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    1、届江苏各地高考模拟试题重难点易错点分类精选2015届江苏各地模拟试题重难点、易错点分类汇编冠 词1. To get a thorough understanding of onerselfalso requires doing oneself a favor when its needed.(扬州中学10月)2. -Have you seen an iphone? I left it on the desk this morning. -Is it a white one? I think I saw it somewhere. (启东中学10月)3. Serious adjustments

    2、need to be made in worldwide development, if future generations are to enjoy a similar staandard of living to the one we enjoy now. (扬州中学10月)4. -You are really crazy about music!-Sort of. I always find in music the peace which is missing in a world full of challenges. (姜堰期中)9. It was two American st

    3、udents who first came up with the idea of bar codes, which are quite a wonderful invention. (海门12月)10. This morning I went to the Track Kitchen, a restaurant where everyone from the poorest to the most powerful comes for breakfast.(前黄3月)11. The color green in ancient Egypt symbolized spring, which i

    4、s the time of year when things in nature start to grow after a long winter.(金陵中学期中)12. As a rule, part-time workers such as babysitters or English tutors are paid by the hour.(启东错题集)13. The passengers were at a loss when word came that their voyage was called off because of the hurricane. (启东错题集)14.

    5、 The Team-up center will offer an opportunity to young singers to showcase their talents in front of an audience of 5,000.(徐、宿、淮、连元月联考)代 词1. We all consider it significant that we should cancel the order immediately. (扬州中学10月)2. Surprisingly, he picked this valuable antique at a stand for next to no

    6、thing.(武进期中)3. The Ice Bucket Challenge on the microblog is a fund-raising campaign, one arousing peoples awareness of caring about the disabled.(武进期中)4. Neither of them could understand Italian and the couple had to hire an interpreter. (百校联考)3. A small action can make a big difference, and that co

    7、uldnt be truer when it comes to the efforts to cut down on carbon emissions in China. (镇江五校)4. The customers may depend upon it that all the goods made by our company shall be delivered for free and on time. (前黄3月)5. Use your head; nothing taught by others can have the same effect on you as that lea

    8、rned through practice. (金陵中学期中)6. Many people agree that there has never been a more splendid opening ceremony than that of the Beijing Olympic Games in history. (南师附中12月)7. Such is the gravity of the situation that we cant underline the importance of public attention enough. (南师附中12月)8. It would be

    9、 a good idea to use a plastic bottle, its top cut off, as a container to grow young plants in.(内部模拟)9. He is recognized as the leading character in the field of High-energy Physics and his achievements, so far, remain second to none. (期末模拟)10. -May I ask leave for tomorrow?-No, you cant. Anyone appl

    10、ying for the scholarship must be present. (启东中学错题集)11. -Sill my! I forget what my luggage looks like.-What do you think of that over there? (启东中学错题集)12. Having sent several emails to apply for jobs, the college graduate waited for a reply, but none came. (启东中学错题集)13. I went shopping for the perfect

    11、dress, the one that would make me look young. (启东中学错题集)14. He is, if anything, a little weaker today than before. (启东中学错题集)15. Jack Ma, found and executive chairman of Chinas Alibaba Group, has a $28.6 billion fortune, one making him the richest person in China. (扬州期末)16. The European market has lon

    12、g been favoring a good many African and Caribbean countries, many of them former colonies of Britain or France. (前、姜、如、沭联考)17. By 2025, when the number of consumers worldwide has reached 4.2 billion, people with high income will be, for the first time, more than those struggling to meet their needs.

    13、 (栟茶元月)18. -Ive sold my first painting!-This is really something! Someone actually thinks your painting fantastic.(苏州期末)19. Word power should be taken seriously because of the benefits it can have on the students vocabulary building. (无锡期末)20. The wedding dress of the Princess is noble and elegant.

    14、Such is the beauty of this style that it will be popular with young women.(泰州二模)21. Everyone doesnt agree to the plan. Some support it while Im one of those opposed to it.(启东下学期期初)22. I think George left because he had lost his job or something. (启东下学期期初)23. Each misfortune you come across will carr

    15、y in it the seed of tomorrows good luck. So hang on until you succeed. (苏锡常一模)24. Goals most often realized are those set when you are feeling good, feeling powerful and feeling love.(镇江一模)25. When it comes to the majority of the latest technologies in the next 20 years, none has greater potential t

    16、han the technology being developed in these young peoples company, which in my eyes will lead to a revolution.(常州期末)26. -Does Jessica know where her guitar is? -She saw somebody walking off with one, but she doesnt know whose.(二轮提优)名 词1. Several factors affect reading including reading difficulty, a

