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    1、清洁被化学制品污染了的区域的费用是非常昂贵的;治疗因接触有害的化学制品而患上严重疾病的人需要花更多的钱。如果政府认识到这一点,化学制品的短期经济效益对他们的吸引力似乎就会变小了. If we can put pressure on governments in these three ways,perhaps they will begin to behave more responsib1y. They wil1 perhaps pass new laws against pollution and enforce them strictly. Perhaps, then,the chemi

    2、cal producers will begin to behave more responsibly.如果我们从这三个方面向政府施压,也许他们会开始表现的更有责任感。他们可能会通过新的反污染法并严格执行这些法律。那么,也许化学制品生产商也会表现的更有责任心了。 Question:What is the main idea of this passage? Answer :Possible solutions to chemical pollution。例2 There is a popular belief among parents that schools are no longer i

    3、nterested in spelling。No school I have taught in has ever ignored spelling or considered it unimportant as a basic skill。There are however,vast1y different ideas about how to teach it,or how much priority it must be given over general language development and writing abilityThe problem is, how to en

    4、courage a child to express himself free1y and confidently in writing without holding him back with the complexities of spelling? 家长们有一个普遍看法,那就是学校不再注重拼写方法了。我所执教过的学校从来没有忽视拼写或作为一种基本技能而认为拼写不重要。然而,在如何教拼写或拼写应在全面的语言发展和写作能力之间占多大的优先权还存在极大的分歧。问题是怎样鼓励孩子通过写作自由并自信地表达自己而不会因复杂的拼写阻止他前进? If spelling becomes the on1y

    5、 focal point of his teachers interest,clearly a bright child will be likely to“play safe”He will tend to write only words within his spelling range,choosing to avoid adventurous language。Thats why teachers often encourage the early use of dictionaries and pay attention to content rather than technic

    6、al ability。如果拼写是老师兴趣的唯一焦点,显而易见聪明的孩子将有可能“避开危险”。他会着重使用他拼写范围内的词,并避开冒险的语言。这就是老师们时常鼓励早用字典,注重内容而不是技能的原因。 I was once shocked to read on the bottom of a sensitive piece of writing about a personal experience:“This work is terrible!There are far too many spelling errors and your writing is illegible. It may

    7、have been a sharp criticism of the pupils technical abilities in writing,but it was also a sad reflection on the teacher who had omitted to read the essay,which contained some beautiful expressions of the childs deep feelings。 The teacher was not wrong to draw attention to the errors,but if his prio

    8、rities had centered on the childs ideas, an expression of his disappointment with the presentation would have given the pupil more motivation to seek improvement。我曾吃惊地看到一篇有关个人经历的文章,下面有这样一条批语:“这篇文章太糟糕了!有太多的拼写错误,字迹难以辨认。”这可能是对这位学生写作能力的尖锐批评,但也遗憾地反应出那位老师没有认真阅读文章,它优美地表达了学生深厚的感情,老师注意拼写错误并没有错,但是如果他优先考虑学生的思想

    9、,然后在流露出失望之情的话,就会给那位学生寻求提高的更多的动力。Question:The major point discussed in the passage is_Answer:The relationship between spelling and the content of a composition.例3 If you are interested in buying a pair of contact lenses,be prepared to pay200 or more。Generally there are three main reasons why people w

    10、ant contact lenses;You may need them because the cornea of your eye is misshaped and ordinary glasses are not satisfactory。If so,youll be in the group that comprises l to 2 percent of contact lens wearers。You may want them for a sport or a vocation。Perhaps youre a baseball player,a boxer,a swimmer,a

    11、n aviator,an actor,If you get your contact lenses for one of these reasons,you are in the same group with about 20 percent of the users。But if for some reason you feel that glasses are handicapping your appearance and youd rather have invisible glasses,youll have lots of company。About 79 percent of

    12、lens users hope to improve their looks。如果你对买隐形眼镜感兴趣的话,请准备付200美元或者更多。总的来说人们想要隐形眼镜的原因主要有三点:可能是因为你的眼角膜变形而普通眼镜不能令你满意,你才需要配戴隐形眼镜。如果是这样,你属于隐形眼镜佩戴者中1-2%的群体。你可能是为运动或度假而戴隐形眼镜;也许你是一名棒球运动员、拳击手、游泳员、飞行员或者演员。如果是由于上述任一个原因你配戴眼镜,你就属于20%那一类群体。但如果是由于某种原因你觉得玻璃眼镜妨碍了你的容貌,你宁愿要一付看不见的眼镜,你会有许多同伴。大约79%的配戴隐形眼镜者希望改善相貌。The major

    13、ity of contact lens wearers seem to feel thatcontact lenses are more attractive than glasses contact lenses can improve their looks例 4 When a consumer finds that an item she or he bought is faulty or in some other way does not live up to the manufactures claim for it , the first step is to present t

    14、he warranty , or any other records which might help , at the store of purchase. In most cases, this action will produce results. However, if it does not, there are various means the consumer may use to gain satisfaction. 当消费者发现他或她购买的物品有缺陷或者在某些方面与厂商的承诺不符。第一步是向购物该商品的商店呈送保单或其它可以帮助你的记录。多数情况下,这种做法会得到结果。然

