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    1、届广西桂林十八中高三第六次月考英语试题及答案 广西桂林十八中2018届高三第六次月考英 语 试 题注意事项:1.本卷共150分,考试时间120分钟。2.答题前,考生务必用黑色水性笔将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚。3.请在答题卡上的答题区域内作答,考生必须保持答题卡的整洁。考试结束后,交答题卡。 第卷(共三部分,满分115分)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题:每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍

    2、。例:How much is the shirt? A.19.15. B.9.15. C. 9.18. 答案是B。1. Where does this conversation probably take place? AIn a bookstore. B. In a classroom. C. In a library.2. At what time will the film begin? A.7:20 B.7:15 C.7:003. What are the two speakers mainly talking about? A. Their friend Jane. B. A wee

    3、kend trip. C. A radio programme.4. What will the woman probably do? A. Catch a train. B. See the man off. C. Go shopping.5. Why did the woman apologize? A. She made a late delivery. B. She went to the wrong place. C. She couldnt take the cake back.第二节(共15小题:每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的

    4、A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟:听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的做答时间。每段对话读两遍。听第6段材料.回答第6. 7题。6. Whose CD is broken? A. Kathys. B. Mums. C. Jacks.7. What does the boy promise to do for the girl? A. Buy her a new CD. B. Do some cleaning. C. Give her 10 dollars.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8. What did the man thi

    5、nk of the meal? A. Just so-so. B. Quite satisfactory. C. A bit disappointing.9. What was the 15% on the bill paid for? A. The food. B. The drinks. C. The service.听第8段材料,回答第I0至12题。10. Why is the man at the shop? A. To order a camera for his wife. B. To have a camera repaired. C. To get a camera chang

    6、ed.11. What colour does the man want? A. Pink. B. Black. C. Orange.12. What will the man do afterwards? A. Make a phone call B. Wait until further notice C. Come again the next day听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. What would Joe probably do during the Thanksgiving holiday? A. Go to a play. B. Stay at home. C. Vi

    7、sit Kingston. 14. What is Ariel going to do in Toronto? A. Attend a party. B. Meet her aunt. C. See a car show.I5. Why is Ariel in a hurry to leave? A. To call up Betty. B. To buy some DVDs. C. To pick up Daniel.16. What might be the relationship between the speakers? B A. Classmates. B. Fellow work

    8、ers. C. Guide and tourist.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. Where does Thomas Manning work? A. In the Guinness Company. B. At a radio station. C. In a museum.18. Where did the idea of a book of records come from? A. A bird-shooting trip. B. A visit to Europe. C. A television talk show.19. When did Sir Hughs fir

    9、st book of records appear? A. In 1875. B. In 1950. C. In 1955.20. What are the two speakers going to talk about next? A A. More records of unusual facts. B. The founder of the company. C. The oldest person in the world.第二部分:英语知识运用 ( 共两节;满分45分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题l分,满分15分) 21A new manager will come to

    10、take _charge of this company, which was in _charge of Mr. Wang. Athe; the B/; / Cthe; / D/; the22. -So you gave her your phone? -_, she said shed return it to me when she could afford her own. A. My pleasure B. Not exactly C. No doubt D. All right23In the story of Atlanta, I dont think Hippomanias _

    11、winning the race because he cheated the princess in the race.Areserved Bpreserved Cdeserved Dresponded24Large quantities of information, as well as some timely help _since the organization was built. Ahas offered Bhad been offered Chave been offered Dis offered25With the college entrance examination

    12、 approaching,students should_to stay energetic.Awork out Bpull out Cgive out Dfigure out26When he was there, he _ go to that coffee shop at the corner after work every day.Awould Bshould Chad better Dmight27He didnt put the things_they belonged,for_he got his punishment.Awhich;that Bwhat;this Cthat;

    13、whose Dwhere;which28Although the Eiffel Tower _ to last for 20 years, it is still standing today.Ahas designed Bhad designed Cis designed Dwas designed 29There is little doubt in your mind that he is innocent, _?Ais there Bisn t there Cis he Disn t he30-What do you think of his talk on Information T

    14、echnology? -Oh, excellent. Its worth _Alistening to Bbeing listened to Clistening of Dto be listened to31. The engineers are so busy that they have zero time for outdoor sports activities,_they have the interest.A. wherever B. whenever C. even if D. as if32Principal White has been working in the sch

