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    1、五下暑假巩固练习朗文版第一部分-词汇复习Chapter 1 Teamwork1.画些标志14.着急2.写些通知15.担心的3.粉刷栏杆16.事情、事物4.收拾房间17.菜单5.拖地板18.遛狗6.洗衣服19.骑自行车7.打破一个花盆20.巨大的8.家务劳动21.在电话里和某人说话9.重要的22.喝些牛奶10.外貌、外表23.在池里游泳11.扔、掷24.整理床铺12.去(go的过去式)25.扔掉垃圾13.把某物放好26.搬走桌子和椅子Chapter 2 Exciting Experiences1.看到14.保持keep- -2.吃15.有have- -3.喂16.一次4.遇见17.两次5.飞翔1

    2、8.没有人6.唱19.听流行音乐会7.去20.慈善行走8.给21.遇见老人9.到过,存在22.开赛车10.种23.观看游行11.游泳24.庆祝春节12.驾驶25.海盗13.观看26.科学家27.西方的Chapter 3 Eating habits1.饮食习惯21.遗失2.鸡肉22.一个热狗3.猪肉23.许多4.牛肉24.更多,比较多5.鸭,鸭肉25.更少,比较少(可数)6.香肠26.更少,比较少(不可数)7.豌豆27.吃午餐、晚餐8.葡萄28.准备9.雪糕29.锻炼10.牛奶30.吃早餐11.苹果汁31.离开12.面包32.扔进13.面条33.节食14.炸薯条34.体重增加15.米饭35.减肥

    3、16.点心36.和一起玩17.少(修饰可数名词)37.健身18.少(修饰不可数名词)38.比以前19.底部39.一定,必须20.一些,很少(修饰可数名词)Chapter 4 Advice on eating1.健康饮食12.巧克力2.足够的13.土豆3.太多(可数)14.煎炸食品4.太多(不可数)15.西红柿5.饱16.许多6.零食17.父母亲7.黄油18.完成8.曲奇饼19.度假9.咸食20.支付的费用;付账10.蔬菜21.要账单11.甜玉米22.饿Chapter 5 Enjoying nature1.一日游12.笔记本2.让我13.观鸟3.到达14.摘水果4.小时15.划船5.地图16.好

    4、主意6.看猴17.多远路7.多长时间18.照相8.(物)有趣的19.看海洋动物9.(人)感兴趣的20.种蔬菜10.骑马21.(物)刺激的11.观蝶22.(人)刺激的23.人被某事物吸引住Chapter 6 Help save the animals1.上网12.百2.成人13.亚洲象3.象牙14.濒临灭绝4.搬运15.短缺5.生(蛋)16.保护野生动物6.打猎17.时不时7.成长18.野生动物8.保护19.在将来9.工人10.硬壳11.海龟第二部分-香港朗文英语5B综合练习巩固一、根据图片信息,用fewer, less, more, than完成问答。1. Sally has _than Ma

    5、ry.(apples) 2. Mary has _.(cheese) 3. Sally _.(fruit tarts)二、请用a little, a few, less, fewer, more, than完成句子。1.Ken has _meat, but Sandy has _ meat _Ken.2.Tony has_grapes_Lily, but he has _nuts_Lily.3.There is _bread and _peas.4.Judy eats_ rice now _before.5.Kate has _noodles in the afternoon _in the

    6、evening.三、选择填空( )1._she _English at school?A. Is, study B. Does, studies C. Does, study( )2. _she_ lunch at home?A. Does, has B. Does, have C. Is, have( )3. She always does her homework for _ hour after dinner.A. a B. an C. the( )4. She practices _piano for half an hour _ you.A. /,like B. the, as C.

    7、 the, like( )5. Hes two years _than me.A. younger B. young C. old( )6. We should help_.A. other B. every other C. each other( )7. Shes good at _the piano _you.A. play, like B. playing, like C. playing, as( )8. Jiamin is _ thinner than before.A. much B. many C. more( )9. Im sure she can catch up_his

    8、classmates.A. of B. with C. to( )10. Is the old woman _about her son?A. worries B. worry C. worried四、用too many, too much, many, much, a lot of填空。1. I dont have _sweets.2. How _ is it? - Its twenty dollars.3. There is not _ cola left in the bottle.4. How _ students in your class? -There are 30 studen

    9、ts.5. Paul drinks _milk everyday.6. Oh, no! You shouldnt eat _noodles, Eric.7. Youve drunk _apple juice. Thats no good for your health.8. There are _ in the room. There are not enough seats.五、用a little, a few, plenty of, enough, too many, too much填空。1. You should eat_meat, Ben.2. Are there _presents

    10、 for everyone?-No, there arent.3. Dont take_sandwiches Jenny. There are_ sandwiches on your plate.4. Gary in on diet. He has_rice and_peas for lunch.5. He loves eating. He always eats more than _.六、用括号内所给动词的-ed形式或-ing形式填空 1. The children were _after the trip. (tire) 2. The trip was_. (tire) 3. When

    11、hearing the_ news that Michael Jackson passed away, they were _to look at each other. (surprise) 4. He was _ about his _ son. (worry) 5. He is very _in this _book. (interest)6. He was so _after watching this _football match. (excite)七、按实际情况回答问题1)How far is it from your home to school?_2)How can you

    12、go home from your school?_3)How long does it take by bus from here to your school?_八、选择填空( )1. How long does it _ to get there by bus?A. takes B. take C. taking( )2. _is it from the school? Its 25 km.A. How long B. How far C. How often D. How( )3. How long does it take to walk there? It _one hour an

