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    1、八年级英语下册句型转换八年级英语下册期末复习之句型转换1. Li Mings bike is broken. (划线提问)_ _ _ Li Mings bike2. They have a car. (一般疑问句) _ _ _ a car3 The ball is on the desk. (划线提问) _ _ the ball4 put your clothes there. (变否定) _ put your clothes there.5. Her mother looks young. (划线提问) _ mother looks young6. Lets have a look at y

    2、our book. Lets _ _ your book7. Please give a green pencil to me. _ _ a green pencil, please.8. Theyre Mikes shoes. _ _ are they9. What else can you see. _ _ _ can you see10. I think you are a good boy. (变否定) I _ think you _ a good boy.11. I can see some cups of tea in the fridge. 改否定 I _ see _ cups

    3、of tea in the fridge.12. Id like to see some of your photos. (一般疑问句) _ you _ _ see _ of my photos13. I can see three people in the boat. (划线提问) _ _ _ can you see in the boat14. Id like some rice, please. _ _ you like, please15. I want a go. (一般疑问句) _ you _ a go16. There is a hill in the picture. (改复

    4、数) There _ _ _ in the picture.17. Do it like this. 改否定 _ _it like this .18. I can play football very well (一般疑问句) _ _ play football very well19. I dont like swimming very much. Swimming is _ my _ sport.20. Do you want to have a try Do you want _ _21. Im not a good basketball player. Im not good_ _ b

    5、asketball.22. Tom is wearing a yellow shirt. _ _ Tom _ 23. They sit in the boat. (改为现在进行时) They _ _ in the boat.24. She is counting the books. _is she _25. Jim often draws pictures in the evening. (用now改写) Jim _ _ pictures now.26. Lucy is writing(用reading改为选择疑问句 _ Lucy writing _ _27. My father is ta

    6、lking with Li Ping. _ _ your father _ with28. He has some colour pens. 改否定 He _ _ _ pens.29. I have a nice watch. (改一般疑问句) _ you _ a nice watch30. Its Sunday today. _ _ is it today31. The young women are making some cakes. 改否定 The young women _ making _ cakes.32. The twins are cleaning the room. _ _

    7、 the twins _33. They are all American students. _ _ _ are American students.34. There are six books in the desk. _ _ _are there in the desk34. The shop is closed at 9 . The shop is closed at _ oclock _ _ _.35. Peter helps me, and I help peter. Peter and I help _ _.36. Mary is from Australia. Mary _

    8、_ Australia.37. Peter can speak a little Chinese. _ _ Chinese can Peter speak38. I like China very much. _ _ you like China38. I like the colour of your coat very much. _ _ you like _ my coat40. My mother is a doctor. _ _ your mother _ _ your mother_41. The Englishman has a car. 改否定 The Englishman _

    9、 _ a car.42. The boy comes from London. _ _ the boy _from43. Mr Smith is making a cake now. _ is Mr Smith _now44. We speak English. 改否定 We _ _ English.45. Peter does the shopping on Sundays. 改一般疑问句 _ Peter _ the shopping on Sundays46. The boys play football after school. _ _ the boys _ after school4

    10、7. He does housework every evening. 改一般疑问句 _ he _ housework every evening48. Jim often has rice for every meal. 改否定 Jim _ often _rice for every meal.49. I have to wash the dishes because I cant cook. _ _ you have to wash the dishes50. She likes red and orange very much. _ _ she _ red and orange51. T

    11、hey like flying kites. _ do they like _52. Tom works on a farm. _ _ Tom _53. Kate teaches English in the school. _ _ Kate _ in the school54. She speaks Chinese very well. 改否定 She _ _ Chinese well.55. The old man watches TV every morning. 改否定 The old man_ _ TV every morning.56. She is from America. S

    12、he _ from America.57. Mary goes to school at seven every day. _ _ _ Mary _ to school every day58. We have lunch at noon. We have lunch _ _ _ _ the day.59. Its twelve oclock now. _ _ _ now60. Uncle Zhou likes rice. (改一般疑问句 _ Uncle Zhou _ rice61. Mr Brown has two cars. _ _ cars _ Mr Bown _62. They spe

    13、ak French. _ do they _63. Its Saturday today. _ _ is it today64. Open the window, please. Please _ open the window.65. I think the shop is closed now. I _ think the shop _ _ now.66. They go to school on Saturday. 改否定 They _ _ go to school on Saturday.67. Kate does her homework in the evening. (改一般疑问

    14、句) _ Kate _ her homework in the evening68. Mr Freen goes to work by car. _ _ Mr Green _ to work69. She has some nice shirts. (改一般疑问句) _ she _ _ nice shirt70. They do morning exercise every do. 改否定They _ _ morning exercises every day.77. He wants half a kilo of meat. _ _ meat does he have78. Our teac

