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    高中英语《Frinds老友记》第3季中英文对照完整剧本304 The One With The Metaphorical Tunnel素材.docx

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    高中英语《Frinds老友记》第3季中英文对照完整剧本304 The One With The Metaphorical Tunnel素材.docx

    1、高中英语Frinds老友记第3季中英文对照完整剧本304 The One With The Metaphorical Tunnel素材304 The One With The Metaphorical TunnelScene: Monica and Rachels: everyone is there and they are watching an info-mercial that stars Joey.Host: Welcome everybody, welcome to Amazing Discoveries!Phoebe: Oh, oh! Its on again!Joey: You

    2、 guys, can we please not watch this all right.All: Shhhh!Host: Folks, has this ever happened to you. You go to the refrigerator to get a nice glass of milk, (Joey is in the background struggling to open a cartoon of milk) and these darn cartons are so flingin-flangin hard to open.Joey: (on tv) Oh, y

    3、ou said it Mike. (rips open the carton and spills milk on the counter) Aw! Theres got to be a better way!Mike: And there is Kevin.Joey: Can we please turn this off?Rachel: Noo way, Kevin.Mike: There is a revolutionary new product that guarantees that youll never have to open up milk cartons again. M

    4、eet the Milk Master 2000.Ross: (to Chandler) Are you intrigued?Chandler: Youre flingin-flangin right I am!Mike: Keep in mind, hes never used this product before, youre gonna see how easy this is to do. (to Kevin) Go ahead. (Kevin starts using the product, it is a spout that you jab into a paper milk

    5、 carton so that you dont have to rip it open.) This works with any milk carton.Joey: (on TV, finishing installing the Milk Master 2000) Wow, it is easy. (starts to poor the milk) Now, I can have milk everyday.(They all start laughing at him) Opening CreditsScene: Central Perk, Chandler, Monica, Jani

    6、ce are sitting on the couch, and Phoebe is sitting next to them in the chair.Chandler: Well, its official there are no good movies.Janice: Well, lets go to a bad one and make out. (they start to kiss and lean back into Monica.) Monica: Perhaps, you would like me to turn like this, (turns sideways on

    7、 the couch) so that you can bunny bump against my back.Joey: (entering) Hey!Phoebe: Hey.Chandler: Hey, man. Whats up?Joey: Maybe you can tell me. My agent would like to know why I didnt show up at the audition I didnt know I had today. The first good thing she gets me in weeks. How could you not giv

    8、e me the message?!Chandler: Well, Ill tell ya I do enjoy guilt, but, ah, it wasnt me.Phoebe: Yes, it was! It was him! Uh huh! (they all stare at her) Okay, it was me! Joey: How is it you?Phoebe: Well, it was just, it was all so crazy, you know. I mean, Chandler was in the closet, counting to 10, and

    9、 he was up to 7 and I hadnt found a place to hide yet. I-I-I meant to tell you, and I wrote it all down on my hand. See, all of it. (shows him her hand) Joey: Yep, thats my audition.Monica: See, now this is why I keep notepads everywhere.Phoebe: Yep, and thats why we dont invite you to play.Janice:

    10、What is the great tragedy here? You go get yourself another appointment.Joey: Well, Estelle tried, you know. The casting director told her that I missed my chance.Phoebe: That is unfair. Ill call her and tell her it was totally my fault.Joey: Pheebs, you cant do that. The casting director doesnt tal

    11、k to friends, she only talks to agents.Phoebe: What a sad little life she must lead. Okay, ooh (starts dialing) . Joey: What, what are you doing? What are you doing?Phoebe: No, no, no, I know, I know, ooh. (on the phone in a different voice) Hi, this is Katelynn, from Phoebe Buffays office. Um, is u

    12、m, Ann there for Phoebe, shell know what its about.Joey: Hang up, hang up. (reaches with his good arm, but Phoebe grabs it and he tries to reach the phone with his other arm but cant because of the sling.) Phoebe: (on phone) Annie! Hi. Listen we got a problem with Joey Tribbiani, apparently he misse

    13、d his audition. Who did you speak to in my office? Estelle, no, I dont know what Im going to do with her. No. All right, so your husband leaves and burns down the apartment, the world does not stop.Chandler: Is anybody else scared?Phoebe: (on phone) Right, well look, um, if Joey loses this audition,

    14、 that is it for Estelle. I dont care! Annie you are a doll, what time can you see him? (to Monica) I need a pen. (Chandler hands her one, but she needs something to right on, so she tilts Chandlers head over and writes on the back of his neck) Chandler: Get the woman a pad! Get the woman a pad! A pa

    15、d! A pad!Monica: Oh, now you want a pad.Scene: Monica and Rachels, Carol and Susan are dropping off BenCarol and Susan: (entering) Hey!Ross: Theres my boy! Heres my boy! And heres his Barbi (Ben is holding a Barbi doll) Whats ah, whats my boy doing with a Barbi?Carol: He picked it out of the toy sto

