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    1、电影学英语HowToTrainYourDragon驯龙高手电影学英语 How To Train Your Dragon 驯龙高手-Hiccup: This is Berk. Its 12 days North of hopeless and a few degrees South of freezing to death. north: 北方 hopeless: 绝望的 a few: 少数,几个 degree: 度数,程度 freezing: 严寒的 death: 死亡 这里是Berk岛。有像北极那样12天绝望的严寒,也有南极酷冷的垂死之感。 Its located solidly on th

    2、e Meridian of Misery. My village. In a word: sturdy. locate: 位于,坐落于 solidly: 牢固地 meridian: 子午线 misery: 痛苦 village: 村庄 sturdy: 坚定的,不退让的 岛就坐落在“悲剧子午线”上。这就是我的家乡。简而言之:一成不变。 Its been here for seven generations but every single building is new. generation: 一代人,代 single: 单一的 building: 建筑物,房屋 现在这里是第七代人了,但是房子

    3、都还很新。 We have fishing, hunting, and a charming view of the sunsets. The only problems are the pests. fishing: 捕鱼 hunting: 打猎 charming: 可爱的,令人陶醉的 view: 景色 sunset: 日落 problem: 问题 pest: 有害的人或物 我们打渔,打猎,还可以欣赏迷人的夕阳。唯一的问题是害虫。 You see, most places have mice or mosquitoes. We have.Dragons. mice: mouse的复数形式,老

    4、鼠 mosquito: 蚊子 dragon: 龙 一般来说,害虫都是老鼠或是蚊子,但我们的是龙。 Most people would leave, but not us. Were Vikings. We stubbornness issues. leave: 离开 Viking: 北欧海盗 stubbornness: 顽强 issue: 个人问题 大多数人选择离开,但是不是我们,我们是维京人,我们拥有顽强。 My name is Hiccup. Great name, I know. But its not the worst. Parents believe a hideous name

    5、will frighten off Gnomes and Trolls. believe: 相信 hideous: 极其丑陋的 frighten: 吓唬 gnome: 地精,土地神 troll: 相貌奇丑的穴居巨人或侏儒 我叫Hiccup。我知道不是什么伟大的名字,但是也不是最糟的。父母们相信一个难听的名字可以驱赶地精和恶魔。 Like our charming Viking demeanor wouldnt do that. demeanor: 举止,行为 好像我们维京勇士的壮举还不如一个名字。 -Viking A: Morning. 早。 -Viking B: What are you d

    6、oing here? Get inside! inside: 在内的 你在这里做什么,进去 -Viking C: Get back inside! 快回去 -Stoick: Hiccup! What is he doing out again.What are you doing out? Get inside! Hiccup你又出来干什么你出来干什么,回去 -Hiccup: Thats Stoick the Vast, Chief of the tribe. vast: 巨大的 chief: 族长,酋长 tribe: 部落,种族 这是大块头Stoick,部落的首领。 They say tha

    7、t when he was a baby he popped a Dragons head clean off its shoulders. Do I believe it? Yes, I do. pop: 使破裂 head: 头 clean off: 除去 clean: (使)清洁,变干净 shoulder: 肩膀 他们说他还是婴儿的时候,他就能把龙头从它的脖子上扭下来。我相信吗,当然信。 -Stoick: What have we got? 有哪些龙, -Viking: Gronckles, Nadders, Zipplebacks.Oh, and hordes of Monstruous

    8、 Nightmares. horde: 移动着的一大群 nightmare: 噩梦 Gronckles、Nadders、Zipplebacks哦,还有凶魇群龙。 -Stoick: Any Night Furys? fury: 暴怒,猛烈 有没有夜煞, -Viking: None So far. none: 一个也没有 so far: 迄今为止 现在还没有。 -Stoick: Good. 很好。 -Viking: Light the torches! light: 点火,点燃 torch: 火炬 点燃火炬 -Gobber: Oh, nice of you to join the party. I

    9、 thought youd been carried off. join: 加入,参与 party: 聚会 carry: 携带,拿,运载 哦,很高兴你也来参加这样的晚会,我还以为你被抓走了。 -Hiccup: Who? Me? Nah, come on.Im way too muscular for their taste. nah: 不 muscular: 肌肉发达的 taste: 爱好,嗜好,味道 谁,我,得了吧我肌肉太多,它们不喜欢。 They wouldnt know what to do with all.this. do with: 处理 它们不知道怎么吃所有的这些。 -Gobbe

    10、r: Well, they need toothpicks, dont they? toothpick: 牙签 好吧,它们需要牙签,是吧, -Hiccup: The meathead with the attitude and interchangeable hands, is Gobber. meathead: 笨蛋 attitude: 态度 interchangeable: 可交换的 那个脾气暴躁还装着义肢的傻瓜叫Gobber。 I have been his apprentice ever since I was little. Well, littler. ever since: 从那