    15、hers have lunch at twelve! _ _ do your teachers have lunch79. Her red sweater is eighty yuan. _ _ is her red sweater80. The bottle is empty . (用full改写为选择疑问句) Is the bottle _ _ _81. Xiao Wang works in a factory. (改一般疑问句) _ Xiao Wang _ in a factory82. She is singing in her room. _ _ she singing83. My

    16、father gets home at 4:00 in the afternoon. _ _ does your father get home in the afternoonLook after, with, go, over, have, work, listen to, do, put on, get up1. Its four oclock now. Oh, its time _ home.2. Does she _ lunch at school3. Mike _ at six every morning.4. Whats wrong _ your bike5. He is a w

    17、orker. He _ in a factory.6. Look! Her sister _ her coat now.7. Classes are _ at 4:00 in the afternoon.8. Dont talk with Bill. He _ his homework.9. Can you _my child when Im out10. His father often _ the radio after supper.some, he, work, I , empty, cup, new, eat, game, piece1. Is this watch old or_

    18、many _ of coffee can you see3. Its time _. 4. Would you like something _5. Give _ a bottle of arrange juice. 6. These glasses are full, but those are _.7. I cant find _ eraser. 8. Lets go and play _.9. There arent _ pears in the basket. 10. d like some _of cakes for breakfast.we, teacher, be, differ

    19、ence, China, say, swim, piece, throw, play1. Wed like two_of bread. 2. _the ball like this. Its not hard. are _from boys. 4. David and Peter are in the _ room but their teacher isnt there.5. Many young people like _ football.6. All of _ like English. 7. Miss Gao _, “I like all of you.”7. Dans father

    20、 is good at _. 9. There are two _ girls in Mr Browns class. of the teachers _my fathers sister.borrow how, have, some, stay, from, go, be, what, where1. Lily is _ America. 2. Lets _ to the farm together.3. Can I _ your knife 4. I like it. _ about you5. _ do you like China. 6. There_ some juice in th

    21、e bottle.7. He _ many friends. 8. _ do you come from8. We _ at home on Saturdays. 10. Are there _ sheep on the farmempty(反义词)_ they(宾格)_ we(所有格)_right(反义词)_ heavy(反义词)_ knife(复数) _收好_ you (名词性物主代词) _ piano (复数)_1.Lanasaidtous,“Imhappytoseeyouagain.”(直接引语变间接引语)Lanatoldusthat_happytosee_again.2.Bentol

    22、dlanathatMarciawasgoingtohaveasurprisepartyforher.(间接引语变直接引语)BensaidtoLana,“Marciagoingtohaveasurprisepartyfor.3.Mycousinisasoldasme.(同义句)Mycousinis_ageme.wasreadingabookintheclassroom.(划线部分提问)? washe_intheclassroom? 5.Hepaidfiftyyuanforhistrousers.(同义句)? Histrousers_fiftyyuan.He_fiftyyuan_histrouse

    23、rs.6.Wellgooutforawalkwithyou.(改为否定句)? We_outforawalkwithyou.7.WhatswrongwithJimWhats_withJim? 8.Hehadagoodrestafterhehadlunch.? He_haveagoodrest_hehadlunch. 9.Theteachertoldus,“Theearthmovesroundthesun.”(变间接引语)Theteachertoldustheearthroundthesun.? 10.Marysaidthatshewouldposttheletteronherwaytoschoo

    24、l.(直接引语)Marysaid,“_theletteronwaytoschool.”? 11.Mymotherwasveryangrywithme,forIdidntfinishmyhomework.(同义句)Mymother_meIdidntfinishmyhomework.wontgiveittoher,ifshedoesntaskforit.(同义句)Iwontgiveittohersheforit.13.TheteacherwasspeakingtoclasswhenNickstoodupsuddenly._theteachertoclass,Nickstoodupsuddenly.

    25、? hasbeenworkinginthefactoryforthreeyears.(对划线部分提问)_hasAlisonbeenworkinginthefactory? hasbeenshatingforalongtime.(改为一般问句)_he_shatingforalongtime? 16.Harbinisaninterestingcity.Ithasaverycolorfulhistory.(合并为一句)Harbinisaninterestingcity_averycolorfulhistory.haveusedupallthemoney.(改为同义句)Wehave_allthemon

    26、ey.KingshavebeeninChinaforthreemonths.(改为同义句)TheKingshavebeeninChina_threemonths_.19.MissGaosaidtous,“Illhaveameetingthisafternoon.”(直接引语变间接引语)toldusthat_haveameeting_afternoon.20.letsvisitthatoldmantogether,_(反意疑问句)21.Ididintknowwhattodonext.(同义句)? IdidntknowI_next22.stoptalking,_(反意疑问句)23.Itsveryhardtoworkoutthemathproblem.(同


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