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    1、中英颜色词的文化差异与翻译毕业论文-文档均为word文档,下载后可直接编辑使用亦可打印-摘 要英汉两种语言都有着丰富的颜色词汇。虽然作为自然色,不同民族的认知是相同的,但相同的颜色词用于不同的语境、文体中,就有着并不相同的内涵和外延。即有些颜色词甚至可以表达出远远偏离其本身的含义,同一颜色词在不同民族的文化背景下却具喻义外延上的差异。这是一个很有趣的现象。只有很好了解其中异同,在跨文化的学习运用中我们才能够更好地沟通和理解。颜色词点缀着我们的人生与整个世界。由于文化背景的不同,英汉颜色词的表述和使用也存在差异,这直接地影响着互译的正确性与真实性。通过对英汉基本颜色词的用法进行文化对比研究,分析

    2、它们之间的异同,从而探讨颜色词互译的方法。关键词:颜色词;情感;文化差异;文化对比AbstractEnglish and Chinese are rich in two kinds of color words. Although as a natural color, the cognition of different nationalities is the same, but the same color words used in different contexts, styles, there is not the same connotation and denotation.

    3、 Some color words can even express far from its own meaning, the same color words but with differences in meaning extension in different culture background. This is a very interesting phenomenon. Only a good understanding of the similarities and differences, we can better communicate and understand

    4、the use of cross-cultural learning. Color words are dotted with our life and the world. Due to the different cultural backgrounds, there are differences in the presentation and use of English and Chinese color words, which directly affect the correctness and authenticity of the translation. Through

    5、the comparative study of the use of basic color words in English and Chinese, the paper analyzes the similarities and differences between them, so as to explore the method of translation of color words.Key words: color words; emotion; cultural difference; cultural contrastContent1. Preface Color wor

    6、ds of the language used to describe things in all sorts of color words. Colorful world, colorful. The charm of color words is to the reflection of culture of all nationalities, they both referential significance, but also has a certain extension or symbolic meaning, can cause the associations of peo

    7、ple, there is yan. Because the human mind identity, the use of color words have a lot of the same meaning. For example: red enthusiasm is bold and unrestrained, green symbol of life. And due to different historical environment, way of thinking, national way of life, such as cultural differences, Eng

    8、lish and Chinese two languages always exist differences in the use of color words, directly affected peoples communication. For example, the envy other peoples behavior in the Chinese language is called jealous, and the corresponding English is green eyedm onster. The following in common color word

    9、use comparative analysis of its cultural connotation, discusses the translation methods and skills. 2. Summary of the Sino-British cultural differences of color word The cultural differences reflected in all aspects of different countries, dont say, only on the emotional expression of color words, t

    10、here is great difference between English and Chinese. This article as a starting point, through the comparative analysis of some of the color words in English and Chinese meaning, to discuss different colors in different cultures express the main meaning and the corresponding translation. 3. The ana

    11、lysis of characteristics of color word 3.1 the basic color words Basic color words in both English and Chinese two languages is roughly same, generally are: red (red) : red; Orange: orange; Yellow: yellow; Green: green; Green: indigo (deep blue); Blue: blue; Purple: purple (violet); White: white; Bl

    12、ack: black; Brown (brown) : brown; Ash: gray. Chinese people often mentioned in our daily life and we know the seven primary color is red, orange, yellow, green, green, blue, violet seven kinds of color! In paintings of the west, the birthplace of the painter who is using the seven colors of ever-ch

    13、anging color. 3.2 the real color words In daily life, people want to express some colour also tend to the colour attachment by the object itself is joint and several. The object is usually well known and can be seen everywhere. For example: zhang SAN is wearing a orange shirt. Orange is a kind of co

    14、mmon fruit, when it comes to oranges, others will think of its shape and color. Use orange to describe expression will easily with other color difference, and vivid. We should pay attention to this kind of color words. Such as: golden: gold/golden; Silver: silver; Orange: orange; Lead ashes: lead -

    15、gray; Orange red: orange - red; Peach, peach - pink, 3.3 color color words The same color in different light, different environments, it is concluded that the colour effect is also different. To express this effect is to use the proper words to express the depth, light and shade. This kind of words

