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    1、八年级英语下册Module1M2复习提纲外研版八年级英语下册Module1-M2复习提纲(外研版)八年级下册册复习提纲M1-2一、短语尝一尝,试试看 2. 对甜食的爱好 3. 为而感到骄傲尝起来有点儿酸 5.许多不同的东西 6.做苹果馅饼 7.受到的来信到达机场 9.在学校网球队里 10. 擅长 11.找到彼此 12.成绩不好感到紧张 14.用正确的方式做事情 15.害怕干. 二、句子现在我的巧克力饼干作好了。 2. 它尝起来味太浓了,且有点儿酸。它们尝起来确实很甜且中间摸上去很软。 4. 收到你的来信太高兴了,我迫不及待地要见你。5. 我和我的朋友在学校里花很多时间练习古典音乐。我哥哥是校网

    2、球队远,-我为他感到非常骄傲。7. 你去中国的感受如何? 8. 起初当我离开爸妈几天的时候,我经常感觉有点儿难过。 9. 我没法表达对去中国的情分之情。10.我很高,留着短短的金黄色的头发,还戴着眼睛。 The keys: 一、短语1. have a try 2.swbe proudaste a bit soua lot of dgs 6. make an applab / get(receive) a lb. 8. arrive at / reach/ gablam 10. be good at / do wella2. get bad mal nervous 14. do thingght

    3、 way 15. be afraid to do / of doing 二、句子laare done now. 2.It smellg and it tastes a bit sour.3. They taste really sweet andlddle. 4.It was great to heau, and I cant wau. 5. I spend a llaying classical music wds at school. 6.My blam-Im very proudHow do you feel about cominga? / How do you like about

    4、cominga? / What do youga? 8. Il a bit sad awhen I leave my mum and dad for a few daI cant tell you how excited I am about goinga. 10. Im quite tall, wair hair, and I wear gla2一、短语 1.一等奖 2.编写,写作 3. 编写,创作 4. 倒数,倒计时 5.参加口语竞赛过一个梦想的假日 7. 一个写作比赛 8.一个15岁的美国男孩 9.非洲最大最繁忙的城市之一 10.和.不一样 11.在很多方面 12. 混合语言派某人去做某

    5、事 14. 到目前为止 15. 停止尝试 二、句子你以前曾经得过奖吗? 2. 我已经不再尝试了。3. 我曾经参加过很多口语竞赛,但是没有获过奖。4. 我一直想参加梦想假期,但是我负担不起。你什么意思? 6. 要想赢得这个比赛,你需要写一篇关于你曾经去过的一个地方的小故事。 7.他们去过很多有趣的地方。 8. 他们正在倒计时。他们已经开始学习这个国家的语言。 10. 他们发现在单词拼写和发音方面有些困难。 11.公司已经要求他回到美国工作了。 The keys: 一、短语2. write about 3. make up 4. count dowakinggo on a dream holida

    6、y 7. a writinga 15-year-old American bbiggest and buAfrica 10. be dany ways 12. mix the languagd sb to dag trying 二、句子 1.Have you ever won abefore? 2. Ivd trying nowI havd lakingbut havent won aIve always wanted to go on a dream holiday, but I cant affordWhat do you mean? / Whats your meaning?To wu

    7、need to write aabout a place you have visited?They have bag plaThey are counting down the days. 9. They have begun to learn the languaguntry. 10. They find it hard to spell and pronouwordThe company has askedwork baUS. 一、单选 ( )1. _exciting newat we have watch! A . What B. What an C. How D. How an (

    8、)2.A conversation_ a wwars study of bA. for B. like C. with D( )3._free educaandldren can go baluntaA. Without B. ThaThank for D. Instead( )4.-Hi, Bill! I wgl-Congratulations! And I guess your parents and teachers must _you. A. be mad at B. be proud of C. be angry with D. be impol( )5. -Will you glm

    9、 Gravvening, Linda? -No. I _ it alreadA. saw B. havD.will( )6. -Have you been to Gui Lin_? -Yes, I wwo year _. A. ago, ago B. before, bbefore, ago D. ago, b二、完型填空 A young man was walkingdlinguuddenly found a spring(泉) of delicious and clear water. The water was cool and swa man who had expecteduch a

    10、 long time. He drank a lot ,andlled his bottle so that he could bring some bavillage and gav2 who had taugddle schoolAfter agave the wald man anda deep dled warmly andudweet water. The young man returneda happy heaLaacher let 6 student tawater. He spat it out aaying it was terrible. The student said

