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    1、最新初中英语综合时态练习新人教版初三英语试题1. Im going to listen to the radio. Please _ (not talk) any more. 2. The students _ (do) their homework from four to five this afternoon. 3. The students _ (be) busy now. They _ (have) an English exam next Monday. 4. Mary must _ (look) after her little sister because she is too

    2、 young. 5. _ (be) you waiting for a bus now? 6. This coat is very cheap. I _ (take) it now. 7. Ill tell him about it when he _ (come) back. 8. Could you tell me how .I _(can get) to No 3 Middle school. 9. He _ said that the new teacher _ (give) the students an English lesson now. 10. I _ (milk) a co

    3、w three times.B.1 .My sister _ the Youth League last year. She _ a Youth League member for about a year now.A. joinedhas become B. joinedhas been C. has joinedhas been D. did joinhad beenC.2. Neither of us _ a doctor. A. were B. am C. is D. areC.3. Mr Zhao doesnt like swimming, _? A. didnt he B. did

    4、 he C. does he D. wont he C.4. Ill talk to him when he _. A. come B. will come C. comes D. cameC.5. They _ supper when we _ into the room. A. are havingwent B. were havinggo C. were havingwent D. are havinggoD.6. Well go climbing if it _ tomorrow. A. wont rain B. did rain C. isnt rain D. doesnt rain

    5、A.7. I dont know if it _ tomorrow. A. will rain B. rains C. rained D. is rainD.8. Nathan Hale _ he _ his life for his country. A. saidgive B. sayswill give C. saidgives D. saidwould giveC.9. Most people _ TV. A. enjoy to watch B. enjoy watch C. enjoy watching D. enjoys watchingA.10.Father _ his cap

    6、and went out. A. put on B. puts on C. had put D. will put onB.11.How long _ your uncle _ in the army ? A. hasjoined B. hasbeen C. doesjoin D. hadjoinedD.12.Peter _ the work in a week. A. have finished B. finishes C. is finishing D. will finishA.13.The students _ the History Museum if it _ fine tomor

    7、row. A. will visit.is B. will visitwill be C. would visit was D. would visitwould beA.14.Joan _ me whether I _ the book before. A. askedhad read B. askedshall read C. askedwould read D. askedhas readC.15.By the end of last term, we _ Book Five. A. have learned B. would learn C. had learned D. were l

    8、earningA.16._ she _ her lessons at seven yesterday evening ? A. Wasgoing over B. Isgo over C. Hasgone over D. Willgo overC.17.He cant go to the cinema with me because he _ a meeting. A. was having B. would have C. is having D. hadA.18.Both of the two dictionaries _ very useful. A. are B. is C. was D

    9、. amC.19. He _ to me since last month. A. didnt write B. hadnt written C. hasnt written D. wont writeD.20. Xu Ping _ to Japan only once. A. has gone B. had gone C. had been D. has beenB.21. Nobody _ the answer. A. have known B. knew C. didnt know D. are knowingB.22._ you ever _ to Nanjing ? A. Haveg

    10、one B. Havebeen C. Dogo D. Will goC.23. He _ he _ something wrong before. A. sayswas B. say.have done C. saidhad done D. saidwould doD.24. He _ me he _ an interesting book. A. tellwould borrow B. told will borrow C. tellwill borrow D. told had borrowedB.25. Thomas Edison _ already _ a chemistry lab

    11、for himself by the time he _ ten. A. hasbuiltwas B. hadbuiltwas C. wouldbuildwas D. wasbuildingisA.26. At the age of eleven, my grandfather _ to work in a factory. A. began B. has begun C. will begin D. beginsD.27. One day while I _ along the street, I _ someone calling. A. walkedwas hearing B. was

    12、walkinghas heard C. was walkinghad heard D. was walkingheardC.28. Neither I nor he _. A. can swims well B. are swimming well C. swims well D. have swum wellD.29. _ you _ where your sister has gone ? A. Did know B. Willknow C. Areknow D. Do knowC.30. Betty _ morning exercises yesterday. A. not did B.

    13、 dont do C. didnt do D. wont doC.31. The door of her room _ every day. A. are not cleaned B. not are cleaned C. is not cleaned D. not is cleanedD.32.No rubbish _ for three weeks. A. collected B. is collected C. has collected D. has been collectedB.33.By 1980 the bridge _. A. was completed B. had bee

    14、n completed C. has been completed D. have been completedB.34.Another railway bridge _ there now. A. is building B. is being built C. is built D. has been builtD.35. _ the water in the wet clothes _ vapor now ? A. Areturned into B. Isturned into C. Arebeing turned into D. Isbeing turned intoC.36. _ t

    15、his film _ last week ? A. Didshow B. Hasbeen shown C. Wasshown D. Wasbe shownA.37.He told me that the composition _ by him. A. was not written B. not was written C. is not written D. not is writtenD.38._ the play _ again next week ? A. Willput on B. Isput on C. Will beput on D. Willbe put onA.39._ t

