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    1、新标准英语六年级第八册第十模块复习与练习练习题答案新标准英语六年级第八册第十模块复习与练习练习题答案P.1 Exercises:一、背诵下列单词和短语: 担心worry,学习study,练习practise,担心worry about,中学middle school,上中学go to middle school二、写出动词的适当形式(单三、V.ing和过去式): practice(practise-practises-practising-practised) study(study-studies-studying-studied) worry(worry-worries-worrying-

    2、worried)三、辨析:【learn,study,】【worry,worry about】【practise,practice】(答案参见辅导资料)四、抄写SB M10含有下列单词或词组的句子:study,practise,worry,middle schoo(答案参见SB M10,尽量一词不漏的找全含有以上单词或词组的句子)P.3P.4练习:填空1.我打算明天和朋友去野炊。I_ _ _ have a picnic with my friends.I _ have a picnic with my friends.(am going to ,will)2.下个星期一你打算去干嘛? 我想去打篮

    3、球。What _ _ _ _ _ next Monday? I _ _ _ play basketball.What _ you do next Monday? I _ play basketball.(are you going to do,am going to,will,will)3. 你妈妈这个周末去购物吗?是,她要去买一些水果。 _ your mother _ _ go shopping this _? Yes, she _. She _ _ _ buy some fruit.(Is,going to,weekend,is,is going to)4. 你们打算什么时候见面? Wha

    4、t time _ you _ _ meet?(are,going to)改句子5.Nancy is going to go camping.(改否定)Nancy _ going to go camping.(isnt)6. Ill go and join them.(改否定)I _ go _ join them.(wont,or)7.Im going to get up at 6:30 tomorrow.(改一般疑问句)_ _ _ to get up at 6:30 tomorrow?(Are you going)8. We will meet at the bus stop at 10:30

    5、.(改一般疑问句)_ _ meet at the bus stop at 10:30?(Will you)9. She is going to listen to music after school.(对划线部分提问) _ _ she _ _ _ after school?(What is going to do)10.My father and mother are going to see a play tomorrow.(同上) _ _ going to see a play tomorrow.(Who is)用所给词的适当形式填空。11.Today is a sunny day. W

    6、e _ (have) a picnic this afternoon.(are going to have/will have)12.My brother _ (go) to Shanghai next week.(is going to go/willgo)13.Tom often _(go) to school on foot. But today it _(rain)now. He _ (go) to school by bike.(goes,is raining,is going to go/will go)14.What do you usually do at weekends?

    7、I usually _ (watch) TV and _(catch) insects(watch,catch)15.Its Friday today. What _she _ (do) this weekend? She _ (watch) TV and _ (catch) insects.(is,going to do/will,do,is going to watch/will watch,catch)16.What _ (do) you do last Sunday? I _ (pick) apples on a farm. What _you_ (do) next Sunday? I

    8、 _ (milk) cows.(did,picked,are , going to do/will do,am going to/will milk )17.Mary _ (visit) her grandparents tomorrow.(is going to/will visit)18.Liu Tao _ (fly) kites in the playground yesterday.(flew)19.David _ (give) a puppet show next Monday.(is going to/will give)20.I _ (study)English now.(am

    9、studying)P.5P.6练习:一、根据M10 U1 Activity1 (P.38)回答问题。1、How does Daming feel about middle school? He felt really cxcited.2、What subjects is Daming going to study?Hes going to sthdy Physics,Chemistry,History3、Where are Sam and Amy going to go?Theyre going to( start a new school,in )England.4、What are Sam

    10、 and Amy going to do there? Theyre going to speak Chinese there.5、Who is learning Chinese? Lots of children are learning Chinese in England.6、How is Daming going to practise his English? Hes going to write lots of emails.7、Who will Sam and Amy miss? Theyll miss Daming.二、根据M10 U1 Activity1 (P.38)判断对(

    11、T)错(F)1、Daming is going to middle school in August.( )2、Daming is very excited.( )3、Sam and Amy cant speak Chinese in England.( )4、Many English children are learning Chinese.( )5、Daming and Amy will write e-mail. ( ) (FTFTT)二、根据情境,补全对话。A: Hello ,Wang Li! This is Mary.B: Hi , Mary!1 ? I miss(想念) you

    12、very much.A: Im in Canada .Im studying here now.B: Thats great! Hows it going?A: Not bad . 2 ?B: Pretty good.Hows the weather there?A: Its cold and humid.3 .B: Snowing?wow.Beijing is sunny and hot.The weather is very different in different palaces.A: Youre right!4 ?B: Im talking to my good friend,To

    13、mmy!A: Oh, 5 ,thank you.(Where are you?How/What about you?It is snowing now.What are you doing?I see)P.7练习:一、仿照例子,写句子Eg:Lingling is going to go to shanghai. 1、(My father , watch TV) 2、(I,play the flute) 3、(Sam and Amy,fly a kite) 4、(She,go to Qingdao) 5、(He,go to America) (答案略)二、根据下列对话,造两组相似结构的句子。A:

    14、Where are you going to go this summer? B:Im going to go to Beijing. A:What are you going to do? B:Im going to see the Great Wall. (答案略)P.7 Exercises:一、从B组中选择A组适当的答句 A组 B组( )1 What did she play? A Im watching TV. ( )2 How did he go there? B He went there by plane ( )3 Whats happening now? D Because I

