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    a study on cultural connotation of english euphemism英语委婉语文化内涵的研究大学毕业设计论文.docx

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    a study on cultural connotation of english euphemism英语委婉语文化内涵的研究大学毕业设计论文.docx

    1、a study on cultural connotation of english euphemism 英语委婉语文化内涵的研究大学毕业设计论文 A Study on Cultural Connotation of English Euphemism 系 别 外语系 专 业 英语 学 生 姓 名 学 号 指 导 教 师: 指导教师职称: 2013年5月25日 A Study on Cultural Connotation of English EuphemismAbstract:Euphemism is a common phenomenon in language, which is a

    2、kind of special language form created by people in social activities to seek the ideal communication effect. In many communicative situations, it can disguise unsatisfying, disgusting, embarrassing and even terrifying facts and phenomena. At the same time, it can maintain the speakers image and the

    3、listeners self-esteem, so that it could save the two parties faces and make sure that communication go on very well. Therefore, euphemism has become an essential language tool to coordinate interpersonal relationship, which is called “the driving force in the communication”.As a language figures of

    4、speech, euphemism is a language phenomenon as well as a social phenomenon and cultural phenomenon. Hence, due to the different cultural background of every nation, the usage of euphemism is different. There are all kinds of euphemism in English, as a language phenomenon it has its own unique origin,

    5、 feature, constructive method, social function and so on, it also follow a certain law of development. Euphemism is an indispensable part in English culture as well as important topic in cross-cultural communication. In this view, being familiar with and mastering English euphemism not only help us

    6、know well the social psychology and cultural connotation in Britain and Americans, but also smooth interpersonal relationship and provoke communicative activities to achieve the ideal effect. This thesis is made up of four parts. The first chapter gives a brief introduction about the definition, ori

    7、gin of English euphemism and different scholars reviews about English euphemism from oversea and domestic. In the second chapter, an elaborate analysis of the formation, development and classification of English euphemism. Chapter three introduces the relationships between English euphemism and cult

    8、ural connotation, and has a detail analysis to functions of English euphemism. Finally, a conclusion is given to summarize the cultural connotation of English euphemism.Key words: English euphemism; social functions; cultural connotationA Study on Cultural Connotation of English Euphemism英语委婉语文化内涵的研

    9、究摘要:委婉语是语言中的一种普遍现象, 是人们在社会交往中为谋求理想的交际效果而创造的一种特殊语言表达形式,在很多交际场合中,它能掩饰令人不快,厌恶,尴尬甚至恐惧的事实和现象,同时还能维护说话人的形象和听话人的自尊心,从而保全了交际双方的面子,使交际得以顺利进展下去。因此,委婉语成为交际中必不可少的协调人际关系的一种重要语言工具,被称为“交际中的驱动力”。 委婉语作为语言的一种修辞格,即是一种语言现象,也是一种社会现象和文化现象。因此,由于每个民族不同的文化背景,委婉语的使用也有所不同,英语中存在不同种类的委婉语。作为一种语言现象,它有其独特的来源,特点,构成方法,社会功能等,并遵循一定的发展

    10、规律。英语委婉语是英语文化中不可分割的一部分,也是跨文化交际里一个重要的课题,因此,熟悉和掌握英语委婉语不仅能够帮助我们了解英美等国的社会心理和风俗文化,还对改善人际关系,促进交活动达到理想的交际效果有着举足轻重的作用。本文分为四个部分,第一章主要简述了英语委婉语的定义,起源以及古今中外学者对于英语委婉语的研究与理解,第二章详细分述了英语委婉语的形成,发展与分类,第三章作者在前文的基础上分析了英语委婉语与其文化内涵的关系,同时对英语委婉语的社会功能进行了较为详细的探析,最后一章总结了英语委婉语的文化内涵。关键词:英语委婉语;社会功能;文化内涵 ContentsAbstract I1. Intr

    11、oduction 11.1 Definition of English Euphemism 11.2 Literature Reviews on English Euphemism 12. Formation and Development of English Euphemism 32.1 Development of English Euphemism 32.1.1 Origin of English Euphemism 32.1.2 Development of English Euphemism 42.2 Classification of English Euphemism 52.2

    12、.1 Traditional Euphemism 52.2.2 Stylistic euphemism 63. Cultural Connotation 63.1 Relationship between English Euphemism and Cultural Connotation.63.1.1 Religious Beliefs 63.1.2 Social Psychology 73.1.3 Political Life 73.1.4 Business Activity 73.2 Functions of English Euphemism 83.2.1 Substitution f

    13、or Taboo 83.2.2 Showing politeness 83.2.3 Dissimulation 94. Conclusion 10References .11 Acknowledgments .12 A Study on Cultural Connotation of English Euphemism1. Introduction1.1 Definition of English EuphemismEuphemism is originated from a Greek word in which its prefix “eu” means “good, well” and

