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    1、人教版高中英语必修模块2人教版高中英语必修模块2Unit 2 The Olympic Games: An Interview一、教学内容分析本单元的中心话题是“奥运会”,本节课为普通高中课程标准实验教科书英语(必修2)(人教版)高一年级第二单元The Olympic Games中第一课时的阅读课An Interview。作者通过一个虚拟的采访,让学生对比古今奥运会的异同点,在学习与交流的体验中了解奥运会的基本知识,激发学生热爱祖国、喜迎奥运的情怀。同时,通过一系列的“任务型”活动,使学生通过感知、实践、参与和合作等方式,实现任务的目标,感受成功。二、学生学习情况分析知识准备:在信息大爆炸的时代

    2、,学生平时通过网络、报纸、电视等渠道了解了奥运会的历史、意义、运作等,具有一定的知识储备。能力准备:高一学生刚进入高中,充满幻想、充满激情,乐于尝试一些新的教学活动;有较强的交际愿望和一定的交际能力;有一定的获取信息的能力。但对信息的深层次理解、加工、整和的能力尚待进一步锻炼和提高。心理情感准备:北京申奥成功使每一位学生都充满了自豪感。随着2008年的临近,同学们都对2008北京奥运充满期待,都想为奥运贡献自己的一份力量。 三、设计思想该课时是一堂阅读课,目的是让学生通过阅读一篇虚拟采访,从所给的语言材料中获取相关信息,并通过对信息的加工和处理,提高综合运用语言的能力,这体现了普通高中英语课程

    3、标准的性质和理念。在功能、结构、话题的基础上,采用“任务型”教学模式,设计了许多易于操作的任务型活动。阅读模式多种多样,主要处理好教学的三个阶段,即读前活动(Pre-reading),读中活动(While-reading)和读后活动(Post-reading)。读前活动主要是导入话题(Lead-in),激活相关知识,预测文章内容,提高学生的学习兴趣。读中活动主要是通过Skimming, Scanning,classifying等活动理解课文,获取必要的信息,完成问题。读后活动主要是让学生结合所学知识,通过讨论、小组合作、角色扮演,发展与人沟通和他人合作的能力。注重激发学生的学习积极性和自信心,


    5、和操作目标(最小单位的、即一节课堂教学目标,是靠师生教学活动来实现的目标)。本课旨在让学生了解奥运会的相关知识,掌握采访的基本常识,并能在完成任务的过程中学以致用。2过程与方法:外语教学的过程是一种动态的流程,也是学生通过主动积极的探究、最后获得知识和能力、最终形成个性化行为习惯的过程。过程与方法本身既是目标也是手段。教师采用任务型教学、启发式教学和Jigsaw 式教学,加强过程性、体验性目标,引导学生主动参与、亲身实践、独立思考、合作探究,从而实现学生学习方式的变革,并创造性地完成教学任务。学生通过自主学习、合作学习、探究学习和意义学习,形成有效的学习策略。 3情感、态度与价值观:情感态度与


    7、握和了解有限,因此在辩论、采访活动中会受到局限,必须要作好关键词和词组的铺垫。六、教学过程设计Step 1. Warming-upActivity 1: the Olympic Games quizThe Olympic Games quiz1.In what year were the Olympic Games first held?A. 1896 B. 1906 C. 776 BC2. What do the five Olympic Rings stand for? And what are the five continents? A. Five continents B. Five

    8、 well-known athletes C. Five important events3. What does the IOC stand for?4. The 29th Olympic Games will be held in Beijing in 2008. (T/F)5. The motto of the Olympic Games is “ _, _, _”.6. G_ is the name of the country where the Olympic Games began in ancient times.7. When and where were the first

    9、 modern Olympic Games held?A. 1986 in Sydney B. 1896 in Athens C. 1698 in New York8. Tell some of the sports in the Olympic Games (showing some pictures)9. With the motto New Beijing, Great Olympics, Beijing promises to host a _ Olympics.123456789学情预设:打破传统的按顺序由学生回答问题的模式,利用现代化的教学手段,采用选号码的形式,每个号码超连接一个

    10、问题,答对得一分。学生普遍都有“喜新厌旧”的心理, 这一活动立刻就会激发学生的学习兴趣,激活学生固有的知识,为下面的活动开了个好头。设计意图: 课文warming up中的问题要学生回答有一定的难度,如果用此活动来激活课堂,会事与愿违。因此,我一方面把问题式改为选择题式,另一方面,在保留原有的部分基本问题外,还加入一些学生感兴趣的问题,并制作成图文并茂的课件。在多种感官的刺激下,充分调动起学生学习的积极性。Step 2. ReadingActivity 2: Pre-reading Get the students to predict what the interview will be a

