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    1、传统服饰英语作文简短传统服饰英语作文简短1. 初二英语作文:关于中国传统服装 旗袍是从满族陈旧的服装演化而来的。 旗袍,满语称衣介。古时泛指满洲、蒙古、汉军八旗男女穿的衣袍。 清初(公元1644年-公元1911年)衣袍式样有几大特点:无领、箭袖、左衽、四开衩、束腰。箭袖,是窄袖口,上加一块半圆形袖头,形似马蹄,又称马蹄袖。 马蹄袖平日绾起,出猎作战时则放下,掩盖手背,冬季可御寒。四开衩,即袍下摆前后左右,开衩至膝.左衽和束腰,紧身保暖,腰带一束,行猎时,可将干粮,用具装进前襟。 男子的长袍多是蓝,灰、青色,女子的旗装多为白色. 满族旗袍还有一个特点,就是在旗袍外套上坎肩。坎肩有对襟、捻襟、琵琶

    2、襟、一字襟等。 穿上坎肩骑马驰聘显得非常精干利索。清世祖入关,迁都北京,旗袍开头在中原流行。 清统一中国,也统一全国服饰,男人穿长袍马褂,女人穿旗袍。以后,随着满汉生活的融合,统一,旗袍不只被汉族妇女汲取,并不断进行革新。 特殊随着辛亥革命的风云,旗袍快速在全国普及。自30年月起,旗袍几乎成了中国妇女的标准服装,民间妇女、同学、工人、达官显贵的太太,无不穿着。 旗袍甚至成了交际场合和外交活动的礼服。后来,旗袍还传至国外,为他国女子效仿穿着。 至20世纪30年月,满族男女都穿直统式的宽襟大袖长袍。女性旗袍下摆至(骨干)(小腿),有绣花卉纹饰。 男性旗袍下摆及踝,无纹饰。40年月后,受国内外新式服

    3、饰新潮的冲击,满族男性旗袍已废弃,女性旗袍由宽袖变窄袖,直筒变紧身贴腰,臀部略大,下摆回收,长及踝,渐渐构成今日各色各样讲究颜色装饰和人体线条美的旗袍样式。 汉族妇女为啥宠爱穿旗袍?次要旗袍的外型与妇女的体态相适合,线条简便,美丽大方,所以,有人认为旗袍是中国女人独有的福音,可起到彩云托月的作用。而且,旗袍是老少宜穿,四季适宜,雅俗共赏。 依据季节的变化和穿着者的不同需要、爱好,可长可短,可做单旗袍、夹旗袍;也可做衬绒短袍、丝棉旗袍。并且,随着选料不同,可呈现出不同风格。 选用小花、素格、细条丝绸制造,可显示出温柔、稳重的风韵;选用织锦类衣料制造,可当迎宾、赴宴的华贵眼饰。当中国旗袍在日本、法

    4、国等地展销时,很受当地妇女人士欢迎,她们不借重金,争购旗袍,特殊是黑丝绒夹金花、篓金花的高档旗袍,最为抢手。 旗袍正以浓郁的民族风格,体现了中华民族传统的服饰美。它不只成为中国女装的代表,同时也公认为东方传统女装的意味。 Chinese Cheongsam The cheongsam, or Qipao in Chinese, is evolved from a kind of ancient clothing of Manchu ethnic minority. In ancient times, it generally referred to long gowns worn by the

    5、 people of Manchuria, Mongolia and the Eight-Banner. In the early years of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), long gowns featured collarless, narrow cuff in the shape of a horses hoof, buttons down the left front, four slits and a fitting waist. Wearers usually coiled up their cuff, and put it down when

    6、hunting or battling to cover the back of hand. In winter, the cuff could serve to prevent cold. The gown had four slits, with one on the left, right, front and back, which reached the knees. It was fitted to the body and rather warm. Fastened with a waistband, the long gown could hold solid food and

