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    1、英语首字母填空专项练习题含答案英语首字母填空专项练习题含答案英语首字母填空练习题含答案一 I still remember visiting Moscow. It is the capital of Russia, the b 1 country in the world. I went there w 2 my parents when I was eight years old. I lived and studied there for one year, I had some happy memories. One of the most interesting things of t

    2、hat city was that t 3 were many dogs. Perhaps Russians l 4 dogs very much. You can see dogs here and there. Almost each of the families had a dog. I made friends with many Russian children w 5 I was living and studying there. They were all very nice. They had fair hair and fair skin. I played with t

    3、hem h 6 though I could only speak a little Russian at first. They were f 7 to me. The weather in Moscow was very cold. It snowed almost every in winter. The ground was always c 8 with a lot of snow. We often made s 9 together. Now I am b 10 in China, but I miss them so much. I will never forget my h

    4、appy memories of this visit to Moscow.二Before windows were used, old h 1 in Europe(欧洲)and Britain were very dark. Their great rooms were high w 2 only one hole in the roof(屋顶)to let the smoke o 3 from cooking fire. Later, people began to make the holes b 4 _ to have more light and air in their homes

    5、. The first English window was j 5 _ _ a small opening(口,孔)in the wall. It was cut long to let in as m 6 light as possible, and narrow to keep out the bad w 7 . But, more wind than light would c 8_ _ in if the window was cut long. This is why it was c 9 _ “The winds eye”. And the word “w 10 _” comes

    6、 form two ancient(古代的)words for “wind” and “eye”.三Long ago, people used bells more t 1 _ they do today. The postmen used to ring a hand bell when they delivered letters. Fire engines had bell i 2_ of sirens(号笛). People who sold things came past houses, ringing a bell and shouting w 3 _ was for sale.

    7、 Every village had its church bell to let people know it was t 4 to go to church. At night, this bell was ringing so that travelers would find the village in the d 5 _. In most countries bells were hung r 6 _ the necks of animals. The bells helped owners to find lost cows or sheep. Today, in India,

    8、animals still wear bells. Now bells are used l 7_ _ and less, Buzzers, sirens and horns have t 8 _ their place. Now people try to keep the old bells in school and churches so t 9 they will not l 10_ their beautiful sounds for ever.四There are t 1 _ many accidents in cities. Accidents often happen whe

    9、n people c 2 the roads or streets. Read the passage c _ 3 _ and learn to be careful later on. Be careful when it is r 4 _. Many accidents happen on rainy days. People are in a h 5 because they dont want to get w 6_ _. They often cross the roads quickly. Often they cant see c 7 _ _ as they hold their

    10、 umbrellas in front of t 8_ . Remember that cars take l 9_ _ time to stop when the roads are wet. When it is raining, we must be more and more careful, not l 10_ _ careful.五Someone says: “Time is money,” but I think time is e 1 _ more important than money. Why? Because when money is spent, we can ge

    11、t it back. However, when time is g 2 _, it will never r 3 _ . Thats why we mustnt waste time. It goes without saying that the t 4 _ is usually limited(有限的). Even a second is very important. We should make full use of our time to do s 5 useful. But it is a pity that there are a lot of people who do n

    12、ot know the i 6 of time. They spent their limited time smoking, drinking and p 7 _. They do not know that wasting time means wasting part of their own l 8_ _. In a word, we should save time. We shouldnt l 9_ _ todays work for tomorrow. Remember we have n 10 time to lose. 六Do you have bright ideas? I

    13、deas for inventions that c 1 the world or, at least, make life easier for somebody. P 2 we all do sometimes, but we dont often make the idea a real thing. Recently, there was a competition in a country, which e 3 young people to make their bright ideas come true. There were t 4_ groups in the contes

    14、t: Group A was for school children under 16; Group B was for those o 5_ 16. And there were eleven prize-winners altogether.Neil Hunt, one of the prize-winners, was c 6_ “Sunshine Superman” by one newspaper writing about his design. When people study the weather, its important to be able to record th

    15、e sunshine accurately(准确地,精确地). We need to know how many h 7_ of sunshine we have and how strong it is. Most sunshine recorders o _8 record direct (直接的) sunshine. Neils is more accurate and this is very i 9 for research into ways of using solar power(太阳能). Neil plans to keep inventing.The ideas in t

    16、he competition were so g 10 that we are surprised that the industry (工业界) doesnt ask more school children for suggestions.七My nine-year-old daughter, Maria, is in Year Four. Every evening we get into h 1 battles (争执). Three afternoons a week, she has a 2 (net-ball, singing) after school and by the t

    17、ime we get home, homework is thel 3 thing she feels like doing. The other two days, she gets home early and we argue (争论) about w 4 she should do her homework r 5 after school, or if she should have some time to rest and play f 6 When Maria at last sits down to do her homework, she seems to want me

