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    1、英语阅读理解 解题策略,一、阅读理解,(一)定位的5种技巧技巧1:利用逻辑信号词及题干实词定位【例1】The Nazca lines of Peru were discovered in the 1930s.These lines are deeply carved into a flat,stony plain,and form about 300 intricate pictures of animals such as birds,a monkey,and a lizard.Seen at ground level,the designs are a jumbled senseless

    2、mess.The images are so large that they can only be viewed at a height of 1,000 feetmeaning from an aircraft.Q:According to the passage,the Nazca lines were found.A.in mountainsB.in stonesC.on animalsD.on a plain,技巧2:利用长词、难词、生词迅速定位【例2】Biologists offer a theory about this primal impulse to clean out e

    3、very drawer and closet in the house at springs first light,which has to do with melatonin,the sleepy time hormone(激素)our bodies produce when its dark.When springs light comes,the melatonin diminishes,and suddenly we are awakened to the dusty,virus-filled house weve been hibernating in for four month

    4、s.Q:Which of the following interpretations of the biologists theory about melatonin is INCORRECT?The production of melatonin in our bodies varies at different times.Melatonin is more likely to cause sleepiness in our bodies.C The reduction of melatonin will cause wakefulness in our bodies.D.The amou

    5、nt of melatonin remains constant in our bodies.,技巧3:巧妙结合主题与关键词定位,【例3】If you like the idea of staying with a family,living in a house might be the answer.Good landladiesthose who are superb cooks and launderers,are figures as popular in fiction as the bad ones who terrorize their guests and overcharg

    6、e them at the slightest opportunity.The truth is probably somewhere between the two extremes.If you are lucky,the food will be adequate,some of your laundry may be done for you and you will have a reasonable amount of comfort and companionship.For the less fortunate,house rules may restrict the free

    7、dom to invite friends to visit,and shared cooking and bathroom facilities can be frustrating and row-provoking if tidy and untidy guests are living under the same roof.,The same disadvantages can apply to flat sharing,with the added difficulties that arise from deciding who pays for what,and in what

    8、 proportion.One person may spend hours on the phone,while another rarely makes calls.If you want privacy with a guest,how do you persuade the others to go out;how do you persuade them to leave you in peace,especially if you are a student and want to study?,Conversely,flat sharing can be very cheap,t

    9、here will always be someone to talk to and go out with,and the chores,in theory,can be shared.Q:What is NOT mentioned as a benefit of flat sharing?Rent is affordable.There is companionship.Housework can be shared.There is peace and quiet.,技巧4:利用特殊标点符号定位,【例4】What should you do to relieve rage?One myt

    10、h is that ventilating will make you feel better.In fact,researchers have found thats one of the worst strategies.A more effective technique is refraining,which means consciously reinterpreting a situation in a more positive light.In the case of the driver who cuts you off,you might tell yourself:May

    11、be he had some emergency.This is one of the most potent ways,Tice found,to put anger to rest.Q:The essence of reframing is.to forget the unpleasant situationB.to adopt a positive attitudeto protect oneself properlyto avoid road accidents,技巧5:利用出题的顺序定位,【例5】What can I do to keep it from happening agai

    12、n?He smiled the empty smile wed seen all day.Absolutely nothing.After telling several friends about our ordeal,probably the most frequent advice Ive heard in response is to changemy name.Twenty years ago,my own graduate school writingprofessor advised me to write under a pen name so that publishers

    13、wouldnt stick me in what he called the ethnic ghettoa separate,secondary shelf in the bookstore.But a name is an integral part of anyones personal andprofes-sional identityjust like the town youre born in and the place where youre raised.Like my father,Ill keep.I had no idea that being an Americanwo

    14、uld ever be this hard.,Q1:We learn from the passage that the author would to prevent similar experience from happening again.,A.write to the agencyC.avoid traveling abroad,B.change her nameD.do nothing,Q2:Her experiences indicate that there still exists in the US.,A.hatredC.tolerance,B.discriminatio

    15、nD.diversity,Q3:The author sounds in the last paragraph.,A.impatientC.worried,B.bitterD.ironic,(二)正确选项的5种设置规律,规律1:同义替换【例6】The stereotype of what a middle-class man did with his money was perhaps nearer the truth.He wasand still isinclined to take a longer-term view.Not only did he regard buying a ho

    16、use as a top priority,but he also considered the education of his children as extremely important.Both of these provided him and his family with security.Only in very few cases did workers have the opportunity(or the education and training)to make such long-term plans.Q:The writer seems to suggest t