    16、he exercises _ tomorrow ? A. Maybe handed in B. May behanded in C. May be handedin D. May handedinB.40.She _ to a hospital at once. A. must send B. must be sent C. must to be sent D. had to sendB.41. Mike usually _ up at six in the morning. A. get B. gets C. got D. will getB.42. The sun _ us light a

    17、nd heat. A. give B. gives C. will give D. often giveA.43.Tom looked sad and cried , “ I _ terrible !” A. am feeling B feels C. will feel D. have feltD.44.At that time , things _ hard for the working people. A. is B. are C. was D. wereD.45. Long long ago, there _ a farmer in a small village. A. are B

    18、. were C. is D. livedC.46. Could you show me the way to No, 5 Middle School ? Im afraid I couldnt . I _ never _ there. A. dogo B. didgo C. havebeen D. had beenC.47. We _ a meeting these days. A. have B. had C. are having D. were havingA.48. The oldest kind of computer _ the abacus. A. is B. was C. h

    19、as been D. have beenB.49. I _ the boy in the classroom just now . A. see B. saw C. have seen D. had seenD.50. Mr Black was surprised, “ I _ I lost my wallet. “ A. know B. dont know C. knew D. didnt knowD.51.The guard said, “ I am sorry. I _ .” A. dont know it is you B. didnt know it is you C. dont k

    20、now it was you D. didnt know it was youB.52.The fisherman said to the Genie, “ Youre so big and jar is so small. _ you really in the jar ?” A. Are B. Were C. Was D. Wasnt B.53.He is going to be a doctor when he _. A. grow up B. grows up C. will grow up D. is going to grow upB.54. Grandma said she wo

    21、uld tell me a story when she _. A. has time B. had time C. would have time D. would has timeB.55. Ill tell him all about it as soon as he _. A. come back B. comes back C. will come back D. is going come backB.56. _ we set off right away ? A. Will B. Shall C. Are D. DoD.57. It seems it _. A. will rai

    22、n B. shall rain C. rains D. is going to rainA.58. My little sister _ six next month. A. will be B. shall be C. can be D. is going to B.59. Go down the street and turn right at the first crossing . You _ our school. A. find B. will find C. shall find D. are going to findA.60. Its nothing serious. You

    23、r son _ all right by supper time. A. will be B. shall be C. is D. is going to beB.61. Work hard, and you _ catch up with the others. A. can be B. Will C. shall D. are going to C.62. Where is Jenny ? She _ in the next room. A. do some reading B. does some reading C. is doing some reading D. will do s

    24、ome reading D.63. Look! Tom _ in the river. A. go swimming B. goes swimming C. going to swimming D. is swimmingD.64. His sister _ _ cakes. Thats why her hands are all covered with flour (面粉). A. makes B. made C. will make D. is makingC.65. Listen carefully ! Can you hear what the professor _ ? A. ta

    25、lks about B. talked about C. is talking about D. will talk aboutC.66. What _ you _ this time yesterday ? A. dodo B. aredoing C. weredoing D. woulddoD.67. When I got there, the Browns _ at the lunch table. A. is siting B. are sitting C. was siting D. were sittingC.68. It suddenly began to rain while

    26、I _ the bus. A. wait B. waited C. was waiting for D. were waiting forC.69. It _ hard when I was on my way to the cinema. A. rain B. raining C. was raining D. were rainingB.70. The train will arrive _. A. after an hour B. in an hour C. an hour later D. for an hourC.71. How may English films _ since l

    27、ast year ? A. do you see B. did you see C. have you seen D. had you seenC.72. _ the film yet ? Yes. I _ it just now. A. Do you seesee B. Did you seehave seen C. Have you seensaw D. Have you seenhave seenC.73. Mr Smith works in Beijing. He _ since 1978. A. has come there B. has came there C. has been

    28、 there D. has gone thereD.74. Comrade Wang came back last night. Where _? A. has he gone B. had he gone C. has he been D. had he beenA.75. Mrs Brown is out. Where _? A. has she gone B. had she gone C. has she been D. had she beenD.76. Her grandma _ for five years. A. dies B. has died C. was dead D.

    29、has been deadA.77. Have you _ heard the story about Edison ? A. ever B. never C. even D. onceD.78. He asked if you _ to Peter. A. wrote B. had wrote C. have wrote D. had writtenB.79. The lights _ when I got to the cinema. A. have already gone out B. had already gone out C. have already be out D. had

    30、 already went outC.80. Did you give a ticket to Li Hua yesterday ? No, Because she _ for herself. A. has bought it B. has bought one C. had bought one D., had bought itC.81. Yesterday some foreign friends came to our village. They _ a long way before they arrived A. traveled B. have traveled C. had traveled D. are travellingD.82.By the time I left school I _ English for six years. A. studied B. has studied C. have studied D. had stu


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