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    1、考研英语作文写作表示衔接的词汇doc考研英语作文写作表示衔接的词汇1)表列举in the first (second) placeIn the first place, you should correct your attitude. 首先你要端正态度。to begin withI have to begin with an apology,and then an advice.我得首先表示歉意,然后再提出一个建议。last but not least ( 最后 )Last but not least, he could play the saxophone.最后但同样重要的是,他能演奏萨克

    2、斯管。in additionI committed an error in addition. 另外,我还犯了一个错误。for one thingFor one thing,it餾an exercise; and for another,it餾anentertainment.首先,它是一种运动;其次,它才是一种娱乐。firs t of allFirst of all,you prepare a shopping list. 首先,你准备一份购物单。类似表列举的语言还有: at first,foranother,first,second,next,moreover,also,in the beg

    3、inning 等。2)表举例for exampleThat experiment,for example,was a total failure. 例如,那次实验就完全失败了。for instanceFor instance,a telegram often costs more than a telephonecall.举例来说,发电报通常比打电话要花更多钱。namelyThere are three colours in the Britishflag,namely,red,white and blue.英国国旗采用了三种颜色,即红、白、蓝。such asWild flowers such

    4、 as orchids and primroses are becomingrare.兰花和报春之类的野花越来越少了。a case in pointAn average student can be a top student with hard work.Cathy is a case in point.成绩平平的学生通过努力用功也能名列前茅,凯西就是一个例子。to illustrateTo illustrate my point I have done a comparative analysis.为说明我的观点,我作了对比分析。3)表增补 in additionYou need time

    5、,of course,in addition,you need diligence.当然你需要时间。另外,你还应该勤奋刻苦。furthermoreThe house is too small,and furthermore,it 餾 too far fromthe office.这间房子太小了,另外,它离我们办公室也太远了。moreoverThey expected,moreover,to remove their house.另外,他们期望能迁移他们的房屋。besidesI don餿want to come out now,and besides,I must work.我现在不想出去,而且

    6、我还得工作。thenThere are the vegetables to peel and the soup to heat.Then there 餾 the table to lay and the wine to cool.菜要摘洗,汤要加热。还得摆上餐具,把酒水冰镇一下。what餾moreHe is an artist and,what餾more,a good sportsman.他是一位艺术家,而且还是一名优秀的运动员。to put it another wayTo put it another way,education is essential for progress.换句话说

    7、,教育是进步所必不可少的。类似表增补的语言还有: again,once again,all the same(by the way( 另外 ) ,also,equally important,in otherwords,likewise,to repeat,too 等。仍然 ) ,4)表强调certainlyCertainly the vacation was fun. 当然了,那个假期过得很有趣。indeedIndeed,a dessert is always enjoyable. 确实,甜食总是那么美味。above allAbove all,do not build an open fir

    8、e in a forest.最重要的是,不要在森林里点燃篝火。surelySurely you agree that she won the debate.无疑,你赞同是她赢得了那场辩论。most important (of all)Most important,the form has to be mailed by June 1.最重要的是,那张表格必须在6 月1 日前邮寄。but for (要不是 )But for my brother 餾 help,I would not have finished.要不是我兄弟的协助,我是无法完成的。without doubtWithout (any

    9、) doubt,appearance comes before price.不容置疑,外观比价格还重要。类似表强调的语言还有: chiefly,especially,as a matter of fact( 事实上 ) ,actually,even worse,anyway,in fact,in particular,particularly,obviously,to be sure,truly,undoubtedly,no doubt,needless to say,even more(甚至) 等。5)表对照unlikeUnlike his brother,he has a sense of

    10、 humour. 和他的兄弟不同,他很幽默。in contrast (with,to)In contrast,the red fluid does not lose its colour.对比来说,红色的液体仍不失其震撼力。whereasThe husband wanted a boy,whereas the wife wanted a girl.丈夫想要个男孩,相反,妻子想要个女孩。on the other handSome students wanted to go on an excursion;others,on theother hand,wanted to go swimming.

    11、 一些学生想去远足,另一些是想去游泳。instead (of)Instead, the new law caused many problems. 相反,新法案引起了很多问题。nonethelessSeemingly contradictory but nonetheless possibly true.看起来予盾,但却可能是真实的。类似表对照的语言还有: by contrast,conversely,by contrastwith (to), on the contrary,otherwise,while,yet,the opposite (of),different from,nor,ev

    12、enthough,rather,still,nevertheless,but rather 等。6)表比较likeLike the owl,the fox hunts at night. 同猫头鹰一样,狐狸也是夜晚捕猎。in the same wayIn the same way,we look for a good doctor. 我们以相同的方式寻找一名好医生。similarlySimilarly,the Wilson 餾 enjoy spicy foods.相同地,威尔逊一家人喜欢吃辛辣食物。equally importantEqually important, the car driv

    13、es thirty miles on a gallon of gas.同等重要的是,一加仑汽油能让一辆汽车跑 30 英里。in (a) like mannerThe large capitalist is, in a like manner,maintained from funds provided in advance.大资本家也以同样的方式靠事先准备好的资金为生。类似表比较的还有: by comparison ( 比较起来 ) ,in the same manner,likewise,as,at the same time,both,each,also,comparedwith 等。7)

    14、 表让步althoughAlthough she ran after the train,it left without her.即使她追着火车跑,可她仍然没能搭乘上那辆火车。neverthelessI can 餿 follow your advice.Nevertheless,thank you for giving it.即使我不能采纳你的建议,但我还是要谢谢你。after allAfter all,you have learned to cook Chinese food in thisjob.毕竟,通过这份工作你已学会了烹制中国菜肴。stillStill,a winter vacati

