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    1、江苏泰兴实验初级中学初中三年级下阶段性检测英语江苏泰兴实验初级中学2019初三下阶段性检测-英语请注意:1、本试卷分第一部分选择题和第二部分非选择题。2、考生答题前,必须将自己的姓名、考试证号、座位号用黑色或蓝色钢笔或圆珠笔填写在答题卡和答题纸的相应位置,再用2B铅笔将考试证号、科目填涂在答题卡上相应的小框内。第一部分 选择题(共100分)请注意:考生必须将所选答案的字母标号用2B铅笔填涂在答题卡上相应的题号内,答在试卷上无效。一、听力(25分)听录音,从A、B、C三幅图中找出与你所听内容相符的选项。(听两遍)1. What will the weather be like this afte

    2、rnoon?2. What are the two speakers talking about?3. What time is it now? 4. What is the mans favourite activity in his free time? 5. Where has the woman been?听对话选择正确答案,完成第67题。(听两遍)6. Where are they? A. At home. B. In a shop. C. In a hotel.7. What would the man like to do?A. To buy a gift. B. To walk

    3、 around. C. To try on the shoes.听对话选择正确答案,完成第810题。(听两遍)8. Whats Jerry doing in the library? A. Looking for some books. B. Writing an article. C. Watching a film.9. When will Jerry have to finish his article? A. On Monday. B. On Tuesday. C. On Wednesday.10. What did Jerry decide to write about at las

    4、t? A. A book. B. A film. C. A play.听短文,回答第1115题。(听两遍)11. Where is the parking lot? A. In front of the hotel. B. Across from the hotel. C. Behind the hotel.12. How will the tourists go there? A. By train. B. By bike. C. By bus.13. What need the tourists show when they have lunch? A. A blue card. B. A

    5、 blue ticket. C. A blue key.14. What season is it now? A. Summer. B. Winter. C. Spring.15.Which of the following is right? A. The tourists will visit Mount Huang. B. The tourists will have breakfast at eight. C. The tourists will get on the bus at the parking lot.听对话,回答第16-17题。(听两遍)16. Where does th

    6、e woman want to go? A. A park. B. A bank. C. A hotel.17. How will the woman go there? A. On foot. B. By bus. C. By bike.听短文,回答第1820题。(听两遍)A new parkA caf At the 18 to the park.A big lake In the middle of the park. You can 19 on it.A beautiful garden At the back of the park. There are green grass and

    7、 beautiful flowers.Some 20 Between the lake and the garden.18. Aexit Bentrance Cback19. Ago boating Bgo fishing Cgo swimming20. Atennis courts Breading-rooms Cshops 听短文,回答第2125小题。 21. How old was David when he went to the middle school? A. 12 B. 13 C. 14 22. When he was in the first year of middle s

    8、chool, David always .A. took the bus to school B. went to school by bike C. ran to school23. How did David get his computer?AThe school gave it to himB. His parents bought it for himCHe bought it for himself24. After he got the computer, .A. Davids grades were not so good as before B. Davids grades

    9、were better than before C. David studied as hard as before25. David felt when he heard his mothers words.A. bored B. happy C. sorry二、选择题(20分)26. great fun it is to walk around Mei Lanfang Park on warm spring of 2013!I think so. Lets go! A. What a; / B. How; a C. What; the D. How a; the27. Simions si

    10、ster is than Kate. A. elder; elder B. elder; older C. older; elder D. older; older28. Hangzhou is famous the capital of Zhejiang its West Lake. A. as; as B. for; as C. as; for D. for; for29. Im going to be a computer engineer.That good.A. sounds B. sounds like C. is sound D. is sounded30. John, if y

    11、our homework , you can go out to play. Ok, Mum. A. finishes B. has finished C. is finished D. had finished31. If you want to be successful, you give up working hard until you dream . A. wont; comes true B. cant; come true C. will; comes true D. wont; come true32. What did he about his school life at

    12、 the meeting? A. talk B. speak C. tell D. say 33. British Prince William Kate for nearly three years? A. Did; marry B. Has; married C. Has; been married to D. Has; been married with34. I met John Smith in the teachers office at ten yesterday morning?Thats impossible. He an English Party with us then

    13、.A. has B. was having. C. had D. has had35. Why not invite them to have dinner with us? .A. Yes, please. B. Thats right. C. Thats OK. D. All right.36. Tom used on the right in China, but now he is used on the left in Hongkong. A. to drive; to drive B. to drive; driving C. to driving; to drive D. to

    14、drive; to driving37. The girl sat in the corner of the room quietly none of us noticed her.A. such; that B. too; to C. so; that D. very; that38. You should the shower when you are washing your hair. OK, I will. We need to save water. A. put on B. turn off C. put off D. turn on39. What he ? He is kin

    15、d and helpful.A. is, like B. does, look C. does, like D. does, likes40. Many parents find difficult to ask their Children to stop playing computer games. A. this B. that C. it D. it was41. Hes just back from work, ? . He is having a rest in the room.A. isnt he; Yes, he is B. has he; No, he hasnt.C.