    11、bout. Give the students some instructions about Pausanias and Lily, and how to skim to find the specific information in an interview.学情预设:学生较少接触虚拟采访的文体,因此,既充满期待,又有畏难情绪。教师对文章人物和背景知识的简单介绍,以及阅读这类文章的技巧指导就显得尤为重要。设计意图:predict既是学生阅读的技巧之一,也是调动学生思维、注意力、求知欲的捷径。让学生在预设、搜索、求证、否定等的过程中,加深对文章的理解。Activity 3: Fast- r

    12、eading Read the text fast and ask the students “What is the main idea of the interview?”(It is an interview between Pausanias and Lili, from which we can learn about the similarities and differences about the antient Olympic Games and the modern Olympic Games.)学情预设:采访文章不同于其它文体的文章,它的信息点较分散,学生看完后,往往很难

    13、把握住细节。这时候,如果问一些深层次理解的问题,学生的自信心就会受到打击, 接下去课堂可能就会陷入沉闷,刚刚培养起的学习热情就会立刻荡然无存。 设计意图: 培养学生对文章整体的理解和中心的把握。从近几年的高考阅读理解题目的设置中不难看出,它要求学生不仅能够完成浅层理解题,更要能够在快速阅读后透彻理解全文并归纳全文提供的信息,从而进行正确的逻辑推理甚至对文中未提及的情况进行推理想象。这就要求学生必须在平时的阅读学习中训练对文章整体的理解和中心大意的概括,培养和提高整体理解的阅读能力。Activity 4: Careful- reading .Read the text carefully and

    14、 write down the key words according to what they say separately.Pausanias:Lily:lived in Antient Greece, only Greek cities compete, neither slaves nor women joined in, the olive wreatha Chinese girl, every four years, the Summer and the Winter Olympics, the Winter Olympic two years before the Summer

    15、Olympic, all countries take part, women join in, a special village to live in, a stadium, a swimming pool, a gymnasium, honor to host, medals学情预设:采访文章信息点较分散,学生较难把握。设计意图:通过两个人物之间的对话,让学生把它们分成两类,并写下一些关键词。一方面,有利于理清线索;另一方面,有助于下一个活动“古今奥运会的异同对比”的开展。. Read the text carefully and fill in the form.Differences

    16、:ItemModernAntientTypeCompetitorsPlacePrizeEventsSimilarities: Both are held every _. Both are held not for money but for _. _are allowed to take part in both in ancient and modern Olympics. The mottos are the same. They are: _. Some events are the same, such as_.学情预设:学生在梳理好Pausanias和 Lily的对话要点之后,对于

    17、古今奥运会的异同对比还未形成完整的、清晰的脉络。设计意图:这个环节的设置对于学生知识的储备和接下去能力的提升起了至关重要的作用。课标中也提到:教师要指导学生由被动接受的学习转变为运用观察、发现、推测、理解、记忆、对比、分析、联想、归纳、内化等策略进行学习。.Tell the following sentences “ T” or “F”.1.In the early Olympic Games, only men were allowed to compete and watch the Games.2.The motto of the Olympic Games is “Faster, Hi

    18、gher, Further”. ( )3. The olive wreath has been replaced by money. ( )4. The Olympics were not always held in Greece 2000 years ago. ( ) 5. At first, Pausania thinks people may be competing for money in the modern Olympic Games. ( ) 6. We feel proud because we have finally got the chance to hold the

    19、 2008 Olympic Games. ( ) . Fill in the blanks in the summary of the interviewThe Olympic Games are the biggest sports meeting in the world, which include two kinds, the _and the _ Olympics. Both of them are _ every _ _. All countries can take part if their athletes reached the _ to the games. Women

    20、are not only _ to join in but playing a very _ role. A _ _ is built for the competitors to live in, a _ for competitions, a large swimming pool, a _ as well as seats for those who watch the games. Its a great _ to host the Olympic Games. The Olivewreath has been _ by medals. But its still about bein