    15、on can be pleasant. 寒假仍然能够令人愉快。yetShe trained hard all year yet still failed to reach her best form.她刻苦训练了一整年,不过仍没有达到状态。类似表让步的语言还有: in spite of,even if,despite thefact that ( 即使 ) ,for all that ( 即使 ) ,even so ( 即使如此 ) , even though ( 即使 ) 等。8)表结果thereforeI have never been to the museum and therefor

    16、e,I do not know much about it.我从没去过这家博物馆,所以我对它了解不多。as a resultAs a result,the hospital hired three nurses. 结果,那家医院雇用了三名护士。consequentlyConsequently,we opened an account at the bank.结果我们在那家银行开设了帐户。accordinglyAccordingly,she telephoned three different companies.于是,她给三家公司打了电话。soHe wrote a very good comp

    17、osition,and so was much praised by our teacher.他写了一篇很好的作文,结果我们老师对他大加赞扬。thusThere has been no rain.Thus the crops are likely to suffer.一直没下雨,所以庄稼就要遭殃了。on that accountOn that account (All on account of that),I got told off.都是为了那事,我受到责备。类似表结果的语言还有: for this reason,hence,in thisway,then,as a consequence

    18、,it follows that 等。9) 表转折butBut the clerk refused to answer. 但办事员拒不答复。howeverThe letter came two days later,however. 不过,那封信两天后寄到了。thoughWe hoped,though,she would change her mind. 不过,我们还是希望她能改变主意。yetYet,there was still a chance that he would win. 不过,他还是有机会赢的。exceptI understand everything except why s

    19、he killed him.我一切都明白,仅仅不理解她为什么把他杀死了。类似表转折的词语还有: whereas,at the sametime,still,only,nevertheless 等。10)表结论to sum upTo sum up,Christmas is the most important holiday.总的来说,圣诞节是一年中最重要的节日。finallyFinally,the country agreed to issue more work permits.最终,那个国家同意发布更多的工作许可。in conclusionIn conclusion,a consulate

    20、 offers more services.总来说之,领事馆能提供更多的服务。at lastAt last,a treaty was signed. 最后,签订了一个条约。in summaryIn summary,recreation is a big business. 总的来看,娱乐业是笔大生意。on the wholeNo bad on the whole. 的来 不 。in the last analysis ( 根 底 )In the last analysis,he 餾 not a competent manager. 根 底,他不是个称 的 理。 似表 的 言 有: as has

    21、 been noted(mentioned,stated),in a word,all in brief,in short,in sum,toconclude,to summarize,to be brief,all in all (short ( 言之 ) ,the long and the short of it (make a long story short ( 来 之 ) 等。 的来 来 之) ,for) ,to11)表 in the meantimeThe next programme starts in five minutes meantime,here 餾 some musi

    22、c.:in the下一个 目五分 后开始, 在先播放些音 。by the time.(到 候)By the time we reached home,she had fallen asleep.当我 到家的 候,她已 睡着了。from now on ( 今后 )From now on you can work on your own. 你从 在起能 独立工作了。presentlyIt 餾 the best method presently known. 是当前所知的方法。formerlyHe formerly worked in a university,but now he 餾 a lawy

    23、er.他以前曾在大学工作,但现在是个律师。meanwhile (meantime)Jane was writing a letter and meanwhile Pat was watchingTV.简在写信而此时帕特在看电视。asI watched her as she combed her hair. 她梳头的时候我一直看着她。类似表时间顺序的语言还有: after a while,at that time,before,earlier,at the same time,as soon as,so far,since,then,until,when,shortly,later,lately

    24、,byat last,at length ( 最后 ) 等。12)表空间close tonow ( 至此 ) ,Stand close to me. 站在我的旁边。close at hand ( 近在身旁 )Where one is found,the other two are close at hand.只要找到其中一个,另外两个也近在咫尺。in the center ofA table stood in the center of the room. 一个餐桌摆在房间的中央。on the opposite side (相对的)On the opposite side of the sho

    25、pping center,there餾apost office.购物中心的对面是一家邮局。against ( 对着 )He live over against the temple. 他住在那座寺庙的正对面。across (from)He lives across the street. 他住在街对面。beneathThey live beneath the same roof. 他们住在同一屋檐下。类似表空间的语言还有: on the left,right,farther,in the distance,in the middle of,between,beyond,far,down,nex

    26、t to,opposite to,above,around,at the bottom,before,behind,below等。13)表原因owing toOwing to unfavorable weather we were unable to proceed.因为天气不好,我们不能继续前进。result fromThe increase in debt result from the expansion programme.因为扩建计划造成债务的增加。due toThe company developed due to condensation.那家公司因 精 机构而 展壮大。on a

    27、ccount ofHe drives very slowly on account of fog. 因 大 ,他 得很慢。on the ground ofI had to retire on the ground of ill health. 我因健康的 故不得已才退休了。asAs you weren there I left a message. 因 你不在那里,我留了个便条。sinceSince we 饁 e no money we can buy a new car. 因 我 没 ,没法 新汽 。forPrepare to alight,for we are almost there. 我 上就要到了,准 下 吧。 似表原因的 言 有: because (of),as a result of,byreason of ( 因 ) ,for this reason ( 因 个原因 ) ,for noother reason that.( 只因 ) 等。14)其他必背 典表达All the same 仍然All things considered 所有事情都考 在内All this means that.所有 个切都意味着A more important fact is that.更重要的事 是A more interesting thing is that.更 有趣的是


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