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    1、中考语法:定语从句复习课,Grammar:the revision of the Attributive Clause,本课学习目标,1.了解定语从句含义、位置、结构。2.能辨认出由that,which,who,whom,whose引导的限制性定语从句,并理解句子意思。(中考考点)3.能用定语从句句子描述身边的人或物。,定语从句:修饰名词或代词的单词或句子,一般翻译成“.的”。单词作定语:a blue sea a naughty boy(2)句子作定语,一般后置:She is a student that studies hard,1.他是个男孩。He is a boy.2.他喜欢打篮球。He

    2、 likes playing basketball.3.他是个喜欢打篮球的男孩。He is a boy_ likes playing basketball.,that,1.她是个学生。She is a student.2.她学习勤奋。She studies hard.3.她是个学习勤奋的学生。She is a student_ studies hard.,that,1.她是个老师。She is a teacher.2.我喜欢她。I like her.3.她是个我喜欢的老师。She is a teacher _I like.,that,一.基本结构:,被定语从句修饰的名词或代词,引导定语从句的连

    3、接词,代替先行词,在从句中担任一个成分,先行词,_,_,关系词,_,定语从句,定语从句知识回顾,Ms Huang is a teacher who teaches us English.,修饰名词或代词的从句,先行词+关系词+定语从句,1.She is the teacher that I met yesterday.2.This is a school that we will visit.3.The old woman is looking after the children that grow strong.4.My father is talking to the man that

    4、comes from Guilin.,the teacher,a school,the children,the man,I have an apple.,An apple is red.,I have an apple,(that is red).,修饰先行词 an apple,I like some friends.,Some friends like sports.,I like frineds,(who like sports.,修饰先行词 friends,哪句是定语从句?I believe that you are right.()The building that stands b

    5、y the river is our school.()Thank you for all the things that you have done for me.()He has the only dream that is to be a teacher.()He said that the news was real.()Everybody knows that money doesnt grow on trees.(),二.关系代词:,Discuss and complete the table.,that,who,whom,which,that,whose,关系代词:,1.who指

    6、人,作主语或宾语(作宾语可省略),The man who I talked with is our teacher.,A person who steals things is called a thief.,2.whom指人,作宾语(作宾语可省略,如介词提前则不能省),The man(whom/who)I nodded to is Mr.Li.,The man to whom I nodded is Professor Li.,3.which 指物,作主语或宾语(作宾语可省 略,如介词提前则不能省),These are the trees which were planted last ye

    7、ar.,This recorder(which)he is using ismade in Japan.,Is this the library(which)you borrow books from?,Is this the library from which you borrowbooks?,The boy _ is playing ping-pong is my classmate.I hate people _ talk much but do little.The woman _ she talks with is her teacher.4.The e-mail _ I rece

    8、ived yesterday was from my sister.5.The whole world is fighting against the H1N1,adisease _has caused many deaths.,who/that,which/that,who/that,which/that/省略,练练身手吧!,that/who/whom/省略,6.The man _ hair is white is his grandfather.7.The room _ window is open is mine.8.This is the house in _ we have live

    9、d for 10 years.,whose,whose,which,9.The man to _ I spoke is a famous scientist.,whom,Summary:1.关系代词做主语_省略,做宾语一般_省略.2.关系代词前有介词时,关系代词做宾语_省略,且只能用_ 不能用_。,不能,可以,不能,that,which/whom,1.Say all _ you know.2.Is there anything _ I can do for you?3.This is the first play _ I have seen since I came here.4.This i

    10、s the best novel _ I have read.5.Look at the boy and his dog _are coming this way.6.Who is the girl _is standing under the tree?7.Which is the machine _ we used last Sunday.8.This is the only thing _ I can think of.,that,that,that,三.关系代词的特殊用法,that,that,that,that,that,1.当先行词是something,anything,nothin

    11、g,all 等不定代词时,关系代词只能用that.,3.当先行词既有人又有物时,只能用that。,2.当先行词被序数词或形容词最高级所修饰时,只能用that.,4.当主句是who或which 引导的特殊疑问句,而中心词指人或物时,关系代词只能用that.,5.当先行词被 the very,the only,the next,the last等所修饰时,只能用that。,The basketball _ I bought cost me 80 yuan.(2013年桂林)A.that B.where C.who D.when2.My grandparents like to live in a

    12、house _ is not very big but bright and comfortable.(2014南宁)A.that B.who C.what D.whose3.Who is the man _ is reading a book over there?(2015年杭州)A.who B.which C.that D.whose4.I love people _ are friendly to others.(2010)A.which B.whose C.what D.who,中考链接 选关系代词,5.The policeman caught the thief _ has sto

    13、len Mr Lis computer.(2015年百色)A.which B.whose C.whom D.who6.This is my beautiful school_ is near the famous library.(2014年玉林)A.where B.which C.who D.when7.Is there anything_I can do for you?A.what B.that C.which D.where8.A child _parents are dead is called an orphan.A.whose B.who C.whom D.that7.The l

    14、ast place _we visited was the Great Wall.A.which B.that C.where D.it,9.He talked happily about the men and books_ interested him greatly in the school.A.which B.that C.it D.whom10.This is the house in_ Lu Xun used to live.A that B where C whose D which,Play a guessing game.,This is my favorite anima

    15、l that/which has a long nose.,Its a boy who wears glasses.,Its a girl whose hair is short.,Play a guessing game.,Writing:Describe something or somebody(your favorite animal or your good friend/your favorite teacher in our class)by using the attributive clause and let others guess.,用定语从句句子描述你最喜欢的一种动物,或我们班你的一位好朋友或你最喜欢的一位老师,让其他同学猜。,which/that/who/whom/whose,Homework,复习本课笔记,掌握定语从句 的基本知识。,2.完成中考先锋定语从句专题练习。,3.Write a short composition“My favorite teacher”by using the attributive clause.,Thank you!,


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