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    1、八年级下册英语短语八年级上册英语短语造句八年级下册英语短语八年级上册英语短语造句八年级上册英语短语加造句,大家也可以进行仿写哦。下面是WTT给大家整理的八年级上册英语短语造句的相关知识,供大家参阅!八年级上册英语短语造句11.What about you? 你?2.travelaround the world 环游世界3.invitesb.todo sth.邀请.做.Shehas invited me to stay with her in English one day.4.theprice of the ticket .的票价The problem is the price of the

    2、ticket.5.takeoff 起飞;脱下Take off from Beijing capital airport and land in london6.theholiday of your dreams 你梦想的假期7.whatdo you reckon? 你认为呢?8.onTV / in newspapers 在电视上/新闻报纸上9.theticket to the USA 去美国的机票10.Itsounds brilliant! 听上去好极了!11.travelall over China by plane 乘飞机游中国12.has/have gone to a place 已经去

    3、了.没有回来Lots of astronauts has gone to Mars.Itis ing back to Earth next year.13.has/have been to a place 去过某地 已经回来了Lots of astronauts have been to the space station.Theyfound it very interesting.14.dreame true 梦想成真15.havebeen abroad 去过国外She has been abroad three times.16.flyto different places for one

    4、s holidays 飞往.度假17.morethan =over 超过.多于.18.sell out 卖完He has given concerts all over china and the tickets have always sold out.19.atthe end 最后20.inthe seat 在座位上21.afantastic experience 极好的经验Write about a fantastic experience.22.tastedelicious 尝起来美味23.entera petition 参加比赛24.takephotos of stone anima

    5、ls 拍石雕动物的照片25.havea wonderful/nice/great /good time 玩得很开心26.seeBeijing Opera 看京剧27.climbthe Great Wall 爬长城28.eatroast duck 吃烤鸭29.taketurns to do sth.轮流干.30.have a western meal 吃西餐八年级上册英语短语造句21.journeyto space 太空之旅2.sendmessage back to Earth 向地球发回信息3.lifeon the moon / life on Mars 月球/火星上的生命life on ot

    6、her plas在其他星球上的生命4.Whatare you up to? 你干什么呢?5.Whatdo you think? 你认为呢?6.sendsth.toa place 把某物发送到某地7.Dontpanic! 别急。8.thelatest news 最新消息Have you heard the latest news.9.inthe spacecraft / on the space station 在空间站I have just made this model of the space station.10.knowa lot about sth.对.知道的很多Sheknows a

    7、 lot about the space station.11.showsth.tosb.把.给.看Idlike to show it to them.12.onbusiness 出差They have gone to shanghai on business.13.bringsth.back带回来Please bring the book back tomorrow.14.takethe space shuttle 乘航天飞机They take the space shuttle, and go there and back.15.millionsof 数百万的.16.goaround /

    8、turn around17.noneof them / one of them 他们中没有一个/ 他们其中之一18.anenvironment with air 有空气的环境19.asmall part of.的一小部分20.thestars we see at night 我们晚上看到的星星阅读: 6257次 大小: 0.1MB(共13页)21.manyother.许多其他的.22.inthe universe在宇宙中/ in space 在太空23.bea long way away 离得很远24.beyondthe solar system 太阳系之外25.Howlong does it

    9、 take to do sth.? 干。花了多长时间?26.inthe last three years 在最近的三年里27.finishdoing sth.完成做.enjoy doing 喜欢做.practice doing 练习做./mind doing 介意做.feel like doing 感觉喜欢做./be busy doing 忙于做.28.as.as.和.一样29.so.that.如此.以致于.30.asksb.todo sth 要求某人做某事八年级上册英语短语造句31.tryto do / try not to do 尝试做.Try not to translate every

    10、 word.2.Whydont you do.? Why not do.?何不.?Why dont you write it dowm.3.writedown sth./write sth.down写下来Please write down your telephone number.4.Itsa good idea to do sth.做.是个好主意Its a good idea to check your vocabulary notebook everyday.5.Howabout doing sth.?做.怎么样?How about listening to the radio or r

    11、eading newspaper in English ?6.reada newspaper in English用英语读7.whatelse 还有什么8.helpsb.withsth./help sb.(to)do sth.在某方面帮助某人/帮助某人做某事 She can help me with my homework.9.Thanksa lot.多谢!=Thankyou very much.10.Thatsa good idea.=Goodidea.好主意!11.use.to do sth.用.去做.12.forget to do sth./remember to do sth.忘记要做

    12、./记得要做.Dontforget to close the window.Remember to call your parents .13.askfor .要求.14.enjoydoing sth.喜欢做.Shehas enjoyed my messages about my life here in Beijing.She enjoys playing the piano very much.15.Ittakes sb.sometime to do sth.干某事花费某人多少时间Ittakes me three hours to finish my homework.16.agreat

    13、way to do sth.做某事的一个好方法Itis a great way to study English by listening to songs in English.17.talkabout sth.withsb.和某人谈某事18.guess the meaning of the new words 猜生词的意思19.enjoyoneself 玩得开心=have a good time20.speakto sb.和.说话21.speak English in class 课上说英语22.lotsof =a lot of=much / many 许多There are lots o

    14、f audiences in the gym.23.takea deep breath 深呼吸24.wantto do sth.想要做.=would like to do.Have you ever want to travel around the world?25.apiece of paper / pieces of paper (一) 张纸26.advisesb.todo sth.建议某人做某事Our English teacher advises us to speak English in class.27.theanswer to the question 问题的答案28.fin

    15、dit easy to do sth.发现做.很容易Doyou find it easy to have a conversation in English?29.thebest piece of advice 最好的一条建议30.begood at sth./be good at doing sth./ do well in sth.擅长(做).Try to remember all the things youre good at in English .Lilei is good at playing the piano.看过八年级上册英语短语造句的相关知识的人还看了:1.八年级上册英语短语句子2.八年级上册英语短语3.八年级上册英语短语合集4.八年级上册英语句子5.八年级上册英语单词unit5造句


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