    16、re himself, he loves it.Susan: He carries it everywhere, its like a security blanket, but with ski boots and a kicky beret.Ross: Yeah, its, its, its cute. Why, why, why does he have it, again?Susan: So hes got a doll? So what? Unless youre afraid hes gonna grow up and be in show business.Carol: This

    17、 doesnt have anything to do with the fact that he is being raised by two women, does it?Ross: You know what its fine. If youre okay with the Barbi thing, so am I.(cut to later in the day) Ross: Give daddy the Barbi! Ben, give, give me the Barbi. Okay, how bout, dont you want to play with the monster

    18、 truck? (makes a monster truck sound) No. Okay, oh, oh, how about a Dino-soilder? (squawks like a dinosaur) Rachel: Ross, you are so pathetic. Why cant your son just play with his doll? (uses the Milk Master 2000 to pour milk into her cereal) Monica: (entering from her bedroom) I gotta go to work. H

    19、as anybody seen my left boob?Joey: I love that movie. (Joey is using it as a pillow) Monica: There it is. Joey, what are you doing?Joey: Im sorry, it just felt nice.Chandler: (entering with his ringing phone) Joe. Joe! Answer the phone.Joey: Hey, I only got one good arm, you know. You should be doin

    20、g stuff for me. Go get me a sweater.Chandler: Just do it! Okay, its Janice and if I get it Im going to have to see her tonight. (phone stops ringing) Oh, thats great Im gonna have to see her tonight.Rachel: Whats the big deal? Why dont you wanna see Janice?Chandler: Okay, last night at dinner, when

    21、the meals came, she put half her chicken piccata on my plate and took my tomatoes.Ross: And thats bad because., you hate chicken piccata?Chandler: Noo.Ross: You didnt want to share your tomatoes, tomatoes are very important to you.Chandler: No, its like all of the sudden, we were this couple. And th

    22、is alarm started going off in my head: Run for your life! Get out of the building!Rachel: Men are unbelievable.Monica: What is it with you people! I mean, the minute you start to feel something, you have to run away?Chandler: I know, that, (looks at her fake chest, and loses his train of thought, te

    23、mporarily) thats why I dont want to go tonight, Im afraid Im going to say something stupid.Monica: Oh, you mean like that guy thing where you act mean and distant until you get us to break up with you.Joey: Hey, you know about that?!Chandler: Look what do I do? I wanna get past this, I dont wanna be

    24、 afraid of the commitment thing. I wanna go through the tunnel, to the other side! (Joey looks quizzically at Ross) Ross: (to Joey) Where there is no fear of commitment.Chandler: Do we have any. (turns around and bumps Monicas fake chest) Do we have any thoughts here?Joey: Well, Ive never been throu

    25、gh the tunnel myself, cause as I understand it, youre not allowed to go through with more than one girl in the car, right. But, it seems to me its pretty much like anything else, you know, face your fear. It have a fear of heights, you go to the top of the building! If youre afraid of bugs.get a bug

    26、. Right. In this case, you have a fear of commitment, so I say you go in there and be the most committed guy there ever was.Rachel: Amazingly, that makes sense.Chandler: You think?Joey: Oh, yeah. Go for it man, jump off the high dive, stare down the barrel of the gun, pee into the wind!Chandler: Yea

    27、h, Joe, I assure you if Im staring down the barrel of a gun, Im pretty much peeing every which way.Scene: Central Perk, Phoebes beeper is going offPhoebe: Oh, its your audition from this morning. Can I use the phone again?Rachel: Sure Pheebs, you know, thats what its there for, emergencies and prete

    28、nd agents.Joey: Come on baby, come on!Phoebe: (on phone, in Katelynns voice) Hi, I have Phoebe Buffay returning a page. Okay, well, um, shes in her car Ill have to patch you through.Rachel: Very nice touch.Phoebe: (in voice, on phone) Okay, go ahead. (in normal voice on phone) Um, hi Annie. (listens

    29、) Fantastic! (to Joey) You got it. (on phone) Oh, okay, um, Will he work for scale? you ask me. Well, I dont know about that, (Joey clears his throat to signify yes) except that I do and he will. Great, oh you are such a sweetheart. I would love to have lunch with you, how about we have lunch next.

    30、(hangs up phone) Op, went through a tunnel.Rachel: Unbelievable.Joey: Thank you so much.Phoebe: It was really fun, I mean Ive never talked on a car phone before.Joey: You were amazing, could you just do me this huge favor, you see theres this one other audition that I really, really want, and Estell

    31、e couldnt get me in.Phoebe: Oh, I dont know. I mean it was fun one time.Joey: Come on, please, itll be just this one more, well actually its two.Phoebe: Two?Joey: Yeah! Well, well really its three. Please. Youre so good at it. I love you.Phoebe: Okay, Ill do it, but just these three, rightJoey: Nooo

    32、, four.Scene: Chandler and Joeys, Chandler and Janice are having dinnerJanice: So, how come you wanted to eat in tonight?Chandler: Cause, I wanted to uh, give you this. (hands her a present) Janice: Ohhh, are you a puppy! (opens it) Contact paper! I never really know what to say when someone youre sleeping with gives you contact paper.C


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