    15、 love Auatralian animals.( )4 What are you doing to do? C She played erhu. ( )5 Why do you like Australia? E Im going to play football. (CBAED)二、比较并选择1 Im from _(China/Chinese). (China)2 People in America speak _(England/English). (English)3 I love _(Australia/Australian) animals. (Australian)4 He i

    16、s an _(America/American) boy. ( American) 5 I live _ (at/in) ChengDu. (in)三、阅读短文,判断对错X)Bobs brother gave him a new car as his birthday present. Bob liked it very much. He had a good friend, Peter. Bob phoned Peter and asked him if he wanted to go to the zoo in his new car. Peter agreed. Then they we

    17、nt to the zoo in Bobs new car. 1. ( )Bobs brother give him a bicycle. 2. ( )Bob didnt like the present. 3. ( )Peter is Bobs good friend. 4. ( )Bob ask Peter to go to the zoo. 5. ( )Bob and Peter go to the zoo in Bobs car.( X, X, , , ,)四、找出M10 U1 Activity1 (P.38)对话中含有下列短语的句子,并写下来。1、this September 5、p

    18、ractise my English2、What about you? 6、lots of emails3、start a new school 7、miss you4、lots of children 8、be cxcited (答案略)五、默写M10 U1 Activity1 (P.38)对话。 (答案略)P.9 P.12 Exercises:一. 写出下列单词的相应形式.(10分) 1.shine(现在分词) 6. fly(过去式) 2.study(第三人称单数形式) 7. drew(动词原形) 3.she (反身代词) 8. right(反义词) 4.son (同音词) 9. chil

    19、d(复数形式) 5.spend(过去式) 10. gave (动词原形) (shining,studies,herself,sun,spent,flew,draw,wrong,children,give)二.词组英汉互译(10分) 1.fiy into space 2. 打棒球 3.ride a bicycle 4.发送照片 5.play the trumpet 6. 给 你 7.study French 8. 犯错误 9.practisc English 10. 中学(飞到太空,play baseball,骑自行车,send some pictures/photos,吹小号,here you

    20、 are,学习法语,make mistakes,练习英语,middle school)三.单项选择(10分) ( ) 1、Im going to learn_. A、China B、Chinese C、English ( ) 2、She _to see a butterfly. A、wanting B、want C、wants ( ) 3、Louis Braille was a_ man. A、 blind B、deaf C、English ( ) 4、 Helen Keller_hear. A、could B、cant C、couldnt ( ) 5、Yang Liwei_21hours i

    21、n space_he made a video. A、spend,and B、spent,and C、spent,but ( ) 6.-How much is it? -_ A.Its two dollar and fifty-five cent. B.Its two dollar and fifty-five cents, C.Its two dollars and fifty-five cents. ( ) 7.Lets_to school together. A.walks B.walking C.walk D.walked ( ) 8.I will give this book _yo

    22、u. A.to B.of C.on D.for ( ) 9.The radio_itsgoing to_toworrow. A.speak,snow B.says,snow C.says,be a hiavy snow D.talks,snowy ( ) 10.Confucius_born in 551 BC (公元前551年). A.are B.were C.is D.was (CCACBCCABD)四、写单词,首字母已给出。 M1 1、A h_ for me, too. 2、I want a c_. Three c_, please. 3、Its thirteen d_ and twent

    23、y- five c_. 4、E_ your meal! M2 1、 We are going to h_ a p_. 2、 Were going to walk a_ the lake. 3、 These d_ are very n_. M3 1、 The sun is s_. 2、 I miss e_ in China. 3、 I am looking o_ of the window. 4、 Thats w_. M4 1、 Im making Damings birthday c_. 2、 Be c_! The oranges are f_ down the s_. 3、 The b_(气

    24、球) are f_ away! 4、 What a m_. M5 1、Daming is playing the t_, but the phone is r_. 2、Daming is playing again, but the d_ is r_. 3、Daming is playing again, but the dog is singing very l_. M6 1、Look, Mum. I b_ you this book about America. 2、Its for playing b_. 3、And now we can have a b_ t_. 4、This Amer

    25、ican s_ took a man into s_. M7 1、Shenzhou v f_ into space 2、Yang Liwei is from Liaoning. First he b_ a p_. Then he b_a taikonaut. 3、 Yang Liwei s_ about 21 h_ in space. 4、 Yang Liwei s s_ was eight years old. 5、 He s_ his father in space and he was very p_ of him.M8 1、 Helen Keller was b_ in America

    26、 in 1880. 2、 A_ a small c_, she became blind and deaf. She c_ see and she c_ hear. 3、 L_, Helen had a teacher. The teacher d_ l_ in Helens hand. 4、 She wrote a book about h_. 5、 She went all o_ the w_. 6、 She is a m_ for blind people and for you and me.7、Louis Braille made first l_ in Braille. M9 1、

    27、 Whats the m_? 2、 Why are you l_? 3、 Why have you got c_(杯子) on your heads? 4、 I dont u_. 5、 Its easy to m_ m_ with English. 6、 Why are you wearing a raincoat? B_ its going to rain. M10 1、 Are you going to go to m_ school this September? 2、 What are you going to s_? 3、 How am I going to p_ my Englis

    28、h now? 4、 Dont w_. We can write lots of emails. Ill m_ you.5、 Im going to s_ E_. Youre going to s_ E_, but Im going to study C_. 6、Im going to go to school b_ b_ (公共汽车) (答案见SB)五、作文。 例文一、小学生活即将结束,中学生活即将开始,写一写你的中学生活。 Im going to go to middle school this September. Im really very excited. I am going to start a new school. I will study English, Chinese My friends and I can write lots of email


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