    16、hasnt he; Yes, he has. D. is he; No, he isnt42. does it take to fly to Singapore for a meeting and does it cost to fly there? A. How long; how long B. How much; how much C. How long; how much D. How much; how long43. How many times he Beijing? A. has; gone to B. has; been to C. has; been in D. has;

    17、gone44. Remember to turn off all the lights when you leave the computer room. .A. Yes, I do B. OK, Ill do C. Thats OK D. OK, I will45. Who do you think ? A. bought the stationery to him B. has traveled with him C. did he travel with D. made the kites to him三、完形填空(15分)Dear Sir or Madam,Last Thursday,

    18、 I traveled on the 8:00 a.m. train from Glasgow to London Kings Cross and I was quite 46 with the service of your company.The train didnt come 47 and it was forty minutes 48 when it left Glasgow. A man at the station said 49 to us, but he didnt give us any reasons for the 50 . We then had further de

    19、lays on the way and had to wait 51 thirty minutes. As a result, I 52 my plane from London to Frankfurt and had to wait for several hours. 53 , the service on the train was also very poor, The trip took 54 five hours. Unluckily, we could buy 55 but some soft drinks on the train. 56 , something was wr

    20、ong with the air conditioning(空调系统) and it got 57 in the train. Before we reached Kings Cross, the temperature was 58 40C.Because of your poor service, I feel you should 59 me compensation(赔偿).I hope to 60 from you.Yours faithfullyDavid Roberson46. Ahappy Bsad Cpleased D. angry47Ain time Bahead of t

    21、ime Con time D. behind time48A1ate B1ately C1atest D. early49Ahello Bsorry Cgoodbye D. nothing50Aarrival Bflight Cdelay(延误) D. service51Amore Banother Cother D. others52. Atook Bcaught Cmissed D. met53AMore or 1ess BWhats more CGenerally speaking DFor example54A1ess than Bmore than Cno more than Dmo

    22、re and more55Aeverything Banything Csomething Dnothing 56AWorst of all BAbove all CFirst of all D. All in all57Ahotter and hotter Bcolder and colder Clower and lower D. nicer and nicer58Aunder Bover Con D. for59Aspend Btake Cpay D. cost60Ahear Blearn Cstop D. leave四、阅读理解(40分)AMy neighbour Kate, is a

    23、n 80-year-old woman. One morning she opened her windows, looking out at her garden. To her great surprise, she saw a man in the garden eating something. “Why is he doing that?” She got out of her flat as quickly as possible. She asked, “Are you hungry? Why dont you eat some food instead of eating th

    24、at?” But the man answered he didnt like working at all. At the same time, he asked the old lady for some food for his breakfast. The old woman asked him to follow her. When they got to the back door, the woman said loudly, “Look, the grass here is longer and fresher than that in the garden. Just enj

    25、oy it here. ”61. The man was in the garden. A. working hard B. opening the windows C. eating some food D. eating the grass62. What did the man have for breakfast?A. Some food B. Nothing C. Vegetables D. Fruits63. The man felt when the old woman asked him to go to the back door A. sad B. sorry C. int

    26、eresting D. happy64. What did the woman ask him to do?A. She asked him to work for her.B. She asked him to go to the back door and ate food.C. She asked him to go to the back door and ate the grass there.D. She gave him some food at the back door.65. What do you think of the man? He is .A. lazy B. h

    27、elpful C. honest D. hard-workingB66. New York Museum is closed on . A. Monday B. Friday C. Saturday D. Sunday67.Tommy is an 8-year-old boyHe wants to visit The City Flower Show with his parentsHow much will they pay? A. 125yuan B. 100 yuan C. 75 yuan D. 150 yuan68. If you want to get more informatio

    28、n about English Summer Camp, you can . A. go to Canada B. write to CEECCIEE C. call at (010) 66062607 D. send an e-mail to University of Toronto69. will give performances in Pop Music Week in Chaoyang Park. A. Bands B. Dancers C. Singers D. Both A and C 70. Phillip,twenty years old, is not allowed t

    29、o . AThe City Flower Show B. English Summer CampC. New York Museum DPop Music WeekCWhen you are about to do something brave, a cheerful wish of “Good luck!” from a friend can be helpful. But if you think you need lots of luck, what else might you do?In the UK and US there are some strange traditions

    30、 for bringing yourself a little more good luck. Some are hundreds of years old and some are much newer.Have you heard the saying “When you wish upon a star”? If you are looking up at the sky on a clear night and you see a sudden flash of light, it is probably a shooting star! Seeing one doesnt happen very often. The saying goes that if you see one you will be very lucky, and so if you make a wish, it will come true.Maybe you have heard of the lucky r


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