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    1、常见英语CHAPTER 1 食/Eating Unit 1 用餐/Meals1.用餐的礼节Dont talk with your mouth full. 嘴里有食物时,请不要说话。I toast(敬酒) you all and hope youll have pleasant stay in Taiwan. 敬你们所有人,希望你在台湾能过得愉快。Help yourself.请自便。Use the hot towel to wipe your hands. 用热毛巾擦拭你的手。Would you care for more bread? 你要不要来一点面包吗?Can you pass the s

    2、alt and pepper(胡椒),please? 你能把盐和胡椒递下,可以吗?2.想吃东西I am very hungry. Can we eat something? 我饿极了。我们可以吃点什么吗?Dont you feel hungry, Mr. Liu? 你不觉得饿,刘先生吗?I would like to have something good to eat.我想去吃东西。What do you say to dine with me at a restaurant?你要不要和我一起去餐厅吃晚饭?Wont you dine with me?你不想和我一起吃晚饭吗?3.选择餐厅Wha

    3、t kind of restaurant do you like?你喜欢什么样的餐厅?Could you tell me the name of some good restaurant?你能告诉我一些好的餐厅的名字吗?Where can I enjoy the best local food?我在哪里可以享受到最好的本地食物?I would like to go to an inexpensive restaurant.我想去便宜的餐厅4.各式佳肴Which do you like better, Chinese food or Western food?你喜欢哪一种,中餐还是西餐? I l

    4、ike seafood.我喜欢海鲜I would like to go to a real French restaurant.我想去真正的法国餐厅Have you never tried Japanese food?你从未尝试过日本菜吗?5.桌位的按排Where shall I sit? Put me as close as possible to the stage, please.I want a table by the window. I think this is the best table.6.点菜May I have a menu, please? Please show m

    5、e the menu.I would like the breakfast on your menu, please.Please take my order. 请接受点菜 What will you have to eat?Have you ordered already? What would you like for your main dish?I will order again later. May I ask what you ordered again?Please give me this one. May I have the same as that one?We wan

    6、t four number eight, please. Ill leave it to you. 我让你来点7.很花时间吗? Will it take long? Would you mind hurrying?I shall not keep you long.8.请求Could I have a corkscrew(开塞钻)? Could we have another table setting(餐具)?Could I have another napkin(餐巾)? Do you have anymore silverware(银器)?Do you have place mats(放

    7、餐具的垫布)?Is there more gravy(肉汤)? Do you have any chopsticks?Who want a second helping? 谁要再来一些呢 ? Could you pass the butter?Would you like join me for a romantic candle-light dinner?9.饮料Will you have some drinks? What would you like to drink?What drink do you prefer? Waiter! Could I have some water,pl

    8、ease?May I have a glass of icewater?Miss! Would you bring me another cup of coffee,please?Would you like your coffee with your dinner or later?Would you like coffee or tea?Give me a cup of tea with a slice of lemon(柠檬),please.I would like hot chocolate. Would you like sugar and milk?10.酒类Please give

    9、 a bottle of beer. May I have some beer to begin with?May I have another beer. Please give me a glass of whiskey and water.I prefer whiskey to beer. May I see the wine list?I would like to have a bottle of champagne(香槟酒),please. Let me serve.15.开胃菜.调味.蛋I would like a cucumber(黄瓜) salad for an appeti

    10、zer(开胃菜).I would like onion gratin soup, please. 我要烤洋葱汤I would like to have broiled fresh codfish(鳕鱼),potato salad and abottle of white wine. I would like French dressing(调味品).Give me some more butter,please. How do you like your eggs? I would like a soft-boiled(煮得半熟的) egg,please.16.牛排I will have a

    11、beef steak,please.Would you like your steak rare(三分熟的),medium or well-done?I would like the steak a bit rare. Would you like anything on your beef steak?17.点心I would like to order some dessert(餐后的甜点心),please.What kind of dessert do you have? I will have a fruit cocktail.Let me have fruit,tarts(裹馅饼)

    12、and ice cream,please.18.再吃一点Would you like something to eat? Please help yourself to more meat if you want.Would you like some more cake?What do you say to oyster(牡蛎) stew(炖菜) and fried lobster?Ive had enough. 吃饱了19.菜很好,谢谢It was very good. Thank you. Thank you for the delicious(美味的) dinner.That was

    13、the most wonderful dinner Ive ever had.I enjoyed the special meal very much. The service here is very good.20.要求外带Can I order take out here? Certainly. What do you want, sir?21.付帐Please be my guest tonight. 今晚我作东 Please check my bill. 帐单由我付It is my treat today. 今天我请客 Let me pay my share.How much do

    14、my owe you? Lets go Dutch. 各付各的Do you accept this credit card? Could you bring my bill, please?May I have the check ? May I have the bill ?22.帐算错了I think this is added up wrong. Isnt this bill wrong?Isnt this a mistake?23.零钱不用找了A:Here is one thousand NT dollars. Keep the change. B:Please come again,

    15、sir.24.意见与讨论I cant eat another bite. He always eats on the run.Background music enhances the dining experience.Soup and salad is a popular lunch for people on a diet(减肥的人).Bacon(熏肉) and eggs is a popular American breakfast.The busboy will clear the table. Put the dirty plates on the tray.This is my

