A

    5、water Bbaby Csquash9Aagreed Breceived Crefused10Asad Bcried Cexcited二、阅读判断判断正误,正确的填A,错误的填B。Tonight Katie will have a clothing contest. Her mother bought her an expensive dress. In their living room Katie put on the dress and showed it to her mother and sister Betty.“How beautiful you are!” Mother sa

    6、id.“If you dont win the first prize in tonights clothing contest. Ill be surprised,” said Betty,Just then the back door opened and Katies brother Marcus entered, followed by their dog Bella who was covered with dirt. “Marcus, why did you let Bella inside?” Katie shouted. “Get Bella out of here now!”

    7、 Mother said. But it was too late. The dog jumped on Katie, broke the beautiful dress and left down dirt on it. When they caught the dog, Katies dress was totally destroyed.“What an awful thing!” How can I go to the clothing contest looking like this?” Katie cried. Mother thought for a few minutes,

    8、and then she got an idea. She brought Katie to the bathroom. When they returned, Katie looked totally different.“Ladies and gentlemen, lets welcome Katie, the zombie princess(僵尸公主)!” Mother said. Marcus laughed and said, “Katie, I actually think you look better as a zombie.” “Great!” Betty said, “Yo

    9、u are sure to bringt home the first prize!”11Katie will go in for a clothes show.12In Marcus opinion, Katie will probably win the first prize.13Bella destroyed Katies dress.14Katies mother bought Katie a new dress.15Betty thought that Katie would get the first prize.三、阅读单选 There was once an old man.

    10、 He had a daughter. She was so beautiful, and a lot of young men from all over the town came to visit her. The old man asked his daughter, “What kind of man do you want to be your husband?” His daughter said, “Dear father, my future husband can be poor but should also be a rich man.”“How could that

    11、be?” thought the father. But anyway, he announced (宣告) that his daughter was ready for marriage(结婚). Many men stood outside of the girls home. The old man came out and said, “Gentlemen, those who think they are qualified(有资格的), please come forward and tell me what you have!”A few well-dressed men ca

    12、me forward and said, “We are rich men. We have gold, silk and big houses.” Next came five young men with jewelry (珠宝) boxes. “You will be a rich person if you choose one of us to be your husband,” they said.The girl just smiled. Then came a poor-dressed young man. The old man asked, “Young man, you

    13、look so poor. What can you offer my daughter?”“My wealth is always with me,” said the young man. “I can make tables and chairs with an hour. I can also put up a tent for you.”The girl smiled. The young man continued, “I can cook, too. I can cook delicious meals. However, I do not have much money. Bu

    14、t with my pair of hands, I do have a whole life of wealth.”“You are my husband.” said the girl. “You have a pair of magic hands.”16The old man wanted his daughter to _.Ahelp him do farm workBsell their farm products at the marketCselect a man who his daughter loved bestDdo some chores for her mother

    15、 at home17A poor young man told the old man _.Adidnt look down on himBhis wealth always followed himCHe looked poor, but he was able to become a rich manDHe would do everything for his daughter after the marriage18We can infer(推断)that _.Athe young man will be the richest in the townBthe wife will le

    16、arn to cook dinner for her husbandCthe father wont allow his daughter to marry the poor manDthe girl will live a happy life with her husband19What can we learn from the passage?AThe poorer, the better.BHappiness comes from hardworking hands.CEach father loves his daughter.DHardworking hands can make

    17、 money.20Whats the best title of the passage?APoor but rich at heart.BBe ready for marriage.CAn old man and his daughter.DSome rich young men.A woman wrote to us saying she was doing a workshop for children to help them develop self-confidence and asked if we could help her. Klassy Evans, editor of

    18、Self-Help Stuff That Works, gave this answer:I have dealt with many children and what I know about self-confidence is: You cant give them self-confidence. What you can do is to give them chances to do things well and in doing things well, they become confident of themselves. Ive seen many teachers t

    19、ry to say really nice, encouraging things to kids trying to make them feel good about themselves, but it backfires(事与愿违).It is interesting to know how the word confidence comes. Confidence is from Latin, meaning to trust fully. Children must learn to trust themselves to trust their own abilities and

    20、 I dont know any way to do that but in the doing of things. Children need to be coached on how to attempt things and how to overcome difficulties and to get up again when they fail. And they will learn from that failure and go on. Its back to hard work and learning from failures.If I was doing a wor

    21、kshop for kids, and Ive done a few workshops in my life, though theyve been for high-school kids, Id help them learn how to achieve. When they know how to achieve and get up again after the setback(挫折), then self-confidence is the result.21We should _ to make a person more self-confident according t

    22、o Klassy.Agive them self- confidenceBgive them chances to do things wellCencourage them to make them feel good about themselvesDgive them money22The word “confidence” comes from _.ALatin BEnglish CGerman DFrench23How should children deal with failures?AThey need to be coached on how to attempt thing

    23、s.BThey should learn from failures and go on.CThey should be afraid of failures.DThey should ask others for help.24Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AKlassy agrees to give children self-confidence.BIt is wrong to encourage children to do anything.CIt is difficult for children t

    24、o be more self-confident.DKlassy hopes to help children learn how to achieve.25Which of the following is the best title for the passage?AEncourage children to own more self-confidence.BSelf-confidence is difficult.CHow to make children self-confident.DHow does the word confidence come?四、补全短文6选5 Amer

    25、icans with small families own a small car or a large one. 26, they usually have two cars. When the family is large, one of the cars is sold and they will buy a van (住房汽车).A small car can hold four persons and a large car can hold six persons but it is very crowded. A van hold seven persons easily, s

    26、o a family of three children could ask their grandparents to go on a holiday travel. 27Mr. Hagen and his wife had a third child last year. This made them sell a second car and buy a van. Their sixth and seventh seat are used to put other things, for a family of five must carry many suitcases when th

    27、ey travel. 28, the suitcases are brought into the two seats, the van can then carry the grandparents.29. A motor home is always used for holidays. When a family are traveling to the mountains or to the seaside, they can live in their motor home for a few days or to the seaside, they can live in thei

    28、r motor home for a few days or weeks. All the members of a big family can enjoy a happier life when they are traveling together. 30. In America there are many parks for motor homes.根据短文内容,从下列选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有一项为多余选项。AAmericans call vans motor homes.BThey could all travel together.CThat is why mo

    29、tor homes have become very popular.DIf both parents are workingE.When they arrive at their grandparents homeF.Though both parents are working五、用单词的正确形式完成短文it, before, gets, situation, after, lovely, through, patient, especially, being, experienced, itsPeople feel safe and happy with their 31 pets li

    30、ke dogs and cats. But it is said that most dogs, 32 younger ones, feel scared when their masters leave them. If we dont teach them 33 practice, most will always feel scared every time we walk out of the door. According to an 34 dog keeper, we need to give our dogs enough time to practice “saying goo

    31、dbye”. Whether were planning to leave our pet with a friend or in a pet store for a few days during a vacation, or just leave her at home when we go to work. We will have to practice leaving her alone for a few times 35 we really leave her.First, make her get used to 36 alone by leaving her in other rooms of the house. This means you go inside a room with her, shut the door, and let her stay there for a few minutes. After she 37 used to this, you can leave the room for a short time an hour, a few hours and then half a day. You can leave a toy o


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