    15、ool for about 20 years, _all his energy to teaching and researching as well as the running of a healthy school. Adevoted Bdevoting Cto devote Ddevote33The two nurses _ 100,000 yuan by the police but donated it to victims of the explosion.A.rewarded B.would be rewarded C.have been rewarded D.had been

    16、 rewarded34The island is_attractive in spring and autumn because of the pleasant weather in both seasons.Apartly Bmerely Cnearly Dequally35. -Wasnt it Dr. Wang who spoke to you just now? -_.A.I didnt know he was B. Yes, it was C. No, he wasnt D. Yes, he did1第二节、完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题

    17、所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。It was an early morning in summer. In the streets, sleepy-eyed people were moving quickly, heading towards their 36. This was the beginning of another 37 day in New York City. 38 this day was to be different.Waiting 39 the crowded streets, on top of a 40 110 stories

    18、high, was Philippe Petit. This daring Frenchman was about to 41 a tightrope (绷索) between the two towers of the World Trade Center. Philippe took his first 42 with great care. The wire held. Now he was 43 he could do it. 44 only a balancing pole, Philippe walked his way across, a 45 of 131 feet.Soon

    19、the rush-hour 46 began to notice. What a 47 ! There, 131 feet above the street, a 48 figure was walking on air.Philippe made seven 49 , back and forth (来回). He wasnt satisfied with just 50 . At times, he would turn, sit down, and 51 go on his knees. Once, he had the astonishing 52 to lie down on the

    20、 thin thread. And thousands of 53 watchers stared with their hearts beating fast.After the forty-five-minute 54 , Philippe was taken to the police station. He was asked 55 he did it. Philippe shrugged (耸肩) and said, When I see two tall buildings, I walk.36. A. jobs B. homes C. buses D. offices 37. A

    21、. working B. hot C. same D. ordinary 38. A.And B.So C. But D. Thus 39. A. for B. in C. by D. above 40. A. roof B. position C. wall D. building 41. A. throw B. walk C. climb D. fix 42. A.act B.landing C.step D.trip 43. A. sure B. uncertain C. glad D. nervous 44. A. Through B. Against C. With D. On 45

    22、. A. distance B. height C. space D. rope 46. A. streets B. crowds C. passengersD. city 47. A. height B. pleasure C. wonder D. danger 48. A. great B. strange C. public D. tiny 49. A. experimentsB. circles C. trips D. movements 50. A. walking B. staying C. acting D .showing 51. A. almost B. even C. of

    23、ten D. rather 52. A. spirit B. result C. strength D. courage 53. A. patient B. terrified C. pleased D. enjoyable 54. A. show B. trick C. try D. program 55. A. how B. why C. whether D. when 第三部分: 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项A、B、C和D中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AYou love Jay Chous songs and you can

    24、sing some quite well. So you make a video of your performance and post it online for your friends to see. But what if this led to something beyond your wildestimaginationa career in music?Canadian teenager Justin Bieber, 16, has just had the magical experience: He posted homemade videos of his versi

    25、ons of songs by American singer Chris Brown online for his relatives. He received a phone call from Brown, telling him how much he liked his performance. His singing eventually earned him a fan base and a record contract. After releasing a popular record in November 2009, his album My world 2.0 came

    26、 out last Tuesday.Bieber sings ballads(民歌)and songs about puppy love. But is he just another gooey (甜腻的) teen idol? David Malitz, a columnist with the Washington Post, doesnt think so. “If we truly want the best forAmerican children, let us pause and give thanks for Justin Bieber,” he writes. “After

    27、 years of humdrum bubblegum (乏味的摇滚舞曲) from Miley Cyrus and the Jonas Brothers, the 16yearold has thrown a candycoated wrench (扭转) into Disneys heartthrob (甜心) assembly line by giving young fans something worth screaming their lungs out for lovable pop songs.”From a boy who grew up below the poverty

    28、line with his divorced mom to a star who caused nearriots (近乎失控) in shopping malls, even Bieber himself cant believe his overnight fame, although his kind of success is becoming more and more common in the Internet era.Interested in hockey, the national sport of Canada, the boy once put up pictures

    29、of players on the walls of his bedroom. He dreamed of being a hockey star and used to practice signing his autograph. He doesnt need practice now. He signs autographs, if the girls can get close enough, as a music star.56What did Chris Brown think of Justin Biebers singing?AHe didnt like it. B. He liked it very much. CHe didnt say anything. DHe supported Justin Bieber.57What can we learn from the fourth paragraph?AHe had a happy family. BHis


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