    16、best chinaware.25.其他Is there any maple syrup(枫糖) for the pancakes?Let me carve(切) the turkey(火鸡).This is delicious shishkebab(烤肉的一种).Will you help me set the table? 摆餐具Lets have a barbecue(烤肉野餐). He was wined and dined.他受到热烈的款待Is there a ladle(杓子) for the soup?Unit 2 买菜 Shopping for Food1.水果类Are the

    17、se melons ripe? The grapes look good.These blueberries look wonderful.You can tell if the watermelon is juicy by tapping on it.Could I have two pounds of cherries(樱桃),please?Why are all the tomatoes green? The cantaloupe(香瓜) is too soft.Are the strawberries sweet? How much are these apples?Those ora

    18、nges look very dry. Let me have that bunch of bananas.Can I sample a litchi? Are these peaches(桃) sweet?The pineapple(凤梨) looks juicy.2.蔬菜类Thats a fine head of cabbage. How much is the turnip(萝卜)?I will use the carrots(胡萝卜) for making a salad.Can I have a pound of bean sprouts(豆芽), please?Has the sp

    19、inach(菠菜) been washed? How much do the yams(马铃薯) weigh?How do you eat zucchinis(南瓜的一种)? Do you sell scallions(青葱)?Give me a pound of taro(芋) root. Why does this lettuce(沙拉菜) look so wilted(枯萎)?Ill take that big pumpkin(南瓜) over there.Could you slice me a portion of winter melon?I think Ill buy some

    20、eggplant for dinner tonight.The celery(芹菜) looks crisp(鲜脆). Ill take a dozen ears of corn.3.其他食物Give me a kilogram of the beef jerky(牛肉干).Could I have a packet of preserved plums(酸梅)?Ill have two cakes of the bean curd(豆腐). Is the fish fresh?4.评论Will you give me a discount if I buy in bulk? Theres t

    21、oo many flies here.Is the scale accurate?Unit 3 超级市场 Supermarket1.在个部门Where is the produce department? Is there a delicatessen(现成菜肴) department?Where are the dairy products(牛奶产品)? Where are the canned goods(罐头产品)?Which aisle(通道) is the dog food in?In which aisle are the soft drinks(不含酒精的饮料)?Wheres t

    22、he frozen foods section?2.在结帐处Which is the express line? Do you accept coupons(优待券)?Could you put the eggs in a separate bag? Could I pay with a personal check?Could you double-bag everything?Could I have someone help me carry my groceries(杂货) to my car?3.需要东西时Could I have a sample taste of that? Co

    23、uld you wrap this?Could you weigh this? Do you have more of this item in stock?Are there any more shopping carts(购物车)? Do you sell ice?Let me have a quart of potato salad. Slice me half a pound of salami(意大利腊肠).4.评论Theres no price on the item. The price marked on this item is wrong.5.有关问题How much is

    24、 this per pound? What hours are you open?Where do I return bottles? Where do I pay for this?Is this on sale? Is this meat fresh?Do you make deliveries?Unit 5 餐厅1.找座位A: How many , sir ? B: Two for dinner.A: Follow me please. B: Excuse me, could I have the table next to the window ?A: Im sorry, that t

    25、able has been reserved.2.和服务生交谈A: Sir, are you ready to order ? B: No, could I have a few more minutes ?A: Of course, take your time.A: Good evening, could you like start off with a cocktail ?B: Yes, I want have a martini.A: Would you like to order a dessert ? Our vanilla ice cream is very good.B: N

    26、o thanks, Ill just have a cup of coffee.A: What kind of dressing would you like on the salad ? B: What kind do you have ?A: We have Italian, French, Russian, and Thousand Island.B: Ill have Italian.3.餐后A: All finished, sir ? B: Yes, could I have the check, please ?A: This was a delicious dinner, my

    27、compliments to the chef(主厨).B: Thank you, Im glad you enjoyed it. A: What credit cards do you accept ?B: We accept Master Card, Visa, American Express, and Diners Card.Would you like to take the rest home in a doggy bag ?4.其他A: Where are your luncheom specials(特别午餐) ?B: Theyre on the back of the men

    28、u.A: Waiter, this steak is too rare. I ordered it well-done.B: Im sorry, Ill take back to the kitchen.Could I have a highchair ?Unit 2 服装 Clothing1.合身的衣着What are your measurements ? What size do you wear ?Can I get this outfit tailor-made ? Where can I try on this dress ?Is there a dressing room ? T

    29、his dress is too big.2.选购衣服Whats the latest fashion ? When do you expect the fashions to come in ?Which dress do you prefer ? This outfit isnt color coordinated.Which dress do you want ?3.有关服饰的问题Does this dress come in any other color or size ?Will it shrink after I wash it ? Will be color fade(退色)

    30、?What kind of material is this dress made from ? Where was this dress made ?Do you have maternity(怀孕的) dresses ? Who designed this dress ?Is this dress in style ? How should wash this dress ?4.寻找服饰Which floor is womens clothing on ?Wheres the dress thats displayed on the mannikin(模特) ?Where are the

    31、dresses that were advertised for 50 percent off?5.评论服饰My! Thats a lovely dresses. Thats a very pretty dress.How do I look in this new dress ? Can I return this dress if I dont like it ?Why is this dress so expensive ? Should I wear a blue dress or a red dress today ?Do you have a pair of shoes to go with(配合) this dress ?Unit 4 成衣店 Clothing Store1. 外衣及夹克Will this parka(皮衣) keep me warm?This windbreaker(运动夹克) is perfect for spring. I cant afford this mink(貂皮) coat. Where are the winter coats ?Im looking for a grey trench


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