    11、 the water had become bad _7_ the bottle was too old. He couldt find the water waThe student asked his teacher, “Mawater was bad and it was bitter(苦), 9 did you lat you liked it?” The tealied , “You only tasted the water while I tasted the gift. The water which has been put in loving and kindly wate

    12、r.” 10 could be swan lov( )1. A. hungry Bull D. ha( )2. A. teacher B. dworke D. fa( )3. A. four days B. fourth day C. four-day D.four-da( )4. A. thanked B. argued C. loved D.bla( )5. A. in B. with C. by D( )6. AB. aD( )7. A. though B. unless C. because D.but ( )8. A. sweet B. bble D.sour ( )9. A. Wh

    13、at B. How C. Why D.W( )10. A. Anything B. Noting C. Everything Dg 三、阅读理解 Is human blood all the same?u may say. Its all redWell, its not as simple as you migBlood is made up of darts, such as red blood cells (红血球), white blood cells and platelets (血小板)Twal molecules (分子)d blood cells make peoples bl

    14、ood dalecule A andlecule B. According to which and how many molecules ad celldivide bloodur types: A, B, AB andur blood type will stay the same all your lave been wonderingalinks (联系) betwles blood types andalities, but they aaBuay that people wame blood type may have thingWhats your blood type? Do

    15、you have family membds who aaas you? Read the following. People with Type A: They look peacefulutside. But they aulves thaay be very nervous inside. They get haad easilare shy but always very careful. They can easily win peoples truPeople with Type B: They have strong mindart a tadont give up easily

    16、. Theyllband do it well. Type B people alwaalves dThey want to do thingwn waPeople with Type AB: They are maybangest among all bloodThey can be bandand quiet at the same time! They able and always ready to helPeople with Type O: They aand good at making friends. They always start tasks but dont alwa

    17、They have lw ideas and love to baThey alwagly believlv( )1. The blood types are decided by _. Ad and amount (数量) of moleculwhite cell Bd and amouleculd celld and the amount of platelets D. the amount of white blood cells ( )2are _ aboulations between blood and personalA. sure B. not sure C. worried

    18、D. excited ( )3. If you are with Type A, you might _. A. have strong minds B. be always ready to hellook peaceful outside D. always start a task and don( )4. If abandand quiet at the saght be with _ blood. A. Type O B. Type A C. Type B D. Type AB ( )5. The best titlassage is _. A. Blood Type B. Red

    19、Cells and White CellPersonality D. Blood Type and Personal四、词汇运用 The Oxford English Dictionary (OED)g of addingword tuhao to 1._(it)2014 edition (版本).The word 2._( become) populaaast fewIt is used to describe newlle who spendxtravagant(奢侈的)ways. The word has bular in 3._(west) couPeople are paying a

    20、what is happeninga and are graduallg uwords. 4_(this) words exaldeas, buan not be 5._(easy) translatedglThe OED 6._(think) of adding hukou and dama20words that have been collecteddictionaHukou 7._(mean )Chinaat makes sule can live in a certain place, and dama means middle-aged_(woman) who influgloba

    21、l gold markets becaugold-buying habPeople have dws thaD will includwordle say the words can be embarrassing(令人尴尬的)la, but 9._(other)at its 10._(nature) for wordad and be usedlaces. In faword tuhao exua. It is eaunce and it makes fule who have 11._(much)an tawelglish language, tuhao, lets be 12_(frie

    22、nd) 五、阅读表达 Recentluur community have been bI would like to give you some suggabout how to prevaling (盗窃). First, lets talk about lighting. We should tuutside lights at night. Insiduse, its a good idea to put automa(自动定时器) on lights. When you are out, it will still look laIf you live in an apartment

    23、building, make sure that theres good lightinggarage andallwaNext, lets talk about locks. Fall, cheap locks aafe. You should buy special llock your doors and windows. 3 Remember to lock your doors and windows, even when you leave for just a minute. Did you know that halves breaugh unlocked doors and

    24、windows?xt suggluse. Its wut youa bank. You should put mauvaluables, like televand cameraalice can retuuare found. 4Believu follow alluggabove, your house will be sa(一)根据短文内容简要回答问题。 1.What dase “break into” mea? 2. How many suggg breaking into dwassage?(二) 将短文中划线的句子译成汉语。 3._ 4._ (三)请给短文拟一个适当的标题。 5._ 单选:ACBBBC 完型:BACAB BCACB 阅读:BBCDD 词汇运用:1. Its 2.has bwasilg 7.means 8. w0.natural2 friends 阅读表达: 1.闯入 2.Three 3.记得锁门关窗,即使你只离开一会。 4不管你信不信,如果你遵循以上建议,你家会更安全。uggabout how to prevaling./ How to prevaling


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