    7、 utensils when people went out hunting. Mens long gowns were mostly blue, gray or green; and womens, white. Another feature of Manchu cheongsam was that people generally wore it plus a waistcoat that was either with buttons down the front, a twisted front, or a front in the shape of lute, etc. When

    8、the early Manchu rulers came to China proper, they moved their capital to Beijing and cheongsam began to spread in the Central Plains. The Qing Dynasty unified China, and unified the nationwide costume as well. At that time, men wore a long gown and a mandarin jacket over the gown, while women wore

    9、cheongsam. Although the 1911 Revolution toppled the rule of the Qing (Manchu) Dynasty, the female dress survived the political change and, with succeeding improvements, has become the traditional dress for Chinese women. Till the 1930s, Manchu people, no matter male or female, all wore loose-fitting

    10、 and straight-bottomed broad-sleeved long gowns with a wide front. The lower hem of womens cheongsam reached the calves with embroidered flower patterns on it, while that of mens cheongsam reached the ankles and had no decorative patterns. From the 1930s, cheongsam almost became the uniform for wome

    11、n. Folk women, students, workers and highest-tone women all dressed themselves in cheongsam, which even became a formal suit for occasions of social intercourses or diplomatic activities. Later, cheongsam even spread to foreign countries and became the favorite of foreign females. After the 1940s, i

    12、nfluenced by new fashion home and abroad, Manchu mens cheongsam was phased out, while womens 。 2. 求一篇关于汉服文化的英语作文 Dress culture is introduced 服饰文化引见 Hanfu clothing is the traditional clothing of the Han Chinese (Han -the predominant ethnic group of China). 汉服是中国汉民族传统服饰。 Its the significant cultural s

    13、ymbol of Chinese civilization, and it has had a long history for nearly 4000 years since China originally began.她从中华文明开端时就已经存在,至今已有近4000 年的历史。(当然假如你喜爱你可以说 成5000 ) However, it has been eliminated during the establishment of Qing Dynasty (the Manchu minority ruled dynasty) in about 300 years. The ruli

    14、ng class of Manchu banned Han Chinese clothing and replaced it with their own costume. This is why todays Chinese national costume was widely known as Qipao (Chi-Pao), a Manchu style of clothing. Our effort is to re-promote and advocate Hanfu to the public awareness. The main feature of Hanfu is wra

    15、pping the right side over before the left.There are casual wear and formal wear of it.汉服的次要特点是交领右衽,包含礼服和常服两种。 For the casual wear such as Shenyi (Shen-Yee): a long full body garment; Ruqun (Zu-Chin): a top garment with a separate lower skirt, etc. Formal garments may include: Xuanduan (Shyan-Duan):

    16、a dark robe, this dress is mostly used in sacrificial ceremonies and state occasions; Yuan-Lin Shan: a closed, round collared robe, mostly used for official or academic occasions. Chinese civilization, also called Hua-Xia (Hwa-Shia). Hua(Hwa) means the beauty of the dress & decoration which is Hanfu

    17、 clothing; Xia(Shia) is the grandeur of rites and social conduct.中华文明又被称为 “e79fa5e98193e59b9ee7ad9431333361303031 华夏 ” ,华代表服饰之美,夏代表礼仪之大。Many East Asian national costumes, such as the Japanese Kimono, the Korean Hanbok still share the basic style with Hanfu, as historically these nations were largely

    18、 influenced by (Han) Chinese culture. 东亚很多民族的传统服饰,比如日本的和服、韩国的韩服,都是在汉服的基础上进展而来。 Costume in the Han Dynasty 汉服 Chinas complete code of costume and trappings was established in the Han Dynasty (206BC-220AD). The yarn-dyeing, embroidering and metal-processing technologies developed rapidly in the period

    19、, s 中国完整的服装服饰制度在汉朝确立的。汉代染织工艺、剌绣工艺和金属工艺进展较快,推动了服装装饰的变化。 3. 求一篇英语作文our clothes our clothes Everyone has their own style. Different peopele have different opinion about clothes. I would liake to wear school uniform. Although school uniform is not so pretty,we still can not deny its advantage .Firstly,s

