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    1、TEM4常用短语takebreath, catch ones breath喘气, 松口气;hold ones breath屏息 catchoneseye引人注目 catchsightof看到,发现 comeintoeffect生效;实施 comeintooperation施行,实行,生效 cometoonessenses醒悟;苏醒 cometrue实现 cannothelpdoing禁不住,忍不住 cutshort中断,打断 doonesbest尽力,努力 enjoyoneself过得快活 fallinlovewith爱上 findfault with 找岔gainanadvantageove

    2、r胜过,优于 getholdof得到,获得 getridof丢弃,摆脱, getthebestof战胜 getthebetterof战胜,占上风 gettogether会面,装配 giveriseto引起,导致 giveway让路,让步 goahead开始,进行 gointoeffect施行,实行,生效 gointooperation生效,实施 gowrong出错,出故障 hadbetter应该 hadrather宁愿 hadrather than 宁愿而不愿 haveanadvantageover胜过,优于 haveinmind想到;记得;打算 havenothingtodowith和毫无关

    3、系 have(something/much/little) todowith和(有些/有很大/没有什么)关系 helponeself自用,自取 keepaneyeon留意,照看 keepinmind记住 keeponeshead保持镇静 keeponesword守信用 keeppace(with)(与)齐步前进 leadtheway引路,带路 learnbyheart记住,背诵 leavealone不打扰,不干预 letalone更别提,不打扰 letgo(of)放,松手 loseheart失去勇气,丧失信心 loseoneshead慌乱,仓皇失措 loseonestemper发脾气,发努 l

    4、osesightof忘记,忽略;看不见 makea/thedifference有影响,起作用 makefriends交朋友 makefunof取笑,嘲弄 makeonesway去,前往 makesense讲得通,言之有理makesure查明;务必 makethebestof充分利用 makethemost(out) of充分利用 makeuponesmind下决心,打定主意 makeuseof使用,利用 makeway让路,让出地方 may(might) aswell还不如,不妨 You might as well ask the tree for help as request him to

    5、 reduce the price.nevermind不要紧;不用担心 payattentionto注意 piecetogether拼合 playapart(in)起作用,参于 putintoeffect实施;使生效 putintooperation实施;使生效 putintopractice实施;实行 puttouse使用 seetoitthat注意,务必,保证 seethat注意,务必,保证 setfireto使燃烧,点燃 takefor把认为是 takeachance冒险,投机 take (a) delightin以为乐 takeadvantageof利用,趁之机 takecare当心,

    6、注意 takecareof照顾,照料 takecharge管理,接管 takeeffect生效,起作用 takeintoaccount考虑 takeforgranted认为理所当然 takeonestime不着急,不着慌 takepains努力,尽力,下苦功 If you want to succeed in the work, you must take pains about it.takepart(in)参加,参于 takeplace发生,进行,举行 taketheplaceof代替,取代 taketurns依次,轮流 throwlighton阐明,使了解 Illustrations t

    7、hrow light on the text.thinkbetterof经考虑改变对的看法 tryonesbest尽力,努力 2.形容词同介词的搭配 absentfrom不在,缺席 I know that we can never meet again, and you are never absent from my thoughts.abundantin富于 Indonesia is abundant in petroleum deposits.aliento与相反 She felt alien to him, unable to fit herself to his need.angry

    8、withsbat / aboutsth生气,愤怒anxiousabout / for忧虑,担心 appropriatefor/to适当,合适 Plain, simple clothes are appropriate for school wear.A speech appropriate to the occasionapplicableto适用于 aptat聪明,善于He is apt at devising means aptto易于 Food is apt to deteriorate in summer.ashamedof羞愧,害臊 approximateto近拟,接近 The ne

    9、wspaper account of the event is approximate to the truthawareof意识到 availabletosbforsth可用,可供 Chinese commodities available for export are varied.bareof几乎没有,缺乏 The mountaintops were bare of any vegetation.bound to 必然(不得不,必须,束缚于)It was an absurd arrangement, and bound to lead to catastrophe.boundfor前往

    10、He put her aboard a steamer bound for New York.capableof能够 carefulof/about/with;小心,注意 certainof/about确信,肯定 clearof没有,不接触 Kids should steer clear of that park, it doesnt seem safe. cleverat善于 closeto接近,亲近 comparableto/with可比较 We decided that even the economy model had to be comparable to the luxury a

    11、nd performance versions.A fire is comparable with the sun;both give light and heat.consciousof察觉到,意识到 consequenton随之而来 Trade depression was consequent on economic crisis.consideratetowards体谅,体贴 considerate towards her employeesWe should all endeavor to be more considerate of others.It is considerate

    12、 of you to call on your relatives from time to time.contemporarywith与同时代 This second event was contemporary with the first . contentwith满足于 He is quite content with his present fortune.contraryto违反 counterto与相反 He acted counter to old conventions.crazyabout热衷,着迷 criticalof挑剔,批评 The inquiry was criti