    21、g able to run _, jump _ and throw _.学情预设: 以上“True”and“false”的练习和根据课文内容填空这两项活动,在学生了解课文内容和理清线索后进行,符合学生的认知规律,是学生力所能及的任务。设计意图:有助于检验学生对文章细节的了解,以及对文章整体的把握,起到进一步巩固本堂课所学知识的作用。 Step 3. Extension(Divide the class into 3 groups. Group A and Group B take part in the debate, and Group C takes part in the intervi

    22、ew.)Activity 5: Debate . Watch a video about the 2008 Olympic Games. Group work: Group A: Hosting the Olympic Games is a great honor and a great responsibility. It will have good effects on the host city ,Beijing. Work together and write down some of the effects. ( At least three).” Group B: Hosting

    23、 the Olympic Games is a great honor and a great responsibility. But it will have bad effects on the host city, Beijing. Materials: home to a one-fifth of the worlds population a large market for the products of corporate sponsors(赞助商)an international sports giant, The Chinese government has promised

    24、 to spend 20 billion U.S. dollars building sports complexes(综合建筑) plans for a new exhibition center with twin skyscrapers that could be taller than any in the world about 3.7 billion U.S. dollars will go to ease trafficabout 400 million U.S. dollars to improve the health care system, athletes from a

    25、ll over the worldair pollution, traffic jam, croweded, terrorist, enviromentActivity 6: Interview . Watch a video about the 2008 Olympic Games. Pair work:Topic: What can we do for the 2008 Olympic Games?Student A is an interviewee, Student B ,a reporter, is an interviewer.(Tips: The interviewer coul

    26、d start an interview by introducing himself/herself,or talk about something that the interviewee is interested in or familiar with. At the end of an interview,remember to thank the interviewee. )Material: China Daily Website held a press conference on May 25, 2005 to formally announce an activity na

    27、med Use Accurate English to Welcome the Olympics Public Bilingual Sign Standardization Drive in major Chinese cities, beginning from Beijing, Shanghai, Xian, and Guangzhou. Lets make a real international Beijing for the Olympic Games!学情预设: 学生由于受到定势思维的束缚、英语词汇量的限制、知识面的局限等方面的影响,辩论和采访活动可能会出现谈的不深入,展不开的情况

    28、,这时候,教师适当的引导和鼓励,以及学生之间的合作学习十分重要。设计意图:知识的积累是为了向能力转化。把学生分成两部分,一部分围绕“2008北京举办奥运会是利或弊?”展开辩论,另一部分同学围绕“What can we do for the 2008 Olympic Games?”进行采访。让学生在个人参与、同伴互导、互相观察的过程中,不断地自我提升。建构主义者认为由于经验背景的差异,学生对问题的理解常常各异,学生个体之间的差异是一种宝贵的资源。开展师生、生生互动,为学生提供用英语交流的机会,培养学生与人合作交流的能力。Step 4. homeworkFrom the interview we

    29、know many things about Olympic Games. After class you can surf the Internet to find more about t Olympic Games and make a poster according to Page 13. http:/www.beijing-2008.orghttp:/www.olympic.org学情预设: 随着电脑的普及,网络也成为人们生活的一部分,英语作业也可以与网络结合起来。学生能在网络上收集整理英语知识,动手制作海报,这大大激发了学生的学习热情,提高了学生的动脑、动手能力。设计意图:作业是

    30、整个施教工作中不可缺少的一部分,是上课的延续,检查教师与学生之间教与学的纽带;也是帮助学生熟悉和掌握基础知识,基本技能和巩固已学知识的有效手段之一。托尔斯泰说:“成功的教学所需要的不是强制而是激发学生的兴趣。”上网收集资料、了解信息,制作海报等丰富多彩的作业形式有助于学生激发兴趣、增长知识,开拓视野,发展智力和个性展现才能,并且让学生学会探究学习,经历探究过程以获得理智和情感体验、建构知识、掌握解决问题的方法,这是探究学习要达到的三个目标。“Step 5. AssessmentActivity 7: Assessment (4M)Make out a form for the students

    31、 to fill in. The form includes the following questions:1.Write down the names of sports youve learnt in this lesson:2.After the lesson, what do you know about the Olympic Games:3. What are you satisfied with yourself during the class?4.Who made a deep impression on you during the class? Why?5.What questions do you have ?设计意图:教学要面向全体学生,按照大部分学生的实际水平来授课,但每个学生在学习上又各有差异,因此,在课堂教学的过程中,教师通过课堂观察及时捕捉从学生传递来的有关


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