    16、are: (1) the table deep: deep/dark; Such as: deep blue/dark blue deep blue; Deep green, dark green; (2) the table shallow light: light/pale; Such as: light yellow, yellow; Light blue, light blue; Pale gray, shallow ash; Pale white light white. (3) the table: bright bright/rich/vivid; Such as: bright

    17、/rich/vivid red bright red. 4. The similarities and differences of the color word use 4.1In common Color is a kind of objective existence, its appearance is the same of all ethnic groups, and peoples psychological and there are some things in common, makes use of color words have some in common or s

    18、imilar place. For example: the blackboard, the blackboard; The red flag is a red flag; The black market, a black market; He white Hall a whitehall (refers to the British government); The White House, a White House (U.S. government); In Chinese and English two languages, the red represents a kind of

    19、enthusiasm, shy, or is associated with celebration activities, festival days, black represents solemn, the bad and evil, gray represents suffering, depressed, white represents purity, purple on behalf of showily, etc. 4.2A different place You can see that the definition of color words in Chinese and

    20、 still differ in thousands ways, the formation of these differences we can find the reason from many aspects. At the time of the initial, western civilization is biased towards the scientific and rational, their understanding of the objective world is generally a realistic scientific attitude. That

    21、led to the color word symbolic meanings in English are very directly, and we are more easy to trace its language according to the logic and argumentation. But for China, because it has experienced several thousand years of feudal rule, so in both education and science and technology, compared with t

    22、he western China is relatively backward. Combined with the meaning of the color words in the Chinese culture evolution are often linked to political, so generally has the mystery. We also can feel, Chinese color words not only has rich connotation, and multiple symbolic significance. 1, the contrast

    23、 of color words in English and Chinese history and culture Complex enables Chinese people advocate the yellow of the soil, from yellow to golden harvest, from yellow to yellow robe huang (huang) crown, etc., have reflected the Chinese worship of the yellow . Yellow is the color of power, represents

    24、the noble, solemn, supreme, is inviolable. For the western countries, the color is the color of unpleasant, hate. In the bible judas, who was betraying him, wearing yellow clothes, yellow is endowed with the meaning of timidity, shameless, despicable. Such as yellow belly (chicken), yellow dog (base

    25、), yellow looks (Joe a suspicious character). 2, the color words in different ways of thinking, behavior, in contrast to use English and Chinese language differences reflect the difference between English and Chinese thinking and cognitive style. Mentioned in the word jealous reflects the thinking i

    26、n images of the Chinese people, Chinese people tend to be the overall grasp, since the childhood, from actual conditions and pay attention to the subject and object. While the westerners use green refers to envy, this comes from the understanding of the westerners view. They think the green plant is

    27、 a sign of healthy, this is a provocation to other colors. So westerners use green - eyed metaphor jealousy, which reflects their abstract thinking and associate things with people, pay attention to the external knowledge acquisition. In addition, users of English and Chinese two languages use diffe

    28、rent color words to describe the same phenomenon or things, because they are from a different Angle to observe the same phenomenon or things, and belong to the category of different color words to describe. Such as the color of skin collision present is mutiple level, not clear, people can from diff

    29、erent angles to observe and describe. Is commonly used in Chinese the word green (black or green or blue) is derived from the color dark cool color in the category of integrated, while the English word, black and blue color belongs to the main, so there will be a was beaten was black and blue all ov

    30、er a piece of and to be beaten black and blue to translate, there is no essential difference. 3, color words contrast in the national way of life Xiao-ping yao once mentioned, archaeology and anthropology has confirmed that red is the first to use the natural color of pigment and act the role of mat

    31、erial. Not only because people attach importance to and love red, but also with red paint making more easily than green, and blue wait for color pigment. Because red is practical and its good associations with fire, people in China have in red to represent joy, success, warmth and prosperity, etc.;

    32、Drama in the red face symbol of loyalty, the upright character; Traditional wedding red happy character, red candles, red curtain, the brides red coat, not only bring the wedding festival atmosphere, more reminiscent of the days after marriage will be over quickly. And for English people, red is a symbol of more cruel, bleeding, aggressive, danger, tension, obscene, such as revenge (bloody revenge), ared battle (bloody), a red light district (the red light district, both Chinese brothel), the traffic light red, no thoroughfare signal danger and a red card for instruc


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