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    1、UNIT 5 Classroom Management,What is Classroom Management?,the way teachers organize what goes on in the classroom,Whats the goal of classroom management?,Gebhard,1996,The goal of classroom management is to create an atmosphere conductive to interacting in English in meaningful ways.,Effective classr

    2、oom management can be achieved when the following three conditions are met:1)The teacher plays appropriate roles.2)The teacher provides clear instructions.3)Students are grouped in a way suitable for the learning activities.4)The teacher asks appropriate questions.5)There is discipline and harmony i

    3、n the class.6)The students errors are treated properly.,I.The roles of the teacher,1.Richards and Rodgers viewpoint Teachers roles are related ultimately to assumptions about language and language learning at the level of approach.Different approaches stipulate(规定)different roles for the teacher.,2.

    4、Teachers roles Although different approaches stipulate different teacher roles,there are some common roles that teachers play in most of the major approaches.,Before the class,the teacher is a planner.After the class,the teacher is evaluator.During the class,the teacher is1.controller 2.assessor3.or

    5、ganizer 4.prompter5.participant 6.resource-provider,Activity 1:Work in groups of four and share your ideas,What do you think the teacher does when he/she is a controller,an assessor,an organizer,a prompter,a participant and a resource-provider respectively?,The teacher as controller of everything th

    6、at goes on in the classroom.B.The teacher as manager,organizing the activities;C.The teacher as assessor,giving feedback and advice,as well as correction and grading;D.The teacher as participant(co-communicator)in an organized activity such as debate or role play;,E.The teacher as prompter to encour

    7、age students to participate or make suggestions about how to proceed in an activity;F.The teacher as resource,that is a source of language and knowledge;G.The teacher as instructor,actually teaching the new language points and training students in language skills.,Teachers new roles,Teachers as faci

    8、litatorsTeachers as guidesTeachers as researchers,II.Classroom Instruction,Classroom instructions refer to type of language teachers use to organize or guide learning.Generally they include all classroom language that teachers may use for teaching purposes as well as managing teaching.,Activity 2:Ho

    9、w often do you use English in the classroom?,Ask yourself how often you use English for the purposes listed below.Record your answers usually,sometimes or never in the spaces.Now ask.,greet the class in English?-ask the class questions in English?-present new language in English?-use English to teac

    10、h grammar?-organise the class in English?-use English for more than 50%of the lesson?-,Activity3:Think of at least 4 advantages to using English to teach English.,Activity 4.What can we say?Write examples of suitable English phrases and words under each topic.,PRAISE ORGANISING SOCIAL TOPICS,Do you

    11、agree?,Teachers instructions can serve as very useful models and meaningful input,as well as tools for organizing learning.,Rules to follow for making instructions effective,1.Use simple instructions(clear,simple,concise,supported by gesture)2.Use the mother-tongue only when it is possible3.Model th

    12、e task/activity before letting students move in pairs or groups4.Try to avoid lengthy explanation.(Demonstration,not to do all the talking in class),III.Student grouping,1)whole-class work(lockstep)2)pair work 3)group work 4)individual study,Activity 5:Group discussionThe advantages and disadvantage

    13、s of the above grouping,Activity 6:Brainstorming Further suggestions about student grouping methods,1)When working in lockstep,the teacher should not speak too much.2)When organizing pair work,the teacher should give the clearest instructions.If necessary,the teacher should demonstrate with one stud

    14、ent first.,3)Some possible ways to group the students:Grouping the students according to seating arrangementStudents select their own group members(risky)Strong students and weak students are missed togetherStrong students and weak students are grouped separately to do different takes.Group the stud

    15、ents by drawing lots.,Activity 7:The 8 steps for group&pair workComplete the table below and tick()how many you usually do.,Keys,EXPLAIN/show what the students must do.CHECK everyone understands.CHECK every student has a partner.BEGIN the pair work.MOVE around the classroom.DONT TALK to students,unl

    16、ess they need help.LISTEN carefully.CROUCH down to hear clearly.Try to AVOID eye contact.6.FINISH the pair work.CORRECT common mistakes.Choose some volunteers to SHOW what they did.,Although pair work and group work can provide students more chances for practice,individual study should not be totall

    17、y neglected.,WARNING,IV.Discipline in the language classroom,1.Whats the final goal of discipline in the language classroom?The ultimate goal of discipline is to make more effective learning possible,but the relationship between discipline and learning is not as straight forward as it appears.,2.Pra

    18、ctical hints for teachers on classroom discipline Ur,1996:263,3.Measures for indisciplined acts and badly behaving students(by Harmer,1983)1)Act immediately 2)Stop the class.3)Rearrange the seats.4)Change the activity.5)Talk to students after class.6)Use the institution.,Activity 8 Discussion,.Quest