    13、d ten minutes.4、科学家研究表明昆虫头上的触角就是它们的“鼻子”,能分辨出各种气味,比人的鼻子灵敏得多。A. take B. takes C. taking( )4. What can we do there? We can watch _ there.10、生物学家列文虎克于1632年出生在荷兰,他制成了世界上最早的可放大300倍的金属结构的显微镜。他用自制的显微镜发现了微生物。A. bird B. brid C. birds4、咀嚼馒头的外皮也可以感觉到甜味吗?为什么?( )5. I think _rowing is very exciting.A. go B. going

    14、C. goes答:说明米饭不是甜的,但米饭含有淀粉,在我们咀嚼的过程中发生了变化,变得有甜味了。( )6. Where shall we go? _ go to the Mai Po Wetland.16、大量的研究事实说明生命体都是由细胞组成的,生物是由细胞构成的。我们的皮肤表面,每平方厘米含有的细胞数量超过10万个。A. Let B. Lets C. To let8、我们把铁钉一半浸在水里,一半暴露在空气中,过几天我们发现铁钉在空气中的部分已经生锈,在水中的部分没有生锈。通过实验,我们得出铁生锈与空气有关。22、光的传播速度是每秒钟30万千米,光年就是光在一年中所走过的距离,它是用来计量恒

    15、星间距离的单位。( )7. I think _ a good idea.A. that B. thats C. it D. theyre( )8. Do you like _nature?1、月相的变化有什么规律?(P49)A. enjoy B. enjoying C. enjoys D. enjoyes( )9. You shouldnt eat too _ chocolate.A. few B. little C. much D. many( )10. Its ok to have _crackers and some yoghurt.6、二氧化碳气体有什么特点?A. a few B. a

    16、 little C. too many D. too much4、举例说明微生物对人类有益的方面是什么?( )11. _is the park from our school? Its about 3 km.A. How B. How far C. How long( )12. _does it take to get to Fanling from school? It takes 2 hours.A. How long B. How C. How far 九、按照实际情况回答问题 1. Where will you go this weekend?_2. What did you do y

    17、esterday?_3. What have you ever done?_4. How long does it take to get to school from your home?_5. How far is it from your home to school?_6. How can you get to school from your home?_十、用所给单词正确形式填空。1 Have you ever _(take) a train? 2 It _(be ) more than three years since Jim _(leave) here. 3 Have you

    18、 _(make)friends with your new classmates yet? 4 I _(have) my lunch and Im not hungry now. 5 Jim has never seen a panda, _he? 6 We _(be) good friends since we met at school. 7 We cant find him anywhere. Perhaps he_(go) home. 8 He _(read) the book before. 9 Mr. Green _(teach) us a lot about social stu

    19、dies since September. 10 I _never_ (meet) her sister before. 11. He _(work) in our school for five year. 12 He _(come) to our school last year/in 2008. 13. They _(cook) the supper already. 14. They _ (cook) the supper half an hour ago.十一、选择填空( )1. How _ things did you get into the shopping cart?A. m

    20、uch B. often C. many( )2.Peter _got a dog and a cat.A. have B. has C. is( )3.I have _the notices.A. write B. written C. wrote( )4. Have you made the beds _?A. already B. yet C. still( )5. Have you _visited a pirates cave?A. ever B. yet C. still( )6. We are going to talk about these _exercises?A. exc

    21、iting B. excited C. excitedly( )7. Youre too fat. You have to go on a _.A. boat B. diet C. sport( )8. He had _ bread on Tuesday than on Monday.A. few B. less C. a lot of十二、根据上下文选择填空。Long time ago, a monkey _(drive)his car near a lake. Suddenly, he saw a tiger under a tree. The tiger saw him, too. Th

    22、e tiger _(run)very fast after the monkey. The monkey was very afraid. He and _(he)car fell into the lake. The monkey couldnt _(swim) and he shouted. A rabbit came and he jumped into the lake. The rabbit swam to the monkey but did not _(help)him. Both of them asked for help. Luckily, a giraffe came a

    23、long. He was very tall. He helped the rabbit and the monkey.( )1. A drive B. drove C. driven D. drives( )2. A. ran B. running C. run D. runs( )3. A. he B. him C. his D. her( )4. A. swam B. swum C. swim D. swims( )5. A. help B. helping C. helped D. helps十三、选择正确的答句填空。( )1. Whats the time now? A. Look!

    24、 In your school bag.( )2. Can you dance? B. Hes tall and strong.( )3. How many birds are there in the tree? C. No, I cant( )4. Wheres my pencil? D. There are twenty-two.( )5. Whats your father like? E. Its half past six.十四、根据实际情况回答问题。1.Where shall we go on Saturday? What can we do there?_2.Shall we

    25、go to Hong Kong next Sunday?_3.What shall we do on Monday?_4.Have you finished your homework yet?_5.Have you ever seen a pop star?_十五、用适当的时态填空1.Shes _ (live) here ever since she was ten. 2.Both of them _ (be) in Hongkong for ten days. 3.Both of them _ (come) to Hongkong ten days ago. 4. Half an hour _ (pass) since the train _ (leave). 5. Mary_(lose) her pen. _ you _ (see) it here and there? 6. _ you _ (find) your watch yet? 7. -Are you thirsty? -No I _ just _ (have) some orange. 8. We _already _ (return) the book. 9. _


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