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    学年高中英语外研版选修八教学案Module 2.docx

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    学年高中英语外研版选修八教学案Module 2.docx

    1、学年高中英语外研版选修八教学案Module 2.Read the passage on Page 25 carefully and tell True(T)or False(F). 1. The burglar took the antique frame and the glass away. _2. It was a policeman who saw a man, carrying a parcel under his arm, flee down a sideroad._3. Vincenzo Perugia sold the Mona Lisa to an art dealer._4

    2、. De Valfierno made use of the news of the theft and sold six substitutes of the Mona Lisa carefully._5. The police reckoned the theft of the Mona Lisa was planned by only one man._答案:15FFFTF.Match each paragraph with its main idea according to the passage on Page 27.Para.1A. Printing made it possib

    3、le to produce more copies in less time.Para.2B. Printing answered a need of people who were thirsty for knowledge.Para.3C. The spread of printing greatly influenced the European Culture.Para.4D. Printing could satisfy the desire for all kinds of books.Para.5E. Johann Gutenberg made the first printin

    4、g press in Europe.答案:BAEDC.单词拼写1. When the war broke out, some people continued to stay in their houses while others fled (逃离) to neighbouring countries.2. Beggars often ask for money from_passersby (过路人). 3. How can we seek (寻找) out a really good person for the job?4. I never blame (责备,抱怨) failure

    5、there are too many complicated situations in life.5. The course teaches you the theory but theres no substitute (替代品) for practical experience.6. The great_drawback (缺点) of living near a main road is noise.7. He told me some anecdotes (轶事)about our English teacher.8. There is a_fundamental (基本的) dif

    6、ference in attitude between these two politicians.9. The outcome (后果)of the game is beyond his early hopes.10. A doctor who gives away confidential (机密的) information about patients is not behaving professionally.拓展词汇1._lossn. 丢失,丧失losevt.丢失,迷失lostadj.丢失的2. inspirev. 鼓舞,激励inspirationn. 鼓舞,激励;启发,灵感3.

    7、appealv. 恳求;呼吁appealingadj.动人心弦的4. calculatev. 计算calculatorn. 计算器calculationn. 计算;账目;推定;预想;预定5._suspectn. (犯罪)嫌疑人;可疑分子suspectedadj.被怀疑的suspiciousadj.多疑的6. officialn. 官员;高级职员officern. 军官,干部7. professionn. 职业professionaladj.职业的,专业的professorn. 教授巧记单词词根词形变化构词点拨inspireinspiration动词去e加ation构成名词appealappea

    8、ling动词加ing构成形容词professionprofessional名词加al构成形容词.补全短语 1. depend on依靠,依赖;取决于2. in history 历史上3. leave_for 出发去4. leave sth. behind 把抛在后面5. on behalf of 代表6. get tired of doing sth. 厌倦/烦做某事7. at liberty 获得自由的8. up_to达到(某个数量)9. lead to导致;通向,通往10. take up 从事,开始做(某项工作)1. 教材原句It doesnt matter whether he is

    9、doing a portrait or a landscape hes a genius.不管他画肖像还是山水画他都是个天才。句型点拨It doesnt matter .。佳句赏析你明天晚上来不来参加聚会都不要紧。It doesnt matter whether you come to the party or not tomorrow evening.2. 教材原句Printing made it possible to produce more copies in a few weeks than could have been produced in a lifetime written

    10、 out by hand.印刷使这一点成为了可能,在数周内印刷出来的书比一个人一辈子手工抄写的书还要多。句型点拨make itadj.to do sth.。佳句赏析现在网上学习使很多人在家里学习成为可能。Nowadays, learning online makes it possible for many people to study at home. 3. 教材原句But as the ideas of the Renaissance developed, so did the demand for the Greek and Latin classics, which had been

    11、 largely ignored for up to 2,000 years.但随着文艺复兴观念的发展,人们对希腊和拉丁经典作品的需求也增加了,而这些经典作品在很大程度上已经被忽视达2 000年了。句型点拨so助动词/系动词/情态动词主语。佳句赏析汤姆去了南京报道这个事件,玛丽也去了。Tom went to Nanjing to cover the event, so did Mary.ThursdayWe arrived on the overnight ferry to the Hook of Holland and took a train to Amsterdam Central St

    12、ation.It was only a short ride.Its not easy to find your way around the town.A lot of the roads follow the canals, which arent straight but are shaped like horseshoes.So you can walk along a street for half an hour or so and end up five minutes from where you started.However, most people dont walk t

    13、here are three million bikes in town and a good bus and tram system.There are boats, too.About half of them are for tourists, the others are houseboats with people living on them.We spent the whole day walking.Tomorrow were going to rent bikes.FridayWe spent today looking at houses.The architecture

    14、is astonishing, quite different from other European countries weve been to.The houses are tall and thin, and many of them have a fantastically ornate Renaissance appearance.In the Middle Ages the houses were made of wood.Then, at the end of the 15th century there was a huge fire and about three quar