    11、时到现在 since: 从以来 apprentice: 学徒我从小做他的学徒。嗯,比现在小一点。 -Stoick: We move to the moor defenses. Well counterattack with the catapults. move:移动 moor: 旷野 defense: 防卫 counterattack: 反击 catapult: 石弩,弩炮 我们去空旷的地方防守,用投射器反攻。 -Hiccup: See? Old village. Lots and lots of new houses. lots and lots: 许许多多的,大量的 看见了吗,老村落,却

    12、有很多很多新房子。 -Viking: Fire! fire: 火 着火了 -Hiccup: Oh, and thats Fishlegs, Snotlout, the twins, Ruffnut and Tuffnut.and.Astrid. Aww, their job is so much cooler. snot: 鼻涕 lout: 笨拙粗鲁的年轻人 twin: 双胞胎 哦,那是Fishlegs,Snotlout,双胞胎Ruffnut和Tuffnut还有Astrid,喔,他们的工作酷多了。 -Hiccup: Oh, come on. Let me out, please. I need

    13、 to make my mark! mark: 成绩 哦,拜托,放我出去,我要建功 -Gobber: Oh, you have made plenty of marks. All in the wrong places. plenty: 大量的 哦,你已经做了很多的贡献了,但是都是错误的。 -Hiccup: Please, 2 minutes. Ill kill a dragon. My life will get infinitely better. I might even get a date. minute: 分钟 kill: 杀死 life: 生活,人生 infinitely: 极其

    14、 date: 约会 就两分钟,我会杀了一条龙的,我的人生就将从此改变。我甚至能去约会。 -Gobber: You cant lift a hammer. You cant swing an axe. You cant even throw one of these. lift: 举起,抬起 hammer: 锤,铁榔头 swing: (使)旋转 axe: 斧子 throw: 投,掷 你连榔头都举不起,连斧头都挥不动。甚至这其中一个都扔不出。 -Hiccup: Okay, fine, but this will throw it for me. 好,好,但是这个可以帮我扔。 -Gobber: Se

    15、e, now this right here is what Im talking about. 看见了吗,就和我说的一样。 -Hiccup: But it.its a mild calibration issue. mild: 轻微的 calibration: 调准,校准 issue: 问题 但是,它它只要再稍稍校准下。 -Gobber: Hiccup, if you ever want to get out there to fight dragons, you need to stop all. this. fight: 战斗,打架 dragon: 龙 stop: 停止 Hiccup,如

    16、果你想去和龙战斗,你必须改变这些这些。 -Hiccup: But you just pointed to all of me. point: 指,指向 但是你指的是我的全身。 -Gobber: Yes, thats it. Stop being all of you. 是,就是全身。要脱胎换骨。 -Hiccup: Oh. 哦 -Gobber: Oh, yes. 哦,是。 -Hiccup: You sir, are playing a dangerous game.keeping this much raw Vikingness contained. There will be conseque

    17、nces! play: 玩耍 dangerous: 危险的 game: 游戏 raw: 原始的,天然的 contain: 包含 consequence: 结果,后果 先生,您这是在玩一个危险的游戏保持维京人这种原始的特质,后果会很严重 -Gobber: I take my chances. Sword, sharpened, now! chance: 时机,运气 sword: 剑 sharpen: 削尖,磨快 我会承担的。去磨剑,快走 -Hiccup: One day Ill get out there. Because killing a dragon is everything aroun

    18、d here. 总有一天,我会到那里的。因为在这里,杀死龙意味着一切。 A Nadderhead is sure to get me at least noticed. Gronckles are tough. sure: 确信的 at least: 至少 notice: 注意 tough: 坚强的,坚韧的 打倒一条Nadderhead至少可以让我得到注意。Gronckles很强硬。 Taking down one of those would definitely get me a girlfriend. take down: 拆卸,击败 definitely: 肯定地 打倒一条肯定可以找到

    19、一个女朋友。 A Zippleback.exotic, two heads, twice the status. exotic: 奇异的,极难俘获的 status: 情形 一条Zippleback不太现实,两个头,双倍的难度。 -Stoick: They found the sheep! sheep: 羊,绵羊他们找到羊了 -Viking A: Concentrate fire over the lower bank! Hurry up! concentrate: 集中,聚集 lower: 较低的 bank: 堤岸,高坡,滩 hurry up: 赶紧 向下面集中火力快 -Viking B: F

    20、ire! 开火 -Hiccup: And then, theres the Monstruous Nightmare. Only the best Vikings go after those. go after: 追逐,追求 还有,凶魇。只有最棒的维京人敢挑战它们。 They have this nasty habit of setting themselves on fire. nasty: 令人讨厌的 habit: 习惯 set: 搁置 on fire: 起火 它们有一个讨人厌的坏习惯,把自己点燃。 -Stoick: Reload! Ill take care of this. relo

    21、ad: 重新装,再装 take care of: 对付,处理 再次填装我可以应付。 -Hiccup: But the ultimate prize is the dragon no ones ever seen. We call it the. ultimate: 最大的,极限程度的 prize: 值得竞争的东西 但是最让人觊觎的龙,还没有人见到过。我们叫它 -Vikings: Night Fury! Get down! get down: 弯下,跪下 夜煞趴下 -Stoick: Jump! jump: 跳 跳 -Hiccup: This thing never steals food, ne