    17、hat the description of is closer to truth.middle-class ways of spending moneyworking-class ways of spending the weekendworking-class drinking habitsmiddle-class attitudes,规律2:与文章主题相关,【例7】In an article some Chinese scholars are described as being tantalized by the mysterious dragon bone hieroglyphics

    18、.Tantalized is one of many English wordsthat have their origins in myths and legends of the past(in this case,Greek and Roman ones).Many common words,such as the names for the days of the week and the months of the year,also come from mythology.It seems that myths and legends live on in the English

    19、language.Q:The example of tantalize is to show.how the word came into existencehow Tantalus was punished in the lower worldhow all English dictionaries show word originshow the meaning of the word changed over the years,规律3:概括或归纳,【例8】These days,doing omiai often means going to a computer matching se

    20、rvice rather than to a nakodo.The nakodo of tradition was an old woman who knew all thekids in the neighbourhood and went around trying to pair them off by speaking to their parents;a successful match would bring her a wedding invitation and a gift of money.But Japanese today find its less awkward t

    21、o reject a proposed partner if the nakodo is a computer.Japan has about five hundred computer matching services.Some big companies,including Mitsubishi,runone for their employees.At a typical commercial service,an applicant pays$80 to$125 to have his or her personal data stored in the computer for t

    22、wo years and$200 or so more if a marriage results.The stored information includes some obvious items,like education and hobbies,and some not-so-obvious ones,like whether a person is the oldest child.(First sons,and to some extent first daughters,face an obligation of caring for elderly parents.),Q:W

    23、hat is the purpose of the last paragraph?To tell the differences between an old and modern nakodo.To provide some examples for the traditional nakodo.To offer more details of the computerized nakodo.To sum up the main ideas and provide a conclusion.,规律4:正话反说,【例9】In fact,personality is not the best p

    24、redictor of who does it well.Regardless of what you are like in real life,the key seems to be to act yourself.Q:What is the authors view on personality?Personality is the key to success in public speaking.Extroverts are better public speakers.Introverts have to learn harder to be good speakers.Facto

    25、rs other than personality ensure better performance.,规律5:50%的选择规律,【例10】Biologists offer a theory about this primal impulse to clean out every drawer and closet in the house at springs first light,which has to do with melatonin,the sleepy time hormone(激素)our bodies produce when its dark.Whensprings l

    26、ight comes,the melatonin diminishes,and suddenly we are awakened to the dusty,virus-filled house weve beenhibernating in for four months.Q:Which of the following interpretations of the biologists theory about melatonin is INCORRECT?The production of melatonin in our bodies varies at different times.

    27、Melatonin is more likely to cause sleepiness in our bodies.The reduction of melatonin will cause wakefulness in our bodies.The amount of melatonin remains constant in our bodies.,(三)10种干扰项的设置规律 规律1.字面意义,【例1】One evening,several days later,I was invited to talk toMr.Rochester after dinner.He was sitti

    28、ng in his armchair,and looked not quite so severe,and much less gloomy.There was a smile on his lips,and his eyes were bright,probably with wine.As I was looking at him,he suddenly turned,and asked me,Do you think Im handsome,Miss Eyre?The answer somehow slipped from my tongue before I realized it:N

    29、o,sir.Ah,you really are unusual!You are a quiet,serious little person,but you can be almost rude.Sir,Im sorry.I should have said that beauty doesnt matter,or something like that.,No,you shouldnt!I see,you criticize my appearance,and then you stab me in the back!You have honesty and feeling.There are

    30、 not many girls like you.But perhaps I go too fast.Perhaps you have awful faults to counterbalance your few good points.“Q:Why did Mr.Rochester say.and then you stab me in the back!?Because Jane had intended to kill him with a knife.Because Jane had intended to be more critical.Because Jane had regr

    31、etted having talked to him.Because Jane had said something else to correct herself.,规律2.轻重异位、答非所问,【例2】My heart sank when the man at the immigration countergestured to the back room.Im an American born and raised,and this was Miami,where I live,but they werent quite ready to let me in yet.Please wait

    32、 in here,Ms Abujaber,the immigration officer said.My husband,with his very American last name,accompanied me.He was getting used to this.The same thing had happened recently in Canada when Id flown to Montreal to speak at a book event.That time they held me for 45 minutes.Today we were re-turning fr

    33、om a literary festival in Jamaica,and I was startled that I was being sent in back once again.The officer behind the counter called me up and said,Miss,your name looks like the name of someone whos on our wanted list.Were going to have to check you out with Washington.,How long will it take?Hard to say.a few minutes,he said.Well call you when were ready for you.After an hour,Washington still hadnt


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