    17、ccelerating technology, lack of time and poor concentration.(武进期中)2. A longer school year does not have to be an invitation to hard boring work. (姜堰期中)3. We desperately need more books, TV plays and films to satisfy our childrens thirst for new knowledge. (盐城12月)4. The goal of Shawshank Dedemption i

    18、s to show the viewer that with strength and patience, hope and the preservation of that hope is a good thing, maybe the best things. (镇江五校)5. The purpose of a security deposit is to protect the landlord against you damaging the rental unit or skipping out on your rent. (南师附中12月)6. We need to stress

    19、not only the effectiveness of helmets in saving lives, but the fact that helmet programmes are good value for money. (期末模拟)7. Maury Brown of Forbes reports that Major League Baseballs annual revenues for 2014 will top $9 billion. (南京、盐城期末模拟)8. President Xi Jinping made an inspection tour of Beijing

    20、Normal University on the eve of Teachers Day, saying To become a good teacher, one must have lofty ideals, good virtues, solid knowledge and a kind heart.(无锡期中)9. The proposal deserve support as the needs of children should be given priority to.(扬州期末)10. It is really important for parents to reach a

    21、 compromise between what they want and what their kids desire.(栟茶元月)11. Compared with other forms of lighting, LEDs are much more efficient because of the different ways they pass electric current. (苏州期末)12. Id like to thank you for the great privilege of being addressing this assembly, sharing my o

    22、pinion of living a low-carbon life.(南通一模)13. I woke up with a painful back this morning. When I bent down and started to pull my shoes on, I saw that my shoes, like my body, were showing signs of wear. (无锡期末)14. One thing Im looking for in a college, Sandra told her teacher, is diversity. I want to

    23、meet many different kinds of people (通州热点专项检测)15. I cant take all the credit for the shows success; it was a team effort.(镇江一模)Estella showed me the way with a candle. When she opened the side entrance, the rush of the daylight quite confused me.(南京二模)16. Ill buy you whatever you want-its your birth

    24、day and money is no object.(二轮提优)17. -As you see, Linda and I dont see eye to eye on this issue.-Lets try to find a happy medium that you can agree on.(二轮提优)18. Children enjoying parents company during their growth tend to have better living habits than left-behind children. (通泰扬二模)19. If we want st

    25、udents to become effective in multicultural setting, there is no substitute for practice.(南师附中四校联考)形容词副词1. Wherever ISIL has seized control, women have been arbitrarily murdered by shooting, torturing, or stoning. (如皋中学10月)2. Welcome to take this time number G7589 High-speed Rail Train bound for Nor

    26、th Changzhou from Xuzhou, the train will arrive in Changzhou North Station terminal, please take passenger3. Color is a medium for different feelings, but the meaning of color is not consistent.(如皋中学10月)4. Some drugs may give them an artificial sense of pleasure. (如东县10月)5. -Do you think he is the o

    27、nly person for the job?-Im not quite sure but hell prove equal to the task.(南京二模)6. Making a nice home and securing a good future for your family is as much a mission as pursuing any career success. (前黄中学11月)7. According to a recent study, women are twice as likely to suffer from stomach cancer as m

    28、en.(海安三校10月)8. Reading books plays a vital role in human development, whether they are printed or electronic. (武进期中)9. John, I told you before. I hate to read anything ambiguous. Please make your report more specific, will you? (海安三校10月)10. A Zimbabwean may have left his mark in the Guinness Book of

    29、 Records by giving the longest lecture ever last week.11. -Have you ever been to the Summer Palace?-I cant quite remember. If ever, it might have been during my childhood. (姜堰期中)12. By pretending to be ill, the candidate tried to run away from controversial issues, which always aroused too much deba

    30、te. (姜堰期中)13. -I have paid five times the usual price for the stamp. -What a silly decision! (百校联考)14. There is now an increasing demand for private cars which are more economical in their use of fuel. (盐城12月)15. The old man who often wears shabby clothes in fact is a billionaire, and no one knows t

    31、he actual amount of money he has. (盐城12月)16. In England, online retailers have up to 30 days to deliver goods, unless specifically agreed otherwise. (前黄3月)17. Please remember to remind them that the products inside are fragile and must be handled with great care. (金陵中学期中)18. Jane is really honest an

    32、d never tends to hide her opinion. She must give you a straightforward suggestion about what you have been arguing about. (金陵中学期中)19. -Did you stay at the party until the very end last night?-No, I left as early as was consistent with politeness. (南京、盐城期末模拟)20. Thats what an encouraging word will do when spoken in love in due season. So, lets try and speak that word of encouragement at just the right time and make a differen


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