    22、ver shows itself, and.never misses. never: 从不 steal: 偷窃 show: 显现 miss: 失败 它从不偷东西,从不现身,然而从未失手。 No one has ever killed a Night Fury. Thats why Im going to be the first. 没人杀死过夜煞。这就是我想成为第一个的原因。 -Gobber: Mind the fort, Hiccup. They need me out there. Stay! Put! There. You know what I mean. mind: 注意,当心 fo

    23、rt: 堡垒 stay: 停留 mean: 本意是,意味 守住阵地,Hiccup,他们需要我。呆着别动就这里。你知道我是什么意思。 -Viking: Hiccup, what are you doing? Come back here! Hiccup,你在干什么,回来 -Hiccup: Yeah, I know. Be right back! 我知道,马上回来 -Stoick: Mind yourself! The devils still have some juice in them. devil: 魔鬼 juice: 活力,精力 自己小心那些恶魔还有些能量。 -Hiccup: Come

    24、on. Give me something to shoot at. Give me something to shoot at. shoot: 射击 来吧。给我些目标,给我目标。 Oh! I hit it? Yes, I hit it! Did anybody see that? Except for you. 外 except for: 除之外 hit: 打击,击中 except: 除哦我击中了,是的,我击中了有人看见吗,除了你。 -Stoick: Do not let them escape! escape: 逃脱,逃跑 别让它们跑了 -Viking: Right! 好的 -Stoick

    25、: Youre all out. 你等死吧。 -Hiccup: Oh, and theres one more thing you need to know.Sorry, Dad. 哦,还有一件事你要知道抱歉,爸爸。 Okay, but I hit a Night Fury. Its not like the last few times, Dad! fury: 暴怒,猛烈 但是我击中了夜煞。和上几次不一样,爸爸 I mean, I really actually hit.You guys were busy and I had a very clear shot. really: 真正地 a

    26、ctually: 确实 guy: 伙计 busy: 忙的 我是说,我真的击中了你们正在忙,我很漂亮地击中了。 It went down just off Raven Point. Lets get a search party out there before. go down: 落下 raven: 乌黑的 point: (某一)地点 search: 搜寻 party: 队,组 它掉在黑区,快派人过去搜 -Stoick: Stop! Just, stop! Every time you step outside disaster falls. Can you not see that I ha

    27、ve bigger problems? step: 行走 outside: 向外面 disaster: 灾难 fall: 降临 problem: 问题 闭嘴给我闭嘴你一出门,灾难就降临。你没发现我还有更大的麻烦吗, Winter is almost here and I have an entire village to feed! winter: 冬天 almost: 将近 entire: 全部的 village: 村庄 feed: 喂养 冬天临近了,我还得喂饱全村人 -Hiccup: Between you and me, the village could do with a littl

    28、e less feeding, dont you think? feed: 给食,喂养 看这身材差距,如果都不像你们这么硕大,村子也可以少负担些口粮, -Stoick: This isnt a joke, Hiccup! Why cant you follow the simplest orders? joke: 笑话,玩笑 follow: 遵照 simple: 简单的 order: 秩序,命令 这不是在开玩笑,Hiccup你就不能老实一点, -Hiccup: I, I cant stop myself. I see a dragon and I have to just.kill it. Y

    29、ou know, its who I am, Dad. 我控制不住自己,每当我看到龙,就想杀了它,爸爸,这就是我。 -Stoick: Oh, you are many things, Hiccup, but a dragon killer is not one of them. killer: 杀手 哦,你可以胜任很多职责,但决不是捕龙者,Hiccup。 Get back to the house. Make sure he gets there. I have his mess to clean up. make sure: 确保 mess: 混乱局面 clean up: 清理 回到屋子里去

    30、,确保他回去,我还得收拾他的烂摊子。 -Ruffnut: Quite the performance. performance: 表演 演出结束了。 -Snotlout: Ive never seen any one mess up that badly. That helped! mess: 杂乱 mess up: 弄乱,弄糟 好厉害的败家子啊,太帅了 -Hiccup: Thank you. Thank you. I was trying. I really did hit one. try: 试图,努力 谢谢,谢谢,我一直在努力。我真的射中了一条。 -Gobber: Sure, Hiccu

    31、p. 当然,Hiccup。 -Hiccup: He never listens. listen: 留心听 他从来不听我说的。 -Gobber: Well, it runs in the family. family: 家庭 哎,每个家庭基本都这样。 -Hiccup: And when he does, its always with this disappointed scowl, like someone skimped on the meat in his sandwich. always: 总是 disappointed: 失望的 scowl: 怒容 skimp: 克扣 sandwich: 三明治 就算信了,也满腹牢骚。就好像有人偷吃了他三明治中的肉。 Excuse me, barmaid. Im afraid you brought me the wron


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