    14、the root “pheme” means “speech or saying”. That is to say, the literal meaning of euphemism is to speak with some good words.In fact, English euphemism has experienced a long history, and we can trace back its origin to the ancient times, the early period of human civilization. In 1066, the Norman C

    15、onquest, Anglo-Saxons replaced the religious taboos with euphemistic expressions. When it came to eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, English euphemism became more and more popular and widely used around the world. In twentieth century, with the rapid development of science and technology, the euph

    16、emism had involved every fields in the world, a lot of new euphemisms sprung up. Nowadays, euphemism tends to be mature, it is not only used as one rhetorical means, but also one strategy which can not be ignored in our daily life.1.2 Literature Reviews on English Euphemism The word “euphemism” is f

    17、irst recorded in Thomas Blounts Glossographia (1656) where it was defined as “a good or favorable interpretion of a bad word”. The American linguist Menchen (1936) writes a book The American Language, which analyzes hundreds of euphemisms came into being and became popular which provides a foundatio

    18、n for further studies of euphemism. In the 7th Edition of the Concise Oxford Dictionary (1982), English euphemism is described as “substitution of mild or vague or roundabout expression for harsh of direct one”. According to Allan and Burridge, in their book entitled Euphemism and Dysphemism, “A eup

    19、hemism is used as an alternative to a dispreferred expression, in order to avoid possible loss of face: either ones own face, or through giving offense, that of the audience, or of some third party”. British linguist Rawson Hugh (1981) finds out that the extensive discussion of definition, classific

    20、ation, features and domains of euphemism show the invaluable academic importance of euphemism in the dictionary on euphemism called A Dictionary of Euphemisms and Other Double-talk. In Dictionary of Language and Linguistics, euphemism is defined as “A kind of expressing method which aims at not maki

    21、ng people feel embarrassed by using some words with vague and ambiguous meaning instead of those which may make people unpleasant and not respected”. Euphemism is closely related to taboo has drawn great attention from the early time. Lewis, J (1985). in his Faire of Speech: the Use of Euphemism, a

    22、collection of many pieces of essays each concerning a specific domain, tells us how to use euphemism to speak more politely and properly. In 2000, Fasold. R wrote a book The Sociolinguistics of Language, an entire chapter of which covers the study and analysis of euphemism by focusing on not only th

    23、e historical and social background of euphemism, but also the nature of this social phenomenon.In China, the study of euphemism began later than the western. Chinese scholar Chen Wangdao (1962) wrote a book The Development of Euphemism, which is one of the earliest books on his subject in which euph

    24、emism is clearly defined and studied from a rhetoric perspective. Whats more, he pointed that euphemism is found not only in lexical words but also in sentences or even discourse. Fan Jiancai (1996) gives a detailed description of euphemism in his book Appreciation and Analysis of English Rhetoric.

    25、By the vivid examples, Fan Jiancai discusses the constructing causes, characteristics and constructing methods of euphemism. He argues that “Big Harry” is used to indicate the drug “heroin”, “sunset” or “Golden age” is used as a metaphor of “old age”, and “Miss Emma” is used to refer to “morphine”.

    26、According to Guo Xiumei(1985) “Euphemism is the substitution of presumably inoffensive word for one that might give offence, euphemism is a soften, bland, neutral expressions used instead of one that might suggest something unpleasant”. In fact, it is the linguist Zhang Zhigong (1982) that brought t

    27、he research of euphemism into the scope of lexicology. In 1970s, western theories of socio-linguistics were introduced into China and many scholars began to conduct research on the social functions of English euphemism. Chen Yuan (1983) one of the most outstanding scholars, devotes a special chapter

    28、 to the study and analysis of euphemism in Sociolinguistics, providing not only with the historical and social background of euphemism, but also with the nature of this social phenomenon. Liu Chunbao (1993) compiled A Dictionary of English Euphemism which is an overall collection of English euphemis

    29、ms in many domains. It distinguishes the original meanings from the euphemistic meanings of the words, it is a useful tool for Chinese learners to master English euphemism. Its publication indicates the explicitness of the study of English euphemism by Chinese scholars. From the above mentioned, we

    30、can say until now, euphemism has been still studied by foreign and Chinese scholars, and we believe that this topic will go on with the development of our human language.2. Formation and Development of English Euphemism2.1 Development of English Euphemism2.1.1 Origin of English EuphemismThe earliest

    31、 English euphemisms came from “taboo”. It indicates evasive language or action. The emergence of English euphemism is to meet the need of avoiding taboos. In human primitive society, people cant explain some things such as ailment or some supernatural phenomena. “People have confusion between the na

    32、me of the things and things themselves. The name is viewed as an extension of things. Just as the idiom says Speak of devil and he appears. Naturally the words or phrases related to the taboos. In the ancient times, people had a blind faith in ghosts and Gods which they scared and respected. They whispered and even feared them,so they did not dare to call out their names directly. The


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