    13、cal of her work.curiousabout好奇,想知道 distinctfrom种类(风格)不同 Astronomy, as distinct from astrology, is an exact science.doubtfulof/about怀疑 eastof在东面 equalto相等,胜任 equivalentto等于,相当于 essentialto / for必不可少 expertat / in / on善于 faithfulto忠实于 familiartosb为所熟悉 This nursery rhyme is very familiar to me. familia

    14、rwithsth熟悉,通晓 The organizer was familiar with the protocol of royal visits fatalto致命的 favourableto支持,赞成 They suppressed news that was not favourable to them.The place is favourable to concealment.favourablefor有帮助的 A climate with high temperature and arid condition is highly favourable for salt weath

    15、ering.fearfulof惧怕 When I skate, Im fearful of the sparkling ice. fitfor适于 foreignto非所原有 fondof喜欢 freeof/from免于 Besides, reasonable quantities of marketing literature are supplied free of charge. It was rare for any drug to be free from occasional side effects.freewith直爽坦白,随便Why should you make free

    16、with public property ?guiltyof有罪的 hungryfor渴望 ignorantof不知道 impatientatsth.不耐烦 I was impatient at his delay in answering.impatientof无法容忍 be tired of;Be short-tempered aboutImpatient of reproof, he left his parents and went away.independentof不受支配 The tissues of the body are not independent of one ano

    17、ther.This is independent of mans will.impatientfor急切,渴望The children were impatient for the holidays to start.With regard to some other problems, we dont have to be impatient for quick solutions.indifferentto无兴趣,不关心 indignantwithsb. / at / about / over sth.愤慨 We are so indignant about the intrusion f

    18、rom the imperialism.I was indignant at their mean actions.He was very indignant with his wife over her improper conduct.inferior/ superior to级别低于,不如 innocentof无罪,无辜 Can you provide any evidence that he was innocent of the crime ?intenton/ upon专心于 He was intent on going abroad for advanced studies.(i

    19、n)visibleto不可见的 These tiny creatures are hardly visible to the naked eyes.jealousof嫉妒 keepon/ to爱好,很喜欢 liablefor对有责任 You will be liable for any damage caused. liableto易于 Were all liable to make mistakes when were tired. loyal/ faithful to忠于 He remained loyal to me through thick and thin.madat/withsb

    20、.生气,愤怒 mad about /with对狂热 nextto下一个,其次 necessaryto/for必要的 oppositeto在对面 He seat himself on the bench opposite to her.opento不限制,开放的 The price is not open to negotiation. particularabout/ over挑剔,讲究 Ted was very particular about the colors he used.parallelto/ with与平等,类似 The road and the canal are paral

    21、lel to each other.peculiarto独特的,独有的 a humour that is peculiar to American sitcoms patientwith有耐心 The teacher was patient with backward children.priorto在之前 Constitution is prior to all other laws.popularwith受喜爱,爱戴 representativeof代表的 This case is representative of the attitudes of the police.relative

    22、to相对于 , 与有关 Relative to its size, the city is sparsely populated.the facts relative to the caserichin富于 responsiblefor负责,是原因 sensitiveto/about对敏感 She is very sensitive to other peoples feelingsHes very sensitive about his weight. sensibleof觉查到 Your attentiveness and consideration make me more sensib

    23、le of my own neglect.sickof厌恶,厌倦 shortof缺少 skilledat/in善于 similarto相似 sufficientforsth. / to do足够的 They had food and clothing sufficient for their needs.These reasons are not sufficient to justify the ban.subjectto受制于,易于 superiorto优于,级别高于 suitablefor/to适合于 suspiciousof怀疑 sureof/about对有信心,确信 I believ

    24、e him. I am sure of his honesty.Jane is reliable, but Im not so sure about Jim.typicalof是典型的,特有的 This painting is typical of his early work.tiredof对不在感兴趣 vitalto/ for对关系重大 the vitamins that are vital for healthGood financial accounts are vital to the success of any enterprise. uncertainof/about不确知 m

    25、adabout/on狂热迷恋 voidof没有,缺乏 His style is void of affectation.His face was void of expression.3.名词同介词的搭配 absencefrom缺席,不在 repeated absences from schoolabsenceof缺乏 The case was dismissed in the absence of any definite proof.The talks took place in the presence of a diplomatic observer.Presence appearan

    26、ce attendance existence occurrenceaccessto的入口,通路,获得 acquaintancewith相识,了解 I had little acquaintance with modern poetry.I am delighted to make your acquaintance, Mrs Baker.actiononsth 对的作用 the action of sunlight on the skinadditiontosth增加last minute additions to the governments package of proposalPas

    27、tas basic ingredients are flour and water, sometimes with the addition of eggs or oil.In addition to these arrangements, extra ambulances will be on duty until midnight.admissionto/into进入,入(场,学,会)countries applying for admission to the European Unionadmissionofsth承认 an admission of guilt / failure /

    28、 defeatprohibitionthe prohibition of smoking in public areasa prohibition against selling alcohol to people under the age of 18 prohibitions on the possession of dangerous weaponsadvancein改进,进步 major advances in the field of physicsWe feared that an advance on the capital would soon follow.advantageover优于的有利条件


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