    18、there helping all the time. I do want to help her, but Im s 7 that she is going to need to be able to do it on her o 8 And in f 9 , most of the time, I have other things I need to be doing. It seems that children these days have much more homework than we did, and some of it is really beyond (超越) th

    19、eir a 10 .As you can see, Im really worried about homework and I really dont know what I should do. Any ideas?八On May 23, six pandas left an important panda base (基地) in Wolong, southwest Chinas Sichuan Province, because of damaged (损坏的) s 1 and food shortages after the May 12 earthquake, a local of

    20、ficial said.The pandas were t 2 by trucks from China Giant Panda Protection and ResearchC 3 to Yaan, another base less affected by the earthquake, said Xiong Beirong, an official of Sichuan Provincial Forestry Bureau (林业局). Eight other pandas l 4 for the Chengdu Research Base on May 18. They will be

    21、 carried by China Southern Airlines (CSA) to Beijing, where they will s 5 at the Beijing Zoo, said Wolong director Zhang Hemin. Liu Shaoyong, a leader of CSA, said the pandas were scheduled (预定) to leave Chengdu at 3 p.m. Saturday. They will travel on a Boeing 747-700 plane with bamboo a 6 water. “T

    22、here is e 7 water now, b 8 food is still a big problem. The pandas need bamboos and apples.” Xiong Beirong said. After the earthquake, tons of bamboo shoots, apples, eggs, milk powder and medicines were brought to the center, but the supplies could only l 9 about a week, she said.There are about 1,5

    23、90 pandas l 10 in the wild in China, mostly in Sichuan and the northwestern provinces of Shaanxi and Gansu.九We were singing, “Happy birthday to you” My mother was smiling, surrounded by my father, my little sister and me.It was time to send wishes. My father said, “Youve done m 1 things for us. On t

    24、his special day, let me d 2 all the housework for you.” After kissing my mother, my sister said, “Mum, youre a g 3 mum in my eyes.” I l 4 at my mothers eyes and said, “Dear mum, I am always waiting for one day when you and Dad get old.” My parents seemed puzzled (困惑), and I explained, “When youre ol

    25、d, I will take care of you just like you take care of me.” There were tears in their eyesYes, w 5 they get old, I will take care of them. These words were in my mind f 6 a long time, and at last I said them to my dear parents. I felt v 7 happy.My parents are just common people, b 8 theyre great. Lik

    26、e other parents, they bring us up with love, and give us food and c 9 . They teach us how to be real people. My parents have done a lot of things for me and I am very thankful to them.However, they will not always be able to take care of me. One day, they will get old. They may not even be able to t

    27、ake care of t 10 . But that doesnt matter. I, their child, will take charge.十Do you know the differences between the new building and the old ones?Old buildings h 1 brick(砖)and stone walls. The walls hold up the b 2 .In cities, many modern building l 3 as if they are made just of windows. Walls of d

    28、ark glass reach high into the air. Many buildings are m 4 than 50 stories(层)tall.Are walls of glass strong e 5 to hold up the new buildings? No, The new glass walls do not hold up the buildings, b 6 they only cover up the frame(框架)made of steel. Have you ever watched a new building going up? The ste

    29、el frame is built f 7 .Then the glass walls are hung on the frame. When the building is f 8 ,the frame does not show. The outside looks like windows without walls. The glass walls shine i 9 the sun with no decoration(装饰).Many people find t 10 beautiful just as they are.答案一1.biggest 2.with 3.there 4.

    30、love/ like 5.when 6.happily 7.friendly 8.covered 9.snowmen 10.back二1.houses 2.with 3. out 4.bigger 5.just 6.much 7.weather e 9.called 10.window三1.than 2.instead 3.what 4.time 5.dark 6.round 7.less 8.taken 9.that 10.lose四1.too 2.cross 3.carefully 4.rainy 5.hurry 6.wet 7.clearly 8.themselves 9.longer

    31、10.less五1.even 2.gone 3.return 4.time 5.something 6.importance 7.playing 8.lives 9.leave 10.no六1.change 2.Perhaps/Probably 3.encourage 4.two 5.over 6.called 7.hours 8.only 9.important 10.great/ good七1.homework 2.activities3.last 4.whether 5.right 6.forst 7.sure 8.own 9.fact 10.abilities八1.shelters 2.taken 3.Center 4. left 5. stay 6. and 7. enough 8.but 9.last 10.living九1.many 2.do 3.good 4.looked 5.when 6.for 7.very 8.but 9.clothes 10. themselves十1.have 2.building 3.look 4.more 5.enough 6.but 7.first 8.finished 9.in 10.them


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