    20、chool uniform is very soft, which is very important to protect our skin. I do not want to wear some clothes fasion but uncomfortable. Secondly, it is also very safe.You do not need to warry the metarl .Lastly, stand wher I from, fasion clothes is not good for our health .On the contary, school unifo

    21、rm is healthier and safer. B y the way, it it also a good way to keep our teamship 4. 中国民族服饰引见 英文 好的送分 中国民族服饰:Chinese Ethnic CostumesChinese Traditional Costumes of Past Dynasties 中国历代传统服饰China, known as a land of dresses,has a long history in the development of its clothing culture. Dresses in diff

    22、erent periods reflect, to a certain extent, the situation of the politics, economy, military affairs, religions, and the civil customs of the specific historical stages. In the primitive society, people led a simple life in caves and generally worn nothing. In the Neolithic Age, the ancestors of the

    23、 Chinese people were able to make tools. They invented bone needles and sewed primitive cloths. About 5,000 years ago, during the Yangshao Cultural Period, people lived a stable life and agriculture and textiles came into being. They raised silkworms and began to weave silk clothing which made peopl

    24、es clothing more perfect. After human kind entered the class society, clothing became the symbol of peoples social statuses. During the Western Zhou Dynasty (1066-771B.C.), China virtually had a complete clothing system. From the Zhou Dynasty to the elimination of the feudal society in China, empero

    25、rs, empresses, imperial concubines, princes, princesses, officials, and common people were attired in different ways.Chinese clothing in the past dynasties can be roughly divided into the following categories: clothing of the remote times; that of the Shang and Zhou Dynasties; that of the Qin and Ha

    26、n Dynasties; that of the Wei, Jin, and Northern and Southern Dynasties; that of the Sui, Tang ,and the Five Dynasties; that of the Song Dynasty; that of the Liao, Jin, and Yuan Dynasties; that of the Ming Dynasty; that of the Qing Dynasty; and that of modern times.Costumes of Minority Groups of Chin

    27、a 中国少数民族侍侯China is a country consisting of 56 ethnic nationalities, and each of them has its own clothing style with distinct ethnic characteristics, due to the influence of different culture, traditions, and geographical feature. On the other hand, they influenced and learned from one another in th

    28、e way they dresses themselves as people of various ethnic lived together or migrate.As a result, the dresses of various ethic groups, like their culture, share something in common while they have their own ethnic, regional, and traditional features as well as traces of merge and transformation, form

    29、ing a brilliant feature, colorful clothing culture of the Chinese. Roughly speaking, the loose gown and long robe worn by the people of the minority tribes in northern China are straightforward and the long skirt and pants worn by the people in southern China are made of fine workmanship. Due to the

    30、 impact of the complicated geography and climate, the clothing of the minority nationalities in southern China is richer in variety and more colorful than that of the minority groups in the north. Dresses are the important symbols of the ethnic nationality identification and the blood lineage of Chi

    31、nas minority groups. People usually are attired in special way on such occasions as festivals, wedding, religious, and funeral ceremonies, and other important activities. The change of clothing manifests an ethnic groups economic life, religious belief, world outlook, ideology, aesthetic consciousne

    32、ss, customs, and its course of development.Chinese Qipao Dress (Cheongsam) 旗袍中山装The Qipao dress dates back to the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Perfectly fitting the beautiful figure of Asia females, it is regarded as quintessence of China, reflecting the Chinese culture and arts. While the Qipao makes peoples life more colorful with its national characteristics and strong happy colors and fashion designs, it possesses a lasting value itself.。 5. 英语作文60字左右:关于穿着(就是穿衣服)的话题、就你而言,是以 loafers were popular in high school - shoes, not kids - penny-loafers, too. you younger folks will have to pa


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