    15、而如果无效的话,还有许多手段,消费者可用来获得满意的答复。A simple and common method used by many consumers is to complain directly to the store manager. In general, the higher up the consumer takes his or her complaint, the faster he or she can expect it to be settled. In such a case, it is usually settled in the consumers fav

    16、or, assuming he or she has a just claim. 许多消费者采用的简单而常见的方法是直接向商店经理投诉。通常,消费者所投诉的经理级别越高,所希望解决的事情解决速度就越快。在这种情况下,假如他的要求是合理的话,事情的解决对顾客是有利的。Consumers should complain in person whenever possible, but if they cannot get to the place of purchase, it is acceptable to phone or write the complaint in a letter. 一

    17、旦有可能,消费者应以个人名义投诉,但如果他们不能达到购物地点,也可以打电话或写信投诉。Complaining is usually most effective when it is done politely but firmly, and especially when the consumer can demonstrate what is wrong with the item in question. If this cannot be done, the consumer will succeed best by presenting specific information as

    18、 to what is wrong, rather than by making general statements. For example, The left speaker does not work at all and the sound coming out of the right one is unclear is better than This stereo does not work. 坚定的有礼貌投诉通常是最有效的。尤其是当消费者能够证明物品存在的具体问题时,如果不能进行这种投诉,消费者可通过具体毛病的信息,而不是做笼统的陈述。例如,“左扬声器完全没有声音,右边发出的

    19、声音也不清楚”要比“这个录音机坏了”要好些。The store manager may advise the consumer to write to the manufacturer. If so, the consumer should do this, stating the complaint as politely and as firmly as possible. But if a polite complaint does not achieve the desired result, the consumer can go a step further. She or he

    20、can threaten to take the seller to court or report the seller to a private or public organization responsible for protecting consumers rights.商店经理可能建议消费者向制造商写信。如果这样,消费者应该这么做,尽可能彬彬有礼又态度坚决的投诉。但是如果礼貌的投诉并没有获得预期的结果,消费者可以采取进一步的行动。他或她可威胁卖主把他带到法庭或向保护消费者权益的机关或官方机构告发卖主。Question: What is the most effective way

    21、 to make complaint?Answer: The most effective way to make complaint is to explain exactly what is wrong with the items.例5 When,in 1641,King Kristina of Denmark and Norway built the town of Christiansen in his own honor,he had to bribe people to move there by giving them tax exemptions。He picked a ch

    22、oice spot for his new city,a piece of land within a mountain-sheltered bay on Norways southern coastHe built streets that were wide for their time, laid out blocks of row houses in a grid pattern,and provided every home with a garden, safe from public view and the noise of the street1ndeed, some of

    23、his ideas一starting with the one of putting a town,where there was not any before一are being applied in Europe today。 1641年,当丹麦和挪威的克瑞斯廷国王以个人名义建立克瑞斯桑达城时,他不得不通过免税手段劝说人们搬迁到那儿。他慎重选择新城址,就是位于挪威南部海湾的四面环山的一块陆地上。他设计的街道是当时最宽阔的。成排的房屋都设计在方块街区内,并未设计区的每一家都建了一个花园,这样能避开行人的视线和街道的躁杂声。实际上,他的某些思想以把一个城镇建在以前从未有过任何城镇的地方为首今天

    24、仍在欧洲延用。question:Some of King Kristinas ideas are being applied in Europe today. What does this imp1y? King Kristina was far-sighted and had an inventive mind.例6 The invention of light bulb by Thomas A。 Edison in l879 created a demand for a cheap,readily available fuel with which to generate large am

    25、ounts of electric power。Coal seemed to fit the bill, and it fueled the earliest power stations. Since the First World War, coal-fired power plants have accounted for about half of the electricity produced in the United States each year.1n 1986 such plants had a combined generating capacity of 289,00

    26、0 megawatts and consumed 83 percent of the nearly 9000 million tons of coal mined in the country that year. Given the uncertainty in the future growth of nuclear power and in the supply of oil and natural gas, coal-fired power plants could well provide up to 70 percent of the electric power in the U

    27、nited States by the end of the century。 1879年托马斯-艾迪生对灯泡的发明产生了一种价廉的而且使用方便的燃料的需求。用这种燃料可以释放大量的典礼,煤似乎能解决这一问题。她为最早的发电站提供了燃料。第一次世界大战以来,以煤为燃料的发电厂占美国每年发电总量的一半。1986年这些的发电厂的发电亮总和是289000兆瓦并消耗掉当年美国采煤总量90亿吨的83%。由于将来核电增长以及石油天然气供应的不稳定,到本世纪末,以煤为燃料的发电厂能够提供美国所需电力总量的70%之巨。 According to the passage, why did coal become the principal source of electricity in the United States? Because it was comparatively plentiful and inexpensive.例7 Receiving an“A on her history exam in the morning, getting her drives license in the afternoon, and coming home to a surprise birthday party made Sue ecstatic .Question : Wha


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