    15、ters of the town was destroyed.After that, houses were made of brick.Unlike other places in Europe, where house owners were taxed on the size of their windows, here the taxes depended on the width of the house so they kept them narrow, but built them tall.Well, thats what Claire says, and she read i

    16、t in the guidebook.SaturdayWe visited the Van Gogh Museum, instead of the more famous Rijksmuseum.It was astonishing.I hadnt really looked at any of Van Goghs paintings before.He seems to have reinvented the art.It doesnt matter whether he is doing a portrait or a landscape hes a genius.In the last

    17、70 days of his life before he shot himself he produced 70 paintings, and I reckon theyre almost all masterpieces.Yet in all his life Van Gogh only ever sold one painting!We must have spent three hours in that museum.When we came out I told Claire I thought Van Gogh was the greatest painter in histor

    18、y.She reminded me that we were leaving for Paris tomorrow, where we were going to see the most famous painting in the world .星期四我们乘坐了一夜的渡轮到了荷兰角,然后乘火车去了阿姆斯特丹的中心车站。这只是一段很短的路程,但是在集镇里找路却不容易。很多道路依河而建,它们不是直的而是像马蹄铁一样。那么你可能沿街走了半个小时左右,结果离你出发的地方实际仅有五分钟的路程。然而,大部分人不走路镇上有300万辆自行车及很好的公交和电车系统,也有船,大约一半是为游客准备的,其他的是有


    20、是山水画他都是个天才。在他自杀前的最后70天里,他画了70幅画,我认为它们几乎都是杰作。然而在他有生之年,梵高仅仅卖出了一幅作品!我们在博物馆里肯定度过了3个小时,当我们出来时我告诉克莱尔我认为梵高是历史上最伟大的画家。她提醒我说我们明天要去巴黎,在那我们将看到世界上最著名的画作The Puzzle of the Mona LisaThe Mona Lisa is the subject of many stories, but there is one anecdote which remains a puzzle.Is the painting in the Louvre the auth

    21、entic work by Leonardo da Vinci .or just a copy?The story began one day in 1911 when someone noticed the Mona Lisa was missing.A spokesman said, “The burglar left the antique frame and the glass behind.He must have gone through the basement to the main courtyard.A passerby saw a man with a moustache

    22、, carrying a parcel under his arm, dash over the street crossing, along to the crossroads.He then fled down a sideroad.Were appealing to anyone who saw the suspect to contact us.”So who stole the Mona Lisa?And why?News about the loss of the Mona Lisa was circulated in all the French newspapers, and

    23、there was a widespread search for the burglar all over the country.The police said, “We dont think the burglar was working alone.Were seeking a gang of criminals.” Two years later, a man with a moustache went to an art dealer in Florence in Italy and made a tentative attempt to sell the Mona Lisa.Th

    24、e art dealer checked it, agreed it was authentic . and then called the police.Why did the burglar, Vincenzo Perugia, wait so long?Perugia had stolen the Mona Lisa on behalf of the chief organiser of the crime, Eduardo de Valfierno.But Perugia made a fundamental mistake.He trusted de Valfierno to pay

    25、 him for the painting.The drawback for Perugia was that de Valfierno didnt in fact need the painting, only the news of the theft.De Valfierno made six superb copies and sold them, claiming that each one was the authentic stolen painting.Of course, the fact that there were six substitutes was confide

    26、ntial.The six buyers didnt know about the other paintings.Whats more, de Valfierno didnt need to pay his debt to Perugia.After two years, Perugia got tired of waiting to be paid, and tried to sell the painting.When the real Mona Lisa turned up in Florence, de Valfierno simply told his buyers that it

    27、 was merely a copy.The outcome of the story is that Perugia got the blame for the crime and went to prison.De Valfierno remained at liberty for the rest of his life.But there is still a puzzle.There were a number of precise copies of the Mona Lisa painted by gifted students of Leonardo da Vinci.Part

    28、 of the paintings fascination is whether the one in the Louvre was authentic . even before it was stolen.And if Perugia stole a copy . who has the authentic Mona Lisa?蒙娜丽莎之谜蒙娜丽莎是许多故事的主题,但是有一个传闻仍然是个谜。卢浮宫的画是莱奥纳多达芬奇的真迹还是只是一份赝品?故事始于1911年的一天,有人注意到蒙娜丽莎丢了。一个发言人说:“窃贼把古董架和玻璃留下了。他一定是穿过地下室到达主院的。一个过路人看见一个留着胡须的男



    31、偷了一幅赝品那蒙娜丽莎的真迹在谁手里呢?PrintingPrinting is the process of making many copies of a single document using movable characters or letters.In China, printing was known as early as in the 7th century, during the Tang Dynasty;in Europe, it was an important part of the Renaissance.Printing answered a need because people were thirsty for knowledge.Before printing was invented, copies of a manuscript had to be made by hand, usually on animal skins.This was a difficult task that could take many years, and which made books ver


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