    19、ioning in the classroom,What are the functions or purposes of questions?,To focus students attentionsTo invite thinking or imaginationsTo check understandingTo stimulate recall of informationTo challenge studentsTo assess learning,Questioning techniques,Questions should be wise and purposeful,contri

    20、buting to the overall objectives of the lesson,stimulating the development of knowledge and thinking,as well as helping to maintain effective interaction.,Question types,Open questions(open-ended questions)开放性问题,非限答式提问 Closed questions(close-ended questions)限答式提问,Display questions(展示性问题)Genuine ques

    21、tions(真实问题),Lower-order questions(低层次问题)draw more upon memorized,summary thinking.Higher-order questions(高层次问题)require more creative,synthetic thinking.,Blooms Taxonomy of Questions(questions of six levels),KnowledgeComprehensionApplicationAnalysisSynthesisEvaluation,As a teacher,how to use this mod

    22、el to ask questions at different levels of complexity,thereby keeping your students challenged.,Activity 9:Discussion,VI.Dealing with errors,The right attitude towards errorsThe appropriate strategies in dealing with errors,Distinction between an error and a mistake,(1)The thought of those poor chil

    23、dren were really was really bothering me.(想到那些穷孩子就使我烦恼。)(2)He teached us English.(他教我们英语。),A mistake:a performance error that is either a random guess or a“slip of tongue/pen”,it is a failure performance to a known system.A mistake has nothing to do with the language competence.,行为错误(mistakes),指的是语言

    24、使用层面上的失误(言语失误,口误/笔误),而在语言能力的层面上使用者是知道关于某一特定语言项目的正确用法的。行为错误(失误)是偶然的、无规律的,非系统性的,可能是一时忘记了,或因疲劳等原因出现了语言运用的失误,被提出以后学习者可自行纠正。例(1)中使用者自行纠正其语言行为就说明了这一点。,An error has direct relation with the learners language competence.Errors do not result from carelessness nor hesitation,but lack of knowledge in the targe

    25、t language.Language errors cannot be self-corrected.,Errors,能力错误(观念性错误,偏误)。学习者并没有意识到自己错在哪里,所以它们与学习者的语言能力(linguistic competence)有关,而不是语言使用(linguistic performance)层面上的问题。能力错误是有规律的,它系统地反映了外语学习者在某一阶段的语言能力,不能自行纠正。在例(2)中,学习者显然过度概括英语动词过去时的形式,比如从workworked中类推至teach-teached。,Activity 10.How often should we c

    26、orrect students?,Read what these 3 teachers say.Which teacher would you prefer to have?Why?Which teacher are you?,Teacher Xia:My students always take care what they say because I never let them make mistakes.If they say anything wrong,I stop them and make them say it correctly because I dont want th

    27、em to learn bad English from each other.,Teacher Yang:I sometimes correct my students.For instance,if were practising a new sentence or word,then I make sure they say it correctly.But if were doing a free practice activity,I try not to correct them too much.If I do correct students,I try to do it in

    28、 an encouraging way.,Teacher Zhou:My students are not shy anymore because I hardly ever correct their mistakes.I want them to express themselves in English without worrying about making mistakes.Sometimes I notice things that everyone gets wrong,but I never interrupt students to correct them.,Mistak

    29、es can be self-corrected.Errors cannot be self-corrected.,How to deal with(spoken)errors,accuracy-based activitiesfluency-based activities,When to correct,How to correct,Direct teacher correctionIndirect teacher correctionSelf correctionPeer correctionWhole class correction,Self-correction is encour

    30、aged before teacher correction or peer correction because if it is a mistake,the student himself/herself will be able to correct it.,Activity 11.Positive correction,John makes a mistake.How does the teacher correct it?Teacher:John,when do you get up?John:I am get up at 6 oclock.(a mistake!),Teacher

    31、A:No,youre wrong!You should say I get up,not I am get up.Sit down!Teacher B:OK,nearly right.You should say I get up,not I am get up.Sit down please!,Teacher C:OK,nearly right.You should say I get up,not I am get up.Try again!John:I.get up at 6 oclock.Teacher C:Yes,much better.Well done!,Teacher D:OK

    32、,nearly right.Try again,I.John:I.get up at 6 oclock.Teacher D:Yes,thats it!Well done!Teacher E:You get up at 6 oclock.Thats very early.Now once again,when do you get up?John:I.get up at 6 oclock.Teacher E:Good!He gets up at 6 oclock.,Teacher F:Nearly right.Can you try again?John:I.?!Teacher F:Mary,m

    33、aybe you can help?What time do you get up?Mary:I get up at 7 oclock.Teacher F:Good!She said I get up.Now John,can you try again?John:I.get up at 6 oclock.Teacher F:Yes,thats it!Well done!,Correcting should be gentle.,Indirect teacher correction is encouraged rather than direct teacher correction to avoid damaging studentsSelf esteem and confidence.,


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