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    1、学年高中英语Unit4Globalwarming课时作业新人教版选修6Unit 4Global warming【导语】全球气温变暖给南极的企鹅带来了怎样的影响,你知道吗?为了保护他们,我们应该怎么做?Antarctica, the coldest place on Earth, is too cold for most humans.Its a different story for penguins,though.Several types of penguins make their home in Antarctica.The birds walk with short steps al

    2、l over the icy continent.However,they dont all have “happy feet”Some of Antarcticas penguins are endangered.The animals, hunt for food in waters off Antarcticas coasts.They use floating sea ice as a place to rest while they search.In recent years, global warming, the slow rise of Earths temperature,

    3、 has been causing the ice to melt.“Global warming is reducing the amount of food for penguins so that they cant find enough to eat, ”scientist Shaye Wolf said.Turning up the heatPeople add to global warming when they drive cars or use electricity.That burns fossil fuels, such as coal,oil,and natural

    4、 gas.The burning of fossil fuels gives off gases that warm Earth.The harmful gases stay in the atmosphere above Antarctica, researchers say.They found that the west side of the continent is especially affected by global warming.Scientists are concerned about the possibility that Antarcticas ice may

    5、melt more over time.The icy continent is about 5 million square miles.It is covered by glaciers and an ice cap (冰冠) about 7,100 feet thick.If the ice melts, that could cause sea levels to rise around the world.Higher sea levels could lead to dangerous flooding in some countries.Cool fix for Antarcti

    6、caExperts are hopeful that conditions in Antarctica can be improved.They say people can reduce global warming by using cars and electricity less often.Even kids can help.Wolf suggests,“Talk to your friends and family about global warming, how it is harming penguins, and how important it is to stop g

    7、lobal warming today.”【词海拾贝】1Antarctica n南极洲2penguin n企鹅3fossil n化石;生物4glacier n冰河;冰川【问题思考】1Why cant penguins find enough food to eat?_答案:Because global warming is reducing the amount of food for them.2Who may be directly responsible for global warming?_答案:Humans.将单词与其正确释义连线1consume A图表;曲线图2graph B现象

    8、3phenomenon C燃料4fuel D平均的5trend E趋势;倾向6mild F温和的;温柔的7consequence G环境;情况8circumstance H贡献9average I消费;消耗10contribution J结果答案:1I2A3B4C5E6F7J8G9D10H.根据所给汉语提示写出单词1_ n洪水;水灾2_ vt.反对;反抗3_ adj.平稳的;持续的4_ adj.分布广的;普遍的5_ vt.拥护;提倡,主张6_ n污染;弄脏答案:1.flood2.oppose3.steady4.widespread5advocate6.pollution.根据英语释义写出单词1

    9、_: a quick look2_:an amount or a number of sth3_:to pay money regularly to support a charity4_:to express something in speech or writing, especially in a definite or formal way5_:happening or chosen without any definite plan,aim or pattern6_:to take a particular direction7_:a sudden event resulting

    10、in great loss and misfortune8_:the limits between which sth varies;a set of products of a particular type答案:1.glance2.quantity3.subscribe4.state5random6.tend7.catastrophe8.range.选用短语的适当形式完成句子keep on;be opposed to;come about;result in;subscribe to;go up;quantities of;even if1There are large _ rain in

    11、 this area.答案:quantities of2Do you know how global warming _?答案:comes about3I have never _ the view that schooldays are the happiest days of your life.答案:subscribed to4If you want to make the kite _, pull the string hard,and then release it slowly.答案:go up5His careless speech _ much argument.答案:resu

    12、lted in6We _ the practice of power politics between nations.答案:are opposed to.领会句子所用的句型并译成汉语1That probably does not seem much to you or me,but it is a rapid increase when_compared_to other natural changes._答案:这个数值对你我来说可能是无所谓的,但是跟其他自然变化相比较而言,这却是一种快速的增长。2There_is_no_doubt_that the earth is becoming wa

    13、rmer (see Graph 1)and that it is human activity that has caused this global warming rather than a random but natural phenomenon._答案:毫无疑问,地球是在变暖(见表一),而地球变暖正是人类活动导致的,并非是一种无规律的自然现象。3Without the “greenhouse effect”,the earth would_be about thirtythree degrees Celsius cooler than it is._答案:如果没有“温室效应”,地球温

    14、度将比现在低大约33摄氏度。课文表层理解.判断正(T)误(F)1The temperature in the last century did not seem to increase much.(T)2Everyone believes that global warming is caused by the activity of humans.(F)3Janice Foster believes that she can measure the future global rise in temperature.(F)4The rise in carbon dioxide is caus

    15、ing a steady increase in global warming.(T)5George Hambley believes that global warming will do good rather than harm to the earth. (T)6It is clear what the effects of global warming will be.(F).读课文回答问题1What do they think about global warming?Do they agree with one another?_答案:There are some very di

    16、fferent attitudes among scientists towards this issue.Some think the effects will be terrible, while some others believe that we should not worry about it.2What are the two graphs about in the text?_答案:The first graph shows the temperature increase of one degree Fahrenheit between 1860 to 2000.The s

    17、econd graph shows the carbon dioxide content in the atmosphere from 1957 to 1997.3What is the main topic of the article?_答案:Global warming/the warming of the earth.表格填空The burning of 1._ like coal,natural gas and oil to produce energy. During the 20th century the temperature of the earth rose about

    18、2._ degree Fahrenheit.The levels of carbon dioxide have 3._ greatly over the last 100 to 150 years.Charles Keeling found that the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere went up from around 4._ parts to around 370 parts per million between 1957 and 1997.Dr Janice Foster says that the amount of warming coul

    19、d be as low as 1 to 1.5 degrees Celsius,but it could be as high as 5 degrees over the next 5._ years.The climate could be very seriousA rise of several metres in the 6._Severe storms, floods,7._,famines.The spread of diseases.The disappearance of8._We should not worry about high levels of carbon dio

    20、xide in the air.It will make plants grow 9._;crops will produce 10._;it will encourage a greater range of animals.答案:1.fossil fuels2.one3.increased4.3155.1006sea level7.droughts8.species9.quicker10.more课文深层理解.读课文匹配段落大意1Para 1AThe cause of the earths becoming warmer2Para 2 BThe consequence of burning

    21、 fossil fuels3Para 3 CThe increase of carbon dioxide4Para 4 DGlobal warming will go on5Para 5 EPuzzles about global warming6Para 6 FDifferent attitudes to global warming7Para 7 GAn introduction to the passage答案:1.G2.A3.B4.C5.D6.F7.E.阅读P2627的Reading部分,选择最佳答案1How much did the temperature rise in the 1

    22、900s?AOne degree Fahrenheit. BOne Celsius.CTwo degrees. DTwo degrees Fahrenheit答案:A2What causes the temperature of the earth to increase?ACutting trees. BWasting the farmland.CBurning fossil fuels. DBurning rubbish答案:CADr Janice Foster. BCharles Keeling.CFahrenheit. DCharles keeping答案:B4According to

    23、 George Hambley,_Aglobal warming is a very serious problemBtheres no need to worry about global warmingCthe levels of CO2 in the air will become lower in the futureDwe have to worry about global warming.答案:B5We can infer from the text that _Athe debate about the effects of global warming has not bee

    24、n settledBthe greenhouse effect is the result of peoples actionsCall scientists think it is important to reduce the amount of CO2 in the atmosphereDthe debate about the effects of global warming has been settled.答案:A如何写海报海报是向大众发布某种消息的布告。海报的形式多为招聘广告、活动宣传和人物介绍。英文海报的内容常为球讯、影讯、商业报道、展览会、报告会、专题讲座等。一般的英语海报

    25、由标题、正文和落款组成。1标题海报中往往把内容作为大字标题。如:Football Match,Film News,Good News,New Years Eve Entertainment或者注明Poster等字样。2正文部分正文部分要写清楚具体内容。活动内容、地点以及参加规定、主持或举办单位等。语言多用十分简略的形式,开门见山地说明主题、活动内容。活动时间和活动地点另起一行。最后提出活动要求和注意事项。3落款出海报的单位署名通常放在右下角;日期位于署名的下一行,既可以写在右下角,也可以写在左下角。另外:海报写作的注意事项还有:(1)时态:用一般将来时和一般现在时。(2)语言:海报文字要求简洁

    26、明了,篇幅要短小精悍。文中可以用些鼓动性的词语,但不可夸大其词。(3)要求:海报一定要具体真实地写明活动的时间、地点、主要内容及参加规定。【常用句式】As we all know,it is important to.First, you should.Second.It is a must that everybody should.Only in this way can we.The first solution is.the second solution is.In a word, pay much attention to.Last but not least,people oug

    27、ht to/should.So you need/should.Well have a show/football match on July 16th.There is a piece of news that well hold a.地点时间We hope to raise money to help the poor children.It will be held.You can buy tickets in.and the price is 2 yuan for each.By then, some new clothes are even 50% off.If you spend more than 100 yuan at one time,you can get two at present.请你用英语写一张海报向同学们介绍一下夏令营的情况,并邀请同学们参加。要点如下:1目的:使同学们学好英语,建立良好的人际关系;2活动内容(学习英文歌曲、舞蹈、游戏等);3活动费用低。审题谋篇第一步明确要求这篇写作是一篇应用文海报,习作要符合海报的特点。首先要标明海报的主题,即有一个响亮而简洁的标题English summer camp。文章的内容为对夏令营的介绍,即帮助学习英语、建立良好的人际关系;夏令营的优势定期举办,费用低等;最后为海报的目的邀请大家加


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